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Investig. desar. ; 28(1): 185-226, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1250136


RESUMEN El proyecto de investigación "Prácticas políticas y formación ciudadana con perspectiva de género. Análisis de las universidades de Bucaramanga", se propuso contribuir al mejoramiento de los planes de formación ciudadana de las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES). Para eso, se examinaron los enfoques teóricos que fundamentan la formación ciudadana en los planes educativos-formativos de las IES y sus programas institucionales; se identificaron los mecanismos que estructuran las subjetividades y las identidades de género y que sustentan las prácticas sociales sobre la ciudadanía, de los(as) estudiantes de las Instituciones de Educación Superior de Bucaramanga; finalmente, se entregaron estrategias de formación ciudadana coherentes con las expectativas e intereses de la comunidad juvenil a las IES de Bucaramanga. En el trabajo de campo participaron seis Instituciones de Educación Superior de la ciudad y su área metropolitana, en donde se desarrollaron 13 entrevistas semiestructuradas a los directivos de las instituciones. De igual manera, se realizaron seis Grupos de Discusión con la participación de 163 estudiantes de ambos sexos. Los elementos encontrados demuestran que las Instituciones de Educación Superior en Bucaramanga y su área metropolitana deben implementar la propuesta dada en sus Proyectos Educativos Institucionales, en cuanto a la formación integral. Así mismo, la formación ciudadana debe conducir a la juventud a cuestionar todas las estructuras que median sus relaciones interpersonales. De igual manera, será el espacio para lograr comunicaciones efectivas, críticas y a reconocer las voces y criterios de los(as) otros(as); a interactuar con la diversidad y a poner en escena los valores de la tolerancia, el respeto y la solidaridad dentro de un pensamiento pluralista.

ABSTRACT The research project "Political practices and citizen education with gender perspective. Analysis in some universities in Bucaramanga, Colombia", had the purpose of improving citizen education plans in Higher Institutions. To accomplish the research objective, it as considered: to know the theoretical approaches that base the citizen education in educative/ formative plans of Higher institutions and their institutional programs; to identify the mechanisms that structures subjectivities and gender identities that support social practices on the citizenship of Higher Institution's' students in Bucaramanga, and finally, to contribute to Higher Institutions in Bucaramanga with coherent strategies of citizen education according to the expectations and interests of youth community. During the work field six Higher Institutions of Bucaramanga participated and were conducted 13 semi-structured interviews to institution's chiefs' officers. Moreover, they were conducted six focus groups with 163 students of both genders. The results show that Higher Institutions of Bucaramanga should focus on developing their institutional educative projects regarding integral education action plans. Those findings indicate a teaching-learning process guided by competences where Know and Be allows to build a personal identity and the conscience to have attitudinal control. Likewise, citizen education should lead youth to argue all the structures that mediate their relationships. Similarly, citizen education would be the room to achieve affective and critic communication, and to recognize the voices and criteria of others to interact with diversity and to stage the tolerance, respect and solidarity within a pluralistic thought. The methodology used to collect the information has been qualitative, through semi-structured in-depth interviews and workshops with different actors. analysis leads to identify some key elements that obscure the legislative and jurisprudential successes that de Colombian State has achieved in terms of reparation with a gender approach. The results indicate the need to go beyond gender as a differentiating category, to achieve greater effectiveness in the reparation proposed to the victims.

Humanos , Perspectiva de Gênero , Comportamento Social , Aprendizagem