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Interdisciplinaria ; 38(2): 149-166, jun. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279213


Resumen El presente artículo pretende ser un punto de convergencia en dos áreas de relevancia para las ciencias humanas: la psicología y la filosofía, mediante la presentación de una propuesta metodológica que permita la develación de supuestos epistemológicos presentes en las corrientes psicoterapéuticas fundamentales. La filosofía de la psicología se presenta como el contexto teórico general que rige la propuesta, y dentro de ella se delimita una línea de investigación específica denominada "epistemología de la psicoterapia", cuyo foco es la develación de los supuestos epistemológicos presentes en teorías psicoterapéuticas. Se desarrolla una propuesta metodológica basada en la hermenéutica analógica que converge en un modelo de análisis que permite develar tales supuestos epistemológicos. La propuesta se fundamenta en torno a su relevancia epistemológica y psicoterapéutica, en congruencia con los intereses de la American Psychological Association (APA). Finalmente se presenta un ejemplo de aplicación del modelo. A modo de cierre, se exhiben algunas reflexiones en torno a los desafíos e implicancias en la práctica psicoterapéutica de la propuesta.

Abstract This article aims to be a point of convergence in two areas of relevance to the human sciences: psychology and philosophy. This is achieved through the presentation of a methodological proposal that allows the unveiling of the epistemological assumptions present in the fundamental psychotherapeutic currents. The general theoretical context of the proposal is based on the philosophy of psychology. This focuses on the investigation of the philosophical foundations of psychology. Such foundations can be diverse: ethical, aesthetic, logical, semantic, ontological or epistemological, the latter being central to the development of the proposal. Within the philosophy of psychology, a particular line of research is developed that is theoretically situated in an area of ​​philosophy - epistemology - and in an area of ​​psychology - psychotherapy -, converging in the epistemology of psychotherapy, which grants the particular framework. The epistemology of psychotherapy focuses on the study and critical reflection of the foundations of knowledge in the psychotherapeutic discipline. Research from this line has been approached mainly from three perspectives: (1) from the client, as a personal structure, (2) from the process, as a branch of scientific psychology and (3) from the representations of the psychotherapist. This article proposes the development of a fourth perspective: one that is centered on theories, or in other words, on the epistemological assumptions present in the fundamental psychotherapeutic currents. This task is seen pending in the literature, so an analysis model is proposed that allows uncovering such assumptions in the fundamental psychotherapeutic currents. The foundation of the proposal lies around its epistemological relevance, relative to the construction of knowledge in psychotherapy and the study of the theories through which the reality of the client is known. It also has psychotherapeutic relevance, around the contribution that the epistemology of psychotherapy can give to studies on effectiveness in the discipline. Furthermore, it is presented consistent with the research interests of the Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology (STPP), division 24 of the American Psychological Association (APA). The central constructs of the model are: (1) the epistemological-type philosophical assumptions, which will be considered, in general, as the philosophical assumptions related to the study of the nature, scope and validity of human knowledge (rationalism, empiricism, pragmatism, positivism, positivism logical, phenomenology, hermeneutics, critical theory and configurationism, among others); and (2) the fundamental psychotherapeutic currents that will correspond to the psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic-existential and systemic approach, understood exclusively from their role in psychotherapy. For the unveiling of the epistemological assumptions present in the fundamental psychotherapeutic currents, a methodological proposal is developed based on the analogical hermeneutics of Mauricio Beuchot. This converges into a model of analysis, or interpretative network, that allows us to uncover such assumptions by elaborating a hermeneutical question, a hermeneutical answer, and a series of interpretative arguments that support it. Finally, an example of the application of the model around the humanist-existential current is presented in order to clarify its development and implementation. By way of closing, some reflections are presented around (1) the challenges and implications in the psychotherapeutic practice of the proposal; (2) to the various research possibilities that can be generated with its application and; (3) to the contributions that philosophy can give to psychotherapy.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 15(2): 201-210, jul.-dic. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375259


Resumen El objetivo del presente artículo es describir las principales tendencias metodológicas en investigación psicoterapéutica de los últimos cinco años, como una forma de responder a "cómo se está conociendo lo que se conoce" en la disciplina. La descripción giró en torno a tres variables: tipos de problemas de investigación, tipos de investigación y tipos de enfoque de investigación. La metodología utilizada se centró en un análisis descriptivo epistemométrico respecto a la base de datos Web of Science. La muestra fue no probabilística y correspondió a 46 artículos de investigación en psicoterapia publicados durante el periodo 2013 y 2017. Se encontró que la mayoría de los artículos abordan problemas prácticos (52.2 %), fueron investigaciones de tipo descriptivo (54.3 %) y utilizaron un enfoque cualitativo (45.7 %). Finalmente, se concluye que los investigadores en psicoterapia realizan, principalmente, preguntas de tipo práctico en torno al tratamiento de pacientes, obteniendo respuestas de alcance limitado, centradas en fenómenos particulares. Se discuten las limitaciones del estudio sobre la generalización de los resultados.

Abstract The aim of this article is to describe the main methodological trends in psychotherapy research in the past five years, as a way of responding to "how it is knowing what is known" in the discipline. The description focused on three variables: types of research problems, types of research and types of research approach. The methodology used in this article focuses on a descriptive epistemometric analysis regarding the Web of Science database. The sample was non-probabilistic and corresponded to 46 psychotherapy research articles published between 2013 and 2017. It was found that most articles dealt with practical problems (52.2 %), descriptive research (54.3 %) and approach reality through a qualitative approach (45.7 %). Finally, it is concluded that researchers in psychotherapy mainly ask practical questions about the treatment of patients, obtaining answers of limited scope, focusing on phenomena. The limitations of the study on the generalization of results are discussed.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 16(1): 89-100, ene.-jun. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-901898


Resumen (descriptivo): En este artículo presentamos una reflexión teórica, enmarcada epistemológicamente desde el construccionismo social, sobre cómo los retratos fotográficos pueden configurarse como un medio narrativo que facilita la co-construcción de identidades descentradas y alternativas a la identidad dominante de drogadicto. Abordamos la red teórica que otorga sustento a tal reflexión y posteriormente describimos una aplicación práctica de esta junto a un grupo de jóvenes en contexto de abuso de drogas. Concluimos que la fotografía se configura como un medio narrativo para la utilización terapéutica en la medida en que es posible atribuirle significados a través del lenguaje, emergiendo como un medio respetuoso, innovador y pragmático que pudiera enriquecer los tratamientos convencionales de drogas, en lo que respecta a la promoción de identidades alternativas. Palabras clave autores: construccionismo social, narrativa.

Abstract (descriptive): In this article we present a theoretical reflection, framed epistemologically from social constructionism, on how photographic portraits can be configured as a narrative medium that facilitates the co - construction of decentred and alternative identities to the dominant identity of drug addict. We approach the theoretical network that supports this reflection and later we describe a practical application of this with a group of young people in the context of drug abuse. We conclude that photography is configured as a narrative medium for therapeutic use to the extent that as it is possible to give meanings to it through language, emerging as a respectful, innovative and pragmatic medium that could enrich conventional drug treatments, related to the promotion of alternative identities. Authors key words: Social constructionism, narrative.

Resumo (descritivo): Neste artigo, apresentamos uma reflexão teórica, enquadrada epistemologicamente pelo construcionismo social, sobre a forma como os retratos fotográficos podem ser configurados como um meio narrativo que facilita a co-construção de identidades descentralizadas e alternativas à identidade dominante do toxicodependente. Abordamos a rede teórica que apoia essa reflexão e depois descrevemos uma aplicação prática deste, juntamente com um grupo de jovens no contexto do abuso de drogas. Concluímos que a fotografia é configurada como um meio narrativo para uso terapêutico na medida em que é possível atribuir significados a ela através da linguagem, emergindo assim como um meio respeitoso, inovador e pragmático que poderia enriquecer os tratamentos de drogas convencionais, no que se refere à promoção de identidades alternativas. Palavras-chave autores: construcionismo social, narrativa.

Fotografia , Preparações Farmacêuticas