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Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 54(4): 40-43, jul.-ago. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-956884


Los quistes mesentéricos son poco frecuentes y representan menos de 1 de cada 100,000 ingresos hospitalarios. Fueron descritos por primera vez en 1507, y en 1880 Tillaux fue el primer cirujano que extirpó uno en forma exitosa. El presente reporte de caso se trata de una paciente de 64 años de edad que presentaba un aumento de volumen progresivo a nivel de mesogastrio e hipocondrio izquierdo, acompañado de náusea y dolor punzante intermitente. Contaba con exámenes de laboratorio que incluían marcadores tumorales, los cuales se encontraban dentro de rangos normales. La tomografía axial computada (TAC) de abdomen mostraba una imagen quística de aproximadamente 10 x 10 cm y diagnóstico probable de quiste mesentérico. Se realizó intervención quirúrgica programada con el diagnóstico preoperatorio de probable quiste mesentérico y se encontró un tumor de 15 x 10 cm dependiente de mesenterio, firmemente adherido la raíz del mismo, que se pudo extirpar sin dificultad. El reporte histopatológico fue de quiste simple de mesenterio. La paciente cursó con buena evolución posquirúrgica; egresó al cuarto día y fue dada de alta del servicio al tercer mes en la consulta externa de cirugía general. Los quistes mesentéricos constituyen patologías raras, y las referencias bibliográficas continúan siendo pocas, es más frecuente en la edad pediátrica y su presentación clínica en adultos generalmente se presenta con dolores abdominales vagos y poco localizados y en ocasiones acompañado de náuseas. El tratamiento definitivo lo constituye generalmente la escisión quirúrgica, con preferencia la enucleación.

The mesenteric cysts are uncommon and represent less than one case out of 100 000 hospital admissions. The first time they were described was on 1507 and on 1880 Dr. Tillaux was the first surgeon which removed a mesenteric cyst successfully. The present case report is about a patient of 64 years old that had mesogastric and left quadrant volume mass together with nausea and throbbing along with labs results including tumor markers all being on average normal range. The abdomen CT report of the patient showed a cyst mass of about 10 x 10 cm with probable diagnose of mesentericcyst. The surgery was performed with such preop diagnosis finding a mass of 15x10cm strongly dependent to root mesentery which was able to be removed. The histopatologic report was a simple mesenteric Cyst. The patient followed good postop follow and got off on the fourth day after surgery and getting reviewed at clinic with good outcome. The mesenteric cysts are rare pathologies and the bibliography reviews are few being more often at pediatric time and at adult age being shown with vague abdominal pain, bad located together with nausea. The last treatment is always surgical remove.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 54(2): 41-45, mar.-abr. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-956866


Antecedentes: La reparación de una úlcera péptica perforada puede efectuarse con un simple cierre con sutura o con parche de epiplón (Graham) suturado o grapado. El cierre primario más parche de Graham se ha convertido en el método predilecto de un sinnúmero de instituciones. Aparentemente, el tratamiento urgente por vía laparoscópica es bastante efectivo y goza de tasas aceptables de morbilidad y mortalidad comparado con la cirugía convencional. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente varón de 66 años de edad, el cual presenta antecedentes de HAS y AR sin tratamiento, fue llevado al servicio de urgencia del hospital General "Dr. Gonzalo Castañeda" del ISSSTE con un cuadro de 12 h de evolución caracterizado por dolor en epigastrio de tipo ardoroso, inicio súbito, intenso, el cual se generalizó posteriormente a todo el abdomen, presentado datos de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica y mal estado general, abdomen con irritación peritoneal y abdomen en madera, leucocitosis y aire libre subdiafragmático en placa simple de tórax, por lo que diagnosticó ulcera péptica perforada y se decidió realizar cirugía de urgencias. Se utilizó reparación laparoscópica de ulcera gástrica perforada con colocación de parche de epiplón y lavado de cavidad peritoneal con evolución satisfactoria del paciente y posterior egreso de éste. Con el advenimiento de las técnicas laparoscópicas, la factibilidad y seguridad del cierre laparoscópico de las úlceras pépticas perforadas ha sido demostrada en algunas series publicadas recientemente. Conclusión: es evidente que la reparación laparoscópica de úlceras pépticas perforadas puede ser considerada como un método seguro y efectivo, particularmente en pacientes con menos de 24 h de evolución, contando además con algunas de las ventajas ya establecidas de las técnicas mínimamente invasivas.

Background: The repairment of perforated peptic ulcer can be done with a simple suture closure with omental patch (Graham) stitches. Primary closure plus Graham patch has become the preferred method of many institutions. Apparently, the laparoscopic emergency treatment is quite effective, enjoying acceptable rates of morbidity and mortality compared with conventional surgery. Clinical case: We report a case of male patient aged 66 who has a history of SAH and AR without treatment, is brought to the emergency service of General Hospital "Dr. Gonzalo Castañeda "ISSSTE with 12 hrs of evolution presenting epigastric pain of sudden onset of intense burning rate which subsequently generalize to the entire abdomen, reported data of systemic inflammatory response and poor general health, abdomen with peritoneal irritation and wood abdomen, leukocytosis, and subdiaphragmatic air on simple chest plate, diagnosed as perforated peptic ulcer and emergency surgery say using laparoscopic repair of perforated gastric ulcer with omental patch placement and washing of peritoneal cavity of the patient with satisfactory outcome and completion of he. With the advent of laparoscopic techniques, the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic closure of perforated peptic ulcers has been demonstrated in some studies published recently. Conclusion: it is clear that the laparoscopic repair of perforated peptic ulcer can be considered as a safe and effective, particularly in patients with less than 24 hrs of evolution, and also boasts some of the already established advantages of minimally invasive techniques.

Rev Alerg Mex ; 58(4): 200-4, 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24007830


BACKGROUND: Skin tests for specific diagnosis of allergies require high quality extracts, which can be measured by the determination of allergenic potency, utilizing different concentrations of extracts from a manufacturer. OBJETIVE: To compare allergenic mite extracts manufactured by laboratories in Spain, Argentina, and Cuba by skin prick test response. METHODS: A cutaneous puncture was performed on 56 patients aged 2 to 15 years with asthma and allergic rhinitis with extracts of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp), Dermatophagoides farinae (Df), Dermatophagoides siboney (Ds) and Blomia tropicalis (Bt) produced by DIATER (Argentina), ALK- AbellÛ (Spain) and BIOCEN (Cuba). RESULTS: In 84.6% of patients there was an association of symptoms with seasonal changes and house dust exposure. The diameter of wheals from ALK allergen extract was larger than extracts from other sources, but without any significant difference (p > 0.05). The ratio between wheals and allergen concentration with BIOCEN products showed lineal dependence between the diameter averages and the concentration logarithm, ranging from 4000 to 100 000 UB/mL. The skin prick tests with diameters =3mm showed a larger proportion of Dp and Df from ALK in comparison to BIOCEN and DIATER. CONCLUSIONS: We found that dust mite extracts produced and standardized by DIATER, ALK-Abello and BIOCEN were similar with respect to allergenic potency.

Alérgenos , Asma , Animais , Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus/imunologia , Humanos , Pyroglyphidae/imunologia , Rinite Alérgica , Testes Cutâneos