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PLoS One ; 18(6): e0285026, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37343021


This study seeks to understand how micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) can be innovative while developing their reputation. In doing so, this study focuses on companies classified as promoters of Colombia's "orange economy," which relates to the country's cultural and creative diversity. Firms with a non-technological emphasis also require knowledge, innovation, and reputation to perform better. In this regard, the study is based on the work of Hormiga and Garcia-Almeida (2016) who proposed the relationship between accumulated knowledge and innovation as background of reputation. In this paper, the purpose is to understand the internal reputation-building process carried out by MSMEs and the variables that intervene. Therefore, this research accounts for how MSMEs can build their reputation through innovation and accumulated knowledge. For this, a survey was conducted in 320 orange economy MSMEs located in Bogotá, Colombia, and the relationship of these variables was statistically tested through a quantitative analysis of multivariate data. Innovation was found to not impact the performance of companies, but this can be associated to factors that were not considered in this research. However, it is proposed to refine the original model by considering the manager's perspective. It is recommended that entrepreneurs invest resources in accumulating internal (tacit) knowledge to improve skills that enhance reputation.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 280-300, abr. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430600


Resumen Las pruebas internacionales de aplicación masiva permiten evaluar los aportes de los factores individuales, familiares, institucionales y nacionales al logro educativo de los estudiantes expresado en su desempeño. En este contexto, el propósito de este estudio fue proponer y evaluar un modelo de efectos centrado en el procesamiento cognitivo esencial e incidental de las actividades académicas, de acuerdo con el desempeño en las pruebas de matemáticas en estudiantes de sexto grado de 15 países (y el estado de Nuevo León de México) que participaron en el Tercer Estudio Regional Comparativo y Explicativo (TERCE). Se formuló un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales en el que se calcularon índices de procesamiento esencial (control atencional, memoria de trabajo y supervisión familiar) y procesamiento incidental (violencia percibida, uso de ocio de la computadora -videojuegos, redes sociales, reproducción de contenidos, etcétera), con base en los ítems o preguntas utilizados en el TERCE. Los índices se diseñaron y obtuvieron según el Modelo de Rasch de la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem (TRI). El modelo planteado afecta el desempeño en la prueba en 24 puntos. La variable con mayor tamaño de efecto es el uso de ocio de computadoras en el hogar. Los resultados se discuten a la luz de las hipótesis cognitivas sobre la distribución de recursos de atención y la de entrenamiento para entender el rol de las tecnologías de la información en el proceso formativo.

Abstract International tests of massive application allow evaluating how individual, institutional, national, and family factors contribute to students' educational achievement through their performance. Consequently, education evaluation is based on the paradigm of general and specific competencies for life. One of these general competencies is the capacity to solve mathematical problems and apply logical thinking to problem-solving. In order to evaluate this general competence, standardized tests have been developed. Among these tests, the Third Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (TERCE) in 2013 evaluated the mathematical and other areas' academic performance of children in the third and sixth grade. The TERCE Mathematics evaluation allows researchers to capture the students' academic performance in five domains: numeric, geometric, measurement, statistics, and variation, as well as their cognitive performance in objects and elements recognition and simple and complex problem-solving. In addition, to evaluate these eight dimensions, the TERCE test also asks for information regarding academic context, family environment, and teachers, among others. Despite this information, in Colombia and in general, the evaluation of the socioeconomic context over academic performance has been studied mainly considering the schools' characteristics, families' economic levels, and public expenses. Therefore, there is little evidence of the effects of psycho-pedagogical and psychological factors on academic performance. Psycho-pedagogical models emphasize the dependence of the superior processes on perceptual and attentional processes and the need for activities that demand deep processing and active involvement with information before, during, and after classes. Thus, attending simultaneously to different elements affects the development of cognitive control functions, which leads to low academic achievement and performance. Frequently, students face academic activities in different scenarios where the attentional system should divide its resources between several stimulus sources. Activities in which the attentional system focuses are "essential processing", and those not related to the main academic activity are called "incidental processing". Consequently, increasing the sources of incidental processing would decrease the attentional resources devoted to the essential processing of educational activities producing low academic performance. In this context, the study proposes and evaluates an effects model focused on essential and incidental cognitive processing of academic activities. The information was captured on the mathematics performance of sixth-grade students from 15 countries (and the state of Nuevo León de México) participating in the Third Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (TERCE). A Structural Equations model was formulated using indices of Essential Processing (Attentional Control, Working Memory, and Family Supervision) and Incidental Processing (Perceived Violence, Leisure use of the computer, and incidental processing) based on the items or questions used in the TERCE. The indices were designed based on the Item Response Theory (IRT) model. Findings show that the proposed model affects the performance in the test by 24 points. Higher scores in essential processing produce higher scores in the mathematics component of the TERCE test. Family supervision of academic activity is the single element with the highest impact on academic performance (3.020); on the other hand, attentional control (7.48) and working memory (4.295) also impact academic performance positively. Regarding the incidental processing variables, lower levels of perceived violence (1.680), less noise and distractor in class (2.130), and higher use of computers at home for leisure activities (5.851) have the most significant impacts on academic performance. The results are discussed considering the cognitive hypotheses on the distribution of attention resources and the training hypothesis to understand information technologies' role in the academic processes. Suggestions for further research focus on the inclusion of items with a higher theoretical background that allows researchers to evaluate the impact of essential and incidental processing on academic performance using items specially designed with that goal to get more conclusive and robust results.

Suma psicol ; 29(2)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536893


Introducción: el constructo grit predice el desempeño en distintos dominios; aunque con resultados variables en la estructura de las pruebas. El objetivo de la investigación es aportar evidencias de validez de la Grit-S, a través de la confirmación de la estructura y la convergencia con la Escala para Medir Agencia Personal y Empoderamiento. Método: en primer lugar, estudiantes universitarios (n = 313) de modalidad virtual respondieron la prueba Grit-S y se efectuó un análisis factorial confirmatorio de la prueba. A continuación, se evaluó la convergencia con la Escala para Medir Agencia Personal y Empoderamiento. Resultados: Los hallazgos sugieren mantener la estructura bifactorial de Grit-S. Por otra parte, se adaptó la escala de agencia y empoderamiento a través de un análisis factorial exploratorio, con una estructura de cuatro factores que explican el 44.6 % de la varianza. A su vez, la correlación de las subdimensiones de Grit-S y la escala de agencia y empoderamiento son positivas. Conclusiones: La prueba Grit-S es válida y sensible a dimensiones de funcionamiento individual, por la convergencia con las subdime0nsiones de agencia y la baja relación con el empoderamiento social.

Introduction: Grit is a construct that can predict performance in different domains. This research aims to provide evidence about the validity of the Grit-S Scale through a factorial structure confirmatory analysis and a convergence study with the Scale to Measure Personal Agency and Empowerment. Method: Firstly, university students from virtual learning programs (n = 313) answered the Grit-S Scale, and a confirmatory analysis was performed. Afterwards, the Scale to measure personal agency and empowerment was used to evaluate the convergence validity of the Grit-S Scale. Results: Findings confirm that the Grit-S scale has a bifactorial structure. On the other hand, the ESAGE Scale was adapted using an Exploratory Factorial Analysis, with four factors that explain 44.6% of the variance. Correlations between Grit-S subdimensions and the ESAGE Scale are positive and statistically significant. Conclusions: The Grit-S scale accurately measures Grit. Besides, it is possible to confirm the relationship between Grit and personality traits considering its convergence with the agency dimension in the Scale to measure personal agency and the low relationship with the social empowerment dimension.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 25(1): 9-27, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364254


Abstract Albeit its long trajectory on social sciences and gender studies, female empowerment promotion has gained a renewed protagonism because of its inclusion on the Millenium Development Goals and the Sustainable Development Goals. Among prioritized strategies to achieve this empowerment, international agencies and national governments have focused on gene-rating associative processes around productive activities. This study presents a systematic literature review to analyze the impact of community-based productive rural association's membership over different dimensions of female empowerment: resources, agency, and results. Then, a systematic literature review of five quantitative studies and eight qualitative studies is carried on. The analysis is organized according to each dimension of the empowerment process. In quantitative papers, the standardized size effects are estimated; a content analysis is made for qualitative papers. Results show that impacts of belonging to productive associations have been studied mostly from the empowerment approach as agency -decision-making process-, and for this specific dimension, size effects are statistically significant but small (8=0,05; 0,22).

Resumen Pese a estar presente en diversas discusiones de las ciencias sociales y los estudios de género la promoción del empoderamiento femenino ha alcanzado un renovado protagonismo a partir de su inclusión en los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio y de Desarrollo Sostenible. Dentro de las estrategias priorizadas para lograr este empoderamiento las agencias internacionales y gobierno nacionales han apostado por la generación de procesos asociativos en torno a actividades productivas. En este documento se presenta una revisión sistemática de literatura que tiene por objetivo analizar el impacto de pertenecer a asociaciones productivas rurales en las diferentes dimensiones del proceso de empoderamiento, a saber: recursos, agencia y resultados. Con este fin, se utiliza una metodología de revisión sistemática de literatura de cinco artículos cuantitativos y ocho artículos cualitativos. Para el caso de los cuantitativos, se presenta una organización basada en el componente del proceso de empoderamiento evaluado y se estima el tamaño del efecto estandarizado; para el caso de los cualitativos, se realiza un análisis de contenido de los hallazgos siguiendo la misma organización por dimensiones del proceso. Los resultados muestran que el impacto de la pertenencia a cooperativas ha sido estudiado de forma mayoritaria desde el enfoque de empoderamiento como agencia, entendida como toma de decisiones; y que, para este componente en particular, los tamaños de los efectos (d de Cohen) son significativos, aunque pequeños (8=0,05; 0,22).