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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-885116


El embarazo tardío se refiere a la gestación que ocurre en el grupo de edad de 35 años o más. La resiliencia se define como la capacidad que un determinado sujeto o grupo tiene para pasar por una situación adversa, conseguir superarla y fortalecerse con ella. Se tuvo como objetivo general evaluar la resiliencia en gestantes tardías del municipio de Natal-RN. Investigación correlacional de corte transversal realizada con 150 gestantes tardías en Unidades Básicas de Salud. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: un Cuestionario estructurado y la Escala de Resiliencia. La mayoría de las gestantes presentó bajos ingresos y bajo nivel educativo, una media de edad por debajo de los 40 años, ademas la mayor parte de ellas no planeó el embarazo. La mayoría de las participantes obtuvo entre 126 y 175 puntos en la escala de resiliencia, lo que indica un grado elevado en este constructo. Sin embargo, solamente la variable de estado civíl presentó en la correlación de Pearson un valor negativo, con la variable de resiliencia.

Late-aged pregnancy occurs in the age of 35 or above. Resilience is characterized by the capacity of an individual or group to go through an adverse situation, to overcome it and become stronger, turning it into a stimulus for its or their biopsychosocial development. The general aim was to evaluate resilience amongst late- aged pregnant women from the municipality of Natal-RN. This is a descriptive and transversal cut's correlational research conducted along with 150 late-aged pregnant women in Basic Health Units. The instruments used were: a Structured Questionnare and the Resilience Scale. Most of the pregnant women showed low income and educational level, they had an age average below the 40's; besides that, most of them hadn't planned their pregnancy. Most of the participants had something between 126 and 175 points in the resilience scale which is an elevated indicator of highly degree in this area. Nevertheless, only the marital status presented a Pearson Correlation of the negative type, with a variable resilience.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-905628


Investigación transversal descriptiva y analítica con 160 mujeres embarazadas que fueron divididas en dos grupos según la edad, un grupo con 35 o más (tardías) y otro de 20-34 años (adultas jóvenes). Los objetivos fueron: caracterizar de forma sociodemográfica las gestantes pesquisadas y evaluar los indicadores de bienestar subjetivo (BS). Los resultados son presentados en forma de estadísticas descriptivas e inferenciales, conforme el tipo de datos. En general, las informaciones sociodemográficas fueron semejantes en los grupos, la variable número de embarazos anteriores y el tipo de anticonceptivo fueron mayor en las tardías. Las medias del bienestar subjetivo tuvieron valores próximos y los análisis de comparación no indicaron diferencias entre los grupos. La relevancia de esta investigación consiste en mostrar que en mujeres embarazadas con edad avanzada los datos estudiados fueron similares al de las adultas jóvenes.

Cross-sectional descriptive and analytic research with 160 pregnant women who were divided equally into two groups based on age, one group with 35 or more (late age pregnant women) and another 20-34 years (young adults). The objectives were: to characterize sociodemographic pregnant surveyed and assess the indicators of subjective well-being (SWB). The results are presented in the form of descriptive and inferential statistics, considering the type of data. Overall, the sociodemographic information of the groups was similar, the variable number of previous pregnancies and type of birth control were higher in the older group. The averages of subjective well-being were close and the analysis comparing the results do not indicate significant differences between the groups. The relevance of this research consists in showing that the pregnant women at the advanced age surveyed data were similar to the group of young adults.

Pesquisa de corte transversal descritivo e analítico com 160 grávidas que foram divididas equitativamente em dois grupos com base a faixa etária, um grupo com 35 anos ou mais (tardias) e outro de 20-34 anos (adultas jovens). Os objetivos foram: caracterizar sociodemograficamente as gestantes pesquisadas e avaliar os indicadores do bem-estar subjetivo (BES). Os resultados são apresentados na forma de estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais, considerando a tipologia dos dados. De forma geral, as informações sociodemográficas nos grupos apresentaram semelhanças, a variável número de gestações anteriores e tipo de anticoncepcional foram maiores nas tardias. As médias do bem-estar subjetivo foram próximas e as análises de comparação dos resultados intergrupos não sinalizaram diferenças. A relevância dessa pesquisa reside em demonstrar que nas gestantes tardias pesquisadas os dados estudados foram semelhantes ao grupo das adultas jovens.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-905665


Dado el significativo aumento de embarazadas con 35 o más años, el objetivo fue describir la percepción de embarazadas tardías. Participaron 80 mujeres embarazadas tardías atendidas en 19 centros de salud y 1 maternidad-escuela. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado con datos demográficos y gestacionales, al final había una declaración basada en la Técnica de Asociación Libre de Palabras, con ella se obtuvo las palabras que formaron la percepción de las embarazadas. Para analizar las palabras se usó el software EVOC2000 que proporcionó grupos de palabras conforme la frecuencia de las evocaciones. Las palabras fueron reorganizadas en categorías temáticas (afectos positivos y negativos y percepción del embarazo), basado en la técnica de Análisis de Contenido de Bardin. La mayoría de las palabras tuvo un contenido positivo, no fueron enfatizadas las dificultades enfrentadas por las participantes. La relevancia del estudio es presentar otros aspectos del fenómeno, además de los riesgos adversos.

Given the significant increase of pregnant women aged 35 years or older the aim was to describe the perception of late-aged pregnants. Eighty late-aged pregnant women assisted in healthcare units participated. A structured questionnaire with sociodemographic and pregnancy data was used. At the end, there was a statement based on the Word Free Association Test, aimed to obtain the words that comprised the perception of pregnants. The software EVOC2000 was used to analyze the words, that grouped them based on the frequency of the evocations. After that, these words were reorganized into thematic categories (affections - positive and negative and perception of pregnancy) based on the technique of Content Analysis of Bardin. The most of the words presented a positive content, not focusing the difficulties faced by the pregnants. This study is important because it relates to the perception of other aspects of this phenomenon, beyond the adverse risks.

Open Rheumatol J ; 8: 1-8, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24665352


BACKGROUND: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune, rheumatic inflammatory disease that can cause significant morbidity with evident psychological impacts and obvious harm to quality-of-life that require the patient to adapt treatment. OBJECTIVE: Assessment of resilience and the self-reported treatment adhesion behaviors of patients with SLE, investigating which of these factors are associated to resilience. METHOD: Cross-sectional study of 40 women with SLE. A questionnaire with social demographic data, health history and the Wagnild Young Resilience Scale were used. RESULTS: 62.5% followed the medical treatment properly but 55% found it difficult. 27.5% of the patients presented low resilience, 57.5% medium and 15% high resilience. Resilience was associated in the chi-square test (p-value < 0.05) with the variables work, understanding SLE, trying to find out about SLE, following the treatment correctly, difficulty in following the treatment and stopping some activity because of the disease. In the correlation analysis, resilience was associated with age (-0.3960), number of working hours (0.5533), specialized treatment duration (-0.8103) and disease duration from diagnosis (-0.8014). CONCLUSION: Patients with high resilience tended to follow treatment correctly, tried to understand the disease and adhered more to the treatment to avoid risks and promote protection factors. Therefore knowledge of resilience in patients with SLE is necessary. It is important that the state takes necessary actions to facilitate access to treatment, to educational programs and to medical support. Awareness and counselling sessions must be initiated to develop and promote individual capacities to learn how to tackle with the disease for which psychological support of family and doctors can play a significant role.