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Iran J Vet Res ; 25(1): 69-73, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39156800


Background: Assisted reproduction techniques in birds have contributed to many species' conservation and sustainable use. One of these techniques is semen cryopreservation, which is possible following the discovery of suitable cryoprotectants. Aims: This study aimed to characterize the fresh and post-thaw ejaculates of different species of birds of prey. Methods: The following species were included in the study: red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) n=3, golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) n=3, and Harris's hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus) n=3. Twenty-five ejaculates were obtained for each species. The percentage of spermatozoa motility, viability, and morphology were evaluated. Results: Evident differences were observed among the ejaculates of the three species, particularly in sperm length and between the fresh and post-thaw parameters of the same species in which the motility reduced to approximately 40% after thawing. It was demonstrated that sperm cryopreservation of the studied species was possible using the same freezing protocol. Conclusion: This study showed that sperm characteristics could influence the parameters obtained during their in vitro conservation, both in the fresh and post-thaw states.

Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 70(2): 164-171, mayo-ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576540


RESUMEN La anestesia aviar constituye un área de estudio controvertida debido a la morfofisiología diferente entre aves y mamíferos. Lo anterior hace necesario desarrollar protocolos confiables que contribuyan al bienestar de las aves en cautiverio. La anestesiología en aves representa una actividad clínica que demanda especial cuidado de los pacientes que requieren procedimientos quirúrgicos. Este estudio describe los parámetros de SpO2, frecuencias cardiaca y respiratoria durante la anestesia con isoflurano de Melopsittacus undulatus. Se monitorearon 12 machos y 7 hembras durante las etapas anestésicas. La inducción anestésica duró 1:30 ± 0:31 min en machos y 2:19 ± 0:16 min en hembras, con promedio de mantenimiento de 7:00 ± 1:39 min. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los tiempos anestésicos entre hembras y machos (p>0,05). Se presentó una variación estadísticamente significativa (p<0,05) de la SpO2 en el periodo de recuperación, las hembras presentaron mayor saturación de oxígeno (71±4 %) en comparación con los machos (89±2 %). En la valoración de la función cardiaca durante la anestesia, no se detectaron diferencias significativas entre machos y hembras (p>0,05). Se concluye como un protocolo anestésico seguro para procedimientos clínicos de corta duración para aves pequeñas como M. undulatus.

ABSTRACT Avian anesthesia is a controversial area of study due to the differences between birds and mammals morpho physiology. This makes necessary to develop reliable protocols for birds in captivity, which contributes to their welfare under human care. Bird anesthesiology today represents a veterinary clinical activity that demands special care for patients requiring surgical procedures. This study describes the parameters of SpO2, cardiac activity, heart and respiratory rate during anesthesia with isoflurane for Melopsittacus undulatus. 12 males and 7 females were monitored during the anesthetic stages. Anesthetic induction lasted 1:30 ± 0:31 min in males and 2:19 ± 0:16 min in females, with an average maintenance time of 7:00 ± 1:39 min. No significant differences were found in anesthetic times between females and males (p>0.05). There was a statistically significant variation (p<0.05) of SpO2 in the recovery period, females had higher oxygen saturation (71±4%) compared to males (89±2%). In the assessment of cardiac function during anesthesia, no significant differences were detected between males and females (p>0.05). It is concluded as a safe anesthetic protocol for clinical procedures of short duration for small birds such as M. undulates.