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Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(1): e3027, ene.-feb. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1156695


Introducción: Durante los últimos sesenta años se ha construido evidencia sobre los efectos adversos relacionados con el consumo crónico de cannabis. Los problemas de memoria y concentración, el riesgo de esquizofrenia en sujetos predispuestos y el síndrome amotivacional han sido referenciados. Con los primeros al parecer no hay muchas dudas, pero en relación con el último, existe controversia. Objetivo: revisar la evidencia científica existente sobre el síndrome amotivacional. Material y Métodos: La revisión se realizó mediante una búsqueda en bases de datos académicas, se tomaron en cuenta las publicaciones que estuvieran relacionadas con trastornos mentales relacionados con el consumo crónico de marihuana en los que se hacía referencia al síndrome amotivacional que cumplieran con criterios de calidad de los artículos apegados a estándares internacionales. Desarrollo: Se incluyó un total de 31 artículos, de los cuales 16 incluían la definición de síndrome amotivacional. Una vez integradas todas las fuentes, se determinó organizar la evidencia encontrada en 15 factores: apatía; desinterés; pasividad; indiferencia; demora en la realización de tareas; pereza; presentismo; desgano para actividades prolongadas que requieran atención o tenacidad; abandono del cuidado personal; desinterés sexual; disminución de los reflejos; autoeficacia disminuida; deterioro de las habilidades comunicativas; retraimiento social y afecto no alterado. Conclusiones: A partir de los hallazgos, se sugiere que el síndrome amotivacional es una constelación de síntomas y/o signos relacionados, lo que podría constituir una morbilidad propia del consumo crónico de cannabis, se espera que en el futuro se desarrollen investigaciones que prueben o rechacen su existencia(AU)

Introduction: Over the past sixty years, evidence for the adverse effects of chronic cannabis use has been demonstrated. Memory and concentration problems, the risk of schizophrenia in predisposed subjects, and amotivational syndrome have been referenced. There is not much doubt in relation to the first effect mentioned, but there is controversy around the last. Objective: To review the existing scientific evidence for the amotivational syndrome. Material and Methods: The review was conducted through academic database searching. The publications related to mental disorders associated with the chronic marijuana use, which referred to amotivational syndrome that fulfilled the criteria for articles attached to international standards, were taken into account. Results: A total of 31 articles were included. Of them, 16 presented the definition of amotivational syndrome. Once all the sources were integrated, the evidence found in 15 factors was organized. These factors included: apathy; disinterest; passivity; indifference; delay to perform tasks; sloth; presentism; reluctance to do prolonged activities that require attention or tenacity; abandonment of personal care; sexual disinterest; decreased reflexes; decreased self-efficacy; impairment in communication skills; social withdrawal, and unaltered affection. Conclusions: Based on these findings, we suggest that the amotivational syndrome is a constellation of symptoms and / or related signs which could constitute a typical morbidity caused by chronic cannabis use, so we expect that future research will be developed to demonstrate or discard their existence(AU)

Humanos , Pesquisa , Apatia/efeitos dos fármacos , Presenteísmo/métodos , Uso da Maconha/efeitos adversos , Procrastinação/efeitos dos fármacos , Transtornos Mentais , Abuso de Maconha/complicações
Interdisciplinaria ; 37(1): 3-4, jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124912


Resumen Si bien es común ver en la práctica clínica deficiencias en la motivación en usuarios de marihuana, no ha sido firmemente establecida la existencia de un posible síndrome amotivacional asociado con el consumo de esta droga, entre otras razones por la concurrencia de factores como la depresión que pueden llevar a generalizar inadecuadamente la situación de algunos usuarios de la sustancia. Esta investigación se orientó a obtener evidencia acerca de la existencia de deficiencias en la motivación en consumidores de marihuana. Se construyó una batería de preguntas a partir de una revisión y una consulta a expertos, que fue aplicada a una muestra de 1455 participantes, junto con otros instrumentos seleccionados para excluir del análisis a los participantes con depresión, síntomas prefrontales, trastornos por uso de alcohol, apatía y aplanamiento afectivo, que pudieran confundir los resultados. Se aplicaron métodos estadísticos y psicométricos basados en el modelo de Rasch, para establecer qué comportamientos serían más característicos de una deficiencia motivacional en consumidores habituales de marihuana. Se estimó que un 54.9 % de los participantes tendría un trastorno grave por uso de marihuana, un 54.0 %, síntomas de aplanamiento afectivo y un 60.9 % serían usuarios de marihuana con altos niveles de tetrahidrocannabinol (THC). La media de cigarrillos de marihuana consumidos al mes sería de 44.5. Mediante el modelo de Rasch se estableció que con el conjunto de preguntas construido era posible identificar una dimensión o factor coincidente con una deficiencia motivacional. Se encontró evidencia que sugiere la existencia de apatía emocional; retraimiento social; descuido de la imagen personal y enlentecimiento motor.

Abstract It is common to find marijuana users with alterations in motivation, in clinical practice. Several studies have found evidence about a possible amotivational syndrome in marijuana users, both from the analysis of behavior and from the neurological examination. However, the existence of such a syndrome associated with the use of marijuana has not been firmly established, among other reasons, due to the concurrence of factors such as depression and the use of other drugs that may lead to inadequate generalization of the situation of some consumers of the substance and due to methodological difficulties in research aimed at establishing whether or not there is a decrease in the general motivation associated with the use of marijuana. Likewise, the decrease in motivation could be the result of the disorder by substances rather than by the consumption of marijuana. Due to the growing use of marijuana in the world, the study of its consequences is of the greatest importance, for the design of better treatments for people with substance use disorders. The aim of this study was to obtain evidence about the existence or not of deficiencies in the motivation of marijuana users. In addition, we sought to establish which are the characteristic behaviors that show this possible reduction of motivation. A battery of questions was constructed from a systematic literature review in PubMed, Lilacs, MedLine, Cochrane library, Embase, Science Direct and Bibliomed, using as terms "amotivational syndrome", "amotivation cannabis", "amotivation marijuana", "comorbidity cannabis", "comorbidity marijuaba", "mental disorders and cannabis", "cannabis and mental consequences", "amotivation and drug use". Likewise, an expert consultation was done about behaviors that were indicative of a reduction in the motivation of marijuana users. From the review and consultation of experts, a set of 70 possible behaviors expressed in questions about probable deficiencies in motivation was extracted. These questions, along with other instruments selected to exclude from the analysis participants with depression, prefrontal symptoms, alcohol use disorders, apathy and affective flattening, which could confuse the results, were presented to a sample of 1455 participants. The Rasch model was applied to establish whether it was possible to identify a measurable and consistent dimension that corresponded to a deficiency in motivation, and to discern which behaviors would be most characteristic of a possible motivational deficiency in habitual marijuana users. In addition, an exploratory factor analysis was carried out to identify possible groupings of the characteristic symptoms of a reduction in motivation. Our Results and conclusions show that it was estimated that 54.9 % of the participants would have a serious disorder due to the use of marijuana; 54.0 % presented symptoms of affective flattening, and 60.9 % would be marijuana users with high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The average number of cigarettes consumed per month would be 44.5. Using the Rasch model it was established that, with the constructed set of questions, it was possible to identify a dimension or factor coinciding with a motivational deficiency. Using the exploratory factor analysis, it was found that the characteristic behaviors could be grouped into four possible subdimensions: emotional apathy; social withdrawal; neglect of personal image and motor slowdown.

Investig. andin ; 21(39)dic. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550402


Introducción: El consumo de alcohol y de drogas en ambientes laborales constituye un riesgo para el mismo trabajador, para terceros y compromete la productividad. La OIT recomienda la evaluación médica previa de la salud de los trabajadores. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar la prevalencia de consumo de marihuana y cocaína en muestras de orina para aspirantes a empleos de alto riesgo y analizar algunos factores asociados. Métodos: Se tomaron 2.197 muestras de orina para detectar consumo de marihuana y cocaína. La fuente fue secundaria. El análisis toxicológico se realizó con la técnica de inmunoensayo cromatográfico de flujo lateral. Se calcularon medidas de frecuencia absoluta y relativa, y se aplicó la prueba de chi cuadrado de Pearson para el análisis de factores asociados. Resultados: La prevalencia de marihuana fue de 7,3% y de cocaína de 3,6%. Hubo asociación estadística entre el resultado positivo de marihuana y sexo, edad, escolaridad y tipo de empresa. Para cocaína se encontró asociación con las mismas variables, excepto en edad. Conclusiones: El uso de pruebas de drogas en orina como exámenes médicos preocupacionales es el primer paso para la prevención del consumo de drogas en ambientes laborales de alto riesgo. Hay evidencia acerca de que los aspirantes a un trabajo que consumen drogas tienen más probabilidad de asumir riesgos en el ambiente laboral.

Introduction: Consumption of alcohol and drugs in work environments suppose a risk for the employees, for third parties and for the productivity. World's ILO recommends previous medic evaluation of employees' health. The objective of this work was to estimate the prevalence of marihuana consumption and cocaine in urine samples for candidates to high-risk jobs and to analyze the associated factors. Method: We took 2.197 urine samples to detect any consumption of marihuana or cocaine. The source was secondary. Toxicological analysis was made with a technique of chromatographic immune-essay of lateral flux. Measures for absolute and relative frequency were calculated, as well as chi-squared tests for the analysis of the associated factors. Results: Prevalence of marihuana was of 7.3% and cocaine of 3.6%. There was a statistical association between the positive result of marihuana and the sex, age, education and type of company. For cocaine, the same variables were associated, except the age. Conclusions: Using drug tests for urine as medical pre-occupational examinations is the first step to prevent drug consumption in high-risk work environments. There is evidence that candidates for a job who consume drugs have bigger chances to assume risks in the work environment.

Introdução: o consumo de álcool e de drogas em ambientes corporativos constitui um risco para o trabalhador e para terceiros, além de comprometer a produtividade. A Organização Internacional do Trabalho recomenda a avaliação médica prévia da saúde dos trabalhadores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a prevalência de consumo de maconha e cocaína em amostras de urina para candidatos a empregos de alto risco e analisar alguns fatores associados. Métodos: foram tomadas 2.197 amostras de urina para detectar o consumo de maconha e cocaína. A fonte foi secundária. O exame toxicológico foi realizado com a técnica de imuno-ensaio cromatográfico de fluxo lateral. Foram calculadas medidas de frequência absoluta e relativa, e foi aplicado o teste de Qui-Quadrado de Pearson para a análise de fatores associados. Resultados: a prevalência da maconha foi de 7,3 % e da cocaína de 3,6 %. Houve associação estatística entre o resultado positivo de maconha e sexo, idade, escolaridade e tipo de empresa. Para a cocaína, foi verificada associação com as mesmas variáveis, exceto em idade. Conclusões: o uso de testes de drogas em urina como exames médicos pré-ocupacionais é o primeiro passo para prevenir o consumo de drogas em ambientes de trabalho de alto risco. Há evidência acerca de que os candidatos a um trabalho que consomem drogas têm mais possibilidade de assumir riscos nesse contexto.

Investig. andin. (En línea) ; 21(39): 253-266, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1563184


Introducción: El consumo de alcohol y de drogas en ambientes laborales constituye un riesgo para el mismo trabajador, para terceros y compromete la productividad. La OIT recomienda la evaluación médica previa de la salud de los trabajadores. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar la prevalencia de consumo de marihuana y cocaína en muestras de orina para aspirantes a empleos de alto riesgo y analizar algunos factores asociados. Métodos: Se tomaron 2.197 muestras de orina para detectar consumo de marihuana y cocaína. La fuente fue secundaria. El análisis toxicológico se realizó con la técnica de inmunoensayo cromatográfico de flujo lateral. Se calcularon medidas de frecuencia absoluta y relativa, y se aplicó la prueba de chi cuadrado de Pearson para el análisis de factores asociados. Resultados: La prevalencia de marihuana fue de 7,3 % y de cocaína de 3,6 %. Hubo asociación estadística entre el resultado positivo de marihuana y sexo, edad, escolaridad y tipo de empresa. Para cocaína se encontró asociación con las mismas variables, excepto en edad. Conclusiones: El uso de pruebas de drogas en orina como exámenes médicos preocupacionales es el primer paso para la prevención del consumo de drogas en ambientes laborales de alto riesgo. Hay evidencia acerca de que los aspirantes a un trabajo que consumen drogas tienen más probabilidad de asumir riesgos en el ambiente laboral.

Introduction: Alcohol and drug use in work environments constitutes a risk to the worker himself, to third parties and compromises productivity. The ILO recommends prior medical evaluation of workers' health. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of marijuana and cocaine use in urine samples of high-risk job applicants and to analyze some associated factors. Methods: 2,197 urine samples were collected to detect marijuana and cocaine use. The source was secondary. Toxicological analysis was performed using the lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay technique. Absolute and relative frequency measures were calculated, and Pearson's chi-square test was applied for the analysis of associated factors. Results: The prevalence of marijuana was 7.3% and cocaine 3.6%. There was a statistical association between marijuana positive result and sex, age, schooling and type of company. For cocaine, an association was found with the same variables, except for age. Conclusions: The use of urine drug tests as pre-employment medical examinations is the first step in the prevention of drug use in high-risk work environments. There is evidence that job applicants who use drugs are more likely to take risks in the work environment.

Introdução: O consumo de álcool e drogas em ambientes de trabalho constitui um risco para o próprio trabalhador, para terceiros e compromete a produtividade. A OIT recomenda a avaliação médica prévia da saúde dos trabalhadores. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a prevalência do consumo de marijuana e cocaína em amostras de urina de candidatos a emprego de alto risco e analisar alguns factores associados. Métodos: Foram colhidas 2 197 amostras de urina para detetar o consumo de marijuana e cocaína. A fonte foi secundária. A análise toxicológica foi efectuada utilizando a técnica de imunoensaio cromatográfico de fluxo lateral. Foram calculadas medidas de frequência absoluta e relativa e aplicado o teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson para análise dos factores associados. Resultados: A prevalência de maconha foi de 7,3% e de cocaína de 3,6%. Houve associação estatística entre positividade para maconha e sexo, idade, escolaridade e tipo de empresa. Para a cocaína, a associação foi encontrada com as mesmas variáveis, exceto a idade. Conclusões: A utilização do exame toxicológico de urina como exame médico pré-emprego é o primeiro passo para a prevenção do consumo de drogas em ambientes de trabalho de alto risco. Há provas de que os candidatos a emprego que consomem drogas são mais susceptíveis de correr riscos no ambiente de trabalho.

Humanos , Toxicologia , Abuso Oral de Substâncias
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr ; 45(2): 108-17, 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27132760


OBJECTIVES: To study the prevalence of dual diagnosis (presence of a substance use disorder and an associated mental disorder) in the general population of a small town in the department of Antioquia in Colombia, through secondary analysis of survey data on Mental Health held in this city in 2011. METHODS: With a sample of 415 subjects, the interview Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), WHO CAPI version, was used and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v.21. RESULTS: The prevalence of dual diagnosis, considering that the presence of a diagnosis of mental disorder and a disorder snuff use of different substances was 7.2%. Substances with higher prevalence of use in life for individuals with dual diagnosis were alcohol (96.7%), marijuana (80.0%), cocaine and derivatives (33.3%), heroin (23.3%) and finally no prescription tranquilizers (13.3%), finding statistical association between drug use and dual diagnosis. Major depression (40%), oppositional defiant disorder (36.7%), posttraumatic stress (33.3%), specific phobia and attention deficit (26.7%) are the most prevalent disorders in individuals with dual diagnosis of this sample. Alcohol or drugs consumption and fulfilling diagnostic criteria for dual diagnosis have a significant statistical association for consumption of drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin and prescription medications (P<0.001), all with disparity ratios of >1.00, very high when the drug is heroin consumed (RD=38.754) or non-prescription medications (RD=29.462). A family history of disease and drug use has a high statistical association with dual diagnosis, with a higher association with a history of mental illness (P<.001; RD=3.677). CONCLUSIONS: The study reports on the prevalence of subjects with dual diagnosis in a Colombian population. Alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and heroin are derivatives and substances mostly consumed by these patients and the most prevalent mental disorders are depression, TOD and posttraumatic stress. These findings motivate clinicians to more actively seek the presence of dual diagnosis, directing a more appropriately treatment plans.

Diagnóstico Duplo (Psiquiatria)/estatística & dados numéricos , Transtornos Mentais/epidemiologia , Saúde da População Urbana/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Transtornos Mentais/diagnóstico , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prevalência , Adulto Jovem
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 45(2): 108-117, abr.-jun. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-791342


Objetivos: Estudiar la prevalencia de trastorno dual (concomitancia de un trastorno por uso de sustancias y un trastorno mental) en la población general de una pequeña ciudad del departamento de Antioquia en Colombia, mediante el análisis secundario de datos del estudio en salud mental realizado en esta población en el año 2011. Métodos: Se aplicó a una muestra de 415 sujetos la entrevista Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), versión CAPI de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, y el análisis estadístico se realizó mediante el programa SPSS v.21. Resultados: Las prevalencias de vida y trastorno dual, considerando como tal el diagnóstico de un trastorno mental y un trastorno por uso de sustancias distintas del tabaco, fue del 7,2%. Las sustancias con mayores prevalencias de consumo en la vida para los sujetos con trastorno dual resultaron ser el alcohol (96,7%), la marihuana (80,0%), la cocaína y derivados (33,3%), la heroína (23,3%) y los tranquilizantes no recetados (13,3%); se encontró asociación estadística entre consumo de drogas y trastorno dual. La depresión mayor (40%), el trastorno negativista desafiante (36,7%), el estrés postraumático (33,3%), la fobia específica y el déficit de atención (26,7%) son los trastornos más prevalentes en los sujetos con trastorno dual de esta muestra. Consumir alcohol o drogas y cumplir criterios diagnósticos de trastorno dual presentan una asociación estadística significativa para el consumo de drogas como marihuana, cocaína, heroína y medicamentos sin prescripción médica (p < 0,001), todas con razones de disparidad (RD) > 1,00, muy altas cuando la droga consumida es la heroína (RD = 38,754) o los medicamentos no recetados (RD = 29,462). Tener antecedentes familiares de enfermedad y consumo de drogas presenta una alta asociación estadística con el trastorno dual, que es aún mayor con los antecedentes de enfermedad mental (p < 0,001; RD = 3,677). Conclusiones: El estudio da cuenta de la prevalencia de sujetos con trastorno dual en una población colombiana. El alcohol, la marihuana, la cocaína y derivados y la heroína son las sustancias mayormente consumidas por estos pacientes, y los trastornos mentales más prevalentes son la depresión, el TOD y el estrés postraumático. Estos hallazgos motivarán a los clínicos a buscar de manera más activa la presencia de trastorno dual para orientar más adecuadamente los planes de tratamiento.

Objectives: To study the prevalence of dual diagnosis (presence of a substance use disorder and an associated mental disorder) in the general population of a small town in the department of Antioquia in Colombia, through secondary analysis of survey data on Mental Health held in this city in 2011. Methods: With a sample of 415 subjects, the interview Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), WHO CAPI version, was used and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v.21. Results: The prevalence of dual diagnosis, considering that the presence of a diagnosis of mental disorder and a disorder snuff use of different substances was 7.2%. Substances with higher prevalence of use in life for individuals with dual diagnosis were alcohol (96.7%), marijuana (80.0%), cocaine and derivatives (33.3%), heroin (23.3%) and finally no prescription tranquilizers (13.3%), finding statistical association between drug use and dual diagnosis. Major depression (40%), oppositional defiant disorder (36.7%), posttraumatic stress (33.3%), specific phobia and attention deficit (26.7%) are the most prevalent disorders in individuals with dual diagnosis of this sample. Alcohol or drugs consumption and fulfilling diagnostic criteria for dual diagnosis have a significant statistical association for consumption of drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin and prescription medications (P< 0.001), all with disparity ratios of >1.00, very high when the drug is heroin consumed (RD = 38.754) or non-prescription medications (RD = 29.462). A family history of disease and drug use has a high statistical association with dual diagnosis, with a higher association with a history of mental illness (P<.001; RD = 3.677). Conclusions: The study reports on the prevalence of subjects with dual diagnosis in a Colombian population. Alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and heroin are derivatives and substances mostly consumed by these patients and the most prevalent mental disorders are depression, TOD and posttraumatic stress. These findings motivate clinicians to more actively seek the presence of dual diagnosis, directing a more appropriately treatment plans.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Diagnóstico Duplo (Psiquiatria) , Transtornos de Deficit da Atenção e do Comportamento Disruptivo , Medicamentos sem Prescrição , Transtornos Mentais , Transtornos Fóbicos , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Terapêutica , Tranquilizantes , Cannabis , Preparações Farmacêuticas , Saúde Mental , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Tabaco sem Fumaça , Colômbia , Resinas Compostas , Depressão , Relatório de Pesquisa
Adicciones ; 27(4): 246-52, 2015 Dec 15.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26706807


A constant and progressive increase in the availability of heroin in Colombia in recent decades and the intravenous use  of this drug have established the need to prevent a possible epidemic of HIV and hepatitis C. This research determined the sero-prevalence of hepatitis C and HIV according to sociodemographic characteristics and risk behaviors in people who inject drugs in Armenia, Colombia. This is a cross-sectional study on 265 users captured through respondent-driven sampling after informed consent. Sero-prevalence of hepatitis C was 22.3 % [95% CI 12.3 % -23.5 %]; for HIV infection, it was 2.6 % [95% CI 0.4 to 6.0]; 67.5% reported injecting for more than two years, 35 % shared needles and syringes, and 12.4 % had used a condom during their last sexual intercourse. Users who did not purchase syringes in drugstores in the last six months are 2.7 times [95% CI 1.32 to 5.48] more likely to contract hepatitis C; daily injection frequency was higher in HIV- positive cases [OR 2.87; 95% CI 0.55 to 15.9] but nonsignificant. One fourth of respondents are infected with HIV or hepatitis C, either as a single infection or co-infection. This study identified risk practices such as sharing needles and low condom use in the last six months, worldwide documented and discussed risk factors. This research is a first step in the search for strategies to prevent the spread of HIV infection and hepatitis C in networks of injecting drug users.

Un aumento constante y progresivo en la disponibilidad de heroína en Colombia en las últimas décadas, y el uso de esta droga vía intravenosa, ha establecido la necesidad de prevenir una posible epidemia de VIH y hepatitis C. Esta investigación determino la seroprevalencia de hepatitis C y VIH según características sociodemográficas y comportamientos de riesgo en población que se inyecta drogas en Armenia-Colombia. Estudio transversal en 265 usuarios captados a través de muestreo guiado por el encuestado previo consentimiento informado. La seroprevalencia de hepatitis C fue 22,3% [IC95% 12,3%-23,5%]; la infección por VIH fue 2,6% [IC95% 0,4-6,0]. El 67,5% reportó inyección por más de dos años, el 35% compartió jeringas y agujas y el 12,4% utilizó condón en su última relación sexual. Los usuarios que no adquirían jeringas en droguerías en los últimos seis meses tienen 2,7 [IC95% 1,32-5,48] veces el riesgo de hepatitis C; la frecuencia diaria de inyección fue mayor en los casos positivos con VIH [OR 2,87; IC95% 0,55-15,9] pero no significativa. La cuarta parte de los encuestados, están infectados por VIH o hepatitis C, en forma de infección única o coinfección. Este estudio identificó prácticas de riesgo, como compartir jeringas y baja utilización del condón en los últimos seis meses, factores de riesgo documentados y discutidos mundialmente. Esta investigación constituye un primer paso en la búsqueda de estrategias para prevenir la propagación de infecciones por VIH y hepatitis C en redes de usuarios de drogas inyectables.

Usuários de Drogas , Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia , Uso Comum de Agulhas e Seringas/efeitos adversos , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Hepatite C/epidemiologia , Humanos , Fatores de Risco , Assunção de Riscos , Abuso de Substâncias por Via Intravenosa/epidemiologia
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 42(3): 248-256, jul.-set. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-698812


Resumen Introducción: La continua aparición de nuevas sustancias sintéticas que se puede utilizar como drogas de abuso supone un desafío constante para la salud pública. Drogas emergentes es el término acuñado en este trabajo para definir la aparición de nuevas sustancias psicoactivas en un momento dado y un contexto y un grupo particulares, la reaparición de otras que en los estudios epidemiológicos habían perdido su prevalencia y el aumento repentino en las prevalencias de drogas que se mantenían en consumos bajos. Método: Bajo un enfoque empírico-analítico, se planteó un estudio con un enfoque mixto. Conformaron la muestra de conveniencia 510 drogodependientes que en 2011 asistieron a centros de tratamiento, en la modalidad de internamiento, en el municipio de Medellín, en quienes se exploró el consumo de drogas emergentes. A todos los usuarios de drogas se les aplicó un instrumento ad-hoc para detectar consumo de las que el estudio consideraba drogas emergentes. Detectados los consumidores y seleccionados por la frecuencia del consumo y la prevalencia en el último año y el último mes, se les solicitó una entrevista semiestructurada, que indagaba por detalles de la sustancia y las características del consumo. Resultados: Del grupo estudiado en el caso de Medellín, el 82,2% son varones y el 17,8%, mujeres. El 58,2% cursa secundaria y el 26,8% tiene estudios superiores técnicos o de universidad. El 1,4% no ha ido a la escuela. Solo un 27,8% trabaja con un empleo fijo, ocasional o independiente. El 40,7% son estudiantes y el 8,9%, amas de casa. El 76,3% son solteros y el 17,8% tiene pareja estable. En la muestra están representados todos los estratos socioeconómicos. Entre las drogas emergentes halladas, se destacan las prevalencias de las benzodiacepinas flunitrazepam y clonazepam: prevalencia de vida (PV), 97,5%; prevalencia en el último año (PA), 67,9%, y prevalencia en el último mes (PM), 46,7%. Les siguen las drogas de síntesis (LSD, «éxtasis¼, anfetaminas, HGB, «éxtasis vegetal¼, fenciclidina, metanfetamina, ketamina, 2CB): PV, 96,5%; PA, 44,5%, y PM, 23,5%. Luego aparecen las cocaínas fumables (basuco, crack y free-base): PV, 80%; PA, 52,1%, y PM, 31,7%. Siguen los derivados opiáceos (heroína, morfina, opio, codeína, dextrometorfano, meperidina, fentanilo): PV, 61,4%; PA, 26,7%, y PM, 16%. Los alucinógenos como los hongos, el cacao sabanero y el yagué también aparecen entre los consumos: PV, 73,5%; PA, 23,2%, y PM, 12,2%. Hay también consumo de inhalantes como el popper y el diclorometano («Dick¼): PV, 87,9%; PA, 37,6%, y PM, 21,6%. Conclusiones: Estos resultados alertan sobre la necesidad de hacer seguimiento a las denominadas drogas emergentes por los riesgos que pueden implicar para la salud pública.

Abstract Introduction: The ongoing emergence of new synthetic substances that are used as drugs is a constant challenge to public health. Emerging drugs is the concept used in this research project to define the emergence of new psychoactive substances at a given time, a specific context and group, the reemergence of others that some epidemiologists considered had lost their prevalence, and the sudden prevalence of drugs that had low levels of consumption. Method: This research project was carried out using an empirical-analytical approach using a mixed methods study. The convenience sample was made up of 510 drug dependents institutionalized in treatment centers in Medellin in the year 2011. The examination was carried out related to the consumption of emerging drugs. An ad hoc tool was applied to all the drug users in order to identify which of the drugs of this study they considered to be emergent. Once the consumers were identified and selected based on the frequency of consumption, and the prevalence in the last year and last month, a semi-structured interview was carried out to find out details on the substances and their consumption characteristics. Results: Based on the new drug consumers in Medellin, 82.2% were male and 17.8% female. As regards education levels, 58.2% were in high school, 26.8% hold higher technical or college degrees, and 1.4% had no schooling. Only 27.8% held a steady job, occasional employment, or were independent business owners, 40.7% were students and 8.9% were housewives. More than three-quarters (76.3%) were single, and 17.8% had a steady partner. The sample represented all social classes. Of all the emerging drugs found in this study, the prevalence of benzodiazepines stands out (flunitrazepam and clonazepam), life prevalence (LP), 97.5%; last year prevalence (LYP), 67.9%, and last month prevalence (LMP), 46.7%. These were followed by the synthetic drugs (LSD, Ecstasies, amphetamines, GHB, Vegetable Ecstasies, Phencyclidine; Methamphetamine, Ketamine, 2CB), with LP, 96.5%; LYP, 44.5%, and LMP, 23.5%. Then there was smokable cocaine (Crack and Free-Base), with LP, 80%, LYP, 52.1%, and LYP=31.7%. The opiate derivatives (heroine, morphine, opium, codeine, dextromethorphan, meperidine, fentanyl) had an LP, 61.4%; LYP, 26.7% and LMP, 16%. The consumption statistics of the hallucinogens such as mushrooms, scopolamine and "yague", had an LP, 73.5%; LYP, 23.2% and LMP, 12.2%. Finally, use of inhalants such as popper and dichloromethane (Dick) had an LP, 87.9%; LYP, 37.6% and LMP, 21.6%. Conclusion: These results are an alert to the need to track the development of these so called emergent drugs due to the risks they pose for public health.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Usuários de Drogas , Benzodiazepinas , Estudos Epidemiológicos , Saúde Pública , Prevalência , Cocaína Crack , Clonazepam , Cocaína , Colômbia , Alucinógenos
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr ; 42(3): 248-56, 2013 Sep.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26572945


INTRODUCTION: The ongoing emergence of new synthetic substances that are used as drugs is a constant challenge to public health. Emerging drugs is the concept used in this research project to define the emergence of new psychoactive substances at a given time, a specific context and group, the reemergence of others that some epidemiologists considered had lost their prevalence, and the sudden prevalence of drugs that had low levels of consumption. METHOD: This research project was carried out using an empirical-analytical approach using a mixed methods study. The convenience sample was made up of 510 drug dependents institutionalized in treatment centers in Medellin in the year 2011. The examination was carried out related to the consumption of emerging drugs. An ad hoc tool was applied to all the drug users in order to identify which of the drugs of this study they considered to be emergent. Once the consumers were identified and selected based on the frequency of consumption, and the prevalence in the last year and last month, a semi-structured interview was carried out to find out details on the substances and their consumption characteristics. RESULTS: Based on the new drug consumers in Medellin, 82.2% were male and 17.8% female. As regards education levels, 58.2% were in high school, 26.8% hold higher technical or college degrees, and 1.4% had no schooling. Only 27.8% held a steady job, occasional employment, or were independent business owners, 40.7% were students and 8.9% were housewives. More than three-quarters (76.3%) were single, and 17.8% had a steady partner. The sample represented all social classes. Of all the emerging drugs found in this study, the prevalence of benzodiazepines stands out (flunitrazepam and clonazepam), life prevalence (LP), 97.5%; last year prevalence (LYP), 67.9%, and last month prevalence (LMP), 46.7%. These were followed by the synthetic drugs (LSD, Ecstasies, amphetamines, GHB, Vegetable Ecstasies, Phencyclidine; Methamphetamine, Ketamine, 2CB), with LP, 96.5%; LYP, 44.5%, and LMP, 23.5%. Then there was smokable cocaine (Crack and Free-Base), with LP, 80%, LYP, 52.1%, and LYP=31.7%. The opiate derivatives (heroine, morphine, opium, codeine, dextromethorphan, meperidine, fentanyl) had an LP, 61.4%; LYP, 26.7% and LMP, 16%. The consumption statistics of the hallucinogens such as mushrooms, scopolamine and "yague", had an LP, 73.5%; LYP, 23.2% and LMP, 12.2%. Finally, use of inhalants such as popper and dichloromethane (Dick) had an LP, 87.9%; LYP, 37.6% and LMP, 21.6%. CONCLUSION: These results are an alert to the need to track the development of these so called emergent drugs due to the risks they pose for public health.

Adicciones ; 24(4): 347-53, 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23241721


The purpose of this research project was to study the relationship between drug consumption and sexual practices in teenagers in the city of Medellin, Colombia. A transversal studied was designed in order to identify the variables related to having had sexual intercourse under the effects of drugs or alcohol. The sample was made up of 955 teenagers between 14 and 17, who were in 9th, 10th and 11th grades in public and private schools in the city of Medellin. The results show that the prevalence of drug and alcohol influence in sexual intercourse is 43,67%. The most common drugs used for sexual practices are alcohol, marihuana, popper, cocaine and ecstasy. Consuming alcohol or drugs and having sexual practices shows an associated meaningful statistic (p= .001). The more common sexual practices under psychoactive substances are the exploratory ones (caresses and touching) (71%), vaginal penetration (63.67%), oral sex (45.30%) and masturbation (19.59%). Regarding the protection methods during sexual intercourse under drug or alcohol influence 55,9% always use a condom, 37,3% sometimes use it, and 6,8% never do it. This study proves what had been previously established by other research projects that show a high statistic association between drug consumption and sexual practices, but realizes that there is no statistically significant association between sexual practices under the influence of alcohol or drugs and the use or non-use of protective methods, which is the most important finding.

Comportamento Sexual/estatística & dados numéricos , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias/epidemiologia , Adolescente , Cidades , Colômbia , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Inquéritos e Questionários , Saúde da População Urbana