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Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 67(3): 41-51, may.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569545


Resumen El sentido del gusto tiene un papel importante porque ha permitido discriminar entre lo que puede ser alimento y lo que no, e incluso en lo que puede ser tóxico o peligroso al ingerirlo. La búsqueda de nuevos sabores está presente en toda la historia de la humanidad. Desde la antigüedad, las especias aportaron nuevas experiencias gustativas para hacer más palatables los alimentos o incluso para conservarlos durante más tiempo. La búsqueda de especias fue una motivación para realizar viajes que llevaron a descubrimiento de nuevas tierras y continentes. Más recientemente, la pandemia por un virus que altera los sentidos del olfato y del gusto, nos ha hecho recordar la importancia de estos sentidos. El sentido del gusto está determinado por unas pequeñas estructuras que se ubican en las papilas linguales. Hay cuatro tipos que definen cinco sabores y uno que aún está en duda. Las alteraciones de este sentido tienen varios posibles orígenes que se comentan en esta revisión.

Abstract Taste is relevant because it has allowed us to discriminate between what is food and what is not, and even what can be toxic or dangerous when ingested. The search for new flavors is present in history of mankind. Since ancient times, the spices provided new taste experiences to make meals more palatable or as a means of preserving food; the search for spices was a motivation to make voyages that led to the discovery of new lands and continents. More recently, a viral pandemic that damages the olfaction and taste senses made us to remember the relevance of the senses. Small structures, called taste buds, located in the papillae of the tongue are responsible of the sense of taste. There are four types of taste buds that identify five tastes and one whose existence has not yet been fully proven. Taste alterations have different etiologies which will be commented on this review.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 67(1): 8-16, ene.-feb. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559095


Resumen Se calcula que el cuerpo humano está conformado por billones de células, las cuales sufren cientos de miles de lesiones al día en su DNA. Aunque el DNA no es la única biomolécula que sufre daños, su importancia radica en que es la única que no puede ser sustituida por la célula, así que, cuando esta sufre daños, la célula debe repararlos, tolerarlos o, en el caso extremo, activar las vías que la llevarán a la muerte, ya que lo importante es mantener la integridad celular y la homeostasis del organismo. Hay miles de agentes que pueden dañar al DNA, algunos los produce la misma célula y se les denomina 'agentes endógenos', mientras que otros son agentes externos y se les conoce como 'agentes exógenos'. La célula no puede evitar el daño causado por los agentes endógenos, ya que son productos de la actividad metabólica, por ejemplo; así que, cuando suceden se activan de forma inmediata los mecanismos celulares para mitigarlos. Lo mismo pasa con los daños causados por agentes exógenos, ya que la célula hará todo lo posible por disminuir los efectos adversos que pueden causar. El problema se pone de manifiesto cuando la célula no puede reparar los daños o los repara mal o son tantos que los mecanismos de reparación se ven rebasados, es entonces cuando el daño permanece en el DNA y se genera un estado de inestabilidad cromosómica que puede conducir a la célula a la disfunción y a la malignización. Este estado de inestabilidad cromosómica se puede ver reflejado en el aumento de rompimientos de DNA o de micronúcleos en las células expuestas, lo que se puede cuantificar por medio de métodos especiales como el 'Ensayo Cometa' y el 'Ensayo de Micronúcleos', ya que identificar el daño en el DNA es una forma de evaluar el potencial tóxico que tienen los agentes a los que están expuestas las poblaciones, permite conocer los mecanismos de acción que tienen y, además, ayuda a comprender los factores que influyen en el detrimento de la salud poblacional.

Abstract It is estimated that the human body is made of trillions of cells, which suffer hundreds of thousands of DNA lesions every day. Although DNA is not the only biomolecule that suffers damage, its importance lies in the fact that it is the only biomolecule that cannot be replaced by the cell, so when it suffers damage, the cell must repair it, tolerate or, in a extreme case, activate pathways that will lead to death, since the objective is to maintain cell integrity and the homeostasis of the organism.There are thousands of agents that can damage DNA, some are produced by the cell and are called 'endogenous, while others are external agents and are known as 'exogenous. The cell cannot avoid the damage caused by endogenous agents, since they are products of its metabolic activity, for example, so when they occur, cellular mechanisms are immediately activated to mitigate them. The same happens with the damage caused by exogenous agents, since the cell will do everything possible to diminish the adverse effects they can cause. The problem becomes apparent when the cell is unable to repair the damage or poorly repairs it, or repairs so much that the mechanisms are overwhelmed, when the damage remains in the DNA and a state of chromosomal instability is generated that can lead the cell to dysfunction and malignization. This state of chromosomal instability can be reflected in increased DNA breaks or micronuclei in exposed cells, which can be quantified by special methods such as the 'Comet Assay' and the 'Micronucleus Assay'. Since identifying DNA damage is a way of evaluating the toxic potential of the agents to which populations are exposed, it allows us to know their mechanisms of action and helps to understand the factors that influence the detriment in population's health.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 66(6): 37-52, nov.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535225


Resumen El endotelio es una monocapa formada por células aplanadas llamadas w, que revisten la parte más interna del corazón, los vasos sanguíneos y los linfáticos. Es considerado un órgano que tiene una función de barrera, pero además se encarga de regular la permeabilidad y tono vascular, hemostasia, inflamación y angiogénesis. Esta revisión se centra sobre todo en las generalidades del endotelio vascular sano y su disfunción. Se analizan los conceptos de activación y disfunción, en donde la activación se considera como un proceso autolimitado, indispensable para la hemostasia y la inflamación. La disfunción endotelial, en cambio, es un proceso patológico, de mayor duración y que se presenta cuando el endotelio ya no puede autorregularse y cambia a un fenotipo proinflamatorio y protrombótico permanente. Esta disfunción es el primer cambio que lleva a la ateroesclerosis y al aumento del riesgo cardiovascular, por esta razón se revisan los principales biomarcadores de disfunción endotelial y riesgo cardiovascular. A medida que se avance en el conocimiento básico del endotelio y su disfunción, será posible diseñar nuevas medidas preventivas o terapéuticas que puedan disminuir dicho riesgo.

Abstract The endothelium is a monolayer of flatten cells named endothelial cells that form the inner layer of the heart, blood, and lymphatic vessels. Its function is not just as a barrier, but it is a regulator of vascular permeability and tone, hemostasis, inflammation, and angiogenesis. This review is about the general aspects of vascular endothelium and endothelial dysfunction that leads to increased vascular risk. Activation and dysfunction are discussed, considering the endothelial activation as a self-limiting process, necessary to promote inflammation and hemostasis. Endothelial dysfunction is a pathological process in which the endothelium loses its ability for self-regulation and acquires a prothrombotic and proinflammation phenotype. Endothelial dysfunction is the initial step for atherosclerosis and increased cardiovascular risk, so the main biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction are reviewed. As basic knowledge about endothelium increases, preventive or therapeutic measures can be designed as treatment or prevention the risk of its dysfunction.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 65(5): 20-29, sep.-oct. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431339


Resumen Se estima que el 80% de la población mundial utiliza diversas plantas medicinales para el tratamiento o control de diversas enfermedades, ya sean agudas o crónicas, debido a su accesibilidad y bajo costo, observándose en los últimos años un aumento en el consumo sin una observación médica adecuada. México es considerado como el segundo país más importante del mundo en cuanto al conocimiento de la medicina tradicional, solo después de china. El uso de las plantas medicinales se ha reportado desde tiempos prehispánicos como una opción terapéutica, sin embargo, el único enfoque que se tiene es la parte curativa y no se ha reflexionado en que las plantas poseen metabolitos secundarios (compuestos químicos producidos por las plantas con actividad biológica en los seres vivos) que, además de tener efectos terapéuticos poseen efectos tóxicos en las personas que las consumen, observándose en algunos casos efectos reversibles después de suspender su consumo. El copalchi o palo amargo es una planta medicinal que proviene de la corteza del árbol de Hintonia latiflora (sin. Coutarea latiflora), la cual ha sido utilizada principalmente como tratamiento alternativo para pacientes con diabetes tipo 2, ya que se ha demostrado que tiene efecto hipoglucemiante. Sin embargo, se han reportado casos de hepatotoxicidad aguda con un incremento en las transaminasas hepáticas (ALT y AST) por el consumo continuo de dicha corteza, no obstante el procesamiento de las plantas medicinales utilizando medios físicos (calentar o hervir) puede alterar la actividad farmacológica de los constituyentes orgánicos, los cuales pueden verse también afectados en su concentración dependiendo de los factores ambientales de cultivo, localización del suelo, humedad y temperatura ambiental, así como la temporada de cosecha (tallos, hojas, flores, raíces, semillas). El consumo de esta planta medicinal es por medio de infusiones calientes o en cápsulas con extracto.

Abstract Approximately 80% of the world's population uses various medicinal plants for the treatment or control of various diseases, whether acute or chronic, due to their accessibility and low cost, observing in recent years an increase in consumption without proper medical observation. Mexico is considered the second most important country in the world in terms of traditional medicine knowledge, only after China. The use of medicinal plants has been reported since pre-Hispanic times as a therapeutic option; however, the only focus is on the curative part and it has not been considered that plants have secondary metabolites (chemical compounds produced by plants with biological activity in living beings) that, besides having therapeutic effects, have toxic effects in people who consume them, and in some cases reversible effects are observed after suspending their consumption. Copalchi or palo amargo is a medicinal plant obtained from the bark of the Hintonia latiflora tree (syn. Coutarea latiflora), which has been used mainly as an alternative treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes, since it has been shown to have a hypoglycemic effect. However, cases of acute hepatotoxicity have been reported with an increase in hepatic transaminases (ALT and AST) by the continuous consumption of this bark. However, the processing of medicinal plants using physical means (heating or boiling) can alter the pharmacological activity of the organic constituents, which can also be affected in their concentration depending on the environmental factors of cultivation, soil location, humidity, and environmental temperature, as well as the harvesting season (stems, leaves, flowers, roots, seeds). The consumption of this medicinal plant is by means of hot infusions or in capsules with extract.

Int J Toxicol ; 40(5): 466-474, 2021 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34284608


The aim of this report was to evaluate the morphological and biochemical changes in the liver by the inhalation of vanadium and consumption of sweetened beverages in a subchronic murine model. Forty CD-1 male mice were randomly divided into four groups: control, vanadium (V), sucrose 30% (S), and vanadium-sucrose (V + S). V was inhaled (1.4 mg/m3) for 1h, twice/week; 30% sucrose solution was given orally ad libitum. Blood samples were obtained for AST, ALT, and LDH determination. Liver samples were processed for histological and oxidative stress immunohistochemical evaluation with 4-hydroxynonenal at weeks 4 and 8 of exposure. Regarding liver function tests, a statistically significant increase (P < 0.05) was observed in groups V, S, and V + S at weeks 4 and 8 compared to the control group. A greater number of hepatocytes with meganuclei and binuclei were observed in V and V + S at week 8 compared to the other groups. Steatosis and regenerative changes were more extensive in the eighth week V + S group. 4-Hydroxynonenal immunoreactivity increased in the V + S group at both exposure times compared to the other groups; however, the increment was more evident in the V + S group at week 4 compared to the V + S group at week 8. An increase in De Ritis ratio (>1) was noticed in experimental groups at weeks 4 and 8. Findings demonstrate that in the liver, V, S, and V + S induced oxidative stress and regenerative changes that increased with the length of exposure. Results support possible potentiation of liver damage in areas with high air pollution and high-sweetened beverage consumption.

Fígado/efeitos dos fármacos , Bebidas Adoçadas com Açúcar/toxicidade , Compostos de Vanádio/administração & dosagem , Administração por Inalação , Alanina Transaminase/sangue , Aldeídos/metabolismo , Animais , Aspartato Aminotransferases/sangue , Fígado Gorduroso/etiologia , Fígado Gorduroso/metabolismo , Fígado Gorduroso/patologia , L-Lactato Desidrogenase/sangue , Fígado/metabolismo , Fígado/patologia , Masculino , Camundongos , Estresse Oxidativo , Compostos de Vanádio/toxicidade
Parasitol Res ; 119(3): 1057-1074, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31901110


Ruminant coccidiosis is a gastrointestinal disease caused by parasites of the genus Eimeria. Environmental and climatic factors are relevant for the development, survival, and transmission of coccidiosis because Eimeria oocysts are able to survive in the environment for several weeks or months in favorable conditions of moderate heat and moisture. The aim of the present study was to georeference, for the first time, the locations of Eimeria occurrences in Mexico from 1961 to 2018. A dataset was created for 3414 reports of Eimeria occurrences in cattle, sheep, and goats in Mexico. Twelve species of Eimeria that infect cattle were recorded, 11 Eimeria species of sheep are present in Mexico, and eight species of goats are geographically distributed in the country. In the current findings, it has been observed that Eimeria colonizes mainly the temperate semihumid, temperate humid, warm humid, and warm semihumid areas during spring and summer in animals younger than 1 year of age. Macroenvironmental variables like temperature and rainfall influence the prevalence of Eimeria in cattle, sheep, and goats, and for some species, the rearing system, facility type, farm size, and altitude affect the occurrence of this parasite. Results may support future studies aimed at reducing the disease prevalence of the parasite in endemic regions of Mexico. The use of recorded cases and climate variables yields a more comprehensive perspective of the epidemiology of eimeriosis, which would be difficult to infer from laboratory studies alone.

Doenças dos Bovinos/parasitologia , Coccidiose/veterinária , Eimeria/isolamento & purificação , Doenças dos Ovinos/parasitologia , Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/epidemiologia , Clima , Coccidiose/epidemiologia , Coccidiose/parasitologia , Eimeria/classificação , Cabras , México/epidemiologia , Estações do Ano , Ovinos , Doenças dos Ovinos/epidemiologia
Geospat Health ; 13(1): 624, 2018 05 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29772883


The tick genus Ripicephalus (Boophilus), particularly R. microplus, is one of the most important ectoparasites that affects livestock health and considered an epidemiological risk because it causes significant economic losses due, mainly, to restrictions in the export of infested animals to several countries. Its spatial distribution has been tied to environmental factors, mainly warm temperatures and high relative humidity. In this work, we integrated a dataset consisting of 5843 records of Rhipicephalus spp., in Mexico covering close to 50 years to know which environmental variables mostly influence this ticks' distribution. Occurrences were georeferenced using the software DIVA-GIS and the potential current distribution was modelled using the maximum entropy method (Maxent). The algorithm generated a map of high predictive capability (Area under the curve = 0.942), providing the various contribution and permutation importance of the tested variables. Precipitation seasonality, particularly in March, and isothermality were found to be the most significant climate variables in determining the probability of spatial distribution of Rhipicephalus spp. in Mexico (15.7%, 36.0% and 11.1%, respectively). Our findings demonstrate that Rhipicephalus has colonized Mexico widely, including areas characterized by different types of climate. We conclude that the Maxent distribution model using Rhipicephalus records and a set of environmental variables can predict the extent of the tick range in this country, information that should support the development of integrated control strategies.

Rhipicephalus , Análise Espacial , Infestações por Carrapato/epidemiologia , Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/parasitologia , Conjuntos de Dados como Assunto , México/epidemiologia
Front Vet Sci ; 5: 333, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30687723


Besnoitia besnoiti is the causative agent of bovine besnoitiosis. B. besnoiti infections lead to reduced fertility and productivity in cattle causing high economic losses, not only in Europe, but also in Asia and Africa. Mild to severe clinical signs, such as anasarca, oedema, orchitis, hyperkeratosis, and characteristic skin and mucosal cysts, are due to B. besnoiti tachyzoite and bradyzoite replication in intermediate host tissues. So far, there are no commercially available effective drugs against this parasite. Curcumin, a polyphenolic compound from Curcuma longa rhizome is well-known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and also anti-protozoan effects. Hence, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of curcumin on viability, motility, invasive capacity, and proliferation of B. besnoiti tachyzoites replicating in primary bovine umbilical vein endothelial cells (BUVEC) in vitro. Functional inhibition assays revealed that curcumin treatments reduce tachyzoite viability and induce lethal effects in up to 57% of tachyzoites (IC50 in 5.93 µM). Referring to general motility, significant dose-dependent effects of curcumin treatments were observed. Interestingly, curcumin treatments only dampened helical gliding and twirling activities whilst longitudinal gliding motility was not significantly affected. In addition, curcumin pretreatments of tachyzoites resulted in a dose-dependent reduction of host cell invasion as detected by infections rates at 1 day p. i. These findings demonstrate feeding cattle with Curcuma longa rhizomes may represent a new strategy for besnoitiosis treatment.