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J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(12)2021 Jan 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33393487


The strain load Δγthat triggers consecutive avalanches is a key observable in the slow deformation of amorphous solids. Its temporally averaged value ⟨Δγ⟩ displays a non-trivial system-size dependence that constitutes one of the distinguishing features of the yielding transition. Details of this dependence are not yet fully understood. We address this problem by means of theoretical analysis and simulations of elastoplastic models for amorphous solids. An accurate determination of the size dependence of ⟨Δγ⟩ leads to a precise evaluation of the steady-state distribution of local distances to instabilityx. We find that the usually assumed formP(x) ∼xθ(withθbeing the so-called pseudo-gap exponent) is not accurate at lowxand that in generalP(x) tends to a system-size-dependentfinitelimit asx→ 0. We work out the consequences of this finite-size dependence standing on exact results for random-walks and disclosing an alternative interpretation of the mechanical noise felt by a reference site. We test our predictions in two- and three-dimensional elastoplastic models, showing the crucial influence of the saturation ofP(x) at smallxon the size dependence of ⟨Δγ⟩ and related scalings.

Phys Rev E ; 97(6-1): 062122, 2018 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30011479


Magnetic domain wall motion is at the heart of new magnetoelectronic technologies and hence the need for a deeper understanding of domain wall dynamics in magnetic systems. In this context, numerical simulations using simple models can capture the main ingredients responsible for the complex observed domain wall behavior. We present a scalar field model for the magnetization dynamics of quasi-two-dimensional systems with a perpendicular easy axis of magnetization which allows a direct comparison with typical experimental protocols, used in polar magneto-optical Kerr effect microscopy experiments. We show that the thermally activated creep and depinning regimes of domain wall motion can be reached and the effect of different quenched disorder implementations can be assessed with the model. In particular, we show that the depinning field increases with the mean grain size of a Voronoi tessellation model for the disorder.

J Chem Phys ; 131(2): 024120, 2009 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19603983


Although intuitively appealing, the concept of spinodal is rigorously defined only in systems with infinite range interactions (mean-field systems). In short-range systems, a pseudospinodal can be defined by extrapolation of metastable measurements, but the point itself is not reachable because it lies beyond the metastability limit. In this work we show that a sensible definition of spinodal points can be obtained through the short time dynamical behavior of the system deep inside the metastable phase by looking for a point where the system shows critical behavior. We show that spinodal points obtained by this method agree both with the thermodynamical spinodal point in mean-field systems and with the pseudospinodal point obtained by extrapolation of metaequilibrium behavior in short-range systems. With this definition, a practical determination can be achieved without regard for equilibration issues.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 76(3 Pt 1): 031108, 2007 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17930200


We studied the nonequilibrium dynamics of the q-state Potts model in the square lattice, after a quench to subcritical temperatures. By means of a continuous time Monte Carlo algorithm (nonconserved order parameter dynamics) we analyzed the long term behavior of the energy and relaxation time for a wide range of quench temperatures and system sizes. For q>4 we found the existence of different dynamical regimes, according to quench temperature range. At low (but finite) temperatures and very long times the Lifshitz-Allen-Cahn domain growth behavior is interrupted with finite probability when the system gets stuck in highly symmetric nonequilibrium metastable states, which induce activation in the domain growth, in agreement with early predictions of Lifshitz [JETP 42, 1354 (1962)]. Moreover, if the temperature is very low, the system always gets stuck at short times in highly disordered metastable states with finite lifetime, which have been recently identified as glassy states. The finite size scaling properties of the different relaxation times involved, as well as their temperature dependency, are analyzed in detail.