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Univ. psychol ; 13(2): 639-650, abr.-jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-735219


This study addresses how Negative Parental Control (NPC) and Positive Parenting (PP) are associated with achievement in spelling, arithmetic or reading, socio-economic status (SES) and psychosocial factors such as self-worth (SW) and behavioral problems (BP). The sample is formed by 587 children attending 6th grade of regular primary school and their families living in the urban zones of Metropolitan Lima, Peru. Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyze the hypothesized relations. Four models were built combining parenting dimensions and psychosocial factors. All models showed a good fit. Results showed a strong positive relationship between SES and achievement, and between SES and parenting. Strong associations between psychosocial factors and achievement were found. Implications are discussed about the role of SES on families and achievement but also about the role of parenting in children's psychosocial functioning.

Este estudio aborda cómo el Control Parental Negativo (NPC) y la Crianza Positiva (PP) están asociados con el logro en la ortografía, aritmética o la lectura, el nivel socioeconómico (SES) y factores psicosociales como selfworth (SW) y problemas de conducta (BP). La muestra estuvo formada por 587 niños que asistían a sexto grado de la escuela primaria regular y sus familias que viven en las zonas urbanas de Lima Metropolitana, Perú. Se utilizó el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para analizar las relaciones hipotéticas. Se construyeron cuatro modelos que combinan dimensiones parentales y factores psicosociales. Todos los modelos mostraron un buen ajuste. Los resultados mostraron una relación positiva alta entre el SES y el logro, y entre SES y la crianza de los hijos. Se encontraron asociaciones fuertes entre los factores psicosociales y de logro. Se discuten las implicaciones sobre el papel de SES en las familias y los logros además del papel de la crianza de los hijos en el funcionamiento psicosocial de los niños.

Peru , Classe Social , Impacto Psicossocial
Univ. psychol ; 12(3): 725-737, jul.-sep. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-712570


This study investigated (a) how specific aspects of psychosocial functioning (behavioral problems and global self-worth) are associated with academic achievement in spelling, arithmetic and reading; and (b) what is the effect of type of school (private vs. public) on this association. The sample for this study consisted of 901 regular school children attending 6th grade of primary education, living in the urban zones of Metropolitan Lima, Peru. Our research hypotheses were partially corroborated. The results showed a strong relationship between academic achievement and psychosocial functioning, with an important role of gender and school failure at the student level. Nevertheless, we could not confirm our multilevel assumption. There is no evidence that this relationship differs among schools. Practical implications are discussed.

Este estudio investigó: (a) como los aspectos específicos del funcionamiento psicosocial (problemas de comportamiento y autoestima en general) son asociados con el logro académico en la ortografía, aritmética y lectura, y (b) cuál es el efecto del tipo de escuela (privada o pública) de esta asociación. La muestra de este estudio consistió en 901 niños de escuelas regulares que asisten a sexto grado de educación primaria, que viven en las zonas urbanas de Lima, Perú. Nuestra hipótesis de investigación fue corroborada parcialmente. Los resultados mostraron una fuerte relación entre el rendimiento académico y el funcionamiento psicosocial, con un papel importante de género y el fracaso escolar en el nivel de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, no se pudo confirmar nuestra hipótesis de multinivel. No hay evidencia de que esta relación difiera entre las escuelas. Se discuten las implicaciones prácticas.

Psicologia Educacional , Psicologia do Desenvolvimento
Interdisciplinaria ; 28(2): 323-343, dic. 2011. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-639642


Education is in general the basis for development in any country in the world. In the education al field, several international assessments (Pisa, 2006) reflect the great gap that yet subsists among developing countries, in which the case of Peru is not an exception. There have been many national and international academic achievement evaluations that examine the skills and knowledge of students not only in Peru but also in other Latin American countries in different academic domains. One of these examples is the Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (LLECE), in which Peru participated, in order to evaluate and compare the performance achieved by Latin American students of 3rd and 6th grade in core areas like Language, Mathematics, and Natural Sciences. Peru ranks, together with other Latin countries, with scores below the average (Regional Office for Education of UNESCO, 2008). The low ranking of the Peruvian educational system carries heavy implications and consequences, especially to the intellectual and social development of learning disabled Peruvian children. Understanding the relation between academic performance and child development is of paramount importance. The present study examines how spelling, reading and arithmetic performances are associated to various child variables (gender, intelligence, and age), and distal variables such as Socio-Economic Status (SES) or type of school. The subjects in the study were 1.129 elementary school children who were in the 6th grade (11 - 12 years old) in Metropolitan Lima, Perú. Children completed four different tests: In the reading area, the subtest of Procesos Lectores (PROLEC-SE; Cuetos & Ramos, 1999), Reading of Word and Pseudo-word; in the Arithmetic domain, the Number Facility from the Kit of Factor Referenced Cognitive Tests of Ekstrom, French, and Harman (1979) and in the spelling domain, the Spelling Achievement Test from Dioses (2001) was used. The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) was measured using Raven's Progressive Matrices Test (Raven, J., Raven, J.C., & Court, 2004, updated edition). Some preliminary analyses were conducted beforehand in order to overview and examine the structure of the data. Following this, and because of the hierarchical structure of the data (students within classes within schools) multilevel analyses were conducted. Results showed, first and foremost, a great impact of (a) type of school, private schools performed better than in the public sector; (b) intelligence, another essential variable (the higher the IQ the better the academic achievement), and partially of (c) gender, girls showed prevalence over boys in spelling. Likewise, we did not encounter any significant results of socio-economic status in the multilevel analysis. Based on these results, some practical and pedagogical implications were discussed, such as the fundamental effort to bring the lower achievement group into average levels of learning with remedial work, otherwise these students will lack the requisite skills needed to fulfill their secondary school academic expectations. Notwithstanding, we have to point out some limitations such as the lack of data from rural zones that could prevent us from comparisons between rural and urban zones. Future work is necessary in order to investigate academic performance associated with other variables that might influence the child's development, such as parenting behavior or psychosocial factors.

El estudio que se informa examinó de qué manera el rendimiento académico en diversas áreas del aprendizaje tales como ortografía, lectura y aritmética estuvo asociado con diferentes variables relacionadas con niños (por ejemplo: género, inteligencia y edad). Asimismo, se consideraron algunas variables distales como estatus socioeconómico y tipo de colegio. En el estudio participaron 1.129 niños que cursaban 6to grado de educación primaria en Lima Metropolitana (Perú). Los estudiantes completaron cuatro pruebas: En el área de lectura fueron examinados con un subtest de la prueba Procesos Lectores (PROLEC-SE) Lectura de Palabras y Pseudo - palabras (Cuetos & Ramos, 1999). En el área de Aritmética fueron evaluados con el Subtest de Facilidad Numérica de Ekstrom, French y Harman (1979) y en el caso de Ortografía se aplicó la Prueba de Rendimiento Ortográfico (Dioses, 2001). La variable inteligencia fue medida con la Prueba de Matrices Progresivas de Raven (Raven, J., Raven, J.C. & Court, 2004). Debido a la estructura jerárquica de los datos (estudiantes dentro de clases y clases dentro de escuelas) se aplicó análisis multinivel para cada variable académica (ortografía, lectura y aritmética). Los resultados revelaron un gran impacto en primer lugar del tipo de escuela: los alumnos de escuelas privadas rindieron mejor que los de escuelas públicas en todas las áreas académicas; en segundo lugar, la variable inteligencia juega un rol esencial, cuanto mayor es el coeficiente intelectual del estudiante, mejor es el rendimiento académico, y parcialmente del género; las niñas mostraron un mejor desempeño en comparación con los niños en el área de ortografía. Se discuten en detalle algunas repercusiones pedagógicas.