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Int J Psychol Res (Medellin) ; 16(1): 103-113, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37547868


Aim: To adapt and validate the PERMA Profiler Scale (Butler & Kern, 2016) for Argentinian adolescents. Method: The items were reviewed by 6 expert judges and 21 adolescents. The sample consisted of 421 adolescents (M = 14.9; SD = 1.75). The content validity and the discrimination capacity of the items were assessed. Afterwards, the structure of the scale was analyzed, as well as the internal consistency and the concurrent validity. Results: All the items obtained an Aiken's V between .8 and 1 and were discriminatory. The factor analysis confirmed the five-dimension structure (CFI = .94, T LI = .92; RMSEA = .08, SRMR = .04). An Alpha of .92 was obtained for the full scale and satisfactory levels were obtained for the subscales. The correlations for concurrent validity were significant and in line with what was theoretically expected. Conclusion: This adaptation enables the assessment of flourishing in a practical way.

Objetivo: Adaptar y validar la Escala Perfil PERMA (Butler & Kern, 2016) para adolescentes argentinos. Método: 6 jueces expertos y 21 adolescentes revisaron los ítems. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 421 adolescentes (M edad = 14.9; DE = 1.75). Se evaluó la validez de contenido y la capacidad de discriminación de los reactivos. Posteriormente, se analizó la estructura de la escala, la consistencia interna y la validez concurrente. Resultados: Todos los ítems obtuvieron una V de Aiken entre .8 y 1 y resultaron discriminativos. El análisis factorial confirmó la estructura de cinco dimensiones (CFI = .94, T LI = .92; RMSEA = .08, SRMR = .04). Se obtuvo un Alpha de .92 para la escala completa y valores satisfactorios para las subescalas. Las correlaciones para validez concurrente resultaron significativas y en línea con lo teóricamente esperable. Conclusión: La presente adaptación permite evaluar el florecimiento de manera práctica.

Eur J Psychol ; 19(1): 79-99, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37063696


Traditionally, the study of well-being has been approached from the hedonic and eudaimonic perspectives. However, the last findings suggest that both aspects are complementary, giving place to an integrated conceptualization of well-being called flourishing. In spite of the constant increase of research around this construct, there is still little information regarding flourishing in adolescents. The objective of this study is to review the available literature on flourishing in adolescence in relation to its tie with other constructs, its study in different contexts and the way it has been operationalized. The selection of the studies was conducted in two phases. First, it was verified that the exclusion and selection criteria were met. Then, an evaluation of the quality of the pre-selected studies was carried out. The data were synthesized through the thematic synthesis method. For the results, 28 empirical studies were selected. Four thematic axes were identified: (a) Flourishing in different contexts, (b) Flourishing in regards to other results and positive psychological characteristics and/or their negative counterpart, (c) Flourishing and psychosocial vulnerability, and (d) indicators for the evaluation of flourishing. Suggestions are provided with the goal of consolidating the science of human flourishing.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-980284


El TTCT Verbal es un instrumento que permite valorar la creatividad en niños y adultos a través de la fluidez, flexibilidad y originalidad, así como mediante una puntuación total. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer baremos para el TTCT Verbal en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes con el fin de poder utilizar el instrumento con propósitos diagnósticos y en ambientes educativos. La Forma B del TTCT Verbal, fue administrada a 432 sujetos (236 mujeres y 196 varones) de la provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina, de entre 15 a 24 años de edad, de ambos sexos. Para estudiar el efecto de la edad, el sexo y su interacción se empleó MANOVA bifactorial. Los baremos, que se establecen por primera vez en Argentina, pueden ser de utilidad para la evaluación de la creatividad y la detección de las habilidades creativas en estudiantes.

The Verbal TTCT is an instrument that allows assessing creativity in children and adults through the Fluency, Flexibility and Originality abilities, as well as through a total score. The present work aims to establish normative data for the Verbal TTCT in adolescents and young adults in order to be able to use the instrument for diagnostic purposes and in educational settings. The verbal TTCT, form B was administered to 432 subjects of both sexes (236 women and 196 male) aged 15-24 of Entre Ríos, Argentina. Bifactorial MANOVA was used in order to study the effect of age, sex and their interaction over creativity. The norms, which are established for the first time in Argentina, may be useful for the assessment of creativity and the recognition of creative abilities in students.

Adolescente , Adolescente , Criatividade , Psicometria
Front Psychol ; 8: 979, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28659848


Empathy is a basic socio-emotional process of human development that involves the ability to perceive, share, and understand the emotional states of others. This process is essential to successful social functioning. However, despite its significance, empathy has been difficult to define and measure, particularly when incorporating both its emotional and cognitive aspects. The purpose of this study was to develop an Empathy Questionnaire for children aged 9-12 years based on a model of social cognitive neuroscience and to analyze its construct validity and reliability. This questionnaire aimed to integrate the following aspects: emotional contagion, self-other awareness, perspective-taking, emotional regulation, and empathic action. Three studies were conducted. Study 1 evaluated the discriminative power of the items and studied the underlying structure of the instrument using exploratory factor analysis. In Study 2, confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test the model obtained. Finally, the goal of Study 3 was to analyze the convergent and discriminant validity of the questionnaire and the internal consistency of its dimensions. The final version of the instrument contained 15 items that operationalized the previously listed dimensions. The results of the 3 studies indicated that the questionnaire had good validity and reliability. This study has important implications for research and clinical practice. Given its simplicity and brevity, this new self-report scale may work well as a screening method to evaluate the key psychological issues underlying numerous child behaviors that predict the success or failure of social relationships, individual quality of life, and mental well-being.

Anu. investig. - Fac. Psicol., Univ. B. Aires ; 23(1): 331-338, nov. 2016. tab.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-963631


El presente estudio preliminar tuvo por objetivo identificar y describir cuáles son las situaciones estresantes más frecuentes en niños argentinos con diagnóstico de cáncer y las estrategias de afrontamiento más utilizadas ante dichas situaciones. Fueron evaluados 30 niños de 7 a 12 años de edad con diagnóstico de cáncer. Para identificar los estresores y estrategias de afrontamiento se realizó un estudio de tipo exploratorio cualitativo a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Se utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido para clasificar los estresores infantiles y las estrategias para su afrontamiento. En los resultados encontrados se observó que las diferentes situaciones estresantes relatadas por los niños oncológicos tenían que ver con los ámbitos: hospitalario, socio-escolar y entorno familiar, en este orden. La mayoría de los niños utilizó en primer lugar un afrontamiento centrado en la emoción. Se observaron estresores y estrategias de afrontamiento diferentes entre los niños más pequeños (7 a 9 años) y los más grandes (10 a 12 años). Se discuten los resultados en comparación a los obtenidos en investigaciones similares.

This preliminary study aimed at identifying and describing the most frequent stressful situations in Argentine children diagnosed with cancer, and those coping strategies most used in such situations. 30 children aged 7 to 12 years diagnosed with cancer were evaluated. An exploratory qualitative study was conducted through semi-structured interviews to identify the stressors and coping strategies. The content analysis technique was used to classify children's stressors and coping strategies used. The results showed that the different stressful situations reported by oncology children had to do with the areas: hospital, school and family environment, in that order. Most children used primarily an emotion-focused coping strategy. Different stressors and coping strategies between the youngest (7-9 years) and oldest (10-12 years old) children were observed. The results are discussed in comparison to those found in similar research.

Criança , Criança , Neoplasias , Estresse Psicológico , Adaptação Psicológica , Diagnóstico
Liberabit ; 17(2): 187-198, jul.-dic. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LIPECS | ID: biblio-1109158


Al trabajar con adolescentes con síntomas de depresión y/o ideación de suicidio, es valioso para el profesional evaluar los pensamientos orientados hacia el suicidio. El disponer de un instrumento que mida las cogniciones de los jóvenes, es una herramienta útil para la investigación, prevención y tratamiento de adolescentes con esta problemática. Sin embargo, no se cuenta en nuestro medio con una prueba para tal fin. Teniendo en cuenta que las pruebas verbales de evaluación psicológica, son sensibles a cambios culturales, debiera evitarse su utilización fuera del contexto en que han sido diseñadas y validadas sin un estudio previo de su funcionamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar las propiedades psicométricas del CCCS-18 (Ruiz Hernández, Navarro-Ruiz, Torrente Hernández, & Rodríguez González, 2005) en población argentina. La versión española del instrumento fue administrada a 122 sujetos pertenecientes a tres instituciones educativas de nivel secundario. La edad promedio fue de 16.06 años. Para evaluar la fiabilidad de la prueba en cuanto a su consistencia interna, se calculó el alpha de Cronbach, obteniendo un valor satisfactorio (0,86) para la escala general. En cuanto a la validez, se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio, encontrando tres dimensiones que operacionalizarían el constructo. Este modelo fue contrastado con el de cuatro factores, propuestos por los autores del test, a través de un análisis factorial confirmatorio. Los resultados indicaron que el modelo de tres factores ajusta mejor a los datos. En conclusión, se encontró que la prueba posee adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para su utilización en población argentina.

When working with teenagers that present depressive and/or suicidal ideation symptoms, the evaluation and detection of thoughts oriented to suicide is very important for the mental health professional. Having an instrument that measuresyouthÆs cognition towards suicide is a useful aid for research, prevention and treatment of adolescents with this problematic. Unfortunately, there is no psychological test available in our means that can fulfill this purpose. Considering that changes in culture can modify verbal tests of psychological assessment, for which the avoidance of administrating psychological tests driven out of the context where they have been designed and validated without previous adjustment, the target of this study was, precisely, to validate and adjust the CCCS-18 (Ruiz Hernández, Navarro-Ruiz, Torrente Hernández, & Rodríguez González, 2006) in Argentina. The Spanish version of this instrument was administered in a sample of 122 individuals from three secondary educational institutions. The average age was 16,06 years. To evaluate the reliability of the test regarding its internal consistency, CronbachÆs alpha showed a satisfactory value (0.86). Regarding validity, the Varimax rotation method was used as a factorial analysis, showing a slight difference of factors compared to the original scale. In addition, the results indicate that this test possesses adequate psychometric properties for its administration in argentine population.

Masculino , Feminino , Humanos , Adolescente , Atitude Frente a Morte , Comportamento , Inquéritos e Questionários , Psicometria , Tentativa de Suicídio , Argentina