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Phys Rev Lett ; 120(19): 190401, 2018 May 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29799246


Wave-particle duality has become one of the flagships of quantum mechanics. This counterintuitive concept is highlighted in a delayed-choice experiment, where the experimental setup that reveals either the particle or wave nature of a quantum system is decided after the system has entered the apparatus. Here we consider delayed-choice experiments from the perspective of device-independent causal models and show their equivalence to a prepare-and-measure scenario. Within this framework, we consider Wheeler's original proposal and its variant using a quantum control and show that a simple classical causal model is capable of reproducing the quantum mechanical predictions. Nonetheless, among other results, we show that, in a slight variant of Wheeler's gedanken experiment, a photon in an interferometer can indeed generate statistics incompatible with any nonretrocausal hidden variable model, whose dimensionality is the same as that of the quantum system it is supposed to mimic. Our proposal tolerates arbitrary losses and inefficiencies, making it specially suited to loophole-free experimental implementations.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 84(1 Pt 2): 016220, 2011 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21867286


We investigate decoherence in quantum systems coupled via dephasing-type interactions to an arbitrary environment with chaotic underlying classical dynamics. The coherences of the reduced state of the central system written in the preferential energy eigenbasis are quantum Loschmidt echoes, which in the strong coupling regime are characterized at long time scales by fluctuations around a constant mean value. We show that due to the chaotic dynamics of the environment, the mean value and the width of the Loschmidt-echo fluctuations are inversely proportional to the quantity we define as the effective Hilbert-space dimension of the environment, which in general is smaller than the dimension of the entire available Hilbert space. Nevertheless, in the semiclassical regime this effective Hilbert-space dimension is in general large, in which case even a chaotic environment with few degrees of freedom produces decoherence without revivals. Moreover we show that in this regime the environment leads the central system to equilibrate to the time average of its reduced density matrix, which corresponds to a diagonal state in the preferential energy eigenbasis. For the case of two uncoupled, initially entangled central systems that interact with identical local quantum environments with chaotic underlying classical dynamics, we show that in the semiclassical limit the equilibration state is arbitrarily close to a separable state. We confirm our results with numerical simulations in which the environment is modeled by the quantum kicked rotor in the chaotic regime.