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Anat Rec (Hoboken) ; 2022 Dec 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36576217


We report new occurrences of Testudinidae and Chelidae from 11 different fossil sites in the Huayquerías and Tunuyán formations (late Miocene-Pliocene) in the Huayquerías del Este, Mendoza, Argentina. A total of 36 specimens were collected, representing at least three taxa from two different clades: 80.6% Testudinidae and 19.4% Chelidae. Testudinids are present throughout the stratigraphic succession, in alluvial, fluvial, and interdune sedimentary environments, represented by dorsal and plastron carapace plates, with some remains of the appendicular skeleton. A complete articulated plastron with some peripheral plates of the carapace was also recognized and is assigned to the extant species Chelonoidis chilensis, representing the oldest record for this taxon (late Miocene, Messinian). Another possible morphotype was recognized in the form of a large scapular girdle and femur that likely corresponded to an individual with a dorsal carapace of about 80 cm. This assemblage of small and large tortoise species is recognized for first time in the Messinian Age/Stage of Mendoza. Chelids are mostly restricted to fluvial deposits in the upper part of the Huayquerías Formation, except for two specimens which appear in the lower part. One specimen is represented by a right half plastron of an indeterminate Chelidae species which could correspond to a carapace of up to 24 cm in length with plastral lobes narrower than those observed in Phrynops species. Another specimen is characterized by a large costovertebral tunnel in the carapace, peripheral plates of the posterior margin of the carapace with ornamentation of fine grooves forming irregular polygons.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 14(4): 17-26, oct.-dic. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-739555


Dentro de las enfermedades no transmisibles que causan cada año una alta mortalidad en la provincia de Pinar del Río, están las provocadas por el cáncer de mama. Esto genera años de vida perdidos por la mortalidad, de ahí que el objetivo sea: reflejar esta situación por municipios entre los años de 2003 al 2009, con el interés de brindar una información adicional y complementaria al Departamento Provincial de Estadística de Salud Pública. Los indicadores promedio de años de vida perdidos y promedio de años de vida vividos reflejan con más claridad esta situación. Los primeros se calcularon a partir de los estimados de esperanza de vida y los segundos, a partir de la suma de las edades de todas las fallecidas en los 7 años entre el total de estas. El cálculo se realizó sobre la base de tablas estadísticas aportadas por el Departamento de Provincial Estadística de Salud Pública, empleando para esto el sistema Microsoft Excel. Se utilizó un estudio longitudinal retrospectivo y descriptivo en los 14 municipios de la provincia. La novedad del estudio amen de lo antes mencionado está en que contempla por cada municipio como se comporta esta situación, sensibilizando al personal de la atención primaria de salud en la detección temprana del cáncer de mama. El cáncer de mama en el período que se analiza tuvo una evolución desfavorable en lo que se refiere a los años de vida saludables perdidos, destacándose el municipio de Pinar del Río.

Among non-contagious diseases provoking an annual high mortality rate in Pinar del Rio province are those provoke by breast cancer. The objective of this study was to quantify, for first time- where it had been possible to investigate- the burden associated with breast cancer in Pinar del Rio province, aimed at offering and additional and complementary information to the Provincial Department of Statistics in Public Health. The average years of potential life lost and quality-adjusted life year's indicators reflected this situation clearly. The first ones were calculated from the estimate of life expectancy and the second ones, from the sum of the ages of the deceased women in an average of 7 years considering the total. The calculation was based on the statistical tables given by the Provincial Department of Statistics of Public Health. A longitudinal, retrospective and descriptive study was conducted in the 14 municipalities of the province. The newest characteristic of this study -as well as in the aspects mentioned before- was that it examined the behaviour of the situation in each municipality, raising the awareness of the Primary Health Care personnel in the early detection of breast cancer. Breast cancer showed an unfavorable natural history regarding years of healthy potential life lost, being Pinar del Rio municipality the most notable.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 14(1): 359-369, ene.-mar. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-739385


Dentro de los contenidos de Informática I que reciben los estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina 1er año, uno de los que más dificultades ofrece para su asimilación, es el relacionado con el sistema de Aplicación Microsoft Access, sobre todo lo relacionado con la resolución de problemas con computadora para diseñar tablas y efectuar relaciones entre estas, de ahí, la necesidad deelaborar un sistema de ejercicios por niveles de desempeño cognitivo que contribuya al desarrollo de la habilidad resolución de problemas con computadoras, utilizando el sistema Microsoft Access, contemplando entre otros aspectos: el diseño o trabajo de mesa como premisa básica (Diagrama entidad relación y el Modelo entidad relación). El sistema de ejercicios es elaborado sobre la base de un estudio cuasi experimental que abarca 2 brigadas de 1er año de la facultad de ciencias médicas Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna del municipio de Pinar del Río. Este tiene como fundamento los controles a clase efectuados, las comprobaciones de conocimientos realizadas, las que han evidenciado dificultades en la resolución de problemas al elaborar bases de datos utilizando Microsoft Access. La novedad del sistema está en que contempla ejercicios sobre la perspectiva desarrolladora de los niveles de desempeño cognitivo. La conclusión esencial a la que se arriba, es que con este sistema el alumno se familiariza más rápido con los conceptos (tabla, atributo, campo, registro, campo clave y otros) antes de ir al sistema informático o sea se logra un mejor camino del pensamiento lógico, de la contemplación viva al pensamiento abstracto y de este a la práctica como prueba de la verdad.

Among the contents of the subject of Informatics-1 that medical students in 1st academic year receive, one of the most difficult contents to be assimilated is the one related to Microsoft Access Application, mainly the one connected with problem-solving using the computer to design tables and to carry out relationships among these; that is why it is necessary to elaborate a system of exercises considering the levels of cognitive performance which contribute with the development of skills of problem-solving with computers, using Microsoft Access System, and taking into account the following aspects: the design or the table work as a basic premise ( Diagram entity- relation and the Model entity-relation). The system of exercises is based on a quasi-experimental study covering two groups of medical students in 1st academic year in the Medical University, Pinar del Rio municipality. The bases of this research paper are on lecture controls and knowledge checking, which show difficulties in problem-solving when using the Microsoft Access database. The newness of this system is that it envisages the exercises upon a developing perspective of the levels of cognitive performance. The essential conclusion stated is that, with the creation of this system the student will quickly get familiar with the concepts (tables, attributes, field, register, key field and others), before approaching to an informative system, that is to say, a better way of logic thinking is achieved, from the living contemplation to the abstract thinking and from this to the practice as a prove of truth.