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Antioxidants (Basel) ; 9(11)2020 Oct 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33121046


Plants are phytochemical hubs containing antioxidants, essential for normal plant functioning and adaptation to environmental cues and delivering beneficial properties for human health. Therefore, knowledge on the antioxidant potential of different plant species and their nutraceutical and pharmaceutical properties is of utmost importance. Exploring this scientific research field provides fundamental clues on (1) plant stress responses and their adaptive evolution to harsh environmental conditions and (2) (new) natural antioxidants with a functional versatility to prevent and treat human pathologies. These natural antioxidants can be valorized via plant-derived foods and products. Cuba contains an enormously rich plant biodiversity harboring a great antioxidant potential. Besides opening new avenues for the implementation of sustainable agroecological practices in crop production, it will also contribute to new strategies to preserve plant biodiversity and simultaneously improve nature management policies in Cuba. This review provides an overview on the beneficial properties of antioxidants for plant protection and human health and is directed to the valorization of these plant antioxidants, emphasizing the need for biodiversity conservation.

Humanidad. med ; 19(1): 160-179, ene.-abr. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002130


RESUMEN Se fundamenta la concepción teórica general de la educación axiológica en el contexto del sistema de enseñanza de postgrado para la formación de educadores ambientales. Se aplicaron los métodos del nivel teórico analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, histórico-lógico y ascensión de lo abstracto a lo concreto, con la intención de sistematizar información proveniente de la bibliografía consultada y de la experiencia profesional de los autores. Se defiende la idea de considerar la existencia de una dimensión ambiental de valores universales, en lugar de hacer referencia a valores estrictamente ambientales. Se enfatiza en la importancia que, para la educación, adquiere la estimulación de la actividad valorativa del sujeto, a partir de una noción precisa del sistema de virtudes y fortalezas del carácter. Se identifican cinco valores básicos a desarrollar en el educador ambiental (la sensibilidad, la tolerancia, la lealtad solidaria, la responsabilidad, la participación cooperativa y la dignidad), para asegurar, desde el punto de vista axiológico, su desempeño en la preparación de diferentes sectores sociales y consolidar la necesaria contribución de los mismos a la sostenibilidad ecológica.

ABSTRACT In this paper a general theoretical conception of axiological education is systematized in the context of the postgraduate educational system in the training of environmental educators. Methods of the theoretic level (analytical-synthetical, inductive-deductive, historic-logician and ascension from abstractness to concrete) to systematize information obtained from the bibliography and from the vocational experience of the author. The category value is analyzed aimed at using it unilaterally from the environmental perspective and it is concluded that it is much more objective, from the theoretical point of view, to assume the existence of an environmental dimension of universal values ​​rather than of strictly environmental values. It emphasizes on the importance of the stimulation of the person's valuating activity for education, from a precise notion of the system of virtues and character strengths. Five basic values are identified ​​ (sensitivity, tolerance, solidarity loyalty, responsibility, cooperative participation and dignity) to be developed in an environmental educator to ensure, from the axiological point of view, his performance in the preparation of different social sectors to strengthen their necessary contribution to ecological sustainability.

Humanidad. med ; 18(2): 176-194, may.-ago. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-953894


RESUMEN Con el objetivo de fundamentar la importancia de la teoría biológica del conocimiento de Humberto Maturana, Francisco Varela y sus seguidores para comprender la articulación entre los fenómenos biológicos y sociales, se aplicaron los métodos del nivel teórico analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, histórico-lógico y ascensión de lo abstracto a lo concreto, con la intención de sistematizar información proveniente de la bibliografía consultada y de la experiencia profesional del autor, con énfasis en la formación de masters y doctores en pedagogía. Desde esta posición teórica, se explica la aparición de las formas básicas de la cognición en el operar de sistemas autopoiéticos y la su importancia que, en la evolución hacia formas más complejas como la conciencia reflexiva, tuvo la coordinación del comportamiento para un acoplamiento estructural conjunto al entorno. Se realizan valoraciones sobre el posicionamiento de esta teoría en el contexto de la filosofía, sociología, psicología y de las ciencias de la educación contemporáneas.

ABSTRACT The importance of the biological theory of the knowledge (Humberto Maturana, Francisco Varela and his followers), for understanding the existent articulation between the biological and social phenomena, are explained. Methods of the theoretic level (analytical-synthetical, inductive-deductive, historic-logician and ascension from abstractness to concrete) to systematize information obtained from the bibliography and from the vocational experience of the author, with emphasis in doctors' and masters' formation in pedagogy were used. From this theoretic position, the appearing of the elemental forms of the cognition in the operation of the autopoietic systems and the importance of the coordination of the behaviour for a join structural connection with the environment, for the evolution toward more complexes forms like the reflexive conscience are explained. Some valuations about the positioning of this theory in the contemporary context of the philosophy, sociology, psychology and the sciences of the education are presented.

Humanidad. med ; 14(2): 472-498, Mayo.-ago. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-738865


Se fundamenta una concepción sistémica de las contradicciones a tener en cuenta en la investigación educativa, en la que se incluyen las de esencia lógico formal y las de índole dialéctica (externas e internas). Se trabajó con métodos propios del nivel teórico del conocimiento para sistematizar información proveniente de la bibliografía consultada y de las experiencias en la formación de doctores en Pedagogía registradas por el autor. Se ofrecen pautas metodológicas básicas para valorar las contradicciones develadas al comunicar los resultados científicos.

A systemic conception of the contradictions to keep in mind in the educational investigations is presented. In this general understanding the contradiction type logical - formal and of dialectical nature (external and intern) are included. Methods of the theoretical level of the knowledge (analytic - synthetic, inductive - deductive, historical - logical and the system focus) were utilized to systematize information coming from the consulted bibliography and of experiences in Ph. D. in Pedagogy tuition, registered by the author. Some basic methodological rules are offered to value the devalued contradictions when communicating the scientific results.