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Ci. Rural ; 45(2): 231-237, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-15513


The success in micropropagation of Dendrobium phalaenopsis Deang Suree is high, but when transplanted into the greenhouse, their survival is minimal. To increase survival in production in the present study it was evaluated the effect of intermediate acclimatization for 30 days in a grow room utilizing the following luminosity conditions: 1- white fluorescent light (B) (18.9;mol m-2 s-1); 2- white fluorescent light + red fluorescent light (GRO-LUX(r)) (BV) (14.85;mol m-2 s-1); 3- red fluorescent light (GRO-LUX(r)) (V) (9.45;mol m-2 s-1) and the control plants were accommodated directly in a greenhouse (162.0;mol m-2 s-1). After this the leaves were characterized anatomically and the plants transferred to the control greenhouse. It was evaluated survival percentage and final number of roots, and calculated the relations between the final and initial values of fresh weight, number of leaves, length and diameter of the largest pseudo bulb, number of pseudo bulbs and longest root length. Only plants submitted to red light, were statistically better than the control in relation to the survival percentage and in relation to fresh weight, while the control showed a higher number of roots that plants acclimatized in this luminosity conditions. Intermediate acclimatization, using red light or red + white light, is recommended for D. phalaenopsis Deang Suree.

O sucesso na micropropaga;;o de Dendrobium phalaenopsis Deang Suree ; alto, por;m, quando transplantado para o viveiro, sua sobreviv;ncia ; m;nima. Com o intuito de aumentar a sobreviv;ncia na produ;;o, no presente trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito da aclimatiza;;o intermedi;ria, por 30 dias em sala de crescimento, sob as seguintes condi;;es de luminosidade: 1- luz fluorescente branca (18,9;mol m-2 s-1); 2- luz fluorescente branca + luz fluorescente vermelha (14,85;mol m-2 s-1); e 3- luz fluorescente vermelha (9,45;mol m-2 s-1), o controle foi acondicionado diretamente em viveiro coberto (162,0;mol m-2 s-1). Na sequ;ncia, as folhas foram caracterizadas anatomicamente e as plantas foram transferidas para o viveiro que continha o controle. Foi avaliada a porcentagem de sobreviv;ncia e o n;mero final de ra;zes, sendo calculadas tamb;m as rela;;es entre os valores finais e iniciais de massa fresca, n;mero de folhas, comprimento e di;metro do maior pseudobulbo, n;mero de pseudobulbos e comprimento da maior raiz das plantas aclimatizadas. Apenas as plantas submetidas ; luz vermelha foram estatisticamente superiores ao controle, em rela;;o ; porcentagem de sobreviv;ncia e rela;;o de massa fresca, enquanto que o controle apresentou maior n;mero de ra;zes que plantas aclimatizadas nessa condi;;o de luminosidade. Aclimatiza;;o intermedi;ria, utilizando luz vermelha ou a luz vermelha + branca