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Medisan ; 16(3): 461-466, mar. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-628008


Se describen 3 casos de pacientes con linfoma MALT, diagnosticados, tratados y seguidos en la consulta de hematología del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora" de Santiago de Cuba, a la cual fueron remitidos por gastroenterólogos, otorrinolaringólogos y maxilofaciales de la mencionada institución. Uno de los afectados presentaba una masa tumoral gástrica y en nasofaringe, aparecida en diferentes momentos; otro un tumor linfoide en el paladar duro, que recurrió en ganglios infradiafragmáticos; y un tercero un nódulo linfoide en la glándula salival parótida unilateral, con recidiva en ganglios regionales después de haber sido extirpado. Todos experimentaron una buena respuesta clínica al inicio del tratamiento convencional, pero en 2 de ellos se confirmaron reapariciones no locales del proceso morboso.

Three cases of patients with MALT lymphoma are described, who were diagnosed, treated and followed up at the hematology department of "Saturnino Lora" Teaching Provincial Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, to which they were referred by gastroenterologists, otolaryngologists and maxillofacial specialists of that institution. One of those patients presented with a nasopharyngeal and gastric mass, which appeared at different times; another patient had lymphoid tumor of the hard palate, which recurred in infradiaphragmatic lymph nodes; and a third one had a lymphoid node in the unilateral salivary parotid gland with recurrence in regional nodes after having been removed. All experienced a good clinical response at the beginning of conventional treatment, but in 2 of them non-local recurrences of the disease process were confirmed.