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Rev. medica electron ; 45(1)feb. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442018


Introducción: la medición del capital intelectual como activo intangible se ha establecido a partir de una escala de seis dimensiones relacionada con formación, academia, laboral, profesional, sindical y organizativa. La pandemia ha generado estudios que muestran diferencias significativas entre estas dimensiones, abriendo la discusión sobre la validez metaanalítica. Objetivo: realizar una revisión documental, sistemática y metaanalítica, con una muestra de artículos publicados entre 2014 y 2021 en revistas indexadas en repositorios internacionales. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio documental, sistemático y metaanalítico sobre una muestra de artículos publicados en repositorios internacionales en los últimos dos años. Se utilizó la Escala de Capital Intelectual, considerando sus dimensiones reportadas en la literatura. Resultados: se estableció la estructura y los umbrales de los efectos aleatorios, calculados mediante la ecuación para establecer el parámetro delta, considerando sus intervalos de confianza para la corrección de errores de muestreo y estimación, así como las diferencias entre grupos. Conclusión: se recomienda extender la revisión de la literatura hasta agosto de 2021, para poder contrastar ambas revisiones, y establecer así la validez metaanalítica de la escala, y discutir sus implicaciones en la era COVID-19.

Introduction: the measurement of intellectual capital as an intangible asset has been established from a scale of six dimensions related to training, academia; labor, professional, union, and organizational. The pandemic has generated studies that show significant differences between these dimensions, opening the discussion on meta-analytic validity. Objective: to carry out a documentary, systematic and meta-analytical review with a sample of articles published from 2014 to 2021 in journals indexed in international repositories. Materials and methods: a documentary, systematic and meta-analytical study was carried out on a sample of articles published in international repositories in the last two years. The Intellectual Capital Scale was used, considering its dimensions reported in the literature. Results: the structure and thresholds of the random effects were established, calculated by means of the equation to establish the delta parameter, considering their confidence intervals for correction of sampling and estimation errors, as well as differences between groups. Conclusion: it is recommended to extend the review of the literature until August 2021 in order to be able to contrast both reviews to establish the meta-analytic validity of the scale and discuss its implications in the COVID-19 era.

Rev. luna azul ; (42): 270-292, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-791187


El proceso que consiste en asegurar que los desastres naturales y catástrofes ecológicas lejanas no están vinculados con la situación personal, o bien, las problemáticas locales no son de tal magnitud que supongan una acción conservacionista, es conocido como hipermetropía ambiental. En este sentido, el presente trabajo se propone especificar un modelo para el estudio de este sesgo perceptual que explica la relación entre naturaleza y humanidad. Para tales fines, se llevó a cabo un estudio documental en las bases de datos de RADALYC, LATINDEX y DIALNET durante el periodo que va de 2010 a 2014 en artículos con registro ISSN y DOI relativos a la hipermetropía ambiental. El modelo especificado incluye ocho dimensiones alusivas al sesgo perceptual con respecto al abastecimiento de agua local y residencial. En referencia al estado del conocimiento, la especificación fue contrastada a fin de poder anticipar escenarios de análisis, estructuras perceptuales, toma de decisiones y comportamientos en función de la disponibilidad de agua y las necesidades/expectativas de consumo locales.

The process consisting in ensuring that natural disasters and distant environmental catastrophes are not linked to the personal situation, or local issues are not of such magnitude thay they involve a conservation action, is known as environmental hyperopia. In this sense, the present article aims to specify a model for the study of this perceptual bias that explains the relationship between nature and humanity. To that end, a documental study was carried on RADALYC, DIALNET and LATINDEX databases during the period 2010 to 2014 in Articles with ISSN and DOI record concerning environmental hyperopia. The model specified includes eight dimensions referring the perceptual bias with respect to local and residential water supply. In reference to the state of knowledge, the specification was proven to be able to anticipate analysis scenarios, perceptual structures, decision-making and behavior in terms of water availability and the needs / expectations of local consumption.

Humanos , Desastres Naturais , Abastecimento de Água , Desastres , Hiperopia
Interdisciplinaria ; 31(1): 163-174, jun. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734355


La administración de los recursos hídricos es un tema de suma discusión ya que de ella depende la construcción de una ciudad sustentable en su agenda, gestión y participación. Empero, las políticas públicas relativas al abastecimiento de agua parecen estar centradas en una oferta desmedida ya no por la disponibilidad ni el consumo, sino por la información que los medios difunden acerca de una fuente de abastecimientoo conflicto entre autoridades y usuarios. En este sentido, es menester revisar los conceptos de oportunidades, capacidades, responsabilidades, habitus y espacialidades para discutir su vinculación con otros tales como encuadre, agenda o sustentabilidad. En el marco de la ciudad sustentable, tal ejercicio, permitirá anticipar la relación existente entre autoridades y usuarios en referencia a los medios de comunicación. Precisamente, la administración sería sustentable si el sistema de tarifas incluyera los conceptos que explican las relaciones entre los actores políticos, mediáticos y civiles implicados.

The management of water resources is subject to a payment system from which the state regulates public service water supply. These are rates that promote or restrict water consumption as water availability, the cost of extraction, treatment and distribution, or the degree of local human development. In either case the authorities determine the supply and demand assuming that civil society will adjust their life styles to public policy. In this sense, the media spread information that may be consistent or not the tariff policy and supply, however as the information is disseminated to the social sectors, a phenomenon known as emerging public agenda. It is the construction of public opinion on the evaluation of public policies and the inclusion of issues management for the sustainability of water resources. This is how the public agenda on water supply is limited to two axes: saving or waste of water resources. In the first case, the increase of tariffs favors an austere life in the vulnerable, marginalized and excluded. In the second case, the rates encourage wasteful life style in those social groups with higher incomes. Indeed, public policies for billing system generate a gap between the social sectors. It is therefore required to discuss other psychological factors as setting an agenda for the management of water resources is shaped not only by authorities but by users of public services. Given that the right to the city means access to resources, citizenship as a user of urban services, is a co-participant and co-responsible for water conservation for future generations. In the context of sustainable cities, government decisions are carried out considering not only the freedoms, opportunities, capabilities and responsibilities of users, it is also necessary to analyze their influence processes concerning compliance, obedience and innovation that derived from a schedule and fare system of water service. In a situation of scarcity, the majority influence has been studied from hoarding water while in the minority influence has been investigated from reuse. Both phenomena impact people's opinions because those who inhabit the periphery of cities are forced to kidnap pipes, boycott installations confront its authorities, or have developed styles of trust and cooperation that allow them to survive droughts or floods. Consequently, the assessment of water supply and pricing policy is determined by lifestyle and those put forth by these psychological processes. This means that the establishment of a public agenda includes issues such as influence, identity, reliability, entrepreneurship, social capital, sense of community, social representations, habitus, and fields of power, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, skills, motives, decisions and behaviors. The elucidation of the relationship of each of these elements will anticipate the impact of public policies on current and future civil spheres, as well as public participation in the conservation of water resources, the public poured in social networks and their impact on the dissemination of media. Indeed, the objective of this work lies in the presentation, analysis and discussion of the relationship between users and public administrators in situations of irregular water supply and tariff increases. The media disseminated information about a source of supply or conflict between authorities and users. In this sense, it is necessary to review the concepts of opportunity, skills, responsibilities, habitus and spatialities to discuss their relationship with others such as framing, book or sustainability. As part of the sustainable city, this year, will anticipate the relationship between authorities and users in reference to the media. Indeed, the administration would be sustainable if the fare system to include concepts that explain the relationships between political, media and civil actors.

Interdisciplinaria ; 31(1): 163-174, jun. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-131472


La administración de los recursos hídricos es un tema de suma discusión ya que de ella depende la construcción de una ciudad sustentable en su agenda, gestión y participación. Empero, las políticas públicas relativas al abastecimiento de agua parecen estar centradas en una oferta desmedida ya no por la disponibilidad ni el consumo, sino por la información que los medios difunden acerca de una fuente de abastecimientoo conflicto entre autoridades y usuarios. En este sentido, es menester revisar los conceptos de oportunidades, capacidades, responsabilidades, habitus y espacialidades para discutir su vinculación con otros tales como encuadre, agenda o sustentabilidad. En el marco de la ciudad sustentable, tal ejercicio, permitirá anticipar la relación existente entre autoridades y usuarios en referencia a los medios de comunicación. Precisamente, la administración sería sustentable si el sistema de tarifas incluyera los conceptos que explican las relaciones entre los actores políticos, mediáticos y civiles implicados.(AU)

The management of water resources is subject to a payment system from which the state regulates public service water supply. These are rates that promote or restrict water consumption as water availability, the cost of extraction, treatment and distribution, or the degree of local human development. In either case the authorities determine the supply and demand assuming that civil society will adjust their life styles to public policy. In this sense, the media spread information that may be consistent or not the tariff policy and supply, however as the information is disseminated to the social sectors, a phenomenon known as emerging public agenda. It is the construction of public opinion on the evaluation of public policies and the inclusion of issues management for the sustainability of water resources. This is how the public agenda on water supply is limited to two axes: saving or waste of water resources. In the first case, the increase of tariffs favors an austere life in the vulnerable, marginalized and excluded. In the second case, the rates encourage wasteful life style in those social groups with higher incomes. Indeed, public policies for billing system generate a gap between the social sectors. It is therefore required to discuss other psychological factors as setting an agenda for the management of water resources is shaped not only by authorities but by users of public services. Given that the right to the city means access to resources, citizenship as a user of urban services, is a co-participant and co-responsible for water conservation for future generations. In the context of sustainable cities, government decisions are carried out considering not only the freedoms, opportunities, capabilities and responsibilities of users, it is also necessary to analyze their influence processes concerning compliance, obedience and innovation that derived from a schedule and fare system of water service. In a situation of scarcity, the majority influence has been studied from hoarding water while in the minority influence has been investigated from reuse. Both phenomena impact peoples opinions because those who inhabit the periphery of cities are forced to kidnap pipes, boycott installations confront its authorities, or have developed styles of trust and cooperation that allow them to survive droughts or floods. Consequently, the assessment of water supply and pricing policy is determined by lifestyle and those put forth by these psychological processes. This means that the establishment of a public agenda includes issues such as influence, identity, reliability, entrepreneurship, social capital, sense of community, social representations, habitus, and fields of power, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, skills, motives, decisions and behaviors. The elucidation of the relationship of each of these elements will anticipate the impact of public policies on current and future civil spheres, as well as public participation in the conservation of water resources, the public poured in social networks and their impact on the dissemination of media. Indeed, the objective of this work lies in the presentation, analysis and discussion of the relationship between users and public administrators in situations of irregular water supply and tariff increases. The media disseminated information about a source of supply or conflict between authorities and users. In this sense, it is necessary to review the concepts of opportunity, skills, responsibilities, habitus and spatialities to discuss their relationship with others such as framing, book or sustainability. As part of the sustainable city, this year, will anticipate the relationship between authorities and users in reference to the media. Indeed, the administration would be sustainable if the fare system to include concepts that explain the relationships between political, media and civil actors.(AU)