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J Phycol ; 48(3): 784-92, 2012 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27011095


Traditional studies suggest that the Kallymeniaceae can be divided into two major groups, a nonprocarpic Kallymenia group, in which carposporophyte formation involves an auxiliary cell branch system separate from the carpogonial branch system, and a procarpic Callophyllis group, in which the carpogonial branch system gives rise to the carposporophyte directly after fertilization. Based on our phylogenetic studies and unpublished observations, the two groups each contain both procarpic and nonprocarpic genera. Here, we describe a new method of reproductive development in Callophyllis concepcionensis Arakaki, Alveal et Ramírez from Chile. The carpogonial branch system consists of a supporting cell bearing both a three-celled carpogonial branch with trichogyne and two-lobed "subsidiary" cells. After fertilization, large numbers of secondary subcortical and medullary cells are produced. Lobes of the carpogonial branch system cut off connecting cells containing enlarged, presumably diploid nuclei that fuse with these secondary vegetative cells and deposit their nuclei. Derivative enlarged nuclei are transferred from one vegetative cell to another, which ultimately cut off gonimoblast initials that form filaments that surround the central primary medullary cells and produce carposporangia. The repeated involvement of vegetative cells in gonimoblast formation is a new observation, not only in Callophyllis, but in red algae generally. These results call for a revised classification of the Kallymeniaceae based on new morphological and molecular studies.