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Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 12(1): 88-106, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429548


Resumen El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la estructura factorial, consistencia interna y estabilidad de la medida del Cuestionario de Sobreingesta Alimentaria (OQ) en una población universitaria. Participaron 703 jóvenes de la zona metropolitana del valle de México con edades entre los 18 y 25 años (M = 20.2; DE = 1.8) de los cuales 73% eran mujeres y 27% hombres. Los análisis de los reactivos se llevaron a cabo siguiendo las técnicas propuestas en la Teoría Clásica de los Test. Tras revisar la distribución, discriminación, correlación ítem total y multicolinealidad de los reactivos se procedió a probar las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento. Aunque tras los análisis sólo se conservaron 61 de los 80 reactivos y diez de las once escalas originales, se observó que el instrumento tiene una estructura factorial similar a la propuesta por los autores del instrumento, ya que los modelos probados mostraron adecuados índices de ajuste en los análisis factoriales confirmatorios y correlaciones entre las escalas similares a la versión original. Las diez escalas mostraron adecuados valores de consistencia interna y aceptables valores de estabilidad de la medida. Se concluye que el OQ cuenta con apropiadas características psicométricas para su uso en universitarios mexicanos.

Abstract The aim of this research was to determine the factorial structure, internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the Overeating Questionnaire (OQ) in a university population. 703 young people from the metropolitan area of the Valley of Mexico with ages between 18 and 25 years (M = 20.2; SD = 1.8) participated, of which 73% were women and 27% men. The translation of the questions into Spanish carried out in 2007 was applied. This application was carried out in two ways: in person and online. Item analyzes were carried out following the techniques proposed in the Classical Test Theory. Initially it was reviewed the distribution, discrimination, total item correlation and multicollinearity of the items. After exploring the distribution of the 80 original items, fifteen were discarded for presenting high asymmetry or kurtosis, then just two items in a scale remained so those were discarded too. No item was eliminated when testing the discrimination of the item. In the element-total correlation two items that obtained values less than .30 were eliminated, and no item was descarted through the multocollinearity analyzes. This way after the initial analyzes only 61 of the 80 items and ten of the eleven original scales were preserved. Subsequently the psychometric properties of the instrument were tested. It is shown that the instrument has a factorial structure similar to that proposed by the authors of the instrument because the tested models showed adequate fit indices in confirmatory factor analyzes and correlations between scales similar to the original version. The ten scales that remained for Mexican population showed adequate values of internal consistency and acceptable test-retest reliability values. It is concluded that the modifications in the OQ have appropriate psychometric characteristic for use in Mexican university students.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(3): 7-23, jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356325


Resumen Con el objetivo de conocer los factores que los niños perciben como estresantes dentro de la práctica deportiva, se llevó a cabo una investigación de corte cualitativo y de diseño fenomenológico, en la cual se realizaron cuatro grupos focales en los que participaron un total de 41 niños deportistas de entre seis y doce años pertenecientes a las disciplinas de gimnasia artística, natación clavados o fútbol. Las entrevistas permitieron identificar factores que los niños perciben como estresantes en su práctica deportiva, que según lo reportado por ellos, se dividen en dos contextos: el entrenamiento y la competencia. En el entrenamiento, los factores que más mencionaron fueron las exigencias y el favoritismo por algunos niños del grupo por parte del entrenador, así como experimentar emociones negativas, entre ellas la falta de tiempo para realizar otras actividades y el cansancio físico. En el contexto de la competencia, reportaron experimentar emociones negativas y preocupación como los factores que más les generan estrés. Los hallazgos permiten corroborar que los niños deportistas perciben distintas situaciones de estrés asociadas con la práctica de su disciplina, por lo que es importante incluir en los programas deportivos, el entrenamiento en estrategias de afrontamiento. Es probable que si los niños aprenden a afrontar el estrés de manera adecuada, no solo tendrán una mejor salud física y emocional, sino también más éxito en su disciplina y disminuirán las tasas de abandono.

Abstract Doing physical activity carries multiple benefits both physical and psychological (Aparicio, Carbonell y Delgado, 2010); however, when competitive sports practice is being carried out, the athletes can find themselves with less favoring situations such as pressure, coach demands and a psychologically challenging, environment that may conduce them to stress states (Lucia et al., 2017). The athletes that present stress in their sports practice exteriorize some consequences that may include low quality performance, loss of sleep and appetite, decrease in satisfaction levels for sports training and increase in physical injuries (Abián-Vicén, Báguena y Abián, 2015). When the stress becomes chronic it becomes as predictor of burnout syndrome in sports (De Francisco, Arce, Vílcheza y Vales, 2016). Also, these consequences may result significative not only in sports training but in the personal life of the athletes, therefore, is important make an intervention for these athletes to avoid reaching chronic stressful states. However, there is little information on the factors that cause stress in child athletes because most of the research in the field has been developed in an older population that practices high-performance sports (Ramírez, 2015), so it isn't appropriate to use this foundation with children because their development stage is different and stress could have different sources and repercussions. In order to know the factors that children perceive as stressors in sports, a qualitative research and phenomenological design was carried out, in which four focus groups were carried out, in which a total of 41 children participated. The inclusion criteria to participate were being affiliated with sports centers of the Mexico City government, being between 6 and 12 years old and having participated in at least one competition or tournament. Children who did not want to collaborate or whose parents did not give consent for their participation were excluded. A comparative analysis was made for the codification and categorization of information that consists of three types of codification: open, axial and selective (Onwuegbuzie, Dickinson, Leech y Zoran, 2011). After the open codification analysis, five preliminary categories were detected, later, in the axial codification, the judges agreed that the five categories of stressors that the children reported were produced in two different contexts: training and competition, so these two were classified as the two major categories. Finally, after the axial coding, every one of these two major categories stayed conformed by five the subcategories: personal situations, coaches, peers, family and external situations. Every subcategory consists of various factors that produce stress to children. In training, the factors that children mentioned are the demands and favoritism by the coach; also to experiment negative emotions like fear, anger or frustration; lack of time to do recreational and academic activities; extreme physical tiredness; negative interaction with peers, violence or exclusion between peers, the demand of satisfactory results by their relatives and the perception of lack of infrastructure for suitable training. In the competitive context, children report that suffering negative emotions generated by the pressure of competition, concerns about their performance in the contest, unpredictable situations such as accidents or delays, uneasiness about the performance of other competitors, and being exposed to the judgments that people who attend the competition will make, were the factors that children consider as generators of stress. In future research, it will be advisable to take into account the time that children have been practicing the sport, since it is possible that the perception of stress changes with the years of training. We can also evaluate in groups of children who are at the same age, since the maturation process progresses rapidly during childhood. It will also be worth differentiating between individual and team sports athletes.

Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 33(127)dic. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR, PsiArg | ID: biblio-1383467


Resumen Objetivo. Construir y valorar las propiedades psicométricas de un instrumento que permita operacionalizar las emociones y las creencias que elicitan el consumo de alimentos. Participantes. De manera no probabilística e intencional participaron 1833 hombres (49.9%) y mujeres (50.1%), de entre 14 y 18 años (M = 15.43, DT = .93). El 95.4% de los participantes se encontraban estudiando el nivel medio superior y el 4.6% iniciaba sus estudios de nivel superior en escuelas públicas de la Ciudad de México. Método. Se probó la calidad del instrumento desde la Teoría Clásica de los Test. Solo se aplicó el instrumento realizado ex profeso. Resultados. Se obtuvo un instrumento válido y confiable con tres dimensiones: creencias erróneas acerca del control de peso, experimentación de emociones agradables al comer e importancia que se le otorga al peso corporal.

Abstract Objective. To build and assess the psychometric properties of an instrument that allows the emotions and beliefs elicited by food consumption to be operationalized. Participants. 1833 men (49.9%) and women (50.1%), between 14 and 18 years old (M = 15.43, SD = .93) participated in this study in a non-probabilistic and intentional way. 95.4% of the participants were studying at high school level, and 4.6% began their higher education in public schools in Mexico City. Method. The quality of the instrument was tested according to the Classical Test Theory. Only the purposely-made instrument was implemented. Results. A valid and reliable instrument was obtained, with three dimensions: erroneous beliefs about weight control, experiencing of pleasant emotions when eating, and importance given to body weight.

Humanos , Psicometria , Aumento de Peso , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , México
Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 8(1): 40-48, ene.-jun. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-902394


El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer los roles de género que predicen las actitudes negativas hacia la alimentación entre adolescentes de dos diferentes contextos socioculturales (tradicional vs. no tradicional) de México. Participaron 392 mujeres de entre 13 y 18 años de edad (M = 15.02, DE = 1.32) provenientes de dos contextos socioculturales diferentes, uno considerado tradicional (Pungarabato, Guerrero) y uno considerado no tradicional (Ciudad de México), quienes completaron el Inventario de Masculinidad y Feminidad (IMAFE) y el Test de Actitudes Alimentarias (EAT-40). Los resultados muestran que las características negativas del rol de género predicen las actitudes negativas hacia la alimentación: Sumisión para las adolescentes de los contextos tradicionales, y Machismo para las de contextos no tradicionales. Este estudio propone que los contextos sociales en los que se desarrollan los jóvenes influyen en sus actitudes hacia la alimentación y, por tanto, pudieran conformarse como un factor que eleva el riesgo de aparición de la sintomatología asociada a los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Esta investigación fundamenta la necesidad de diseñar campañas de prevención específicas al tipo de población.

The objective of this study was to know the gender roles that predict negative attitudes towards eating among adolescents from two different sociocultural contexts of Mexico (traditional vs. non-traditional). Participants were 392 women between 13 to 18 years old (M = 15.04; SD= 1.32) from two different sociocultural contexts: traditional (Pungarabato, Guerrero) and non-traditional (Mexico City) who answered the Masculinity and Femininity Inventory (IMAFE) and the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-40). Results showed that negative characteristics of gender role predict negative attitudes towards eating: Submission for adolescents from traditional contexts, and Machismo for those from non-traditional contexts. This study proposes that social contexts in which young population grow influence their eating attitudes and therefore, may be considered as a risk factor for the development of symptomatology of eating disorders. This research supports the need to design prevention campaigns according the type of population.