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Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;110(3): 101-106, 20240000. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1572224


Describir las características clínicas de un grupo de pacientes con abstinencia moderada/grave tratados con dexmedetomidina de forma adyuvante al tratamiento con benzodiacepinas. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo a partir de los registros de historia clínica donde se seleccionó 11 casos que cursaron con diagnóstico de abstinencia alcohólica y que requirieron tratamiento con dexmedetomidina como adyuvante a benzodiacepinas entre el año 2018 y 2022. Las variables de resultado principal dosis máxima diaria alcanzada de dexmedetomidina, dosis total recibida de dexmedetomidina, días de tratamiento con dexmedetomina y días de internación en Unidad de Terapia Intensiva /Unidad de emergencias. Resultados. Once pacientes cumplieron con los criterios de este estudio los cuales recibieron dexmedetomidina en infusión continua durante un promedio de 4,8 días. La dosis máxima que recibieron de forma diaria presentó una media de 1526.18 microgramos. El 27% necesitaron más 7500 microgramos en total durante la internación. Durante la internación, 7 pacientes (63%) intercurrieron con complicaciones. Conclusiones. Puede considerarse a la dexmedetomidina como una opción eficaz en el tratamiento de abstinencia alcohólica

To describe the clinical characteristics of a group of patients with moderate/severe withdrawal treated with dexmedetomidine as an adjunct to treatment with benzodiazepines. Methods. A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out from the clinical history record where 11 cases were selected that were diagnosed with alcohol withdrawal and that required treatment with dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to benzodiazepines between 2018 and 2022. The main outcome variables were maximum dose. daily dose of dexmedetomidine reached, total dose of dexmedetomidine received, days of treatment with dexmedetomidine and days of hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit /Emergency Unit. Results. Eleven patients met the criteria for this study who received continuous infusion of dexmedetomidine for an average of 4.8 days. The maximum dose they received on a daily basis presented an average of 1526.18 micrograms. 27% needed more than 7500 micrograms in total during hospitalization. During hospitalization, 7 patients (63%) had complications. Conclusions. Dexmedetomidine can be considered as an effective option in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal

Humanos , Síndrome de Abstinência a Substâncias/terapia , Dexmedetomidina/uso terapêutico , Consumo Excessivo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/terapia , Abstinência de Álcool
Acta toxicol. argent ; 31(2): 3-3, set. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568767


Resumen Las rayas del género Potamotrygon son peces con forma dorsoventral aplanada. Son animales tranquilos, que solo atacan al ser agredidos o amenazados. Poseen en su cola estructuras punzantes, conocidas como espinas, envueltas por una vaina tegumentaria con tejidos secretores de componentes tóxicos. Suelen permanecer quietos en aguas superficiales, ocultos bajo arena o barro, lo que facilita su contacto accidental con humanos, con la probable generación de lesiones, al utilizar su cola hacia arriba y adelante en forma de látigo. Las lesiones son más frecuentes en hombres, en los meses estivales y en los miembros inferiores, seguidos por los miembros superiores. La lesión se asocia a dolor urente, casi inmediato y de gran intensidad, por el efecto traumático generado por las espinas, la persistencia de las mismas o sus fragmentos y por el efecto químico generado por sus toxinas. En ocasiones se asocia a la formación de necrosis y úlceras profundas o reacción granulomatosa por cuerpo extraño, con requerimientos de desbridamiento quirúrgico. Las lesiones fatales son infrecuentes y pueden resultar de una lesión torácica penetrante, laceraciones cervicales, compromiso de vía aérea, heridas vasculares o infecciones. Se deben realizar estudios de imágenes para evidenciar restos de la espina. La herida debe ser higienizada y se debe retirar la espina o sus fragmentos a la brevedad y sumergir el área lesionada en agua tan caliente como el paciente pueda tolerar, por 30 a 90 minutos, buscando disminuir el dolor y generar vasodilatación, junto con la analgesia y cobertura antibiótica y antitetánica. Se presentan tres casos de pacientes con lesiones por raya de río, dos de ellos por Potamotrygon brachyura, especie endémica del río de La Plata y el tercero por una raya no identificada. Se expone además una revisión bibliográfica a fin de remarcar la importancia de su diagnóstico temprano y su correcto abordaje.

Abstract The rays of the Potamotrygon genus are fish with a dorsoventrally flattened shape. They are calm animals that only attack when are provoked or threatened. They have sharp structures in their tail, known as spines, wrapped by a tegumentary sheath with tissues that secrete toxic components. They typically remain still in shallow waters, concealed under sand or mud, which increases accidental human contact. This contact can lead to injuries, as they whip their tail upwards and forwards. Injuries are more common in males during summer months, often affecting lower limbs followed by upper limbs. Injuries are characterized by immediate intense burning pain due to trauma from the spine or its fragments and chemical effects from its toxins. Occasionally, injuries lead to necrosis, deep ulcers, or foreign body granulomatous reactions requiring surgical debridement. Fatal injuries are rare but can result from thoracic penetration, cervical lacerations, airway compromise, vascular wounds, or infections. Imaging studies are necessary to detect spine remnants. Wounds should be cleaned, and spines or fragments removed promptly. The affected area should be immersed in water, as hot as tolerable for 30 to 90 minutes to reduce pain, induce vasodilation, and must supplemented with analgesia, antibiotic coverage, and tetanus prophylaxis. Three cases of river stingray injuries are presented, two from Potamotrygon brachyura, an endemic species of the Rio de la Plata river, and one from an unidentified ray. Additionally, a literature review emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and proper management.

Acta toxicol. argent ; 31(1): 5-5, abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556761


Resumen Se describirán y verán imágenes de 3 especies vegetales tóxicas (Asclepia, Alocasia y Ricino) comunes de encontrar en paisajes urbanos (jardines, parques, terrenos baldíos, viveros). Por su apariencia atractiva y accesibilidad resultan en contactos o ingestas accidentales en niños, incluso en animales domésticos. Sus principios activos pueden causar cuadros clínicos de variable severidad. Resulta importante la identificación de estas especies para facilitar el diagnóstico y el tratamiento a la hora de la consulta.

Abstract Images of 3 toxic plant species (Asclepia, Alocasia and Castor) that are common to be found in urban landscapes (gardens, parks, vacant lots, plant shops or greenhouses) will be described and seen. Due to their attractive appearance and accessibility, they result in accidental contact or ingestion in children, even in domestic animals. Its xenobiotics can cause poisonings of variable severity. It is important to identify these species to facilitate diagnosis and treatment at the time of consultation.

Vertex ; 34(162): 7-15, 2023 12 30.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38197627


Introduction: The objective of our study was to estimate the prevalence of prenatal exposure to drugs and the neonatal impact. Material and methods: Prospective, observational, cross-sectional and analytical study of pregnant women and newborns admitted between March and September 2021. To estimate the prevalence of consumption, the survey and detection of drugs in maternal urine were used as a detection method. Results: Alcohol consumption had a prevalence of 46.32%, followed by tobacco with 12.12%, marijuana with 5.62% and cocaine with 4.76%. The weight of newborns with mothers with urine positive for some substance was significantly lower than the weight of newborns with mothers with negative urine (mean ± SE of 2800±184gr vs 3332±41gr and median ± MAD of 2950±380gr vs 3385± 335g p 0.002). Gestational age was also significantly lower in neonates with mothers with positive urine (38.00 vs 39.00 p 0.002). Although the prevalence of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), malformations, and prematurity was higher in those cases with positive urine, the difference did not become statistically significant. Conclusions: The prevalence of substance and alcohol use during pregnancy was high with a statistically significant impact on exposed newborns for both weight and gestational age.

Introducción: El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue estimar la prevalencia de exposición prenatal a drogas y el impacto neonatal. Materiales y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, observacional, transversal y analítico de embarazadas y recién nacidos ingresados entre marzo y septiembre del 2021. Para estimar la prevalencia de consumo se utilizaron como métodos de detección la encuesta y la detección de drogas en orina materna. Resultados: El consumo de alcohol tuvo una prevalencia del 46.32%, seguido por el tabaco con el 12.12%, la marihuana con el 5.62% y la cocaína con el 4.76%. El peso de los neonatos con madres con orina positiva para alguna sustancia fue significativamente menor que el peso de los neonatos con madres con orina negativa (media ± ES de 2800±184gr vs 3332±41gr y mediana ± DAM de 2950±380gr vs 3385±335gr p 0.002). La edad gestacional también fue significativamente menor en neonatos con madres con orina positiva (38.00 vs 39.00 p 0.002). Si bien la prevalencia de retardo en el crecimiento intrauterino (RCIU), de malformaciones y de prematurez fue superior en aquellos casos con orinas positivas, la diferencia no llegó a ser estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de consumo de sustancias y alcohol durante el embarazo fue elevada con una repercusión estadísticamente significativa en los recién nacidos expuestos tanto para el peso como para la edad gestacional.

Acta toxicol. argent ; 30(2): 107-113, set. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439160


Resumen La "dermatitis por Paederus", es una dermatitis vesicante secundaria al contacto con coleópteros de este género. Se describen más de 600 especies de Paederus, con predominio en áreas tropicales y subtropicales, varias de ellas se asocian a dermatitis. Al ser apretado o aplastado contra la piel, la hemolinfa que contiene paederina, lesiona la epidermis, por medio del bloqueo de la mitosis de células epiteliales basales y células suprabasales. Se exponen tres casos clínicos dermatológicos con lesiones características compatibles con "dermatitis por Paederus". Se realiza además una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema, a fin de exponer los puntos más importantes de esta patología de gran interés médico y que representa en muchas ocasiones desafíos diagnósticos.

Summary "Paederus dermatitis" is a vesicant dermatitis secondary to contact with this beetle. There are more than 600 species of Paederus described, with a predominance in tropical and subtropical areas, some of these are associated with dermatitis. When they are pressed or crushed against the skin, releases secretions with pederin, that causes an injury in the epidermis, by mitosis blocking of basal and suprabasal epithelial cells. This article describes three dermatological clinical cases with charac-teristic lesions compatible with "Paederus dermatitis". In addition a bibliographic review is presented in order to expose the most important points of this medical interest pathology, that frequently represents diagnostic challenges.

Humanos , Masculino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Dermatite de Contato/diagnóstico , Amidas/intoxicação , Amidas/toxicidade , Besouros
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;108(5): 251-261, 20220000. fig, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1392605


"Body packing", "Body pushing" y "Body stuffing" son distintas formas de transportar sustancias ilegales dentro del cuerpo humano. Frente al ingreso en la unidad de emergencias de un "Body Packer", conocido como "tragador de paquetes" con fines de contrabando o un "Body Stuffer" llamados "tragadores rápidos", quienes ingieren en forma compulsiva paquetes manufacturados para la venta de sustancias ante la posibilidad de ser sorprendidos por agentes de la ley; se plantean una serie de desafíos en cuanto al tratamiento que al día de hoy permanecen en debate. Generalmente se prefiere mantener una conducta conservadora facilitando la expulsión de los paquetes. En aquellos casos en los que los pacientes presenten paquetes atascados o rotos o no mejoren con el tratamiento conservador, se recomienda el tratamiento quirúrgico.El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo reportar una serie de casos internados por ingesta de paquetes potencialmente peligrosos que se sometieron a una evacuación farmacológica y/o quirúrgica en 8 pacientes y una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema.

"Body packing", "Body pushing", and "Body stuffing" are different ways to use the interior of the human body to transport illegal substances. In the face of a "Body Packer" or a "Body Stuffer" known as "fast swallowers", which are those cases in which they compulsively swallow manufactured packages for the sale of substances before the possibility of being surprised by law enforcement officers, a series of challenges present themselves regarding the treatment, which is currently up for debate. Generally, a conservative conduct is preferred, facilitating the expulsion of the packages. In those cases, in which patients have stuck or broken packages or do not improve with conservative treatment, surgical treatment is recommended.The present paper aims to report a series of cases in which the patients were admitted due to an intake of potentially dangerous packages and put through a pharmacological evacuation and/or surgical evacuation of 8 patients, and a bibliographical revision on the subject.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Intoxicação/mortalidade , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias/mortalidade , Emergências , Transporte Intracorporal de Contrabando , Laparotomia
Acta toxicol. argent ; 29(3): 121-126, dic. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374204


Resumen Nicotiana glauca también llamada Palán Palán, es un arbusto con hojas verdes azuladas y despulidas y una flor amarilla tubular pendulante que presenta alcaloides piridínicos, como nicotina, nornicotina, anatabina y anabastina (análogo estructural de la Nicotina). Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente de 50 años con cuadro agudo de debilidad muscular generalizada que evoluciona con paro respiratorio, tras la ingesta accidental de una cantidad desconocida de hojas de Nicotiana glauca, cultivadas en una huerta hogareña mediante técnica de hidroponía y confundidas por su conviviente con espinaca. Presentó aumento de lactato y Troponina Ultra Sensible e Hipoquinesia Global de Ventrículo Izquierdo en el ecocardiograma, compatible con Aton tamiento Miocárdico (AM), que evolucionó favorablemente. Si bien hay pocos reportes, se han informado muertes de animales y humanos, tras la ingesta accidental de Nicotiana glauca. El inicio del cuadro es rápido, con patrón bifásico, con vómitos y estímulo simpático, seguido por bloqueo ganglionar y neuromuscular, pudiendo presentar paro respiratorio, shock, convulsiones y coma. El AM es una disfunción miocárdica prolongada con retorno gradual de la actividad contráctil, posterior a un episodio breve de isquemia grave, puede ser asintomático, pudiendo presentar alteraciones en el electrocardiograma, enzimas cardíacas o ecocardiograma. Generalmente presenta pronóstico favorable, pudiendo presentar insuficiencia cardíaca ante patologías concurrentes o aumento de requerimientos de oxígeno.

Abstract Nicotiana glauca is a shrub with bluish green leaves and a pendulous tubular yellow flower. It has pyridine alkaloids, such as nicotine, nornicotine, anatabine and anabastine (structural analog of Nicotine). We present the case of a 50 years old pa- tient with acute generalized muscle weakness that evolves to respiratory arrest, after accidentally ingesting an unknown quantity of Nicotiana glauca leaves, grown in a home vegetable garden, using a hydroponic technique and confused by her cohabiting with spinach. She presented increased lactate and Ultra Sensitive Troponin and Left Ventricular Global Hypokinesia in the echo- cardiogram, compatible with Myocardial Stunned, that it evolved favorably. There are few reports, animal and human deaths have been reported following accidental ingestion of Nicotiana glauca. The onset of the symptoms is early, with a biphasic pattern, with vomiting and sympathetic stimulation, followed by ganglionic and neuromuscular blockage and may present respiratory arrest, shock, seizures and coma. Myocardial Stunned is a prolonged myocardial dysfunction with gradual return of contractile activity after a brief episode of severe ischemia, it can be asymptomatic, and it can present alterations in the electrocardiogram, cardiac enzymes or echocardiogram. Generally presents a benign prognosis, being able to present heart failure with concurrent patholo- gies or increased requirements.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Intoxicação/complicações , Intoxicação/diagnóstico , Intoxicação/terapia , Nicotiana/efeitos adversos , Miocárdio Atordoado/epidemiologia , Alcaloides/efeitos adversos , Alcaloides/farmacologia , Intoxicação/epidemiologia , Nicotiana/anatomia & histologia , Alcaloides/classificação
Acta toxicol. argent ; 29(3): 127-132, dic. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374205


Resumen Dentro de las formas alternativas de consumo de tabaco, se describe el uso de pipas de agua (también llamadas hookah, shisha o narguile) como implementos de uso. Esta forma de uso es una forma emergente en nuestro medio, con uso en estudiantes universitarios y secundarios. Debido a que utiliza carbón para quemar el tabaco, junto a largos períodos de uso, presenta riesgo de intoxicación por monóxido de carbono, especialmente si se utiliza en ambientes cerrados. En este artículo presentamos el caso de una paciente femenina de 19 años, quién fue traída al hospital con una intoxicación grave por monóxi do de carbono secundaria a uso de pipa de agua, requiriendo tratamiento con oxígeno en cámara hiperbárica. Realizamos una revisión de la bibliografía.

Abstract Amongst the alternative ways of tobacco use, water pipes (also called hookah, shisha or narghile) have been used as implements. This type of use is an emergent one in our environment, being used by high school and college students. Due to the use of charcoal as a way to burn the tobacco, and the long using times it presents, the users are at risk of being poisoned by carbon monoxide, especially if they smoke in enclosed spaces. In this paper, we present the case of a 19-year-old female patient, who was brought to the hospital with a severe case of carbon monoxide poisoning, requiring treatment with oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber. We make a review of the literature.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Intoxicação por Monóxido de Carbono/complicações , Intoxicação por Monóxido de Carbono/diagnóstico , Intoxicação por Monóxido de Carbono/terapia , Cachimbos de Água , Fumaça/efeitos adversos , Intoxicação por Monóxido de Carbono/prevenção & controle , Intoxicação por Monóxido de Carbono/epidemiologia
Acta toxicol. argent ; 29(1): 5-7, abr. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360065


Resumen El género Bothrops (yarará) es responsable de más del 95% de los accidentes por ofidios venenosos en Argentina. La mayoría de éstos son notificados en provincias del Nordeste y Noroeste. Bothrops alternatus, es la especie más frecuentementehallada, siendo el vipérido de gran talla más meridional del mundo y una de las especies de mayor importancia sanitaria en Argentina, pudiendo hallarse en relación a núcleos urbanos. Presentan en el dorso figuras arriñonadas características, que remedan atubos de teléfono o porotos unidos, completos o incompletos, hasta la forma fusionada. Presenta foseta loreal, órgano termore-ceptor ubicado entre el ojo y la fosa nasal. Su dentición es solenoglifa, dientes inoculadores huecos, con conducto cerrado, fijosa un hueso maxilar móvil. Si bien se describen variaciones entre animales, se considera una especie monotípica. Su identificaciónes importante dada la abundancia de especímenes y de hallazgos en regiones periurbanas.

Abstract The Bothrops genus is responsible for more than 95% of ophidian accidents in Argentina, most of these are reported in the Northeast and Northwest provinces. Bothrops alternatus, is the most frequent species of the genus Bothrops (yarará), themost southern large-scale viperid in the world and one of the most important species in Argentina, being able to be found in rela-tion to urban nucleus. Their characteristic features are kidney-like figures in the skin, that mimic phone tubes or beans, completeor incomplete, until the merged form. It presents a loreal pit, thermoreceptor organ located between the eye and the nostril. Itsdentition is solenoglyphous, hollow inoculating teeth, with closed duct, fixed to a mobile maxillary bone. Although variationsbetween animals are described, it is considered a monotypic species. The identification of this snake is important due their abun-dance in around urban regions and its frequency of finding.

Animais , Bothrops/anatomia & histologia , Argentina , Mordeduras de Serpentes , Venenos de Víboras
Acta toxicol. argent ; 29(1): 11-29, abr. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360067


Resumen Las picaduras por alacranes pueden producir cuadros de intoxicación aguda y conducir a la muerte por falla cardíaca y distrés respiratorio, siendo la población pediátrica la de mayor riesgo, tanto en Argentina como en el resto del mundo. Muchasde las especies de escorpiones en el mundo son sinantrópicas, y en Argentina, las que se han relacionado con muertes, comoTityus trivittatus y Tityus confluens, poseen esas características. La sinantropía, aumenta la posibilidad de contacto humano -escorpión y por lo tanto la ocurrencia de accidentes, por lo que las medidas de prevención en este caso, deben tomarse no soloconductualmente sino ambientalmente para evitar ese contacto. Las características biológicas de los escorpiones del géneroTityus dificultan las labores de prevención. Muchas son las herramientas para disminuir el contacto con los escorpiones y de esamanera prevenir los accidentes como los controles químicos, biológicos y ambientales, así como la búsqueda y eliminación deescorpiones. Sin embargo, no todas son efectivas si no son aplicadas racionalmente y si no son combinadas. En ocasiones lamala planificación o uso de las diferentes medidas para el combate de escorpiones pueden ser contraproducentes y no solo serinefectivas sino aumentar la probabilidad de ocurrencia de accidentes. En esta revisión se exponen los diferentes métodos deprevención del escorpionismo, con especial referencia a las especies de Tityus de Argentina.

Abstract Scorpion stings may produce acute envenoming and lead to death from heart failure and respiratory distress, being the pediatric population that with the highest risk of severe envenomation and death, in Argentina as in the rest of the world. Manyof the scorpion species in the world are synanthropic, including Tityus trivittatus and Tityus confluens, which are responsible forhuman deaths in Argentina. Synanthropy increases the possibility of human-scorpion contact and therefore the occurrence ofaccidents, so preventive measures to avoid the contact must be taken not only behaviorally but environmentally. The biologi-cal characteristics of scorpions of the genus Tityus make prevention of the contact with humans rather difficult. There are manychemical, biological and environmental tools to reduce the possibility of contact between humans and scorpions. However, notall these measures are effective if they are not rationally applied and if these are not combined. Sometimes the poor planningor use of different measures to control scorpions' population can be counterproductive and not only ineffective, increasing theprobability of accidents. In this review, we discuss the different methods of prevention and combat of scorpionism, with specialreference to the prevention of accidents with Tityus species from Argentina.

Humanos , Animais , Escorpiões , Picadas de Escorpião/prevenção & controle , /métodos , Argentina , Controle Biológico de Vetores/métodos , Fumigação , Saneamento de Residências , Inseticidas
Rev. argent. reumatolg. (En línea) ; 31(4): 7-7, dic. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1288204


La búsqueda constante para mejorar la calidad de vida de la población nos conduce a la obtención de medicamentos para así prevenir y tratar mejor las enfermedades. En esa búsqueda, sustancias ya conocidas por otras propiedades, adquieren relevancia cuando puede demostrarse su efectividad para mejorar la evolución de algunas patologías. Con motivo de la promulgación de la Ley de Uso Medicinal de la Planta de Cannabis y su actual reglamentación, la problemática en el uso de los derivados de la misma en el tratamiento de afecciones médicas dolo- rosas y enfermedades autoinmunes adquiere particular importancia. En ese sentido es oportuno que las sociedades médicas en general y en este caso, la Sociedad Argentina de Reumatología en particular, dé lugar a un espacio de publicación y discusión de este tema. En esta edición, Scublinsky D et al publican un estudio realizado sobre la conducta de los médicos frente a la prescripción de cannabis terapéutico. Resulta de interés saber lo que piensan los médicos por ser los efectores directos de la Salud y a quienes más escuchan los pacientes. También en esta edición se presenta una puesta al día del tema con la evidencia disponible y la discusión del tema, que resulta interesante su lectura.

Cannabis , Dor , Autoimunidade
Toxicon ; 188: 27-38, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33007351


Samples of Apis mellifera mellifera venom from different hives in two regions of the Buenos Aires province and its pool were analyzed for their lethal potency, myotoxic, defibrinogenating, hemolytic and inflammatory-edematizing activity and for the histological alterations they produce in the heart, lungs, kidneys, skeletal muscle and liver of mice. In vitro studies focused on the venom's hemolytic activity in different systems and species (horse, man, sheep and rabbit), the cytotoxicity in cellular lines, and on the proteolytic and coagulant activity in plasma and fibrinogen. Hemolytic activity, either observed in vitro or in vivo, showed similar toxicity levels for all samples. Erythrocytes of different species varied in their sensitivity to the venom pool, equines being the most sensitive and sheep the most resistant to direct hemolytic action. Local and systemic myotoxicity was evidenced by either the elevation of serum creatine kinase and/or histopathological lesions, observed in different muscles. All samples caused significant pathological alterations; pulmonary, cardiac, renal and skeletal muscle lesions were substantive and can be related to the pathophysiological mechanisms of envenomation. The venoms from different apiaries and regions of the Buenos Aires province showed very similar toxicological characteristics. These results suggest that severity of envenomation in case of a swarming could therefore be more related to the number of bees than to the differential toxicity of the venom from different regions of the province. This is the first study on the toxicity and toxicological characteristics of Apis mellifera venom in Argentina.

Venenos de Abelha , Abelhas , Animais , Argentina
Acta toxicol. argent ; 27(3): 109-119, Dec. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149064


Se ha observado la presencia de especies de Tityus en diferentes regiones del país, en las cuales su presencia no había sido comunicada previamente: 1- Tityus bahiensis en las provincias de Entre Ríos y Buenos Aires, en esta última en la localidad de Lanús y en San Clemente del Tuyú, y 2- Tityus confluens en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA) y en la provincia de Buenos Aires en las localidades de Pilar, La Plata, Mar del Plata y Bahía Blanca. Estos hallazgos modifican el mapa de la distribución de escorpiones de importancia sanitaria en Argentina por lo que ante la picadura de escorpiones deben considerarse estos nuevos hallazgos. Esto es especialmente importante en el ámbito de la CABA y la provincia de Buenos Aires, en donde la enorme mayoría de los accidentes por escorpiones han sido causados por T. trivittatus y en donde ahora, al menos en algunas de sus regiones se pueden encontrar T. confluens y T. bahiensis. Se discuten posibles razones de esta nueva distribución así como la ocurrencia de accidentes graves en zonas donde no ocurrían históricamente y de sus posibles causas. En base a los casos graves producidos en los últimos tiempos y a este nuevo mapa de distribución, se hace énfasis en la necesidad de capacitación al personal de salud en general y de los médicos de guardia y terapistas en particular, para tratar adecuadamente los accidentes por escorpiones.

Several species of Tityus have been described in regions of Argentina where their presence had not been previously described. These are: 1- Tityus bahiensis in the provinces of Entre Ríos and Buenos Aires (in the localities of Lanús and San Clemente del Tuyú), and 2- Tityus confluens in the city of Buenos Aires and in the province of Buenos Aires in the localities of Pilar, La Plata, Mar del Plata and Bahía Blanca. These findings modify the distribution map of scorpions of sanitary importance in Argentina, reason for which this new distribution must be considered when facing a scorpion sting. This is especially important in the city of Buenos Aires and the province of Buenos Aires, where most of the accidents by scorpions are caused by Tityus trivittatus, and where at least in some of their regions, T. confluens or T. bahiensis can be found at present. The possible reasons of this new distribution, as well as the possible causes for the occurrence of severe envenomations in regions where these were not observed historically, are discussed. Based on the severe envenomations observed and on this new distribution map, emphasis is placed on the need to capacitate health personnel in general and intensivists or critical care physicians in particular to adequately treat scorpion accidents.

Humanos , Animais , Venenos de Escorpião/toxicidade , Escorpiões/classificação , Antivenenos/uso terapêutico , Distribuição Animal , Argentina/epidemiologia , Saúde Pública , Picadas de Escorpião/tratamento farmacológico , Picadas de Escorpião/terapia , Picadas de Escorpião/epidemiologia
Toxicon ; 159: 5-13, 2019 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30611824


Envenomation by scorpions of the genus Tityus is an important public health problem in Argentina, involving near 8000 stings and 2 deaths each year. Treatment for envenomation is the use of specific antivenom and intensive hospital care. Antivenom is produced by the Ministry of Health and freely distributed throughout the country. For antivenom production it is necessary to collect scorpion venom, which is a difficult task because although scorpions can be found in Argentina, they are less abundant than in warmer latitudes. For this reason venom collection constitutes a bottleneck for antivenom production. Although in Argentina several species of Tityus can be found, most of the accidents are caused by Tityus trivittatus, and the venom of this scorpion has historically been the venom used for antivenom production. We analyzed retrospectively 26 pools of telson homogenates (6964 telsons) and 37 pools of milked venom obtained by electrical stimulation (equivalent to 6841 milkings). Lethal potencies of samples from different provinces were very similar, although venom from scorpions of Buenos Aires city showed the lowest potency. The venom obtained by milking (median LD50 12.3 µg), provided batches containing LD50s more potent when compared with the venom obtained from telson homogenates (p < 0.0001). Many batches of telson homogenates (30%) showed lower potencies than acceptable for antivenom production and control. In addition to the study of the venom yield, the records of immunization of horses, the potency of the batches and the protein content of each batch of anti-scorpion antivenom produced were analyzed, comparing those produced using milked venom with those using telson homogenates as immunogens. Batches produced using milked venom required a shorter period of immunization (p < 0.0001), rendered higher neutralizing titers (p 0.0350) and possessed lower protein content (p 0.0092). Results clearly showed that the milking of scorpions is a more efficient tool to obtain venom for antivenom production in comparison to the use of telson homogenates.

Venenos de Escorpião/isolamento & purificação , Escorpiões , Animais , Antivenenos/isolamento & purificação , Antivenenos/uso terapêutico , Argentina , Humanos , Picadas de Escorpião/tratamento farmacológico
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;104(9): 428-452, nov 2018. fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1047020


Los accidentes con ácido fluorhídrico en Argentina son un motivo de consulta infrecuente, a pesar de ser utilizado en varias actividades laborales. Es uno de los pocos cáusticos con tratamiento específico que se debe tener en cuenta. Reportamos el caso de un paciente de 35 años que estuvo en contacto con esta sustancia con posterior compromiso de miembro superior, presentando placa eritematosa en región palmar derecha y lesión ampollar con descamación posterior y sangrado en lecho ungueal. Recibió tratamiento local con gluconato de calcio al 20% en toda la extensión de la zona afectada durante 48 hs con recuperación completa a los quince días. La sospecha clínica temprana y la administración adecuada de gluconato de calcio evitan lesiones de mayor grado y extensión

In Argentina, hydrofluoric acid accidents are a rare reason for consultation, despite being a commonly used substance in laboral activities. It is one of the few caustics with a specific treatment that must be taken into account. We report the case of a 35 year old patient affected by said substance, in which we observe an impairment of the upper limb, presenting on the right palmar region, an erythematous plaque with a blister lesion with posterior scaling and bleeding of the nail bed. The importance of the early clinical suspicion and the proper administration of calcium gluconate would avoid bigger and more extensive lesions

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Intoxicação/terapia , Riscos Ocupacionais , Gluconato de Cálcio/administração & dosagem , Gluconato de Cálcio/uso terapêutico , Diagnóstico Precoce , Ácido Fluorídrico/efeitos adversos
Toxicon ; 140: 11-17, 2017 Dec 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29042310


The venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus produces a neurotoxic and myotoxic syndrome that can lead to the death. Specific antivenom is the only treatment to neutralize the toxicity of the venom and the precocity in applying the antivenom is crucial for the efficiency of the treatment. We studied the variation of the immunochemical reactivity and neutralizing capacity of the specific antivenom on this venom in pre-incubation and rescue experiments, at different times. ELISA titers increased with longer venom-antivenom incubation times (p < 0.05) nevertheless incubation times had no effect on the neutralizing capacity of the antivenom. The antivenom dose necessary to rescue mice injected with 1.5 MMD (minimal mortal dose) 30 min after venom inoculation was over ten folds the dose of antivenom theoretically required to neutralize the same dose of venom according values obtained from pre-incubation experiments. Results showed that the in vitro immunochemical reactivity is not directly related to the neutralizing capacity. These observations underline the need for a rapid antivenom administration. Although preincubation experiments in mice are a powerful tool for the validation of the potency of the antivenoms in the productive process, it is clear that the nominal neutralization of the antivenoms must not be considered as a "stoichiometric" value regarding the venom to be neutralized in case of natural envenomation and emphasize the need of realization of clinical trials in order to evaluate the adequate doses of antivenom to be therapeutically used.

Antivenenos/imunologia , Venenos de Crotalídeos/antagonistas & inibidores , Venenos de Crotalídeos/imunologia , Crotalus , Animais , Antivenenos/química , Venenos de Crotalídeos/toxicidade , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Dose Letal Mediana , Camundongos , Testes de Neutralização
INSPILIP ; 1(1): 1-25, ene.-jun 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-987736


En Argentina los accidentes causados por animales venenosos constituyen un problema de salud pública. En este estudio analizamos los accidentes y muertes por envenenamientos por mordedura o picadura de serpientes, escorpiones y arañas, y las muertes causadas por abejas- avispas-avispones, centípedos, animales marinos, otros artrópodos y otros animales venenosos en Argentina, recibidos por las autoridades sanitarias nacionales. Se analizó la información sobre accidentes y muertes producidas por este tipo de animales que fueron recibidas por el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación durante el período 2000-2011. Debido al tipo de sistema de notificación solo se pudieron calcular tasas de morbilidad y letalidad en los accidentes por arañas, escorpiones y serpientes. Contrariamente a lo que se suponía, no fueron estos los grupos que mayor cantidad de muertes causaron en el período de estudio, sino los himenópteros (abejas-avispas- avispones). El actual esquema de notificación de envenenamiento por animales venenosos provee información importante para el sistema sanitario. Sin embargo, deben realizarse modificaciones a fin de mejorar el conocimiento epidemiológico referente a envenenamientos por la mordedura o picadura de animales venenosos. De esta manera, se podrá progresar en la implementación de las medidas de prevención de estas patologías, su atención a nivel del primer nivel asistencial y la planificación de la producción de antivenenos.

In Argentina, accidents by venomous animals are a problem of public health. In this study we analyzed the envenomation caused by the bite or sting of snakes, scorpions and spiders and the deaths produced by the envenomation caused by this animals and the deaths caused by bees-wasp-hornet, centipedes, marine animals, other arthropods and other venomous animals in Argentina, recorded by the National Ministry of Health in the period 2000 ­ 2011. Most of the accidents were caused by scorpions nevertheless the highest lethality was observed in snakebites envenomation. Contrary to the general suppositions, hymenoptera (bee-wasp- hornet) were the responsible for the highest number of deaths. The present system of information of envenomation by venomous animals gives important information. However some modifications should be done to achieve a best knowledge of the epidemiological situation of the envenomation caused by bites or sting of the different venomous animals, in order to improve the prevention measures as well as the attention at the first level of sanitary assistance and the planning of antivenom production.

Animais , Artrópodes , Serpentes , Vespas , Animais Peçonhentos , Argentina , Morbidade , Implementação de Plano de Saúde , Himenópteros
Toxicon ; 130: 63-72, 2017 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28246022


"Black widow" spiders belong to the genus Latrodectus and are one of the few spiders in the world whose bite can cause severe envenomation in humans and domestic animals. In Argentina, these spiders are distributed throughout the country and are responsible for the highest number of bites by spiders of toxicological sanitary interest. Here, we studied the toxicity and some biochemical and immunochemical characteristics of eighteen venom samples from Latrodectus spiders from eight different provinces of Argentina, and the neutralization of some of these samples by two therapeutic antivenoms used in the country for the treatment of envenomation and by a anti-Latrodectus antivenom prepared against the venom of Latrodectus mactans from Mexico. We observed important toxicity in all the samples studied and a variation in the toxicity of samples, even in those from the same region and province and even in the same Latrodectus species from the same region. The therapeutic antivenoms efficiently neutralized all the venoms studied.

Antivenenos/uso terapêutico , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Animais , Argentina , Viúva Negra , Feminino , Geografia , Camundongos , Venenos de Aranha/antagonistas & inibidores
Toxicon ; 125: 24-31, 2017 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27840140


Although the spiders of the genus Phoneutria cause envenomation and their presence has been described in several provinces of the north of Argentina, they are not as common as other spiders of sanitary importance. In the present work, we studied the toxicity of samples of venom of Phoneutria spiders from the provinces of Misiones (where severe envenomation and deaths by Phoneutria have been recorded) and Jujuy (where no deaths have been recorded and severe envenomations are not frequent). To this end, we assessed the lethal potency in mice and guinea pigs and the histopathological alterations caused by both venoms, as well as the neutralization by the commonly used therapeutic antivenom produced by the Butantan Institute in Brazil and by an experimental antivenom developed with venom of P. nigriventer from Misiones. There were no differences in the lethality of the venoms of spiders from both regions. Post mortem examination showed that the heart and lungs were the most affected organs, while important pulmonary edema was seen macroscopically. Histological analysis showed edema, atelectasis, emphysema and cardiac lesion in both experimental models. The antivenoms assayed showed good neutralization of the venoms in the two experimental models. Despite the different geographic origins, the venoms showed similar toxicity and both the experimental antivenom and therapeutic antivenmos were able to neutralize the venoms of Argentinean P. nigriventer.

Antivenenos/uso terapêutico , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Animais , Argentina , Cobaias , Coração/efeitos dos fármacos , Dose Letal Mediana , Pulmão/efeitos dos fármacos , Pulmão/patologia , Camundongos , Miocárdio/patologia
Toxicon ; 121: 22-29, 2016 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27546705


The amount of venom that a snake can inject is related to its body size. The body size is related to head size and to the distance between fangs. To correlate snake body size, distance between fangs and distance between puncture wounds with the venom yield (and consequently with the venom dose potentially injected in a single snakebite), we studied these variables in two species of public health importance in South America, Bothrops (Rhinocerophis) alternatus, and Crotalus durissus terrificus. In all cases a positive correlation was observed between body length, fang separation distance, distance between puncture wounds and venom yield, with a regression coefficient over 0.5 for Bothrops alternatus and over 0.6 for Crotalus durissus terrificus in all cases, being the relation distance between punctures wounds and venom yield of 0.54 and 0.69 respectively. The difference between fang separation and puncture separation was never greater than 30%, with a mean difference around 13%. The strong relationships between body size, fang separation and venom yield may be useful for planning potential venom production in serpentariums. In addition, because puncture mark separation gives an approximate idea of the size of the snake, this provides a rough idea of the size of the snake that produced a bite and the potential amount of venom that could have been injected.

Venenos de Víboras , Viperidae/anatomia & histologia , Animais , Argentina , Tamanho Corporal