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Hepatología ; 5(1): 25-33, ene 2, 2024. fig, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525306


Las enfermedades hepáticas presentan múltiples manifestaciones sistémicas, entre las cuales se destacan los hallazgos en piel, siendo los más comunes el prurito y la ictericia; así mismo, se pueden encontrar angiomas en araña, eritema palmar, xantomas, vasculitis y cambios en anexos. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir los principales signos y síntomas cutáneos en las enfermedades hepáticas para brindar herramientas semiológicas al clínico en su práctica diaria

Liver disease present multiple systemic manifestations, among which skin findings stand out, being the most common pruritus and jaundice. Other findings can also be manifested like spider angiomas, palmar erythema, xanthomas, vasculitis and changes in skin appendages. The objective of this article is to describe the main skin signs and symptoms of liver diseases to provide semiological tools to the physician in his daily practice.

Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 29(6): 663-675, dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423797


Resumen: La hiperlipidemia es altamente prevalente y contribuye de forma sustancial a la enfermedad cardiovascular aterosclerótica, que es una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad en Colombia. La reducción del colesterol LDL (c-LDL) produce una disminución del riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular aterosclerótica y de eventos cardiovasculares adversos. La terapia dirigida a la proproteína convertasa subtilisina/kexina tipo 9 (PCSK9; su sigla en inglés) ha surgido como una herramienta novedosa para el tratamiento de la hiperlipidemia. Inclisiran es un ARN pequeño de doble hebra, que actúa inhibiendo la transcripción de PCSK-9 en los hepatocitos, lo que conduce a una reducción marcada y sostenida del c-LDL. En contraste con otras terapias hipolipemiantes, como estatinas, ezetimibe y anticuerpos monoclonales (MAbs; su sigla en inglés) e inhibidores de PCSK9, inclisiran propone un régimen de dosificación infrecuente de dos o tres veces al año. Su efecto prolongado representa una ventaja frente al incumplimiento del tratamiento, que es una de las principales causas por las que no se alcanzan los objetivos de c-LDL con la terapia estándar. Esta revisión tiene como objetivo presentar y discutir los datos científicos actuales con relación a la eficacia, tolerabilidad y seguridad del inclisiran en el tratamiento de la hipercolesterolemia.

Abstract: Hyperlipidemia is a highly prevalent condition and contributes substantially to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), which is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in Colombia. The reduction of LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) decreases the risk of ASCVD and adverse cardiovascular events. Targeted therapy for the proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK-9) has emerged as a novel tool for the treatment of hyperlipidemia. Inclisiran is a small double-stranded small interfering RNA that acts by blocking PCSK-9 transcription in hepatocytes, leading to a marked and sustained reduction in circulating LDL-C levels. In contrast to other lipid-lowering therapies such as statins, ezetimibe and monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) PCSK-9 inhibitors, Inclisiran proposes an infrequent dosing regimen of twice or three times a year. Its prolonged effect represents an advantage over non-compliance of the treatment, which is one of the main reasons why LDL-C goals are not achieved with standard therapy. This review aims to present and discuss current scientific data regarding the efficacy, tolerability and safety of Inclisiran in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia.

Front Res Metr Anal ; 7: 893593, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35663098


The current knowledge society has driven an unprecedented mobility of people, especially scientists, from emerging economies to developed countries. This mobility can allow the development of human talent and the access to first class infrastructure and resources, but it can also mean a loss for emerging economies due to the phenomenon of brain drain. To counteract this situation, some countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have developed models for the articulation of their scientific diaspora in projects and programs, with the aim of exchanging knowledge and capitalizing on human and technical resources to advance science, technology and innovation systems. Likewise, science diplomacy has become a tool for interlinking the work of various actors in order to advance the solution of national, transnational or global problems through scientific advice. Scientific diasporas are vital in new structures of cooperation, enabling them to innovate and solve problems jointly, advising their countries of origin and articulating policies and programs. This research seeks to analyze the interactions and initiatives identified between the organized scientific diaspora from Latin America and the Caribbean and their countries of origin in relation to science diplomacy processes, providing recommendations and proposals for public policy to improve the interaction between the diaspora and the governments of their countries of origin. Results show that diaspora organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean engage with governmental and non-state actors and are active science diplomacy stakeholders promoting the scientific developments of their country or their researchers, as well as enabling access to research resources creating alliances for scientific, institutional and academic collaborations. In the cases studied, these efforts are planned and executed by the diaspora without responding to any science diplomacy strategy of the country. Policies and programs are needed to effectively link the scientific diaspora organizations to the interests of the countries.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 22(2): 232-243, Abril.- Jun. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1371488


Introducción. Para mejorar la calidad de atención en los Servicios de Emergencias Pediátricas (SEP), es indispensable realizar mediciones y relevamientos. Objetivo. Describir los recursos y funcionamiento de los SEP de hospitales públicos de Latinoamérica. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo y retrospectivo. Encuesta realizada en SEP de hospitales latinoamericanos con financiación pública y con Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (UCIP) (2019). Datos procesados mediante programas REDcap e InfoStat. Se presentan variables continuas como medianas y rangos; variables categóricas, como porcentajes; relaciones de productividad/recursos como razón. Se realizó análisis univariado. Resultados.De 371 servicios en 17 países, 107 (28,8%) contestaron la encuesta. Ciento dos servicios (95,3%) tienen sector de observación y 42(39,3%), salas de aislamiento. La mediana de consultas anuales/cama de observación fue 4830,6; la mediana de consultas diarias/consultorio 24,4. 6,1% de las consultas requirieron internación y 2,0% fueron asistidas en el Sector de Reanimación. Treinta y siete SEP (34,6%) disponen de > 80% de 27 ítems considerados imprescindibles por la Federación Internacional de Emergencias; 43 SEP (40,2%) carecen de equipo completo de vía aérea.En 74 servicios (69,2%) se realiza triaje. La mediana de consultas diarias es de 38,4/médico y 35,3/enfermero.En 83(77,6%) centros se manejan datos informatizados. En 68 SEP (64,1%) se utilizan cinco protocolos de situaciones críticas. En 10(9,4%) el personal médico cuenta con horario de docencia/investigación. Existe plan de mejora de calidad en 43 (41%) servicios. Conclusión. La información obtenida sobre los recursos y funcionamiento de los SEP públicos en Latinoamérica revela brechas importantes.

Introduction: To improve the quality of care in Pediatric Emergency Services (SEP) it is essential to carry out measurements and surveys. Purpose: Describe the resources and operation of the SEPs of public hospitals in Latin America. Methods: Descriptive, quantitative and retrospective study. Survey conducted in SEP of Latin American hospitals with public funding and with PICU (2019). Data processed by REDcap and InfoStat programs. Continuous variables are presented as medians and ranges; categorical variables as percentages; productivity / resource ratios as a ratio. Univariate analysis was performed. Results: Of 371 services in 17 countries, 107 (28.8%) answered the survey; 102 (95.3%) have an observation area and 42 (39.3%) have isolation rooms. The medians of annual visits / observation bed and daily visits / clinic were 4830.6 and 24.4, respectively. The number of beds increased by 74.1% in the seasonal peak, 6.1% of the consultations required hospitalization and 2.0% were assisted in the Resuscitation Sector. 37 (34.6%) SEP have> 80% of 27 items considered essential by the International Emergency Federation, 43 (40.2%) lack complete airway equipment and 74 (69.2%) perform triage. The median number of daily consultations is 38.4 / doctor and 35.3 / nurse. In 72 (67.9%) SEP there is a doctor and a nurse coordinator per shift, in 83 (77.6%) computerized data are handled, in 25 (23.4%) they do not perform diagnostic coding and in 16 (15% ) discharge summary is not prepared. 68 (64.1%) SEP use 5 protocols for critical situations, in 10 (9.4%) the medical personnel have teaching / research hours and in 43 (41%) there is a quality improvement plan. Conclusions:The information obtained regarding resources and operation of public PEDs in Latin America reveals important gaps.

Pediatr. (Asunción) ; 44(3)dic. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506956


Este documento pretende poner al alcance de todo profesional de salud una guía actualizada en el diagnóstico y manejo de la gastroenteritis aguda en pediatría, ya que esta enfermedad es una de las principales causas de consultas y hospitalizaciones. Se realizó una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura proponiendo una herramienta útil con el objetivo de reducir el impacto de la enfermedad en términos de incidencia, morbilidad y mortalidad. El tratamiento de la gastroenteritis debe ir dirigido a la prevención de la deshidratación y el desequilibrio electrolítico que produce, con líquidos adecuados, sales de rehidratación oral y el mantenimiento de la alimentación oral. La causa de esta enfermedad es principalmente viral y los criterios para el uso de antibióticos es controversial. Los coadyuvantes para disminuir el tiempo de enfermedad así como la frecuencia de la diarrea, en muchos de los casos están en estudio; por lo tanto el manejo guiado, estructurado y sistematizado garantizará en muchos casos el éxito del tratamiento de la gastroenteritis en los niños.

This document aims to provide an updated guideline for the diagnosis and management of acute gastroenteritis in pediatrics, as this disease is one of the main causes of consultations and hospitalizations. By performing an exhaustive review of the literature to produce a useful tool, this proposal aims to reduce the impact of the disease incidence, morbidity and mortality. The goal of gastroenteritis treatment is to prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalance that it can produce, with adequate liquids, oral rehydration salts and maintenance of oral feeding. The causes of this disease are mostly viral and the criteria for antibiotic use is controversial. Treatment modalities to reduce the time of illness as well as the frequency of diarrhea are, in many cases, currently under study; therefore, guided, structured and systematized management will ensure the successful treatment of gastroenteritis in most children.