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J Chem Phys ; 142(9): 094502, 2015 Mar 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25747089


We have investigated the phase diagram of a statistical model for hydrogen-bonding solutions for polar solutes. The structured solvent is represented by an associating lattice gas, which presents anomalous density and liquid-liquid coexistence. Polar solute particles and solvent particles interact attractively, while the solvent-solvent interaction is made directional through bonding arms, which mimic hydrogen bonds. The model behavior is obtained via Monte Carlo simulations in the grand-canonical ensemble, for different sets of parameters. For small solute chemical potential and weak attraction between solute and solvent particles, addition of solute yields a shift in the transition lines of the pure solvent. This is the scenario explored by different authors, in the pursuit of stabilizing the water liquid-liquid coexistence line. However, as we show, in the case of larger solute chemical potentials, or of stronger solute-solvent attractions, new phases may arise.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24032801


In this paper we obtain the phase diagram of a four-species predator-prey lattice model by using the proposed gradient method. We consider cyclic transitions between consecutive states, representing invasion or predation, and allowed the exchange between neighboring neutral pairs. By applying a gradient in the invasion rate parameter one can see, in the same simulation, the presence of two symmetric absorbing phases, composed by neutral pairs, and an active phase that includes all four species. In this sense, the study of a single-valued interface and its fluctuations give the critical point of the irreversible phase transition and the corresponding universality classes. Also, the consideration of a multivalued interface and its fluctuations bring the percolation threshold. We show that the model presents two lines of irreversible first-order phase transition between the two absorbing phases and the active phase. Depending on the value of the system parameters, these lines can converge into a triple point, which is the beginning of a first-order irreversible line between the two absorbing phases, or end in two critical points belonging to the directed percolation universality class. Standard simulations for some characteristic values of the parameters confirm the order of the transitions as determined by the gradient method. Besides, below the triple point the model presents two standard percolation lines in the active phase and above a first-order percolation transition as already found in other similar models.

J Chem Phys ; 137(6): 064905, 2012 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22897309


In this paper we investigate the solubility of a hard-sphere gas in a solvent modeled as an associating lattice gas. The solution phase diagram for solute at 5% is compared with the phase diagram of the original solute free model. Model properties are investigated both through Monte Carlo simulations and a cluster approximation. The model solubility is computed via simulations and is shown to exhibit a minimum as a function of temperature. The line of minimum solubility (TmS) coincides with the line of maximum density (TMD) for different solvent chemical potentials, in accordance with the literature on continuous realistic models and on the "cavity" picture.

J Chem Phys ; 132(13): 134904, 2010 Apr 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20387957


We investigate the thermodynamic and dynamic properties of a three dimensional associating lattice gas (ALG) model through Monte Carlo simulations. The ALG model combines a soft core potential and orientational degrees of freedom. The competition of directional attractive forces and the soft core potential results in two coexisting liquid phases which are also connected through order-disorder critical transitions. The model presents structural order, density, and diffusion anomalies. Our study suggests that the dynamic fragile-to-strong transitions are associated to changes in structural order.

J Chem Phys ; 130(18): 184902, 2009 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19449952


Using Monte Carlo simulations we investigate some new aspects of the phase diagram and the behavior of the diffusion coefficient in an associating lattice gas (ALG) model on different regions of the phase diagram. The ALG model combines a two dimensional lattice gas where particles interact through a soft core potential and orientational degrees of freedom. The competition between soft core potential and directional attractive forces results in a high density liquid phase, a low density liquid phase, and a gas phase. Besides anomalies in the behavior of the density with the temperature at constant pressure and of the diffusion coefficient with density at constant temperature are also found. The two liquid phases are separated by a coexistence line that ends in a bicritical point. The low density liquid phase is separated from the gas phase by a coexistence line that ends in tricritical point. The bicritical and tricritical points are linked by a critical lambda-line. The high density liquid phase and the fluid phases are separated by a second critical tau-line. We then investigate how the diffusion coefficient behaves on different regions of the chemical potential-temperature phase diagram. We find that diffusivity undergoes two types of dynamic transitions: a fragile-to-strong transition when the critical lambda-line is crossed by decreasing the temperature at a constant chemical potential; and a strong-to-strong transition when the critical tau-line is crossed by decreasing the temperature at a constant chemical potential.

J Chem Phys ; 126(6): 064503, 2007 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17313225


The authors investigate the phase diagram of a three-dimensional associating lattice gas (ALG) model. This model combines orientational icelike interactions and "van der Waals" that might be repulsive, representing, in this case, a penalty for distortion of hydrogen bonds. These interactions can be interpreted as two competing distances, making the connection between this model and continuous isotropic soft-core potentials. The authors present Monte Carlo studies of the ALG model showing the presence of two liquid phases, two critical points, and density anomaly.