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J Nutr Metab ; 2019: 6239243, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31061736


Iodine deficiency and iodine excess have severe consequences on human health and have been associated with the presence of goiter, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules and thyroid autoimmunity, poor mental health, and impaired intellectual development. Universal salt iodization programs have been considered one of the most cost-effective interventions for the prevention of iodine deficiency-associated disorders, as evidenced over time since the implementation of such programs. However, these efforts have also led to an excessive consumption of iodine in certain geographical regions, due to salt overuse. Consequently, the amount of iodine derived from salt intake exceeds the established limits required for achieving the right balance between salt consumption and health benefits and leads to undesirable health effects. In Colombia, the recommendations and standards for the production and commercialization of iodized salt are fully complied with. Nevertheless, there is a remarkable rate of iodine excess among the country's population, which, at least hypothetically, represents a higher risk for developing functional and structural disorders of the thyroid gland. This review analyzes universal salt iodization programs worldwide, particularly their impact on the thyroid gland and the results of the studies conducted in Colombia following the implementation of such strategy.

Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 51(2): 135-146, Abril 11, 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003164


Resumen Introducción: La violencia obstétrica ha sido tipificada como una modalidad de violencia de género, que hace referencia a las conductas de acción u omisión; puede ser institucional, psicológica, simbólica o sexual. Objetivo: Caracterizar las diferentes modalidades de violencia obstétrica. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico; conformado por 16 mujeres con experiencias obstétricas menores de dos años que asistieron a los hogares de Familia, Mujer e Infancia (FAMI) del Instituto Colombiano de bienestar familiar en la ciudad de Popayán (Colombia) durante el 2016. Se realizaron entrevistas estructuradas y a profundidad sobre sus experiencias en la atención institucional del parto, en términos de toma de decisiones e información sobre procedimientos, posición para el parto, presencia de acompañante, derecho a la intimidad, percepciones sobre maltrato físico y psicológico. Resultados: El 69% de las entrevistadas reportaron alguna forma de violencia obstétrica. La violencia institucional se registró en la mayoría de los relatos y estuvo asociada a políticas institucionales que no satisfacen las expectativas de las gestantes en el proceso de parto e inconformidad con la atención en salud recibida durante el trabajo de parto; la violencia psicológica, fue percibida como falta de información y de autonomía en la toma de decisiones en el proceso de atención, malos tratos e impedimento a las gestantes para expresar sus sentimientos y emociones. Conclusiones: La mayoría de mujeres desconocen sus derechos y/o naturalizan los actos de violencia obstétrica. Los profesionales de salud deben reconocer en su formación y en los campos de práctica, los distintos tipos de violencia obstétrica con el fin de diseñar mecanismos para su prevención y abolición. Se hace necesario explorar la ocurrencia de eventos asociados a violencia sexual en el marco de la atención obstétrica.

Abstract Introduction: Obstetric violence has been typified as a form of gender violence, which refers to the behaviors of action or omission; It can be institutional, psychological, symbolic or sexual. Objective: To characterize the different modalities of obstetric violence. Methodology: Qualitative study with a phenomenological approach; conformed by 16 women with obstetric experiences under two years who attended the homes of Family, Women and Children (FAMI) of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare in the city from Popayán (Colombia) during the 2016. Structured interviews were conducted and in depth about their experiences in the institutional care of childbirth, in terms of decision making and information about procedures, position for childbirth, presence of companion, right to privacy, perceptions about physical and psychological abuse. Results: 69% of the interviewed women reported some form of obstetric violence. Institutional violence was recorded in most of the reports and was associated with institutional policies that do not meet the expectations of pregnant women in the birth process and nonconformity with health care received during labor; Psychological violence was perceived as a lack of information and autonomy in decision-making in the process of care, mistreatment and impediment to pregnant women to express their feelings and emotions. Conclusions: The majority of women are unaware of their rights and / or naturalize acts of obstetric violence. Health professionals must recognize in their training and in the fields of practice, the different types of obstetric violence in order to design mechanisms for their prevention and abolition. It is necessary to explore the occurrence of events associated with sexual violence within the framework of obstetric care.

Humanos , Violência , Parto , Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos