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Phys Rev Lett ; 125(10): 104301, 2020 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32955320


In a bearing state, touching spheres (disks in two dimensions) roll on each other without slip. Here we frustrate a system of touching spheres by imposing two different bearing states on opposite sides and search for the configurations of lowest energy dissipation. If the dissipation between contacts of spheres is viscous (with random damping constants), the angular momentum continuously changes from one bearing state to the other. For Coulomb friction (with random friction coefficients) in two dimensions, a sharp line separates the two bearing states and we show that this line corresponds to the minimum cut. Astonishingly, however, in three dimensions intermediate bearing domains that are not synchronized with either side are energetically more favorable than the minimum-cut surface. Instead of a sharp cut, the steady state displays a fragmented structure. This novel type of state of minimum dissipation is characterized by a spanning network of slipless contacts that reaches every sphere. Such a situation becomes possible because in three dimensions bearing states have four degrees of freedom.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 5286, 2018 Mar 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29588474


Motivated by the fact that many physical landscapes are characterized by long-range height-height correlations that are quantified by the Hurst exponent H, we investigate the statistical properties of the iso-height lines of correlated surfaces in the framework of Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE). We show numerically that in the continuum limit the external perimeter of a percolating cluster of correlated surfaces with H ∈ [-1, 0] is statistically equivalent to SLE curves. Our results suggest that the external perimeter also retains the Markovian properties, confirmed by the absence of time correlations in the driving function and the fact that the latter is Gaussian distributed for any specific time. We also confirm that for all H the variance of the winding angle grows logarithmically with size.

Phys Rev E ; 95(4-1): 042130, 2017 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28505780


We investigate the effect of the node degree and energy E on the electronic wave function for regular and irregular structures, namely, regular lattices, disordered percolation clusters, and complex networks. We evaluate the dependency of the quantum probability for each site on its degree. For a class of biregular structures formed by two disjoint subsets of sites sharing the same degree, the probability P_{k}(E) of finding the electron on any site with k neighbors is independent of E≠0, a consequence of an exact analytical result that we prove for any bipartite lattice. For more general nonbipartite structures, P_{k}(E) may depend on E as illustrated by an exact evaluation of a one-dimensional semiregular lattice: P_{k}(E) is large for small values of E when k is also small, and its maximum values shift towards large values of |E| with increasing k. Numerical evaluations of P_{k}(E) for two different types of percolation clusters and the Apollonian network suggest that this observed feature might be generally valid.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 1961, 2017 05 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28512343


Many examples of natural systems can be described by random Gaussian surfaces. Much can be learned by analyzing the Fourier expansion of the surfaces, from which it is possible to determine the corresponding Hurst exponent and consequently establish the presence of scale invariance. We show that this symmetry is not affected by the distribution of the modulus of the Fourier coefficients. Furthermore, we investigate the role of the Fourier phases of random surfaces. In particular, we show how the surface is affected by a non-uniform distribution of phases.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25679623


We investigate the fragmentation process of solid materials with crystalline and amorphous phases using the the discrete element method. Damage initiates inside spherical samples above the contact zone in a region where the circumferential stress field is tensile. Cracks initiated in this region grow to form meridional planes. If the collision energy exceeds a critical value which depends on the material's internal structure, cracks reach the sample surface resulting in fragmentation. We show that this primary fragmentation mechanism is very robust with respect to the internal structure of the material. For all configurations, a sharp transition from the damage to the fragmentation regime is observed, with smaller critical collision energies for crystalline samples. The mass distribution of the fragments follows a power law for small fragments with an exponent that is characteristic for the branching merging process of unstable cracks. Moreover this exponent depends only on the dimensionally of the system and not on the microstructure.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24229131


This work analyzes a percolation model on the diamond hierarchical lattice (DHL), where the percolation transition is retarded by the inclusion of a probability of erasing specific connected structures. It has been inspired by the recent interest on the existence of other universality classes of percolation models. The exact scale invariance and renormalization properties of DHL leads to recurrence maps, from which analytical expressions for the critical exponents and precise numerical results in the limit of very large lattices can be derived. The critical exponents ν and ß of the investigated model vary continuously as the erasing probability changes. An adequate choice of the erasing probability leads to the result ν=∞, like in some phase transitions involving vortex formation. The percolation transition is continuous, with ß>0, but ß can be as small as desired. The modified percolation model turns out to be equivalent to the Q→1 limit of a Potts model with specific long range interactions on the same lattice.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23679379


This work presents an approach to evaluate the exact value of the fractal dimension of the cutting path d(f)(CP) on hierarchical structures with finite order of ramification. Our approach is based on a renormalization group treatment of the universality class of watersheds. By making use of the self-similar property, we show that d(f)(CP) depends only on the average cutting path (CP) of the first generation of the structure. For the simplest Wheastone hierarchical lattice (WHL), we present a mathematical proof. For a larger WHL structure, the exact value of d(f)(CP) is derived based on a computer algorithm that identifies the length of all possible CP's of the first generation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(25): 255701, 2012 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23368480


We investigate the role of disorder on the fracturing process of heterogeneous materials by means of a two-dimensional fuse network model. Our results in the extreme disorder limit reveal that the backbone of the fracture at collapse, namely, the subset of the largest fracture that effectively halts the global current, has a fractal dimension of 1.22 ± 0.01. This exponent value is compatible with the universality class of several other physical models, including optimal paths under strong disorder, disordered polymers, watersheds and optimal path cracks on uncorrelated substrates, hulls of explosive percolation clusters, and strands of invasion percolation fronts. Moreover, we find that the fractal dimension of the largest fracture under extreme disorder, d(f) = 1.86 ± 0.01, is outside the statistical error bar of standard percolation. This discrepancy is due to the appearance of trapped regions or cavities of all sizes that remain intact till the entire collapse of the fuse network, but are always accessible in the case of standard percolation. Finally, we quantify the role of disorder on the structure of the largest cluster, as well as on the backbone of the fracture, in terms of a distinctive transition from weak to strong disorder characterized by a new crossover exponent.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 84(1 Pt 2): 016102, 2011 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21867252


Using numerical simulations of a simple sea-coast mechanical erosion model, we investigate the effect of spatial long-range correlations in the lithology of coastal landscapes on the fractal behavior of the corresponding coastlines. In the model, the resistance of a coast section to erosion depends on the local lithology configuration as well as on the number of neighboring sea sides. For weak sea forces, the sea is trapped by the coastline and the eroding process stops after some time. For strong sea forces erosion is perpetual. The transition between these two regimes takes place at a critical sea force, characterized by a fractal coastline front. For uncorrelated landscapes, we obtain, at the critical value, a fractal dimension D=1.33, which is consistent with the dimension of the accessible external perimeter of the spanning cluster in two-dimensional percolation. For sea forces above the critical value, our results indicate that the coastline is self-affine and belongs to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class. In the case of landscapes generated with power-law spatial long-range correlations, the coastline fractal dimension changes continuously with the Hurst exponent H, decreasing from D=1.34 to 1.04, for H=0 and 1, respectively. This nonuniversal behavior is compatible with the multitude of fractal dimensions found for real coastlines.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 83(4 Pt 2): 046113, 2011 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21599246


The optimal path crack model on uncorrelated surfaces, recently introduced by Andrade et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 225503 (2009).], is studied in detail and its main percolation exponents computed. In addition to ß/ν=0.46±0.03, we report γ/ν=1.3±0.2 and τ=2.3±0.2. The analysis is extended to surfaces with spatial long-range power-law correlations, where nonuniversal fractal dimensions are obtained when the degree of correlation is varied. The model is also considered on a three-dimensional lattice, where the main crack is found to be a surface with a fractal dimension of 2.46±0.05.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 81(4 Pt 1): 040101, 2010 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20481663


We present a cluster growth process that provides a clear connection between equilibrium statistical mechanics and an explosive percolation model similar to the one recently proposed by D. Achlioptas [Science 323, 1453 (2009)]. We show that the following two ingredients are sufficient for obtaining an abrupt (first-order) transition in the fraction of the system occupied by the largest cluster: (i) the size of all growing clusters should be kept approximately the same, and (ii) the inclusion of merging bonds (i.e., bonds connecting vertices in different clusters) should dominate with respect to the redundant bonds (i.e., bonds connecting vertices in the same cluster). Moreover, in the extreme limit where only merging bonds are present, a complete enumeration scheme based on treelike graphs can be used to obtain an exact solution of our model that displays a first-order transition. Finally, the presented mechanism can be viewed as a generalization of standard percolation that discloses a family of models with potential application in growth and fragmentation processes of real network systems.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 79(3 Pt 2): 036105, 2009 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19392016


This work considers an Ising model on the Apollonian network, where the exchange constant J(i,j) approximately 1/(k(i)k(j))(mu) between two neighboring spins (i,j) is a function of the degree k of both spins. Using the exact geometrical construction rule for the network, the thermodynamical and magnetic properties are evaluated by iterating a system of discrete maps that allows for very precise results in the thermodynamic limit. The results can be compared to the predictions of a general framework for spin models on scale-free networks, where the node distribution P(k) approximately k(-gamma) , with node-dependent interacting constants. We observe that, by increasing mu , the critical behavior of the model changes from a phase transition at T=infinity for a uniform system (mu=0) to a T=0 phase transition when mu=1 : in the thermodynamic limit, the system shows no true critical behavior at a finite temperature for the whole mu > or = 0 interval. The magnetization and magnetic susceptibility are found to present noncritical scaling properties.

Phys Rev Lett ; 103(22): 225503, 2009 Nov 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20366106


Optimal paths play a fundamental role in numerous physical applications ranging from random polymers to brittle fracture, from the flow through porous media to information propagation. Here for the first time we explore the path that is activated once this optimal path fails and what happens when this new path also fails and so on, until the system is completely disconnected. In fact many applications can also be found for this novel fracture problem. In the limit of strong disorder, our results show that all the cracks are located on a single self-similar connected line of fractal dimension D(b) approximately = 1.22. For weak disorder, the number of cracks spreads all over the entire network before global connectivity is lost. Strikingly, the disconnecting path (backbone) is, however, completely independent on the disorder.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 77(5 Pt 1): 051302, 2008 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18643061


We study the brittle fragmentation of spheres by using a three-dimensional discrete element model. Large scale computer simulations are performed with a model that consists of agglomerates of many particles, interconnected by beam-truss elements. We focus on the detailed development of the fragmentation process and study several fragmentation mechanisms. The evolution of meridional cracks is studied in detail. These cracks are found to initiate in the inside of the specimen with quasiperiodic angular distribution. The fragments that are formed when these cracks penetrate the specimen surface give a broad peak in the fragment mass distribution for large fragments that can be fitted by a two-parameter Weibull distribution. This mechanism can only be observed in three-dimensional models or experiments. The results prove to be independent of the degree of disorder in the model. Our results significantly improve the understanding of the fragmentation process for impact fracture since besides reproducing the experimental observations of fragment shapes, impact energy dependence, and mass distribution, we also have full access to the failure conditions and evolution.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 77(6 Pt 1): 061402, 2008 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18643261


We investigate through computational simulations with a pore network model the formation of patterns caused by erosion-deposition mechanisms. In this model, the geometry of the pore space changes dynamically as a consequence of the coupling between the fluid flow and the movement of particles due to local drag forces. Our results for this irreversible process show that the model is able to reproduce typical natural patterns caused by well-known erosion processes. Moreover, we observe that, within a certain range of porosity values, the grains form clusters that are tilted with respect to the horizontal with a characteristic angle. We compare our results to recent experiments for granular material in flowing water and show that they present a satisfactory agreement.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 75(6 Pt 2): 066108, 2007 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17677326


Understanding how opinions spread through a community or how consensus emerges in noisy environments can have a significant impact on our comprehension of social relations among individuals. In this work a model for the dynamics of opinion formation is introduced. The model is based on a nonlinear interaction between opinion vectors of agents plus a stochastic variable to account for the effect of noise in the way the agents communicate. The dynamics presented is able to generate rich dynamical patterns of interacting groups or clusters of agents with the same opinion without a leader or centralized control. Our results show that by increasing the intensity of noise, the system goes from consensus to a disordered state. Depending on the number of competing opinions and the details of the network of interactions, the system displays a first- or a second-order transition. We compare the behavior of different topologies of interactions: one-dimensional chains, and annealed and complex networks.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 75(4 Pt 2): 046115, 2007 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17500969


We study the fatigue fracture of disordered materials by means of computer simulations of a discrete element model. We extend a two-dimensional fracture model to capture the microscopic mechanisms relevant for fatigue and we simulate the diametric compression of a disc shape specimen under a constant external force. The model allows us to follow the development of the fracture process on the macrolevel and microlevel varying the relative influence of the mechanisms of damage accumulation over the load history and healing of microcracks. As a specific example we consider recent experimental results on the fatigue fracture of asphalt. Our numerical simulations show that for intermediate applied loads the lifetime of the specimen presents a power law behavior. Under the effect of healing, more prominent for small loads compared to the tensile strength of the material, the lifetime of the sample increases and a fatigue limit emerges below which no macroscopic failure occurs. The numerical results are in a good qualitative agreement with the experimental findings.

Eur Phys J E Soft Matter ; 22(3): 195-200, 2007 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17380254


The airborne transport of particles on a granular surface by the saltation mechanism is studied through numerical simulation of particles dragged by turbulent air flow. We calculate the saturated flux q(s) and show that its dependence on the wind strength u(*) is consistent with several empirical relations obtained from experimental measurements. We propose and explain a new relation for fluxes close to the threshold velocity u(t), namely, q(s)=a(u(*)-u(t))(alpha) with alpha approximately 2. We also obtain the distortion of the velocity profile of the wind due to the drag of the particles and find a novel dynamical scaling relation. We also obtain a new expression for the dependence of the height of the saltation layer as function of the strength of the wind.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(13): 138001, 2006 Sep 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17026076


The efficiency of filters depends crucially on the mass of the particles one wants to capture. Using analytical and numerical calculations we reveal a very rich scenario of scaling laws relating this efficiency to particle size and density and the velocity and viscosity of the carrying fluid. These are combined in the dimensionless, so-called Stokes number St. In the case of horizontal flow or neutrally buoyant particles, we find a critical number St{c} below which no particles are trapped; i.e., the filter does not work. Above St{c} the capture efficiency increases like the square root of (St-St{c}). Under the action of gravity, the threshold abruptly vanishes and capture occurs at any Stokes number increasing linearly in St. We discovered further scaling laws in the penetration profile and as function of the porosity of the filter.

Biofísica/métodos , Gravitação , Biofísica/instrumentação , Físico-Química/instrumentação , Desenho de Equipamento , Filtração , Modelos Teóricos
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 74(1 Pt 2): 017102, 2006 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16907214


We study a model for neural activity on the small-world topology of Watts and Strogatz and on the scale-free topology of Barabási and Albert. We find that the topology of the network connections may spontaneously induce periodic neural activity, contrasting with nonperiodic neural activities exhibited by regular topologies. Periodic activity exists only for relatively small networks and occurs with higher probability when the rewiring probability is larger. The average length of the periods increases with the square root of the network size.