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MEDICC Rev ; 20(1): 29, 2018 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34229419


INTRODUCTION: IgA deficiency is a primary immunodeficiency predominantly due to an antibody defect, for which there is no replacement therapy. Treatment consists of prevention and treatment of infections and other associated conditions. Given the immunomodulatory and regulatory properties of the redox balance of ozone therapy in infectious and inflammatory conditions, evaluation of its effect on IgA deficiency is of interest. OBJECTIVE: Assess the benefits and possible adverse effects of ozone treatment in patients with IgA deficiency. METHODS: A monocentric randomized controlled phase 2 clinical trial (RPCEC 00000236) was carried out, after approval by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the Roberto Rodríguez Fernández Provincial General Teaching Hospital in Morón, Ciego de Ávila Province, Cuba. Included were 40 patients aged 5-50 years, distributed in 2 groups of 20, after agreeing to participate and signing informed consent. The experimental group received 2 cycles of ozone by rectal insufflation for 20 days (5 times a week for 4 weeks each cycle) with a 3-month interval between cycles, for a total of 40 doses, with age-adjusted dose ranges. The control group was treated with leukocyte transfer factor (Hebertrans), 1 U per m2 of body surface area subcutaneously, once weekly for 12 weeks. Frequency of appearance and severity of clinical symptoms and signs of associated diseases, serum immunoglobulin concentrations and balance of pro-oxidant and antioxidant biomarkers were recorded at treatment initiation and one month after treatment completion. Therapeutic response was defined as complete, partial, stable disease or progressive disease. Descriptive statistics and significance were calculated to compare groups and assess effect size. RESULTS: One month after treatment completion, 70% of patients in the experimental group experienced significant increases in IgG(p = 0.000) and IgM (p = 0.033). The experimental group also displayed decreased pro-oxidation biomarkers, glutathione modulation and increased antioxidant enzymes, with reduced oxidative stress; none of these occurred in the control group. Complete therapeutic response was achieved in 85% of patients in the experimental group and only 45% in the control group. Mild, transient adverse events were reported in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Ozone therapy by rectal insufflation is a suitable therapeutic option for treating IgA deficiency because it produces antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects and is feasible, safe and minimally invasive. CONTRIBUTION OF THIS RESEARCH: This paper introduces in Cuba a new treatment a for IgA deficiency, with immunomodulatory and antioxidant effects offering substantial clinical benefits to patients with this immunodeficiency.

Rev. cuba. hematol. inmunol. hemoter ; 29(2): 143-153, abr.-jun. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-672143


El empleo de la medicina biológica ha permitido aplicar terapias sistémicas beneficiosas donde el cuerpo es tratado como un todo. La ozonoterapia es una técnica interesante en el campo de aplicación de la medicina biológica; es un proceder terapéutico, seguro, natural y factible, con resultados alentadores en el tratamiento de enfermedades inmunológicas, por el impacto social y económico que se genera tras su aplicación. Existen evidencias experimentales que aseveran esta afirmación. En este artículo se describen las propiedades inmunomoduladoras de la ozonoterapia, al caracterizar los efectos biológicos del ozono sobre las células del sistema inmune, mediadores solubles y otros tipos celulares

The employment of biological medicine has allowed the application of beneficial and systemic therapies where the body is treated as a whole. The ozone therapy is a modality of the biological medicine, it is a natural therapeutical procedure that has represented an extremely safe medical therapy, free from side effects, an effective and feasible method in the field of treatment of immunological diseases, with encouraging results for the social and economic impact that is generated after its application. There are experimental evidences that assert this statement. We hereby describe the immunomodulatory property of ozone therapy, the biological effects of the ozone on the cells of the immune system cells, other cellular types and different immune mediators

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Ozônio/imunologia , Ozônio/uso terapêutico , Sistema Imunitário/imunologia
Mediciego ; 18(1)mar. 2012. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-710813


Se realizó un estudio pre-experimental antes después, con la finalidad de evaluar el efecto inmunomodulador de la ozonoterapia en niños con inmunodeficiencia por defectos en la inmunidad mediada por fagocitos. El universo estuvo constituido por un total de 18 niños con deficiencias en la fagocitosis, asistidos en la consulta de Inmunología en el periodo desde septiembre de 2009 hasta junio de 2010, que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. El ozono se aplicó en dosis escalonadas por insuflación rectal hasta una concentración de 40µg/mL, durante tres meses. Las variables fueron evaluadas 1 mes después del tratamiento. Se determinó si existen diferencias significativas entre las determinaciones antes y después de la ozonoterapia, mediante la prueba T de comparación de medias para muestras dependientes, con un nivel de significación α=0.05. Hubo aumentos significativos del conteo absoluto de neutrófilos en el 100 por ciento de los casos y en el 94 por ciento mejoró significativamente la función fagocítica leucocitaria después de recibir la ozonoterapia. El estado clínico, cualitativamente evaluado, fue satisfactorio en los niños tratados con Ozono y no se reportaron reacciones adversas durante el tratamiento. Se sugiere este proceder terapéutico como alternativa terapéutica inmunoestimulante en la deficiencia fagocítica.

A pre-experimental study was conducted before then, in order to assess the effect of immunomodulator of ozone therapy in children with immunodeficiency defects of phagocyte-mediated immunity. The universe was made up by a total of 18 children with deficiencies in phagocytosis, assisted in the Immunology consultation from September 2009 until June 2010 that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Ozone was applied in doses by rectal insufflation stepped up a 40µg/mL concentration, for three months. The variables were assessed 1 month after treatment. It was determined if there are significant differences between determinations before and after of ozone therapy, through T of means comparison test for dependent samples, with a significance level α = 0. 05. There were significant increases in the absolute neutrophil count in 100 percent of cases and the Leukocyte Phagocytic function significantly improved in a 94 percent after receiving ozone therapy. The clinical state, qualitatively evaluated, was satisfactory in children treated with ozone and no adverse reactions were reported during treatment. It is suggested this therapeutic approach as immunostimulant therapeutic alternative in the phagocytic deficiency.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Fatores Imunológicos/uso terapêutico , Fagócitos/imunologia , Fagocitose/imunologia , Ozônio/uso terapêutico , Síndromes de Imunodeficiência/terapia
Mediciego ; 15(1)jun. 2009. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-532373


Existen una serie de eventos inmunitarios que rodean la fertilización, un 3 por ciento de las parejas en las cuales se descarta toda explicación orgánica, hormonal o autoinmune para la infertilidad, parecen ser infértiles por mecanismos inmunológicos. Se conoce que hay anticuerpos antiespermatozoides en el suero del hombre y de la mujer, en las secreciones vaginales de la mujer y en el esperma de hombres infértiles. Se presenta un caso de infertilidad de causa no explicada, se trata de un hombre con semen normal y una mujer con ovulación normal y trompas permeables. Se evaluó el moco cervical posterior a lo cual se realizó prueba poscoital; se determinó la presencia de anticuerpos anti espermatozoides de la clase IgA e IgG adheridos al espermatozoide, en el moco cervical y plasma seminal mediante la prueba de Inmunobeads directo e indirecto. Detectamos una prueba poscoital anormal, 6 por ciento de anticuerpos antiespermatozoides de la clase IgG, asociados al espermatozoide y un 8 por ciento de anticuerpos antiespermatozoides de la clase IgG en el moco cervical. Los anticuerpos antiespermatozoides en el plasma seminal fueron negativos.

A series of inmune events exists that surround the fertilization, 3 percent of copules in which all the organic, hormonal or autoimmune explanation is discarded for the infertility, seem to be infertile because of immunological mechanisms. It is known the existence of anti spermatozoa antibodies in the serum of the man and the woman, in vaginal secretions of the woman and in the sperm of infertile men. A case of infertility of nonexplained cause appears, it is about a man with normal semen and a woman with normal ovulation and permeable tubes. The cervical snot was subsequently evaluated to which a postcoital test was done; the presence of anti spermatozoa antibodies of the IgA and IgG class was determined associated to the spermatozoon, in the cervical snot and seminal plasma by means of the test of direct and indirect Inmunobeads. It was detected an abnormal postcoital test, 6 percent of anti spermatozoa antibodies of the IgG class, associated to the spermatozoon and 8 percent of anti spermatozoa antibodies of the IgGG class in the cervical snot. The anti spermatozoa antibodies in the seminal plasma were negative.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Fertilização/imunologia , Doenças do Sistema Imunitário , Reprodução/imunologia , Relatos de Casos
Mediciego ; 15(Supl.1)mar. 2009. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-532351


Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo retrospectivo para caracterizar el comportamiento de las infecciones hospitalarias en la Unidad de cuidados intensivos Pediátrico del Hospital Capitán Roberto Rodríguez Fernández durante el período comprendido desde Enero hasta Diciembre de 2007. De los 117 pacientes estudiados el mayor número de enfermedades infecciosas se presentó en los lactantes (31.6 por ciento), el Estafilococo aureus fue el germen que se aisló con mayor frecuencia, siendo las infecciones respiratorias altas y las enfermedades diarreicas agudas, las principales causas de morbilidad; los microorganismos Gram Negativos prevalecieron con respecto a los Gram Positivos y las infecciones intrahospitalarias se presentaron en el 11.9 por ciento de los pacientes; la evolución clínica fue desde estados graves, críticos hasta fallecidos, representando las infecciones hospitalarias el 75.5 por ciento de los niños fallecidos.

The paediatric intensive care unit is the hospital service devoted to the purely overall assistance to critically sick children. A retrospective observational descriptive study was carried out in order to characterize the behaviour of hospital infections in the paediatric intensive care service of the Hospital: Capitán “Roberto Rodríguez Fernández” during the period January – December, 2007. From the 117 patients who were studied, unweaned babies had the greatest number of infectious diseases (31.6 percent). The Staphylococcus Aureus was the germ more frequently isolated, while upper respiratory infections and acute diarrheic diseases were the main morbidity causes. The microorganisms Gram- Negative prevailed over the Gram Positive ones; the 11.9 percent percent of patients suffered from hospital-acquired staph infections. The clinical evolution was from serious condition and critical health condition to deceases, being the hospital-acquired staph infections the cause for the 75, 5 percent of the deceased children.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Criança , Bactérias Gram-Negativas/patogenicidade , Bactérias Gram-Positivas/patogenicidade , Cuidados Críticos , Infecção Hospitalar/epidemiologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Observacionais como Assunto
Mediciego ; 14(1)jun. 2008. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-532384


El desbalance entre la producción de especies reactivas del oxígeno y las defensas antioxidantes provoca un daño orgánico conocido como estrés oxidativo, y éste se ha visto implicado en la etiología y patología de numerosas enfermedades. Con el objetivo de diagnosticar por métodos indirectos el estrés oxidativo en niños con cardiopatías congénitas acianóticas, tomamos un grupo de pruebas fáciles de realizar en nuestros laboratorios, así como un grupo de infantes portadores de dicha entidad (n=30), que acudieron a la consulta de Cardiología en el Policlínico de Especialidades Pediátricas de Camagüey en un período de tres meses; a todos se les realizó determinaciones en sangre venosa de ceruloplasmina, ácido úrico, vitamina C e índice glutatiónico para valorar la capacidad antioxidante, y Lipoproteína de baja densidad (LDL) oxidada como marcador de daño oxidativo, además se compararon los niveles de referencia de las distintas determinaciones en función de la edad y el sexo. Los resultados se evaluaron estadísticamente y en estos se evidenciaron cambios significativos en la lipoproteína LDL oxidada.

The imbalance between the production of oxygen reactive species and anti-rusting defences brings about an organic damage known as oxidative stress, which has been involved in the ethiology and pathology of numerous deseases. In order to diagnose the oxidative stress in children suffering from acianotic congenital cardiopathy by means of the indirect methods, a group of easy- to- do-in –our laboratories tests was chosen, as well as a group of children carrier of such entity (n=30) that attend to the Cardiology doctor's surgery in the Pediatric Polyclinic of Camagüey during a three-months period. Blood tests of ceruloplasmin, uric acid, C vitamine and glutamic index were made to all of them so as to valuing the anti-rusting capacity and oxidized low-dencity lypoproteine (LDL) as marker of oxidative damage; besides the levels of reference of the different determinations were compared depending on age and sex. Results were evaluated stadisticaly and significant changes in oxidized low-dencity lypoproteine (LDL) were shown.

Humanos , Cardiopatias Congênitas , Estresse Oxidativo , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Observacionais como Assunto
Mediciego ; 12(supl.2)sept. 2006. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-488135


La Neutropenia Crónica Idiopática, es una enfermedad rara e infrecuente que se presenta en niños menores de 3 años, causante de infecciones recurrentes, que debe ser diferenciada de otras Neutropenias Crónicas. Recientemente se ha demostrado la posible etiología autoinmunitaria. Presentamos un caso con Neutropenia Crónica Idiopática que presentó una respuesta rápida y marcada a la terapia con citoquinas (Filgrastim), con normalización del Conteo Absoluto de Neutrófilos y reducción de los procesos infecciosos recurrentes.

Chronic ideopathic neutropenia is a rare and infrequent disease of children under three years of age, causative of recurrent infections, which should be distinguished from other chronic neutropenias. The possible self-inmune etiology has recently been demon. One case with chronic idiopathic neutropenia which showed a quick and marked response to therapy with cytosines (filgrastim), having a standardized absolute neutrophils count and reduction of the recurrent infections processes.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Neutropenia