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Liberabit ; 29(2): 714, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538333


Antecedentes: la escala de sentido de capacidad, originalmente validada en universitarios franceses (Drouin & Costalat-Founeau, 2020), mide la representación subjetiva de las personas sobre sus capacidades y percepciones respecto a lo que otros piensan de ellas. El objetivo de este estudio es adaptar la escala para universitarios de Lima, Perú y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas. Método: 516 estudiantes de una universidad privada completaron el cuestionario. Se empleó análisis factorial y correlaciones para precisar evidencias de validez. Se utilizó el alfa de Cronbach y omega de McDonald para evaluar la fiabilidad. Resultados: contrariamente a la estructura original de 2 factores, nuestros resultados sugirieron una solución de factor único que explicó el 52% de la varianza; los ítems tenían cargas elevadas. Se confirmó el modelo mediante un ajuste óptimo (χ2 = 362.84; df = 35; p < .001; CFI = .99; TLI = .98; SRMR = .06; RMSEA = .10). Se encontró una correlación positiva moderada con afecto positivo y florecimiento, así como una correlación negativa moderada con afecto negativo. No hubo diferencias significativas por sexo, nivel o tipo de carrera. Conclusiones: la nueva versión de la escala muestra evidencias de validez y confiabilidad adecuada (α = .88) en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima, Perú. Palabras clave: sentido de capacidad, propiedades psicométricas, evidencia de validez, confiabilidad, adaptación.

Background: The sense of capability scale, originally validated in French university students (Drouin & Costalat-Founeau, 2020), measures people's subjective representation of their own capacities and their perceptions of what others think about them. The aim of this study is to adapt the scale for university students in Lima, Peru and to analyze its psychometric properties. Method: 516 students from a private university completed the questionnaire. Factor analysis and correlations were used to determine evidence of validity. Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega were used to evaluate reliability. Results: Contrary to the original 2-factor structure, our results suggested a single-factor solution that explained 52% of the variance; the items had high loadings. The model was confirmed by a best fit (χ2 = 362.84; df = 35; p < .001; CFI = .99; TLI = .98; SRMR = .06; RMSEA = .10). A moderate positive correlation was found with positive affect and flourishing, as well as a moderate negative correlation with negative affect. There were no significant differences by sex, level, and career type. Conclusion: The new version of the scale shows evidence of adequate validity and reliability (α = .88) in students of a private university in Lima, Peru. Keywords: sense of capability, psychometric properties, validity evidence, reliability, adaptation.

Front Psychol ; 12: 623312, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33762999


Professional musicians are expected to perform at a very high level of proficiency. Many times, this high standard is associated with perfectionism, which has been shown to prompt both adaptive and maladaptive motivational dynamics and outcomes among music students. The question about how perfectionism interplays with motivational dynamics in music students is still unanswered and research within this line is scarce, especially in Latin America. In the light of Self-Determination Theory (SDT), this cross-sectional study investigated the relationship between the perceptions of motivational context (teachers' motivating styles: autonomy supportive or controlling), basic psychological needs (satisfaction/frustration), perfectionism (adaptive/maladaptive), and flourishing in University music students from Lima, Peru (N = 149; mean age = 20.68, SD = 3.03; 71% men). We performed a path analysis testing a model in which motivational teaching styles predicted both, perfectionism and flourishing via need satisfaction and frustration. The model's fit indices were ideal [χ2 (7, N = 143) = 7.48, p = 0.300, CFI = 0.998, TLI = 0.992, RMSEA = 0.021, SRMR =0.040]. In this model, perceived autonomy supportive style predicted need satisfaction positively and need frustration negatively; perceived controlling teaching style did not predict need satisfaction nor frustration. In turn, need satisfaction positively predicted adaptive perfectionism (i.e., high standards) and flourishing; whereas, need frustration predicted maladaptive perfectionism (i.e., discrepancy). These results shed light on the relevance of perfectionism in the psychology of higher music education students. Lastly, we highlight the importance of autonomy support in fostering adaptive high standards and flourishing in music learning.

Persona (Lima) ; (4): 201-224, 2001. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LIPECS | ID: biblio-1109846


Mediante una investigación cualitativa se estudiaron las características que define las emociones de culpa y vergüenza en una población de estudiantes limeños. Se analizó la descripción de todas las situaciones dentro del marco de un tipo de situación antecedente, evaluaciones, experiencias subjetivas, reacciones psicofisiológicas, prontitud para actuar y reacciones emocionales, procesos de regulación y las consecuencias cognitivas. En el material cualitativo codificado surgió una clara diferenciación entre la culpa y la vergüenza.

Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Humanos , Culpa , Emoções , Vergonha , Pesquisa