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Rev. salud pública ; Rev. salud pública;24(4)jul.-ago. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536738


Objetivo Analizar la gestión organizacional de la atención primaria de salud (APS) durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en el sistema regional de salud de Puno. Métodos El diseño metodológico adoptado es la fenomenología en el marco del paradigma de la investigación cualitativa. Se realizó un muestreo teórico en complemento con el muestreo intencional y por conveniencia, identificándose actores con capacidad de decisión en el proceso de gestión de los servicios de salud en los diferentes niveles de atención: director de la Dirección Regional de Salud (DIRESA), directores ejecutivos de las 11 redes de salud, dos directores de hospital y dos jefes de centros de salud. La recolección de datos cualitativos se basó en entrevista semiesructurada, grupo focal y revisión documental, cuyos resultados se analizaron e interpretaron según el enfoque de la gestión del talento humano, la teoría del comportamiento organizacional y el paradigma de la APS. Resultados La gestión organizacional de la APS en la región Puno implica el abordaje de seis subcategorías de análisis emergentes: cultura y clima organizacional desfavorables; centralización y priorización de la medicina curativa y recuperativa; anarquía organizativa en el sistema regional de salud: rectoría deficiente; inestabilidad institucional y organizacional; politización del sistema de salud, y deficiencias en la formación de profesionales de salud. Conclusiones Una adecuada gestión del talento humano de las personas en salud contribuirá significativamente en la gestión organizacional renovada del sistema regional y nacional de salud basado en un modelo unificado y complementario entre la APS y la medicina curativa y recuperativa.

Objective To analyze the organizational management of primary health care (APS, by its initials in Spanish) during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Puno regional health system. Methods The methodological design adopted is phenomenology within the framework of the qualitative research paradigm. A theoretical sampling was carried out in addition to the intentional and convenience sampling, identifying actors with decision-making capacity in the health services management process at the different levels of care: director of the Health Regional Directorate (DIRESA, by its initials in Spanish), executive directors of the 11 health networks, two hospital directors, and two heads of health centers. The qualitative data collection has been based on semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and documentary reviews, the results of which were analyzed and interpreted based on the human talent management approach, the theory of organizational behavior, and the APS paradigm. Results Organizational management of APS in Puno involves addressing six emerging analysis subcategories: unfavorable organizational culture and climate; centralization and prioritization of curative and recuperative medicine; organizational anarchy in the regional health system (poor rectory); institutional and organizational instability; politicization of the health system, and deficiencies in the training of health professionals. Conclusions An adequate human talent management of people in health will contribute significantly to the renewed organizational management of the regional and national health system based on a unified and complementary model between APS and curative and recuperative medicine.

Int J Food Sci ; 2022: 7550987, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35368805


Bioactive compounds and nutritional characterization in three genotypes of mashua tubers (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz and Pavón) from different agroecological areas of the Peruvian highlands (3747 at 3888 meters above sea level) were studied. The studied genotypes from different agroecological areas significantly differed for vitamins, amino acids, and bioactive compounds. However, the nutritional characteristics of yellow, purple, and yellow-purple mashua remained unaffected. Its tubers were shown to be important sources of protein and fiber. The nutritional analysis revealed high phosphorus and potassium values, as well as considerable amounts of vitamin C. The amounts of total free amino acids in the genotypes ranged from 2.73 ± 0.450 mg/g dry matter (DM) to 6.825 ± 0.450 mg/g DM. Important total anthocyanins, total flavonoids, total phenolics, tannin content, and antioxidant activity values were obtained from purple genotype. Unexploited colored mashua tubers are proposed as a valuable natural source of phenolics and anthocyanins with high antioxidant activity.

Salud UNINORTE ; 37(2): 407-421, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377258


RESUMEN Objetivo: Caracterizar y medir el efecto del consumo de alimentos sobre la concentración de hemoglobina y el riesgo de amenia en niños menores de tres años en el Perú. Materiales y métodos: Se empleó datos de corte transversal de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (ENAHO) y la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar (ENDES) de 2018. En la estimación del efecto del consumo de alimentos sobre la concentración de hemoglobina se empleó el modelo de regresión lineal múltiple; mientras que para medir el efecto de consumo de alimentos sobre el riego de anemia se empleó el modelo de regresión probit. Resultados: Se encontró que el consumo de lechuga, apio y beterrega (verduras), hígado (carne roja), papaya (fruta) contribuyen positivamente sobre la concentración de hemoglobina y la reducción del riesgo de anemia. La papa (tubérculo) contribuye positivamente en el incremento de la hemoglobina y la reducción del riesgo de anemia para niveles de consumo por debajo de 50 kilogramos por año. Entre las variables de control resultaron altanamente significativos las características biológicas de la madre y el niño, las características socioeconómicas del hogar y las características de la vivienda y del hogar. Conclusión: El mayor consumo de hígado de res, lechuga y beterraga produce mayores niveles de hemoglobina, mientras el consumo de papa por debajo de 50 kg en promedio anual contribuye a la reducción del riesgo de anemia, y mayor consumo de apio y papaya genera una menor probabilidad de riesgo de contraer anemia.

ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize and measure the effect of food consumption on the concentration of hemoglobin and the risk of anemia in children under three years of age, in Peru. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional data from the National Household Survey ENAHO and the Demographic and Family Health Survey ENDES of 2018 were used. In estimating the efect of food consumption on hemoglobin concentration, the linear multiple regression model was used; while the probit regression model was used to measure the effect of food consumption on the risk of anemia. Results. The consumption of lettuce, celery, and beet (vegetables), liver (red meat), papaya (fruit) was found to positively contribute to the concentration of hemoglobin and the reduction of the risk of anemia. Potatoes (tuber) contribute positively to increasing hemoglobin and reducing the risk of anemia, for consumption levels below 50 kilograms per year. Among the control variables, the biological characteristics of the mother and child, the socioeconomic characteristics of the household, and the characteristics of the region and community were highly significant. Conclusion: Higher consumption of beef liver, lettuce, and beets produces higher levels of hemoglobin, while the consumption of potatoes, below 50 kg on a yearly average, contributes to the reduction of the risk of anemia, and higher consumption of celery and papaya generates a lower probability risk of anemia.