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Int J Hyg Environ Health ; 220(5): 783-798, 2017 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28460996


Health systems, sanitation and water access have certain limitations in nations of Latin America (LA): typical matters of developing countries. Water is often contaminated and therefore unhealthy for the consumers and users. Information on prevalence and detection of waterborne parasitic protozoa are limited or not available in LA. Only few reports have documented in this field during the last forty years and Brazil leads the list, including countries in South America and Mexico within Central America region and Caribbean islands. From 1979 to 2015, 16 outbreaks of waterborne-protozoa, were reported in Latin American countries. T. gondii and C. cayetanensis were the protozoa, which caused more outbreaks and Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. were the most frequently found protozoa in water samples. On the other hand, Latin America countries have not got a coherent methodology for detection of protozoa in water samples despite whole LA is highly vulnerable to extreme weather events related to waterborne-infections; although Brazil and Colombia have some implemented laws in their surveillance systems. It would be important to coordinate all surveillance systems in between all countries for early detection and measures against waterborne-protozoan and to establish effective and suitable diagnosis tools according to the country's economic strength and particular needs.

Parasitos/isolamento & purificação , Microbiologia da Água , Poluentes da Água/isolamento & purificação , Animais , Mudança Climática , Monitoramento Ambiental , Humanos , América Latina
F1000Res ; 6: 946, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37766816


Background: MicroRNAs are related to human cancers, including cervical cancer (CC) caused by HPV. In 2018, approximately 56.075 cases and 28.252 deaths from this cancer were registered in Latin America and the Caribbean according to GLOBOCAN reports. The main molecular mechanism of HPV in CC is related to integration of viral DNA into the hosts' genome. However, the different variants in the human genome can result in different integration mechanisms, specifically involving microRNAs (miRNAs). Methods: The miRNAs associated with CC were obtained from literature, the miRNA sequences and four human genome variants (HGV) from Latin American populations were obtained from miRBase and 1000 Genomes Browser, respectively. HPV integration sites near cell cycle regulatory genes were identified. miRNAs were mapped on HGV. miRSNPs were identified in the miRNA sequences located at HPV integration sites on the Latin American HGV.  Results: Two hundred seventy-two miRNAs associated with CC were identified in 139 reports from different geographic locations. By mapping with Blast-Like Alignment Tool (BLAT), 2028 binding sites were identified from these miRNAs on the human genome (version GRCh38/hg38); 42 miRNAs were located on unique integration sites; and miR-5095, miR-548c-5p and miR-548d-5p were involved with multiple genes related to the cell cycle. Thirty-seven miRNAs were mapped on the Latin American HGV (PUR, MXL, CLM and PEL), but only miR-11-3p, miR-31-3p, miR-107, miR-133a-3p, miR-133a-5p, miR-133b, miR-215-5p, miR-491-3p, miR-548d-5p and miR-944 were conserved. Conclusions: Ten miRNAs were conserved in the four HGV. In the remaining 27 miRNAs, substitutions, deletions or insertions were observed. These variation patterns can imply differentiated mechanisms towards each genomic variant in human populations because of specific genomic patterns and geographic features. These findings may help in determining susceptibility for CC development. Further identification of cellular genes and signalling pathways involved in CC progression could lead new therapeutic strategies based on miRNAs.

Univ. salud ; 18(2): 345-363, mayo-ago. 2016. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-797477


Los microRNAs (miRNAs) tienen especial interés en oncología, se ha demostrado el papel de miRNAs en el control de la expresión de genes reguladores del ciclo celular, alteración génica y su implicación en diferentes tipos de cáncer. En este estudio, se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de literatura científica en bases de datos, que establecieran asociación de miRNAs con Cáncer de Cuello Uterino-CCU. Se analizó la localización genómica y cromosómica de miRNAs, la clasificación funcional, grupos de miRNAs al que pertenecen y su implicación en la progresión del CCU. Como resultado, se incluyeron 139 artículos científicos sobre miRNAs en CCU. Se identificaron 272 miRNAs en total y de ellos 252 miRNAs con expresión diferencial en tejidos cancerosos de cuello uterino; de estos, 97 miRNAs están sobre-expresados y 88 miRNAs infra-expresados. 67 miRNAs tuvieron perfiles de expresión variables. La mayoría de miRNAs asociados al CCU se encontraron en los cromosomas 1, 14, 19 y X, así como en regiones intrónicas e intergénicas. El cromosoma 18 humano contiene el menor número de miRNAs. Se identificaron miRNAs en procesos asociados al control del ciclo celular y respuesta inflamatoria. No obstante, se requieren más estudios para esclarecer los mecanismos de los miRNAs en desarrollo del CCU. Con esta revisión se destaca la importancia de miRNAs como biomarcadores pronóstico y diagnóstico, se brinda una actualización sobre miRNAs asociados al CCU y sus lesiones precursoras y se genera un recurso de recopilación y consulta valioso para orientar investigaciones de medicina molecular en este campo.

Introduction: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have special interest in oncology because of its role in the control of the expression of cell cycle regulatory genes, gene alterations and its involvement on different types of cancer such as cervical cancer (CC). Materials and methods: A systematic literature search was performed using different databases to establish relationship of miRNAs with UCC. Genomic and chromosomic location of miRNAs were analyzed along with its functional classification, miRNAs groups they belong to, and possible roles in progression of the disease. Results: 139 scientific articles about the role of miRNAs in CC were included. A total of 272 miRNA were identified, from which 252 had differential expression in cervical cancer tissue: 97 miRNAs were overexpressed, 88 miRNA infra-expressed and 67 miRNAs with variable expression profile. The majority of miRNAs associated with CC were found in chromosome 1, 14, 19 y X, and in intronic and intergenic regions. MiRNAs associated with process of cell cycle control were identified. Conclusion: This review emphasizes the importance of miRNAs as potential biomarkers of prognosis and diagnosis; it also provides an update on miRNAs associated to CC and its precursor lesions and a resource of compilation and consultation valuable to guide future research in molecular medicine in this field is generated. However, there is need to develop more studies in order to clear the mechanisms of miRNAs in cervical cancer.

Humanos , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero , MicroRNAs , Biologia Molecular , Biomarcadores , Diagnóstico
Arch. med ; 15(2): 305-319, July-Dec.2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-785585


Desarrollar una metodología diagnóstica de la dinámica cardíaca neonatalfundamentada en la geometría fractal, la teoría de los sistemas dinámicos yla ocupación espacial del atractor cardíaco en el espacio fractal de Box-Counting.Materiales y métodos: inicialmente se realizó una inducción matemática condos registros Holter evaluados clínicamente como normales y tres con patologíaaguda provenientes de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI). Se generó la secuencia de valores de la frecuencia cardíaca (FC) tomando para ello los valoresmáximos y mínimos de la FC/hora y total de latidos/hora durante 21 horas. Seconstruyeron atractores cardíacos, para calcular la dimensión fractal y los espaciosde ocupación en el espacio fractal de Box-Counting, estableciendo diferenciasentre normalidad y enfermedad. Los resultados de la inducción fueron aplicadosa 5 dinámicas normales y 25 patológicas, para confirmar los resultados obtenidosmediante un estudio ciego. Resultados: la ocupación espacial de los atractorescaóticos evaluados en la inducción matemática, evidenció que valores iguales osuperiores a 98 en la rejilla Kg son característicos de normalidad, y los menoresa 98 corresponden a enfermedad aguda; valores que fueron confirmados con loscasos restantes, logrando valores de sensibilidad y especificidad de 100%, y uncoeficiente kappa de 1. Conclusiones: se desarrolló un nuevo diagnóstico físicoy matemático de aplicación clínica para evaluar la dinámica cardíaca neonatal,que permite detectar tempranamente alteraciones de potencial gravedad y señalarcuantitativamente el nivel de agudización de alteraciones específicas, de utilidadpara la toma de decisiones clínicas en la UCI...

Humanos , Fractais , Frequência Cardíaca , Recém-Nascido , Dinâmica não Linear
Univ. salud ; 15(1): 7-21, ene.-jun. 2013. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-677551


Introducción. El cáncer de cuello uterino (CCU) asociado a la infección por VPH se considera un importante problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. En Colombia, es la segunda causa de muerte por cáncer en mujeres. En el municipio de Pasto (N) ubicado al suroccidente de Colombia, la tasa de incidencia es de 27,3/100.000 habitantes. Profundizar en la historia natural de la infección por VPH permitiría mejorar las estrategias de control y diagnóstico temprano para evitar la progresión de este tipo de cáncer. Métodos. Se realizó la detección y tipificación del VPH, mediante Reverse line blot - GP5+/GP6+, en muestras de cepillado cervical tomadas de 145 mujeres que acudieron a toma de citología en 7 Instituciones Prestadoras de Salud del municipio de Pasto. Los resultados obtenidos se analizaron junto con algunas variables poblacionales. Resultados. Se detectó VPH en 6,9% de las pacientes, los genotipos encontrados fueron VPH 11, 45, 53, 54, 55, 56, 70 y 84, los tipos virales de alto riesgo representaron el 54,6%. El 10% de las mujeres VPH positivas, presentaron infección múltiple. La edad, la infección por otros microorganismos, el número de gestas, el uso de anticonceptivos y los cambios celulares reactivos asociados a inflamación no constituyeron factores determinantes para adquirir o explicar la infección por el VPH en mujeres con citología normal. Conclusión: La infección por VPH fue más frecuente en mujeres < 37 años, con al menos una gesta previa y con algún grado de inflamación en el cérvix.

Introduction. Human Papillomavirus is sexually-transmitted well known for being the main cause of cervical cancer, which constitutes a major problem of public health worldwide. In Colombia, cervical cancer is the second cause of women mortality, and Pasto shows one of the highest incidence rates (27.39 per 100,000 inhabitants). Further in-depth research about natural history of HPV infection, would enable to improve the early-diagnosis and control strategies of the viral infection avoiding the progression to cancer. Methods. In the present study was performed the HPV-detection and typing by Reverse line blot - GP5+/6+, in cervical cell samples taken from 145 women who attended the cytology’s taking in 7 IPS (health provider institutions) of Pasto city (Colombia). Such results were analyzed together with some population variables. Results. The HPV was detected in 6.9 % of the patients studied; meanwhile, the genotypes found were: HPV 11, 45, 53, 54, 55, 56, 70 and 84, the high-risk HPV types represented 54.6%. Among women HPV positive, 90% had a single HPV infection and 10% of patients had a multiple HPV infection. Age, infection with other microorganisms, the number of pregnancies, the use of contraceptives and reactive cellular changes associated with inflammation were found to be not decisive factors for acquiring or explain HPV-infection into the group of women with normal cytology. Conclusion. The HPV infection was more often for women under 37 years having at least one previous pregnancy together with some degree of cervix inflammation.

Papillomaviridae , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero