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Interdisciplinaria ; 39(2): 281-296, ago. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385931


Resumen Desde la lógica de la modernidad capitalista, distintas formas de reproducción de la vida son pensadas como comunidades atrasadas que hay que modernizar. Ciertas regiones de México, como El Bajío (Centronorte-Occidente), representan territorios en transición con una importante actividad industrial creciente, con uno de los mayores aumentos del producto interno bruto (PIB) y efectos importantes en las relaciones comunitarias. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la percepción de las juventudes sobre las dinámicas en sus relaciones laborales, comunitarias y de género en el contexto de la transición agrícola-industrial de sus localidades, debido a la inserción del Parque Tecnoindustrial Castro del Río (de aquí en adelante PTCR). Se realizó un estudio mixto concurrente, a lo largo de tres meses, mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario, grupos de discusión y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Entre los principales hallazgos: (1) se detectó un cambio de paradigma en cuanto a la perspectiva del trabajo en los jóvenes de menor edad, aunque persiste la memoria de formas productivas comunitarias previas; así como percepciones importantes sobre derechos laborales y agencia en lo que respecta al trabajo formal y asalariado; (2) se identificó una relevancia notoria de las fiestas patronales y los escasos espacios comunes como sitios significativos de interacción, colaboración comunitaria y sentido del lugar, y (3) se percibieron tensiones en las relaciones de género, debido a la inserción de la mujer en el ámbito laboral industrial y a expresiones diversas de autonomía que se contraponen a las creencias y expectativas sexistas por parte de los hombres de mayor edad.

Abstract From a capitalist point of view, pre-industrial communities are a rich source of cheap labour and resources, which could be put to profitable use if industrialised. This is normally presented politically as bringing the modern world's quality of life improvements to impoverished and struggling communities, or more crudely as modernising "backward" modes of societies. Certain regions of Mexico, such as El Bajío (Central North-West of Mexico) represent territories in transition from an agricultural to industrial economy; with an important growing automotive sector among others; one of the largest increases in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and important effects on community relations. The Bajío represents a region characterized by a significant number of sources of employment in the industry, tax incentives from the State, low wages and the absence of strikes. The Castro del Río Tecnoindustrial Park (PTCR) was built more than a decade ago, during the boom of the automotive industry in the region, and, as indicated by its official website, it houses 72 companies from 6 different countries, has a "young and abundant workforce: more than 700 thousand inhabitants in a radius of 20 kilometres", and a "Public Training Institute for technicians through the CONALEP Castro del Río campus, located within the park". Most of the communities affected by this technological development have incipient urban development, with limited access to basic services such as drainage or drinking water, no or limited common spaces for social interaction, recreation and sports, and little or no health, education and cultural equipment. The inhabitants of these communities work in the fields, construction, or as labourers in the PTCR companies. The aim of this study was to examine the perception of youth about the labor, community and gender relational dynamics in the context of the agricultural-industrial transition of their localities, due to the insertion of the PTCR. A concurrent mixed study was carried out over three months by applying a questionnaire, discussion groups and semi-structured interviews. Among the main findings, the following stand out: 1) A paradigm shift was detected in terms of the perspective of work in young people, although the memory of previous community productive forms persists; Likewise, important perceptions about labor rights and agency are detected in relation to formal and salaried work and an awareness of the notorious forms of labor abuse in factories; 2) A relevance of the management holidays and common spaces was identified, which in some communities are scarce, as significant spaces for interaction, collaboration community and sense of place; 3) Tensions are perceived in gender relations due to the entry of women in to the industrial work environment and diverse expressions of their autonomy that are opposed to sexist beliefs and expectations on the part of older men. Young women's career, work, and recreational expectations are viewed as negative and undesirable. The reported study made it possible to visualise the perceptions of youth about the relationships affected by the agricultural-industrial transition of their communities. Some limitations identified are related to the short time available to the team to carry out the study, the unsafe conditions in the area derived from organised crime. It is relevant to continue this study and delve into the aspects analysed. It is viewed as a prospective investigation to return to the communities and carry out a new study to analyse the three types of relationships and the role played by ICTs, the increasingly widespread pro-gender equality discourse, as well as the changes that appear in perspectives 3 years after the first study.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 5(2): 1984-1995, abr. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-949399


Resumen: El fundamentalismo religioso es clave para entender situaciones de discriminación y violencia que se viven alrededor del mundo, conocer qué es lo que se encuentra detrás de esta característica psicosocial de las personas, puede ayudar a entender y prevenir este tipo de comportamientos nocivos. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el papel que desempeñan las variables de orientación religiosa, identidad grupal y religiosidad como predictores del fundamentalismo religioso. La muestra estuvo integrada por 533 personas residentes del Distrito Federal y del estado de Guanajuato, pertenecientes a alguna de las cuatro principales ideologías religiosas presentes en México, Católicos (160), Testigos de Jehová (142), Cristianos Evangélicos (115) y no religiosos (116), 50.3% de los cuales fueron mujeres. Los resultados, obtenidos mediante el análisis de regresión, revelan que los tres tipos de orientación religiosa: Orientación Religiosa Intrínseca (ORI), Orientación Religiosa Extrínseca Social (ORES) y Orientación Religiosa Extrínseca Individual (OREI), así como la Identidad Grupal Negativa (IGN) y la Religiosidad son buenos predictores de los componentes del fundamentalismo religioso.

Abstract: Religious fundamentalism is key to understanding existing discrimination and violence worldwide. Knowing what is behind this psychosocial characteristic can help understand and prevent this type of harmful behavior. The aim of this study was to determine how religious orientation (RO), group identity (Gl), and religiosity predict religious fundamentalism. The sample consisted of 533 residents of México City and the state of Guanajuato (50.3% women; Mean age = 36), that belonged to one of four major Mexican religious ideologies: Catholic (n = 160), Jehova's Witnesses (n = 142), Evangelical Christian (n = 115) and non-religious (n = 116). Four psychological scales were used: 1) Fundamentalism Scale, which consists of two subscales: Orthodoxy and Conservatism; 2) the Religious Orientation Scale, which consists of three subscales: Intrinsic Religious Orientation (IRO), Extrinsic Personal (EPRO), and Extrinsic Social (ORES); 3) Group Identity Scale, which consists of twosubscales: Positive Group Identity (PGI) and Negative Group Identity (NGI); and 4) Religiosity Scale. The regression results revealed that IRO, Religiosity, NGI and ORES were positively related to Orthodoxy. ORI, IGN and Religiosity were positively related to Conservatism. EPRO was negatively related to Conservatism. The results indícate that Religious Orientation, Religiosity, and Group Identity are strong significant predictors of religious fundamentalism.