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Biotechnol Rep (Amst) ; 26: e00445, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32280603


In this work was to evaluate the conidiospores production of Trichoderma harzianum using barley straw as substrate. Four growth conditions were used; washed and unwashed barley straw and washed and unwashed barley straw supplemented with mineral salts. The highest spore production was observed when washed barley straw supplemented with mineral salts with 1.56 × 1010 conidiospores/gram of dry matter (gdm) at 216 h of cultivation was used. The effect of substrate moisture on spore production was studied, three initial moisture levels of the substrate were tested and it was observed that a humidity of 80 % of the substrate improves the production of conidiospores reaching a concentration of 2.35 × 1010 conidiospores/gdm at 136 h. Finally, conidiospores viability was evaluated for 12 months by keeping them on the conidia and substrate, and viability of 71 % of the conidiospores was observed, so this maintenance method is an excellent means of conserving the conidiospores viability.

Heliyon ; 6(12): e05857, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33426343


In the present work, a strain of the basidiomycete fungus Trametes polyzona was used to decolorize the Amaranth dye. The decolorization was carried out in an Airlift reactor with three flow regimes: 1, 2, and 3 vvm. The results showed that the decolorization was a function of the flow regime. The decolorization times for the regimes of 1, 2, and 3 vvm were 30, 25, and 19 days, respectively. The COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) decreased from 1600 to 72 mg COD/L. The enzymatic activity kinetics of laccase (Lcc), lignin peroxidase (LiP), and manganese peroxidase (MnP) were determined. In all the treatments, the enzyme LiP was expressed during the first 6 days, at which point 80% decolorization was observed, whereas Lcc and MnP enzymes were produced from day 6 until the end of the decolorization process. The effluent generated showed no inhibitory effects on the growth of the algae Nannochloropsis salina. T. polyzona showed great versatility in the decolorization of synthetic effluents containing the Amaranth dye, and the fungus was able to use this dye as its only carbon source starting at the beginning of the process. LiP was the enzyme that contributed the most to the decolorization process, and on average, 95% decreases in color and the COD were observed.

Rev. argent. dermatol ; 89(4): 237-241, oct.-dic. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-634376


La sífilis es una enfermedad infecciosa humana causada por una bacteria: el Treponema pallidum. La enfermedad es transmitida por contacto directo a través de lesiones durante el estadio primario y secundario, por vía transplacentaria intrauterina o a través del canal uterino; puede afectar cualquier órgano de la economía causando un número infinito de presentaciones clínicas. La sífilis secundaria cursa con manifestaciones mucocutáneas características y eventual sintomatología general. La presentación clínica de nuestros dos pacientes es singular ya que solo poseían lesiones en la cavidad oral. La respuesta al tratamiento instaurado fue buena.

Syphilis is a human infectious disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The disease is transmitted by direct contact with a lesion during the primary or secondary stages, in utero by the transplacental route, or during delivery as the baby passes through an infected canal. The bacterium may infect any organ, causing an infinite number of clinical presentations. Secondary syphilis is characterized by mucocutaneous lesions, a flulike syndrome, and generalized adenopathy. Hepatosplenomegaly may be present. The oral mucosa is the second most frequent site of luetic lesions; the genital areas are the most frequent. In the oral cavity, the most characteristic lesion is a whitish mucosal patch, normally located on the lips, tongue, or palate, which is extremely contagious. The differential diagnosis of this lesion may include oral squamous carcinoma, leukoplakia, candidosis, lichen planus, and hairy oral leukoplakia. Definitive diagnosis is based on clinical information and completed by laboratory examinations even the biopsy can help us. With the diagnosis of secondary syphilis treatment with penicillin G benzathine must be started. We present two cases of secondary syphilis with oral lesions only; the first one, a man with macule covered with a whitish membrane on palate mucosa and a lateral neck adenopathy. The lesion had been present for three months. The second one, a woman with painful whitish mucosal patch since two weeks ago. No fever or flulike syndrome. Luetic serologic tests were positive in both cases and in the first one the biopsy showed a chronic inflammatory infiltrate. The drug of choice in the treatment of our patients was benzathine penicillin G.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Sífilis/patologia , Sífilis/terapia , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Sorodiagnóstico da Sífilis/métodos
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 89(2): 74-79, abr.-jun. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-634358


Se presentan dos pacientes de sexo masculino, familiares de primer grado, tabaquistas y etilistas severos, sin antecedentes patológicos conocidos. Ambos presentan en forma eruptiva la aparición de xantomas y uno de ellos una pancreatitis necrohemorrágica atribuida a su hipertrigliceridemia, complicación muy grave de este trastorno. Si bien los xantomas eruptivos no son muy frecuentes de observar, deben hacernos sospechar en una dislipidemia severa, confirmándola con una examen de laboratorio que pondrá de manifiesto una elevación significativa de los triglicéridos y frecuentemente alteración de los niveles de glucosa en sangre. Además, el estudio histopatológico de las lesiones mostrará macrófagos cargados de lípidos, de aspecto espumoso e infiltrado polimorfonuclear y mononuclear en dermis.

We report a case of two male patients, first-grade relatives, who are heavy drinkers and smokers but apparently have no pathological records. Both show eruptive xanthomas and one of them presents acute necrotic and hemorrhagic pancreatitis due to hypertriglyceridemia, a serious complication of this disorder. Despite the fact that eruptive xanthomas are not frequently observed, they should make us suspect an instance of severe dyslipidemia. In order to verify it, a laboratory test will show a dramatic raise of serum triglyceride levels and usual changes in the blood glucose levels. Moreover, a histopathologic study of the lesion will reveal macrophages full of lipids (foam cells) with polymorphonuclear and mononuclear infiltrate.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Xantomatose/diagnóstico , Hiperlipidemias/etiologia , Hipertrigliceridemia/complicações , Hipertrigliceridemia/tratamento farmacológico
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 89(2): 90-95, abr.-jun. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-634360


El NEVIL es la variedad inflamatoria del nevo epidérmico; es un tumor benigno hamartomatoso, que se distribuye siguiendo las líneas de Blaschko. Estas líneas representarían mosaicismos cutáneos del desarrollo embriológico. El NEVIL suele aparecer en la infancia. Son generalmente unilaterales y en ocasiones muy pruriginosos. El diagnóstico diferencial es frecuentemente dificultoso. Presentamos una paciente en la cual la manifestación de esta patología se produce en forma tardía, siendo esto poco frecuente. El tratamiento es un desafío, se han probado múltiples modalidades terapéuticas, con resultados en ocasiones desalentadores. La cirugía, puede utilizarse en lesiones de pequeño tamaño. Los tratamientos con luz láser podrían ser de utilidad.

The ILVEN is the inflammatory variety of epidermal nevi, benign hamartomatous tumor that distributed following Blaschko lines. These lines represent cutaneous mosaicism in embryologic development. The ILVEN usually appear in the infancy. Generally unilateral and occasionally is very pruriginous. The differential diagnosis is often difficult. We present a patient in which the manifestation of her disease is produced in late onset, being this infrequent. Management is a challenge, multiple therapeutic modalities have been tested, with discouraging results. Surgery can be utilized in small size lesions. Laser therapy could be of utility.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Nevo/diagnóstico , Nevo/patologia , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Hamartoma/patologia , Nevo/terapia
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 89(2): 107-111, abr.-jun. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-634362


Se presenta el caso de un paciente alcoholista con una ulceración perianal y manifestaciones cutáneas de enfermedad de Hansen. La biopsia de la lesión perianal y otros estudios arribaron al diagnóstico de una forma diseminada de paracoccidioidomicosis, así como también las biopsias cutáneas y los estudios baciloscópicos fueron diagnósticos de lepra lepromatosa. La respuesta a la terapéutica fue satisfactoria con desaparición de las lesiones cutáneas. La disminución de la respuesta inmunológica celular genera un terreno propicio para la infección de estos gérmenes y al compartir área endémica la asociación entre ambas patologías puede ocurrir.

Lepra and Paracoccidioidomycosis are endemic diseases in Argentina. We report a case of a patient with an unusual perianal ulceration and cutaneous manifestations of Hansen's disease. The biopsy of perianal lesion and subsequent studies revealed a disseminated form of paracoccidioidomycosis, as well as skin biopsy and baciloscopic finding diagnostic of Lepromatous Leprosy. The main portal of entry of paracoccidioides is the lung. Hematogenous dissemination of the fungus may occur at this time, with the establishment of metastatic foci in any organ. Anal and perianal lesions are present only in 1.3 to 2.4% of the patients. The pathogenesis of anal lesions remains unclear, it may be secondary from a systemic or a local disease. The patient response to the therapeutic was notable, with disappearance of lesions up to the third month of started itraconazole orally 400 mg/day leading just atrophy scars in perianal areas. The treatment of Hansen's disease was made according to OMS guidelines for multibacillary disease.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Hanseníase Virchowiana/diagnóstico , Paracoccidioidomicose/diagnóstico , Doenças Endêmicas , Hanseníase Virchowiana/tratamento farmacológico , Hanseníase Virchowiana/patologia , Paracoccidioidomicose/tratamento farmacológico , Paracoccidioidomicose/patologia
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 89(2): 112-118, abr.-jun. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-634363


La histoplasmosis diseminada progresiva es una enfermedad que se manifiesta como reactivación de una infección latente en pacientes inmunodeprimidos, especialmente en personas con déficit en la inmunidad celular. Existen formas agudas, subagudas y crónicas. Las lesiones focales, en especial úlceras mucocutáneas, predominan en la forma diseminada crónica. Reportamos el caso de una paciente con artritis reumatoidea, que controlaba su patología con fármacos antirreumáticos modificadores de la enfermedad (DMARD), la que consultó por úlcera de lengua como única manifestación de una histoplasmosis diseminada crónica. La histopatología fue compatible y el cultivo positivo para Histoplasma capsulatum. La serología para el HIV fue negativa. Existen pocos casos publicados de pacientes con esta localización atípica en forma aislada, en particular aquellos HIV negativos. El itraconazol y la anfotericina B son las dos drogas más utilizadas para tratar esta enfermedad. Los datos clínicos sobre los nuevos azoles, voriconazol y posaconazol son limitados.

The progressive disseminated histoplasmosis is a disease produced by reactivation of latent infection in immunocompromised host, specially in persons with defective cell-mediated immunity. There are acute, subacute and chronic forms in the progressive illness. Focal lesions, specially mucocutaneous ulcers, are most frequent in the chronic disseminated forms. We reported a patient with rheumatoid arthritis treated with disease modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD), with an ulcer of the tongue as only clinical manifestation of a chronic disseminated histoplasmosis. The histopathology was compatible, and the culture was positive for Histoplasma capsulatum. The serology for the HIV was negative. There are few published cases of this isolated form, particularly in patients with HIV negative serological test. Itraconazole and amphotericin B are the most frequently drugs used for the treatment in this disease. Clinical data on the new azoles, voriconazole and posaconazole, are limited.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Histoplasmose/patologia , Úlcera/etiologia , Histoplasma/virologia , Histoplasmose/tratamento farmacológico , Hospedeiro Imunocomprometido , Manifestações Bucais
Rev. ciênc. farm. básica apl ; Rev. ciênc. farm. básica apl;28(1): 93-97, 2007. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-485206


A própolis é uma resina produzida por abelhas a partir de diferentes plantas. Os óleos essenciais são produtosdo metabolismo secundário das plantas e usados durante anos na medicina popular como antimicrobianos. Oobjetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o perfil de susceptibilidade dos extratos etanólicos de própolis oriundos dos Estados do Paraná, Minas Gerais e São Paulo e de óleos essenciais frente às bactérias cariogênicas Streptococcus mutans e Lactobacillus casei usando o método de difusão em ágar. Os resultados obtidos indicam a própolis do estado de Minas Gerais como a mais ativa de todas, o que leva a crer que a diferença observada na quantidade de própolis produzida e a diversidade dos metabólitos secundários, no produto, podem estar associados com a região de produção e com a estação climática da coleta. Os óleos essenciais mostraram atividades significantes para os microrganismos testados, alguns deles apresentando zona de inibição maior que o do controle positivo.

Propolis is a natural composite balsam, produced by honey bees (Apis melifera) from the gum of various plants. Essential oils and their components are products of the secondary metabolism of plants, used for many ears in folk medicine, principally, as antimicrobial. The aim of the present work was to analyze the differences in the antimicrobial activity of propolis obtained from three different regions of Brazil (Minas Gerais, Parana and São Paulo States) and of essential oils, using agar diffusion methods to test them against cariogenic microorganisms Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei. The results showed that the propolis from Minas Gerais State was more active than that from the others, and implied that the existing differences in the amount of propolis produced and diversity of secondary metabolites in the product may be associated with the region of production and the climatic season of collection. The essential oils displayed significant inhibitory activity against the microorganisms tested, showing larger inhibition zones than the positive control.

Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Óleos Voláteis/uso terapêutico , Própole/farmacocinética , Própole/uso terapêutico , Lacticaseibacillus casei/patogenicidade , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Streptococcus mutans/patogenicidade