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J Community Psychol ; 50(1): 553-575, 2022 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34105786


The Program for Psychosocial Care and Comprehensive Health for Victims serves, on a yearly basis, an average of 25,000 users in northern Colombia alone. The program is implemented by multidisciplinary teams comprised of psychologists, social workers, and community facilitators, who step in at the individual, family, and community levels. An attempt has been made to determine the effect generated by the timeframe through which professionals have been engaged with the program-filling positions of centrality and betweenness within the networks of information exchange and user referral, including the potential mediating effect from the structure of the egocentric network of implementers in the two aforementioned networks and the moderating effect of the sense of belonging to a team of professionals. Both centrality and betweenness are positional measures describing the location actors occupied within the network structure. Centrality reflects the nominations made and receipt by an actor in a network and is considered an individual indicator of prominence and power. Betweenness shows the times that an actor act as a bridge among two actors in a network and it is considered an indicator of strategic positioning in social networks. An egocentric network is the local structure of relationships that each implementer maintains with his or her direct contacts. In this study, 112 active implementers were included, mostly women (n = 97, 88.2%), who had been working on the program for 16.9 months on average (SD = 14.7). Through conditional process analysis, it has been shown that the time that the implementers have been working on the program and the sense of belonging to the task team are relevant factors that interact with each other toward explaining the level of centrality and betweenness of professionals in the information exchange and user referral networks.

Encaminhamento e Consulta , Rede Social , Colômbia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino
Psicol. Caribe ; 35(2): 145-155, mayo-ago. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002835


Resumen Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que se propuso analizar la emergencia de recursos familiares para afrontar la situación adversa del desplazamiento forzado, realizada en el departamento de Sucre, durante los años 2012 a 2014. Inicialmente, buscó determinar relaciones entre 'competencias parentales' y 'capacidades resilientes' en infantes. Posteriormente, se buscó comprender los recursos familiares que emergen en medio de la adversidad. Los resultados revelan correlaciones entre competencias parentales y capacidades resilientes de los infantes y la presencia de recursos familiares para manejar el riesgo del desplazamiento. Se configuró una metodología de carácter mixto, partiendo de un diseño correlacionai y luego se utilizaron las narrativas familiares desde el pensamiento hermenêutico de Paul Ricoeur. Se logró la conceptualización de algunos recursos familiares tales como: vínculos y redes y ocio compartido, los cuales fueron emergiendo de los datos empíricos, y pueden ser de utilidad para la puesta en acción de futuros modelos de intervención a familias en riesgo.

Abstract This article presents the results of a study that aimed to analyze the emergence of family resources to face the adverse situation of forced displacement, conducted in the department of Sucre, Colombia, during the years 2012-2014. Originally, it suggested to determine relationships between parenting skills and Infants Resilient Capacity. Subsequently, we sought to understand the family resources that emerge in the midst of adversity. The results reveal correlations between parental skills and infants resilient capabilities, and the presence of family resources to manage the risk of displacement. A methodology of mixed character was set, based on a correlation design, and then the family narratives were used from the hermeneutical thinking of Paul Ricoeur. We managed to conceptualize some family managed resources such as links and networks, and shared leisure, which emerged from empirical data and may be useful for setting in motion future models of intervention to families at risk.

Psicol. Caribe ; 30(3): 620-641, set.-dic. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-700521


En este artículo se hace una revisión analítica de los fundamentos teóricos y prácticos de la Investigación Narrativa. Para ello se inicia respondiendo al interrogante sobre qué es la investigación narrativa como fenómeno que ha venido ganando espacio en el campo de las ciencias sociales; luego se hace un repaso de los principios teóricos de la investigación narrativa, diferenciando dos posiciones epistemológicas: la posición realista, más convencional y común en los estudios cualitativos, y la posición relativista, más novedosa y que algunos consideran como distintiva de la investigación narrativa. A partir de estos supuestos básicos se profundiza en las características de la investigación narrativa, con especial atención a las particularidades propias de la posición relativista. Se finaliza con una panorámica de las posibles aplicaciones de la investigación narrativa en la Psicología, citando diversos trabajos que ilustran la aplicación de esta forma de investigación en dicho campo.

In this article we made an analytic revision of both theoretical and practical fundamentals of Narrative research; to make this possible, it starts answering the question about what Narrative research is as a phenomenon that has been gaining space in the Social Studies field. Then, a review is made of the theoretical principles of Narrative Research differentiating two epistemological positions: realistic position, which is more conventional and common in qualitative studies, and relativist position, that is newer and considered as the distinctive one of Narrative Research. From these two basic assumptions, it goes deeper into the characteristics of Narrative Research, with special attention to the particularities characteristic of the relativist position. It ends with a panorama of the possible applications of Narrative Research in Psychology, taking into account various works that illustrate the application of this research form in that field.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 11(1): 63-77, ene.-jun. 2013. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-677498


En este artículo hacemos una revisión analítica acerca de las teorías surgidas en las últimas tres décadas alrededor de la capacidad que poseen los niños y las niñas para afrontar situaciones adversas. Realizamos un recorrido por las definiciones del concepto, clasificándolas según la relación que hacen los distintos autores y autoras con los conceptos de adaptabilidad, capacidad y competencia. Identificamos dos momentos en la evolución teórica del enfoque y analizamos los fundamentos psicológicos, los factores de personalidad, y el temperamento, como categorías asociadas al concepto Resiliencia. Recogemos las implicaciones prácticas en programas que promueven la construcción de la Resiliencia, basados en el reconocimiento de la importancia de los entornos -familia, comunidad, Estado- en interacción continua con el individuo. Explicitamos elementos comunes en los programas que se han desarrollado en países como Perú, Argentina y Brasil.

in this article an analytic revision is made on the theories that developed during the last three decades around the capacity that boys and girls have to face adverse situations. It considers the different definitions of the concept, classifying them according to the relationship different authors make about concepts of adaptability, capacity and competence. Two moments on the theoretical evolution of the approach were identified and the psychological fundamentals, personality factors and temper were analyzed as categories associated with the concept of resilience. The practical implications for programs and projects that promote the construction of resilience are gathered, based on the knowledge of the importance of the spheres of family, community and state, in continuous interaction with the individual. Common elements in programs developed in countries as Peru, Argentina and Brazil are explained.

neste artigo fazemos uma revisão analítica das teorías surgidas nas últimas três décadas sobre a capacidade que têm as crianças para se defrontarem com situações adversas. Realizamos uma busca pelas definições do conceito, clasificando-as segundo a relação que fazem diferentes autores e autoras com os conceitos de adaptabilidade, capacidade e competência. Identificamos dois momentos na evolução teórica do enfoque e analizamos os fundamentos psicológicos, os fatores de personalidade e o temperamento, como categorías associadas ao conceito de Resiliência. Buscamos as implicações práticas em programas que promovem a construção da Resiliência, baseados no reconhecimento da importância dos entornos-familia, comunidade, Estado - em interação contínua com o indivíduo. Explicitamos elementos comuns em países como Perú, Argentina e Brasil.

Personalidade , Temperamento , Complacência (Medida de Distensibilidade)
Psicol. Caribe ; 29(2): 456-482, Jan.-Dec. 2012. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-659444


En este artículo se presenta el concepto de Competencias Parentales y se revisan sus desarrollos actuales y posibles aplicaciones en situaciones de riesgo psicosocial, especialmente en la situación de desplazamiento forzado. Se basa en un enfoque de la resiliencia que explica cómo las capacidades de las personas se activan en condiciones de adversidad; así mismo, la parentalidad sana puede resurgir en circunstancias difíciles cuando de proteger a los más pequeños se trata. Se hace una revisión del término "parentalidad", sus cambios y transformaciones de acuerdo con los contextos donde esta se despliega. Es imprescindible incluir una línea temática de promoción de las competencias de los padres en los programas de desarrollo familiar en contextos de riesgo. La revisión sobre estrategias de evaluación en intervención de la competencia parental sirve de guía para la promoción de los buenos tratos a la infancia.

The concept of parental competence is presented in this article, revising its current development and possible applications in risky psychosocial situations, especially in forced displacement situation. It is based on the resilience approach that explains how people's capacities are activated on adverse conditions; so does sane parenting can come out in difficult times when it is about protecting the youngest. A revision of the term parenting is done, its changes and transformations according to the contexts it is spreaded. It is vital to include a promotion thematic line on parents' competences in the family development programs in risky contexts. The revision about evaluation and intervention strategies of parental competence serves as a guide for promoting a good treatment to children.