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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(34): 22696-22705, 2024 Aug 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39161256


The Li+ ion mobility through the porous cathode is a critical aspect in the development of commercial Li-air batteries. The bulk transport properties of lithium salts in organic solvents are not reliable parameters for the design of this type of battery since confinement could significantly modify the transport properties, especially when pore diameters are below 10 nm. In this work, we studied the effect of the carbon mesostructure and surface charge on the diffusion of LiTf and LiTFSI salts dissolved in diglyme, typical electrolytes for lithium-air batteries. Interdiffusion coefficients of the salts were determined using a conductimetric method. NMR spectroscopy and relaxometry were used to explore the effect of the carbon structure and the surface charge density on the interaction between the electrolytes and the pore wall. We showed that carbon micro/mesoporous structure plays a critical role in the transport properties of the electrolyte, producing a decrease of up to 2-3 orders of magnitude in the salt interdiffusion coefficients when going from bulk solutions to pores below 4 nm in diameter. It was observed that for pores 25 nm in diameter, the reduction in the diffusion coefficient can be mainly ascribed to the porosity of the sample, giving tortuosity factors around 1. However, for smaller pore sizes (1-10 nm diameter) bigger tortuosity coefficients were observed and were related to strong ion-pore wall interactions. Moreover, it was noticed that the ratio between the diffusion coefficients of the two studied salts dissolved in diglyme, is different in bulk and under confinement, demonstrating that the interactions of the ions with the charged pore wall probably compete with the cation-anion interactions, affecting salt association under confinement.

J Phys Chem B ; 128(1): 312-328, 2024 Jan 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38146058


Diffusion of additives in polymers is an important issue in the plastics industry since migratory-type molecules are widely used to tune the properties of polymeric composites. Predicting the diffusional behavior of new additives can minimize the need for repetitive experiments. This work presents molecular dynamics simulations at the microsecond time scale and uses the MARTINI force field to estimate self-diffusion coefficients, D, of six monounsaturated amides and their analogs carboxylic acids in polyethylene matrices (PE, MW = 5600 Da). The results are strongly influenced by the glass-forming properties of the PE matrix, which we characterize by three distinct temperatures. The metastability region (T < 325 K), the glass transition temperature (Tg = 256-260 K), and the end of the transition (T ≅ 200 K). Self-diffusion mechanisms are inferred from the results of the dependence of D on the molecular mass of the additive, observing a Rouse-like behavior at high temperatures and deviations from it within the metastability region of the matrix. Interestingly, D values are nonsensitive to the nature of the considered polar head for additives of similar size. The temperature-dependent behavior of D follows, at fixed additive size, a linear Arrhenius pattern at high temperatures and a super Arrhenius trend at lower temperatures, which is well represented with a power law equation as predicted by the Mode Coupling Theory (MCT). We offer a conceptual explanation for the observed super-Arrhenius behavior. This explanation draws on Truhlar and Kohen's interpretation of the available energies at both the initial and the transition states along the diffusion pathway. The matrix's mobility significantly affects solute self-diffusion, yielding equal activation enthalpies for the Arrhenius region or the same power law parameters for the super-Arrhenius regime. Finally, we establish a one-to-one time-equivalence of the self-diffusion processes between CG and all-atom systems for the largest additives and the PE matrix in the high-temperature regime.

J Phys Chem B ; 126(36): 6985-6996, 2022 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36049076


It is well-known that the thermodynamic, kinetic and structural properties of fluids, and in particular of water and its solutions, can be drastically affected in nanospaces. A possible consequence of nanoscale confinement of a solution is the partial segregation of its components. Thereby, confinement in nanoporous materials (NPM) has been proposed as a means for the separation of mixtures. In fact, separation science can take great advantage of NPM due to the tunability of their properties as a function of nanostructure, morphology, pore size, and surface chemistry. Alcohol-water mixtures are in this context among the most relevant systems. However, a quantitative thermodynamic description allowing for the prediction of the segregation capabilities as a function of the material-solution characteristics is missing. In the present study we attempt to fill this vacancy, by contributing a thermodynamic treatment for the calculation of the partition coefficient in confinement. Combining the multilayer adsorption model for binary mixtures with the Young equation, we conclude that the liquid-vapor surface tension and the contact angle of the pure substances can be used to predict the separation ability of a particular material for a given mixture to a semiquantitative extent. Moreover, we develop a Kelvin-type equation that relates the partition coefficient to the radius of the pore, the contact angle, and the liquid-vapor surface tensions of the constituents. To assess the validity of our thermodynamic formulation, coarse grained molecular dynamics simulations were performed on models of alcohol-water mixtures confined in cylindrical pores. To this end, a coarse-grained amphiphilic molecule was parametrized to be used in conjunction with the mW potential for water. This amphiphilic model reproduces some of the properties of methanol such as enthalpy of vaporization and liquid-vapor surface tension, and the minimum of the excess enthalpy for the aqueous solution. The partition coefficient turns out to be highly dependent on the molar fraction, on the interaction between the components and the confining matrix, and on the radius of the pore. A remarkable agreement between the theory and the simulations is found for pores of radius larger than 15 Å.

J Phys Chem B ; 122(18): 4880-4890, 2018 05 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29660281


In this study, the solid-vapor equilibrium and the quasi liquid layer (QLL) of ice Ih exposing the basal and primary prismatic faces were explored by means of grand canonical molecular dynamics simulations with the monatomic mW potential. For this model, the solid-vapor equilibrium was found to follow the Clausius-Clapeyron relation in the range examined, from 250 to 270 K, with a Δ Hsub of 50 kJ/mol in excellent agreement with the experimental value. The phase diagram of the mW model was constructed for the low pressure region around the triple point. The analysis of the crystallization dynamics during condensation and evaporation revealed that, for the basal face, both processes are highly activated, and in particular cubic ice is formed during condensation, producing stacking-disordered ice. The basal and primary prismatic surfaces of ice Ih were investigated at different temperatures and at their corresponding equilibrium vapor pressures. Our results show that the region known as QLL can be interpreted as the outermost layers of the solid where a partial melting takes place. Solid islands in the nanometer length scale are surrounded by interconnected liquid areas, generating a bidimensional nanophase segregation that spans throughout the entire width of the outermost layer even at 250 K. Two approaches were adopted to quantify the QLL and discussed in light of their ability to reflect this nanophase segregation phenomena. Our results in the µVT ensemble were compared with NPT and NVT simulations for two system sizes. No significant differences were found between the results as a consequence of model system size or of the working ensemble. Nevertheless, certain advantages of performing µVT simulations in order to reproduce the experimental situation are highlighted. On the one hand, the QLL thickness measured out of equilibrium might be affected because of crystallization being slower than condensation. On the other, preliminary simulations of AFM indentation experiments show that the tip can induce capillary condensation over the ice surface, enlarging the apparent QLL.

J Phys Chem A ; 121(13): 2597-2602, 2017 Apr 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28282149


The incidence of charged particles on the nucleation and the stability of aqueous aggregates and aerosols was reported more than a century ago. Many studies have been conducted ever since to characterize the stability, structure, and nucleation barrier of ion-water droplets. Most of these studies have focused on the free-energy surface as a function of cluster size, with an emphasis on the role of ionic charge and radius. This knowledge is fundamental to go beyond the rudimentary ion-induced classical nucleation theory. In the present article, we address this problem from a different perspective, by computing the vapor pressures of (H2O)nLi+ and (H2O)nCl- aggregates using molecular simulations. Our calculations shed light on the structure, the critical size, the range of stability, and the role of ion-water interactions in aqueous clusters. Moreover, they allow one to assess the accuracy of the classical thermodynamic model, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 12(6): 2942-9, 2016 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27196963


The vapor pressure of water is a key property in a large class of applications from the design of membranes for fuel cells and separations to the prediction of the mixing state of atmospheric aerosols. Molecular simulations have been used to compute vapor pressures, and a few studies on liquid mixtures and solutions have been reported on the basis of the Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo method in combination with atomistic force fields. These simulations are costly, making them impractical for the prediction of the vapor pressure of complex materials. The goal of the present work is twofold: (1) to demonstrate the use of the grand canonical screening approach ( Factorovich , M. H. J. Chem. Phys. 2014 , 140 , 064111 ) to compute the vapor pressure of solutions and to extend the methodology for the treatment of systems without a liquid-vapor interface and (2) to investigate the ability of computationally efficient high-resolution coarse-grained models based on the mW monatomic water potential and ions described exclusively with short-range interactions to reproduce the relative vapor pressure of aqueous solutions. We find that coarse-grained models of LiCl and NaCl solutions faithfully reproduce the experimental relative pressures up to high salt concentrations, despite the inability of these models to predict cohesive energies of the solutions or the salts. A thermodynamic analysis reveals that the coarse-grained models achieve the experimental activity coefficients of water in solution through a compensation of severely underestimated hydration and vaporization free energies of the salts. Our results suggest that coarse-grained models developed to replicate the hydration structure and the effective ion-ion attraction in solution may lead to this compensation. Moreover, they suggest an avenue for the design of coarse-grained models that accurately reproduce the activity coefficients of solutions.

J Am Chem Soc ; 137(33): 10618-23, 2015 Aug 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26241823


Experimental and theoretical studies suggest that the hydrophobicity of chemically heterogeneous surfaces may present important nonlinearities as a function of composition. In this article, this issue is systematically explored using molecular simulations. The hydrophobicity is characterized by computing the contact angle of water on flat interfaces and the desorption pressure of water from cylindrical nanopores. The studied interfaces are binary mixtures of hydrophilic and hydrophobic sites, with and without the ability to form hydrogen bonds with water, intercalated at different scales. Water is described with the mW coarse-grained potential, where hydrogen-bonds are modeled in the absence of explicit hydrogen atoms, via a three-body term that favors tetrahedral coordination. We found that the combination of particles exhibiting the same kind of coordination with water gives rise to a linear dependence of contact angle with respect to composition, in agreement with the Cassie model. However, when only the hydrophilic component can form hydrogen bonds, unprecedented deviations from linearity are observed, increasing the contact angle and the vapor pressure above their values in the purely hydrophobic interface. In particular, the maximum enhancement is seen when a 35% of hydrogen bonding molecules is randomly scattered on a hydrophobic background. This effect is very sensitive to the heterogeneity length-scale, being significantly attenuated when the hydrophilic domains reach a size of 2 nm. The observed behavior may be qualitatively rationalized via a simple modification of the Cassie model, by assuming a different microrugosity for hydrogen bonding and non-hydrogen bonding interfaces.

J Chem Phys ; 140(6): 064111, 2014 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24527904


In this article we introduce a simple grand canonical screening (GCS) approach to accurately compute vapor pressures from molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo simulations. This procedure entails a screening of chemical potentials using a conventional grand canonical scheme, and therefore it is straightforward to implement for any kind of interface. The scheme is validated against data obtained from Gibbs ensemble simulations for water and argon. Then, it is applied to obtain the vapor pressure of the coarse-grained mW water model, and it is shown that the computed value is in excellent accord with the one formally deduced using statistical thermodynamics arguments. Finally, this methodology is used to calculate the vapor pressure of a water nanodroplet of 94 molecules. Interestingly, the result is in perfect agreement with the one predicted by the Kelvin equation for a homogeneous droplet of that size.