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Rev. Inst. Med. Trop ; 18(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529469


La tuberculosis (TB) es una de las principales enfermedades infecciosas a nivel mundial y sigue siendo un grave problema de salud pública en muchos países. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estima que un tercio de la población está infectada con TB y la tasa de infección aumenta casi un 1% por año. Esta revisión tiene como objetivo exponer la identidad de la tuberculosis congénita rara y fatal si no se trata y resaltar las características clínicas y la dificultad de diagnóstico y la conciencia entre los pediatras para realizar un manejo terapéutico inmediato desde el inicio de la sospecha. Este estudio se propone detectar que el pronóstico es malo para los recién nacidos, seguido de una evolución fatal cuando el diagnóstico se retrasa. Se presenta a continuación el caso de un recién nacido de sexo masculino de 24 días de vida por parto cesárea, por RPM nacido de una madre que presentó infección por SARS-COV-2 14 días previos al parto. A los 5 días de post parto adormecimiento y debilidad de miembros inferiores, sin síntomas respiratorios, posteriormente fiebre de 5 días de evolución, con diagnóstico de TB cerebral sin síntomas respiratorios, RN con fiebre y tos de 3 días, hepatomegalia de 4.5 cm, sin adenopatías. Ecografía abdominal dentro de parámetros normales, ecocardiograma con despegamiento pericárdico laminar, ecografía cerebral, ecografía abdominal fondo de ojo dentro de parámetros normales. Radiografía de tórax mostró infiltrado nodulillar difuso bilateral compatible con diseminación miliar tuberculosa. Al ingreso se inició cobertura antibiótica con Cefotaxima más Ampicilina a dosis meníngea. Analítica laboratorial al ingreso perfil hepático alterado, glóbulos blancos en rango, presentó granulaciones toxicas 3% y reactantes de fase aguda aumentados. Se realizó punción lumbar con cultivo de LCR negativo para gérmenes comunes y micobacterias por lo cual se descendió antibioticoterapia a completando 9 días totales. En muestras seriadas durante 3 días de líquido gástrico tinción de Ziehl-Neelsen BAAR +++ en las 3 muestras, GENEXPERT M. tuberculosis detectado y secreción traqueal tinción de BAAR +++. Inició terapia antibacilar H10/R20/Z20/E20. Durante su internación presenta alteración de perfil hepático por lo cual se ajusta dosis H5/R10/Z15/E15 en conjunto con Piridoxina. Durante tratamiento antibacilar a los 10 meses presentó en ecografía abdominal múltiples calcificaciones en hígado y ecografía cerebral de control con dilatación leve de los ventrículos laterales en ambos lados. Al finalizar tratamiento al examen físico se constató hígado a 2 cm RCD al año de vida, crecimiento y desarrollo normal para la edad, controles oftalmológicos y auditivos sin hallazgos patológicos. El recién nacido recibió 2 meses de HRZE y 10 meses de HR completando 12 meses totales de tratamiento en conjunto con Piridoxina hasta 10 días posterior a la suspensión de antibacilares y la madre recibió 4 meses de HRZE y 8 meses de HR completando 12 meses de tratamiento antibacilar.

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the major infectious diseases worldwide and continues to be a serious public health problem in many countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that one third of the population is infected with TB and the infection rate is increasing by almost 1% per year. This review aims to expose the identity of rare and fatal congenital tuberculosis if left untreated and to highlight the clinical features and the difficulty of diagnosis and awareness among pediatricians to perform immediate therapeutic management from the onset of suspicion. This study aims to detect that the prognosis is poor for newborns, followed by a fatal course when diagnosis is delayed. The case of a 24-day-old male newborn by cesarean section, due to PROM born to a mother who presented SARS-COV-2 infection 14 days prior to delivery, is presented below. At 5 days postpartum, numbness and weakness of the lower limbs, without respiratory symptoms, later fever of 5 days of evolution, with a diagnosis of cerebral TB without respiratory symptoms, newborn with fever and cough of 3 days, hepatomegaly of 4.5 cm, without adenopathies. Abdominal ultrasound within normal parameters, echocardiogram with laminar pericardial detachment, brain ultrasound, fundus abdominal ultrasound within normal parameters. Chest X-ray showed bilateral diffuse nodular infiltrate compatible with tuberculous miliary dissemination. On admission, antibiotic coverage was started with Cefotaxime plus Ampicillin at a meningeal dose. Laboratory analysis on admission altered liver profile, white blood cells in range, presented 3% toxic granulations and increased acute phase reactants. A lumbar puncture was performed with a negative CSF culture for common germs and mycobacteria, for which antibiotic therapy was decreased to a total of 9 days. In serial samples for 3 days of gastric fluid Ziehl-Neelsen AFB staining +++ in the 3 samples, GENEXPERT M. tuberculosis detected and tracheal secretion AFB staining +++. He started H10/R20/Z20/E20 antibacillary therapy. During his hospitalization, he presented an alteration in the liver profile, for which the H5/R10/Z15/E15 dose was adjusted in conjunction with Pyridoxine. During antibacillary treatment at 10 months, abdominal ultrasound revealed multiple calcifications in the liver and control brain ultrasound with mild dilatation of the lateral ventricles on both sides. At the end of treatment, the physical examination confirmed the liver at 2 cm RCD at one year of life, normal growth and development for age, ophthalmological and hearing controls without pathological findings. The newborn received 2 months of HRZE and 10 months of HR, completing a total of 12 months of treatment in conjunction with Pyridoxine up to 10 days after the suspension of antibacillary drugs, and the mother received 4 months of HRZE and 8 months of HR, completing 12 months of treatment. antibacillary.

Pediatr. (Asuncion) ; 50(1)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431030


Introducción: La fiebre chikungunya (FCHIK) es una enfermedad febril transmitida por mosquitos, que en el niño tiene manifestaciones clínicas diferentes, dependiendo del grupo de edad. Objetivo: el presente trabajo tiene el propósito de identificar las características clínicas y evolutivas de la FCHIK en pacientes ≤15 años, que acudieron al Instituto de Medicina Tropical (IMT). Materiales y método: estudio observacional, descriptivo retrospectivo, basado en revisión de historias clínicas de pacientes de 0 y 15 años, que consultaron al IMT, entre noviembre/2022 y marzo/ 2023, con diagnóstico de FCHIK. Resultados: de 2050 pacientes febriles que consultaron al IMT entre noviembre/2022 y marzo/2023, 301 fueron casos de FCHIK, 10,6% (32/301) requirió hospitalización, de estos el 62,5% (20/32) era ≤1 año. La presencia de vómitos (p<0.0001.OR= 5,5 IC95% 2.2-13.2), dolor abdominal (p<0.0001.OR=40.5,5 IC95% 4.5-364.3); erupción maculo-papular-ampollar p<0.008. OR=3.5, IC95% 1.3 - 9.1), fue significativamente más frecuente en los hospitalizados. El 37.5% (12/32) fue hospitalizado en UCI y 15,6% (5/32) requirió ARM, 18.7%(6/32) presentó miocarditis; 15.6%(5/32) encefalitis, y 3.1%(1/32) encefalitis y miocarditis. No se registraron óbitos. Conclusiones: La décima parte de los pacientes con FCHIK requirieron hospitalización, de estos más de la mitad fueron <1 año. Las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes fueron fiebre, exantema, vómitos, irritabilidad, artralgias, lesiones ampollares. La leucopenia fue significativamente más frecuente en ≤1 año. La edad <3 meses, así como vómitos, exantema vesículo-ampollar, presencia de choque, irritabilidad, convulsiones, dolor abdominal y dificultad respiratoria se asociaron significativamente al requerimiento de hospitalización. Las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron el choque, la miocarditis y la encefalitis.

Introduction: Chikungunya fever (CHKF) is a febrile disease transmitted by mosquitoes, which presentes different clinical manifestations in children, depending on their age group. Objective: to describe the clinical and outcome characteristics of CHKF in patients ≤15 years old, who presented to the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM). Materials and methods: this was a retrospective, descriptive and observational study, based on the review of medical records of patients between 0 and 15 years of age, who were evaluated at the ITM, between November/2022 and March/2023, who were diagnosed with CHKF. Results: of 2050 febrile patients who consulted at the ITM between November/2022 and March/2023, 301 were cases of CHKF, 10.6% (32/301) required hospitalization, of which 62.5% (20/32) were ≤ 1 year of age. The presence of vomiting (p<0.0001, OR= 5.5, 95% CI 2.2-13.2), abdominal pain (p<0.0001, OR=40.5.5, 95% CI 4.5-364.3); maculo-papular-bullous rash (p<0.008, OR=3.5, 95% CI 1.3 - 9.1), was significantly more frequent in hospitalized patients. 37.5% (12/32) were hospitalized in the ICU and 15.6% (5/32) required ARM, 18.7% (6/32) presented myocarditis; 15.6%(5/32) encephalitis, and 3.1%(1/32) had both encephalitis and myocarditis. No deaths were registered. Conclusions: One tenth of the patients with CHKF required hospitalization, of which more than half were <1 year of age. The most frequent clinical manifestations were fever, rash, vomiting, irritability, arthralgia, and bullous lesions. Leukopenia was significantly more frequent in those ≤1 year of age. Age <3 months, as well as vomiting, vesicular-bullous rash, shock, irritability, seizures, abdominal pain, and respiratory distress were significantly associated with the need for hospitalization. The most frequent complications were shock, myocarditis and encephalitis.

Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;37(4): 356-361, ago. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138559


Resumen Introducción: Desde fines del siglo XX el dengue ha asolado periódicamente al Paraguay. Su elevada morbilidad y mortalidad se traducen en un elevado impacto socio-económico global y una elevada carga en los sistemas de atención médica. Objetivo: Determinar el costo económico y la carga del dengue en el Paraguay. Metodología: Se estimaron los costos directos e indirectos del dengue tanto de casos ambulatorios como hospitalizados. Igualmente fueron calculados los años de vida ajustados por discapacidad (DALY) a partir de la suma de los años de vida perdidos (AVPP) debido a la mortalidad prematura en la población y los años perdidos debido a la discapacidad (DVSP). Resultados: El costo unitario por caso ambulatorio fue de US dólares 52,5 y para pacientes hospitalizados de US dólares 300 con un costo total para los 4 años de US dólares 276.804,864 y US dólares 23.236,45, respectivamente. Los AVPP fueron 18.469,7 por millón de habitantes; los DVSP de 185.835 y los DALYs 32.676 años por millón de habitantes. Conclusiones: El dengue impone considerables costos tanto para el sector de la salud como para la economía en general en el Paraguay.

Abstract Background: Since the end of the 20th century, dengue has periodically devastated Paraguay. Its high morbidity and mortality translate into a high global socio-economic impact and a high burden on health care systems. Aim: To determine the economic cost and burden of dengue in Paraguay. Methods: The direct and indirect costs of dengue were estimated in both outpatient and hospitalized cases. Likewise, the years of life adjusted for disability (DALY) were calculated from the sum of the years of life lost (YPLL) due to premature mortality in the population and years lost due to disability (DVSP). Results: The unit cost per ambulatory case was US dollars 52.5 and for hospitalized patients US dollars 300 with a total cost for the 4 years of US dollars 276,804.864 and US dollars 23,236.45, respectively. The AVPP were 18,469.7 per million inhabitants; the DVSP of 185,835 and the DALYs 32,676 years per million inhabitants. Conclusions: Dengue imposes considerable costs for both the health sector and the economy in general in Paraguay.

Humanos , Dengue/epidemiologia , Pacientes Ambulatoriais , Paraguai/epidemiologia , Efeitos Psicossociais da Doença
Rev Chilena Infectol ; 37(4): 356-361, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33399655


BACKGROUND: Since the end of the 20th century, dengue has periodically devastated Paraguay. Its high morbidity and mortality translate into a high global socio-economic impact and a high burden on health care systems. AIM: To determine the economic cost and burden of dengue in Paraguay. METHODS: The direct and indirect costs of dengue were estimated in both outpatient and hospitalized cases. Likewise, the years of life adjusted for disability (DALY) were calculated from the sum of the years of life lost (YPLL) due to premature mortality in the population and years lost due to disability (DVSP). RESULTS: The unit cost per ambulatory case was US dollars 52.5 and for hospitalized patients US dollars 300 with a total cost for the 4 years of US dollars 276,804.864 and US dollars 23,236.45, respectively. The AVPP were 18,469.7 per million inhabitants; the DVSP of 185,835 and the DALYs 32,676 years per million inhabitants. CONCLUSIONS: Dengue imposes considerable costs for both the health sector and the economy in general in Paraguay.

Dengue , Efeitos Psicossociais da Doença , Dengue/epidemiologia , Humanos , Pacientes Ambulatoriais , Paraguai/epidemiologia
Cad Saude Publica ; 27(7): 1271-80, 2011 Jul.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21808812


Tuberculosis is a public health problem in South America, but numerous control strategies have proven ineffective in settings with intense transmission. This study aimed to determine whether the triple border region between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay is an area of high tuberculosis transmission. An ecological study was conducted with incidence data and population estimates for the three countries. Mean incidence rates were calculated for 2001 to 2007. Spatial analysis techniques identified high-incidence areas in the region using maps with Bayesian smoothing of rates and spatial averages. During the target period, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, had the highest incidence, followed by Ciudad del Este in Paraguay, and Puerto Iguazú in Argentina. The analysis showed a spatial cluster of municipalities with high tuberculosis risk in the triple border region. Tuberculosis in the tri-border area shows increasing or stable incidence rates and municipalities with incidence rates above the State average. The area has high tuberculosis incidence and therefore heavy transmission of the disease.

Tuberculose Pulmonar/transmissão , Argentina/epidemiologia , Teorema de Bayes , Brasil/epidemiologia , Humanos , Incidência , Paraguai/epidemiologia , Características de Residência , Tuberculose Pulmonar/epidemiologia
Cad. saúde pública ; Cad. Saúde Pública (Online);27(7): 1271-1280, jul. 2011. ilus, graf, mapas
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-594429


A tuberculose é um problema de saúde pública na América do Sul e muitas estratégias de controle têm se mostrado ineficazes em cenários com intensa transmissão. O objetivo é determinar se a região da tríplice fronteira entre Brasil/Paraguai/Argentina constitui uma área de elevada transmissão da tuberculose. Um estudo ecológico foi conduzido com dados de incidência e as estimativas populacionais dos três países. Taxas médias de incidência foram calculadas para 2001 a 2007. Técnicas de análise espacial identificaram áreas de maior incidência na região por meio de mapas com suavizações bayesianas das taxas e médias espaciais. Nesse período, Foz do Iguaçu teve as mais elevadas incidências, seguido por Ciudad del Este no Paraguai e Puerto Iguazú na Argentina. Detectou-se cluster espacial de municípios com alto risco de ocorrência de tuberculose na região da tríplice fronteira. A tuberculose nessa área tem taxas de notificação ascendentes ou estáveis, municípios com incidência acima da média estadual e esta é uma região de elevada incidência e, portanto, de alta transmissão.

Tuberculosis is a public health problem in South America, but numerous control strategies have proven ineffective in settings with intense transmission. This study aimed to determine whether the triple border region between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay is an area of high tuberculosis transmission. An ecological study was conducted with incidence data and population estimates for the three countries. Mean incidence rates were calculated for 2001 to 2007. Spatial analysis techniques identified high-incidence areas in the region using maps with Bayesian smoothing of rates and spatial averages. During the target period, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, had the highest incidence, followed by Ciudad del Este in Paraguay, and Puerto Iguazú in Argentina. The analysis showed a spatial cluster of municipalities with high tuberculosis risk in the triple border region. Tuberculosis in the tri-border area shows increasing or stable incidence rates and municipalities with incidence rates above the State average. The area has high tuberculosis incidence and therefore heavy transmission of the disease.

Humanos , Tuberculose Pulmonar/transmissão , Argentina , Teorema de Bayes , Brasil , Incidência , Paraguai , Características de Residência , Tuberculose Pulmonar