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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;66(1): 246-265, Jan.-Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-897669


Resumen La laguna La Mancha en el Golfo de México, es un sistema costero con categoría Ramsar por su alta biodiversidad, numerosas especies de peces dependen de el para realizar sus ciclos de vida. Fue analizada la variación espacial y temporal de la diversidad, abundancia y asociaciones de peces y su relación con los factores fisicoquímicos. Entre abril de 2005 y enero de 2008, se realizaron 95 muestreos diurnos en siete sitios donde se registraron las características del agua y la composición de la comunidad de peces. El sistema presentó variaciones espacio temporales de los parámetros físicoquímicos, definiendo ambientes contrastantes de acuerdo con los gradientes locales. Se recolectaron 5 974 individuos, pertenecientes a 50 especies, 39 géneros y 25 familias, cuatro especies son registros nuevos para el sistema. La diversidad y riqueza de especies fueron altas en el ambiente salobre y bajos en zonas dulceacuícolas. En septiembre (lluvias) y noviembre (nortes) la diversidad (H' = 1.52) y riqueza (D = 1.99) fue más alta. La abundancia de los peces fue mayor hacia la boca de conexión con el mar. La densidad y biomasa (1.17 indiv./m2, 4.33 g/m2) fue mayor en abril (secas) y el peso promedio (30.82 g/ind) en julio (lluvias). El Índice de Valor de Importancia (IVI) definió cuatro especies dominantes que representan el 75 % de la abundancia numérica y el 46 % de la captura total en peso. El Análisis de Correspondencia Canónica (ACC) mostró que la relación peces-hábitat fue explicada en un 57 % de la varianza total para los primeros dos ejes, donde las variaciones de temperatura, salinidad, oxígeno disuelto y profundidad fueron los factores ambientales que determinaron la composición, distribución, componentes comunitarios y categorías tróficas de los peces en la comunidad. Este estudio aporta información sobre la relación del ambiente con la estructura de la comunidad íctica de La Mancha, y representa una base para realizar monitoreo ecológico que permita incrementar el conocimiento necesario sobre el ecosistema y sus poblaciones de peces, con la finalidad de proponer estrategias de manejo para la conservación de los recursos pesqueros de Veracruz.

Abstract La Mancha lagoon in the Gulf of Mexico, is a coastal system with Ramsar category because of its high biodiversity, many species of fish depend on it to complete their life cycles. In this study we analyzed the spatial and temporal variation of fish diversity, abundance and associations, and its relationship with physicochemical factors. Between April 2005 and January 2008, 95 daytime samplings were carried out at seven sites, where water characteristics and the composition of fish community were recorded. The system presented spatial-temporal variations of the physicochemical parameters, defining contrasting environments according to the local gradients. A total of 5 974 fish individuals, belonging to 50 species, 39 genera and 25 families were collected; four species were new records for the system. The diversity and richness of species were high in the brackish environment and low in freshwaters areas. In September (rainy season) and November ("nortes" season), diversity (H' = 1.52) and richness (D = 1.99) were highest. Fish abundance was greater towards the mouth connecting with the sea. The density and biomass (1.17 ind/m2, 4.33 g/m2) was higher in April (dry season) and the average weight (30.82 g/ind) in July (rainy season). The Importance Value Index (IVI) defined four dominant species representing 75 % of the numerical abundance and 46 % of the total catch in weight. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that the fish-habitat relationship was explained in 57 % of the total variance for the first two axes, where the variations in temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and depth were the environmental factors that determined the composition, distribution, community components and trophic categories of the fish community. This study provides information on the relationship between the environment and the structure of the fish community in La Mancha, and represents a basis for ecological monitoring to increase the knowledge needed about the ecosystem and fish populations, in order to boost management strategies for the fishery resources conservation in Veracruz. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(1): 246-265. Epub 2018 March 01.

Rev Biol Trop ; 62(1): 145-63, 2014 Mar.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24912350


The coastal lagoons of Veracruz, Gulf of Mexico, include a great variety of biological resources. These resources, especially fish communities, have been barely described and that require more ecological studies. With this aim, this investigation analyzed the spatial and temporal variation of diversity, abundance and assemblages of the fish community and its relationship with physical-chemical parameters of the Chica-Grande coastal system. For this, eight defined sites were monthly sampled for water characteristics and fish community composition (10min hauls of 1 500m2 a shrimp trawl net), between September 2005 and November 2006. The spatial-temporal variation of physical-chemical parameters, allowed the definition of two contrasting environments according to salinity, temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen and depth gradients. A total of 1 947 fishes were collected for a total weight of 57.88kg. From these, 22 species, 20 genera and 14 families were identified; and four species were new records for the system. As it was detected for the physical-chemical conditions, the diversity of the fish community also showed a spatial gradient, with high values (H'=2.37, D=3.35, J'=0.82) in the brackish habitat, and low ones in freshwater environments. Fish abundance did not show such a marked gradient response, however, it was higher in the freshwater habitat. The highest diversity (H'=2.05) and species richness (D=2.99) was recorded during the North winds ("nortes") months (November-February), while density and biomass were higher (0.034 ind./m2, 1.42g/m2) during the rainy months (July-October). The Importance Value Index (IVI) defined six dominant species accounting for 77.8% of the fish abundance and 87.9% of total catch by weight. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that the fish-habitat relationship was explained by 68% of total variance for the two first axes, where salinity, transparency and temperature changes were the most important environmental variables in determining the fish community composition and distribution. In this study, spatial gradients of environmental variables explained the changes in fish species composition and abundance; while the temporal gradients, the fish community structure and its relationship with seasonal patterns of habitat use by the species during their life cycles.

Biodiversidade , Peixes/classificação , Animais , Ecossistema , Golfo do México , Densidade Demográfica , Estações do Ano
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;62(1): 157-176, ene.-mar. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-715422


The coastal lagoons of Veracruz, Gulf of Mexico, include a great variety of biological resources. These resources, especially fish communities, have been barely described and that require more ecological studies. With this aim, this investigation analyzed the spatial and temporal variation of diversity, abundance and assemblages of the fish community and its relationship with physical-chemical parameters of the Chica-Grande coastal system. For this, eight defined sites were monthly sampled for water characteristics and fish community composition (10min hauls of 1 500m² a shrimp trawl net), between September 2005 and November 2006. The spatial-temporal variation of physical-chemical parameters, allowed the definition of two contrasting environments according to salinity, temperature, transparency, dissolved oxy-gen and depth gradients. A total of 1 947 fishes were collected for a total weight of 57.88kg. From these, 22 species, 20 genera and 14 families were identified; and four species were new records for the system. As it was detected for the physical-chemical conditions, the diversity of the fish community also showed a spatial gradient, with high values (H’=2.37, D=3.35, J’=0.82) in the brackish habitat, and low ones in freshwater environments. Fish abundance did not show such a marked gradient response, however, it was higher in the freshwater habitat. The highest diversity (H’=2.05) and species richness (D=2.99) was recorded during the North winds (“nortes”) months (November-February), while density and biomass were higher (0.034 ind./m², 1.42g/m²) during the rainy months (July-October). The Importance Value Index (IVI) defined six dominant species accounting for 77.8% of the fish abundance and 87.9% of total catch by weight. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that the fish-habitat relationship was explained by 68% of total variance for the two first axes, where salinity, transparency and temperature changes were the most important environmental variables in determining the fish community composition and distribution. In this study, spatial gradients of environmental variables explained the changes in fish species composition and abundance; while the temporal gradients, the fish community structure and its relationship with seasonal patterns of habitat use by the species during their life cycles.

Las lagunas costeras de Veracruz en el Golfo de México, incluyen gran variedad de recursos biológicos, por lo que requieren mayor conocimiento ecológico, especialmente para sus comunidades de peces. Esta investigación analizó la variación espacial y temporal de la diversidad, abundancia y asociaciones de la comunidad de peces y su relación con los parámetros físico-químicos del sistema lagunar Chica-Grande en Veracruz. Para esto, en ocho estaciones se muestrearon las características del agua y la composición de la comunidad de peces (lances de 10min con red de arrastre camaronera) entre septiembre 2005 y noviembre 2006. La variación espacio-temporal de los parámetros físico-químicos, permitió definir dos ambientes contrastantes de acuerdo con los gradientes de salinidad, temperatura, transparencia, oxígeno disuelto y profundidad. Se recolectaron un total de 1 947 peces con un peso de 57.88kg. De estos, se identificaron 22 especies, 20 géneros y 14 familias; y cuatro especies son nuevos registros para el sistema. Como se observó para las condiciones físico-químicas, la diversidad de la comunidad de peces también mostró un gradiente espacial, con valores altos (H’=2.37, D=3.35, J’=0.82) en el hábitat salobre y bajos en el ambiente más dulce. La abundancia de los peces no reflejó cambios marcados en el gradiente, no obstante, fue mayor en el hábitat más dulce. Durante los meses de “nortes” (Noviembre-Febrero) la diversidad (H’=2.05) y riqueza de especies (D=2.99) fue más alta, mientras que la densidad y biomasa fue mayor (0.034 ind./m², 1.42g/m²) durante los meses de lluvias (Julio-Octubre). El Índice de Valor de Importancia (IVI) definió 6 especies dominantes que representan el 77.8% de la abundancia numérica y el 87.9% de la captura total en peso. El Análisis de Correspondencia Canónica (ACC) mostró que la relación peces-hábitat fue explicada en un 68% de la varianza total para los primeros dos ejes, donde los cambios de salinidad, transparencia y temperatura fueron los factores ambientales que determinaron la composición y distribución de los peces en la comunidad. En este estudio, los gradientes espaciales de las variables ambientales permitieron explicar los cambios en la composición y abundancia de las especies, mientras que los temporales, la estructura comunitaria y su relación con los patrones estacionales de utilización de hábitats por las especies durante sus ciclos de vida.

Animais , Biodiversidade , Peixes/classificação , Ecossistema , Golfo do México , Densidade Demográfica , Estações do Ano
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;54(2): 599-611, jun. 2006. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-492042


The fish Diapterus rhombeus was studied during an annual cycle from 1992 to 1993 in the fluvial-deltaic Pom-Atasta system associated with Terminos Lagoon, Campeche, Mexico. It is a dominant species in the system, based on its numeric abundance, weight, high frequency and wide distribution. A total of 745 individuals were obtained, with a weigth of 2 890.2 g and length ranging from 3.0 to 16.7 cm. The annual variation of the allometric coefficient b was from 2.71 to 3.345. The condition factor varied from 0.711 to 0.934. The statistical analysis shows significant differences (p < 0.05) between the seasons of the year and the habitats of the system for the weight, the longitude and the condition factor K, which reflects the space-temporal utilization of the system for the species. The population present at Pom-Atasta, consists mainly by juvenile and few preadults individuals in gonadal stages I, II, and III, and more females than males were recorded. This species utilizes the system as a nursery area, growth and feeding area. It has a varied trophic spectrum, and consumes at least eight different groups. Its principal food items are undetermined organic matter, foraminifers, ostracods and tanaidaceans. It is a first order consumer. The Pom-Atasta system is located in a zone of intense fishing and oil activity, so it is important to advance in the knowledge of its fishing resources.

Se estudió el pez D. rhombeus en el sistema fluviodeltaico Pom-Atasta, asociado a la Laguna de Términos Campeche, en un ciclo anual de 1992 a 1993. Esta especie es dominante en el sistema por su abundancia numérica, peso, frecuencia y amplia distribución. Se obtuvieron 745 individuos con un peso total de 2 890.2 g y un intervalo de longitud total de 3.0 a 16.7 cm. La variación anual del coeficiente alométrico b fue de 2.71 a 3.45. El factor de condición varió de 0.711 a 0.934. Fueron obtenidas diferencias significativas (p< 0.05) entre las épocas del año y los hábitats del sistema para el peso, la longitud y el factor de condición K, lo cual refleja la utilización espacio-temporal del sistema por la especie. La población contenida en Pom-Atasta, está constituida principalmente por individuos juveniles, y escasos preadultos, en estadios gonádicos I, II y III, registrándose más hembras que machos. La especie utiliza el sistema como área de crianza, crecimiento y alimentación. Tiene un espectro trófico variado, consume almenos ocho grupos diferentes, siendo su alimento principal materia orgánica no determinada, foraminíferos, ostrácodos y tanaidáceos. Es un consumidor de primer orden. El sistema Pom-Atasta se ubica en una zona de intensa actividad pesquera y petrolera, por lo cual es importante avanzar en el conocimiento de sus recursos pesqueros.

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Dieta , Ecossistema , Comportamento Alimentar , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Peixes/fisiologia , Água Doce , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal , Densidade Demográfica , Estações do Ano , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , México , Reprodução
Rev Biol Trop ; 54(2): 599-611, 2006 Jun.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18494326


The fish Diapterus rhombeus was studied during an annual cycle from 1992 to 1993 in the fluvial-deltaic Pom-Atasta system associated with Terminos Lagoon, Campeche, Mexico. It is a dominant species in the system, based on its numeric abundance, weight, high frequency and wide distribution. A total of 745 individuals were obtained, with a weigth of 2 890.2 g and length ranging from 3.0 to 16.7 cm. The annual variation of the allometric coefficient b was from 2.71 to 3.345. The condition factor varied from 0.711 to 0.934. The statistical analysis shows significant differences (p < 0.05) between the seasons of the year and the habitats of the system for the weight, the longitude and the condition factor K, which reflects the space-temporal utilization of the system for the species. The population present at Pom-Atasta, consists mainly by juvenile and few preadults individuals in gonadal stages I, II, and III, and more females than males were recorded. This species utilizes the system as a nursery area, growth and feeding area. It has a varied trophic spectrum, and consumes at least eight different groups. Its principal food items are undetermined organic matter, foraminifers, ostracods and tanaidaceans. It is a first order consumer. The Pom-Atasta system is located in a zone of intense fishing and oil activity, so it is important to advance in the knowledge of its fishing resources.

Dieta , Ecossistema , Comportamento Alimentar , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Peixes/fisiologia , Água Doce , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Animais , Feminino , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal , Humanos , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida , Masculino , México , Densidade Demográfica , Reprodução , Estações do Ano
Rev Biol Trop ; 52(1): 187-99, 2004 Mar.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17357416


In the Chantuto-Panzacola system, Chiapas, México, a study of a fish community was carried out between March and November of 1997. From a total of 1456 fish collected, 31 species, 25 genera and 19 families had been identified. The diversity and abundance were high in March with H'= 2.67 bits/ind, D = 3.89 sp/ind, biomass 1.88 g/m2. density 0.25 ind/m2 and average weight 7.55 g/ind. Significant differences were found between the ecological parameters and the environmental variables of the ecosystem in the months of study (ANOVA and Tukey, p < 0.05). The multiple discriminant analysis showed that the temperature and the salinity was the most important factors in the variation of the community. The frequency analysis and spatial distribution of the fish allowed to define fish assemblages formed by several groups of species that inhabits the system. Nine dominant species were defined for the ecosystem, representing the 71% in number and the 76.4% in weight of the total catch, Achirus mazatlanus, Caranx hippos, Cathorops fuerthi, Centropomus robalito, Cichlasoma macracanthum, Cichlasoma trimaculatum, Gobiomorus maculatus, Gobionellus microdon and Lile gracilis.

Ecossistema , Peixes/classificação , Animais , Biodiversidade , Biomassa , Peixes/fisiologia , Água Doce , México , Densidade Demográfica , Dinâmica Populacional , Estações do Ano