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Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 5(2): 37-39, jul. 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469845


Veterinary pathology specialists deal with a wide range of challenges in order to practice and provide useful results from analyzing deceased animals. The large number of species is certainly a first step that makes education in Veterinary Pathology so exciting. Knowing animal diseases is the basis of what we understand from comparative pathology and its contribution to public and environmental health. Recently a new search for veterinary pathology work is asked in situations that death of animals is linked to crime, or a crime scene investigation is taking place. Law Enforcement asks for Expert Witness Testimony to analyze cause of death of one, or even several animals that can be involved in a crime scene investigation. Different from a routine necropsy, forensic necropsies usually have medico-legal interest and this changes completely the scenario. For this purpose, postmortem examination requires additional and rigorous documentation of all steps taken from the crime scene, gross and microscopically detected lesions in the bodies and collected samples that will be analyzed in special laboratories. Criminal actions in which animals might be involved, either as a victim, a testimony or a perpetrator need a correct interpretation.

Braz. J. Vet. Pathol. ; 5(2): 37-39, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-689818


Veterinary pathology specialists deal with a wide range of challenges in order to practice and provide useful results from analyzing deceased animals. The large number of species is certainly a first step that makes education in Veterinary Pathology so exciting. Knowing animal diseases is the basis of what we understand from comparative pathology and its contribution to public and environmental health. Recently a new search for veterinary pathology work is asked in situations that death of animals is linked to crime, or a crime scene investigation is taking place. Law Enforcement asks for Expert Witness Testimony to analyze cause of death of one, or even several animals that can be involved in a crime scene investigation. Different from a routine necropsy, forensic necropsies usually have medico-legal interest and this changes completely the scenario. For this purpose, postmortem examination requires additional and rigorous documentation of all steps taken from the crime scene, gross and microscopically detected lesions in the bodies and collected samples that will be analyzed in special laboratories. Criminal actions in which animals might be involved, either as a victim, a testimony or a perpetrator need a correct interpretation.

Acta Vet. bras. ; 4(1): 37-41, 2010.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-722216


The acute infarction of myocardium results of the temporary blockage of coronary with reduction of blood for part of the myocardium, some minutes of interruption of the sanguineous flow are sufficient for the establishment of injury. Was catheterized the distal portion of the origin of the first diagonal branch of coronary interventricular left artery from two swine and a solution of haemostatic gelatin sponge was infused. After a period of 21 days the animals had been euthanized and the heart was processed for light microscopy, show an expressive scar in the apical region of the left ventricle in an animal whereas in the other, the injury was located in the left ventricular wall, and with lesser extension. It was possible also to observe the presence of areas not pertaining to the infarction region, with great collagen deposit, suggesting a heterogeneous process. In such a way, we can conclude that this technique is not interesting for the development of acute experimental model of infarction of the myocardium. Keywords: Acute myocardial infarct, animal model, gelatin haemostatic sponge.

O infarto agudo do miocárdio resulta da obstrução temporária de uma coronária com redução de sangue para parte do miocárdio, bastando alguns minutos de interrupção do fluxo sanguíneo para estabelecer a injúria. Foi cateterizado a porção distal da origem do 1 ramo diagonal da artéria coronária interventricular esquerda de dois suínos e infundida solução de esponja hemostática de gelatina. Pós um período de 21 dias os animais foram eutanasiados e o coração foi processado para microscopia de luz, revelando expressiva cicatriz na região apical do ventrículo esquerdo em um animal enquanto que no outro, a lesão estava localizada na parede ventricular esquerda, e com menor extensão. Foi possível observar também a presença de áreas não pertencentes à região infartada, com grande depósito de colágeno, sugerindo um processo bastante heterogêneo. Desta forma, podemos concluir que esta técnica não é interessante para o desenvolvimento de modelo experimental de infarto agudo do miocárdio. Palavras-Chave: Infarto agudo do miocárdio, modelo animal, esponja de gelatina hemostática.

Acta Vet. bras. ; 3(4): 172-176, 2009.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-722205


The cerebral arteriography is a radiologic exam for demonstration of arterial vascularization using an injection of positive contrast for visualization of blood supply. In this research six pigs were submitted to cerebral arteriography under general anesthesia and with the assistant of fluoroscopy the femoral artery was catheterized until the carotid common right artery using contrast under selective form. The aim of this work was to analyze this technique as a complementary method in cases of suspect of alterations of blood flow. This technique shows be effective to obtain nithid images and to determinate the cerebral irrigation. Keywords: Cerebral arteriography, swine, fluoroscopy.

A arteriografia cerebral é um exame radiológico demonstrativo da vascularização arterial por meio de injeção de solução de contraste radio-positivo possibilitando adequada visualização da vascularização sanguínea. Neste experimento seis suínos foram submetidos à arteriografia cerebral, sob anestesia geral e com auxílio de fluoroscópio, a artéria femoral foi cateterizada e um guia foi direcionado à artéria carótida comum direita de forma seletiva por meio de contraste. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar esta técnica como método complementar ao exame radiográfico simples em casos de suspeita de alteração do fluxo sangüíneo. A técnica mostrou-se efetiva para a obtenção de imagens nítidas e determinação da área de irrigação cerebral. Palavras-Chave: Arteriografia cerebral, suínos, fluoroscopia.

Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-441743


Neospora caninum is one of the main causes of abortion and natimortality in cattle. Host immune defense is capable to inhibit tachyzoite activity during acute infection, but there is no action against bradyzoites in tissue cysts. Activation and modulation of this response is controlled by cell mediators. The real-time RT-PCR technique was employed to detect some of those mediators during N. caninum infection. Holstein and Nelore calves intramuscularly infected with tachyzoites and uninfected controls were slaughtered at the sixth day post-infection and popliteal lymph node, liver and brain cortex samples were analyzed. Real-time RT-PCR detected gene expression in all tissues. No significant variation of GAPDH gene expression was detected among groups, its amplification efficiency was similar to the other genes tested and it was used as the endogenous control for the analysis. Comparisons between infected and uninfected groups allowed the relative gene expression quantification. IFN- and TNF- genes showed increased expression in some samples. iNOS and TGF-1 genes had some non-significant variations and IL-4 and IL-10 stayed pratically inaltered.

Neospora caninum é um dos principais agentes causadores de abortamentos e natimortalidade em bovinos. A defesa imune do hospedeiro é capaz de inibir a atividade dos taquizoítos na fase aguda da infecção, mas não age sobre os bradizoítos nos cistos teciduais. A ativação e a modulação dessa resposta de defesa são controladas por mediadores celulares. A técnica do RT-PCR em tempo real foi empregada para a detecção de alguns desses mediadores durante a infecção pelo N. caninum. Foram analisadas amostras de linfonodos poplíteos, fígado e córtex cerebral de bezerros Holandeses e Nelores infectados com taquizoítos por via intramuscular e controles não-infectados, abatidos no sexto dia pós-inoculação. A RT-PCR em tempo real detectou a expressão dos genes em todos os tecidos analisados. Não houve variação significativa na expressão do gene GADPH entre os grupos, a eficiência de amplificação desse foi similar aos demais genes testados e foi empregado como controle endógeno na análise. A comparação entre infectados e não-infectados permitiu a quantificação relativa da expressão gênica. A expressão dos genes IFN- e TNF- apresentou elevação significante em algumas amostras. Os genes iNOS e TGF-1 apresentaram algumas variações não-significativas e os valores de IL-4 e IL-10 permaneceram praticamente inalterados.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 34(1): 83-88, 2006.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1456454


Activation of astrocytes or astrogliosis is a prominent component of the inflammatory response and an indicator of injury in the brain. These astrocytes produce a large array of inflammatory mediators, growth and neuroprotective factors. This study was an investigation from astrocyte (GFAP) response and TGF- ?1 involvement during VSV acute encephalitis using immunohistochemistry to verify relation between astrocytes and TGF-?1. Animals developed symptoms around 6th day after VSV inoculation. Viral proteins were mainly detected at olfactory bulb, ventricular cell layer and disseminated to hippocampus, mesencephalon and diecephalon areas and brain stem. Also at 6th day post inoculation GFAP and TGF-?1 staining was observed in good association with virus-detected areas of brain. However, in mice with severe symptoms we observed reduction in the intensity of GFAP labeling at the same areas where TGF-?1 upregulation was observed. These areas show correlation with areas of necrosis and where are astrocytes with degenerative aspect. We observed TGF-?1 staining in damaged astrocytes, suggesting an effort of those cells in controlling inflammation in acute phase of VSV encephalitis.

Ci. Rural ; 36(4)2006.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-705049


An outbreak in 46 kids and 36 lambs with delayed enzootic ataxia (EA) raised in a single farm in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, in 2001 and 2002 was described. The incidence was lower in 2001 (46.3% in kids and 24.2% in lambs) than in 2002 (100% in both species); only in 2001 the incidence was higher in kids (P 0.002). All newborns with EA died, but one lamb and one kid. The clinical case was different according to the age of onset of EA. The animals between 30 and 45d old showed both fore and hindlimbs paralysis with muscular spasticity, followed by death. Animals older than 45d had only hindlimbs spasticity or flaccid paralysis followed by death. Only the under 45 days old kids presented head nodding. Axonal degeneration, spheroids, gliosis, and demyelination in the ventral lateral horns of the spinal cord were detected. Newborns less than 45d old had those lesions mainly in the cervical region, while the older in the lumbar region; only the kids had cerebellar lesions. The available diet to the herd had adequate levels of copper, but the liver copper concentration was low in animal with EA (45.8mg kg-1 D.M.); the antagonizing elements to the copper (molybdenum, sulfur and zinc) were normal, but the iron levels either in soil (8,600mg kg-1) and feedstuffs (284mg kg-1) were high. Excessive dietary intake of iron might have caused the copper deficiency in the newborns.

Nos anos de 2001 e 2002, 46 cabritos (CAB) e 35 cordeiros (COR) de uma propriedade do agreste do Estado de Pernambuco foram acometidos por ataxia enzoótica (AE) de forma tardia. Houve aumento da incidência do 1o ano (46,3% - CAB; 24,2% COR) para o ano subseqüente (100% - CAB e COR). Somente no ano de 2001, houve maior incidência em CAB (P 0,002) que nos COR. Todos os animais acometidos sucumbiram, com exceção de um CAB e um de COR. O quadro clínico variou de acordo com a idade em que surgiram os sintomas, ou seja, de 30 a 45 dias os animais manifestaram paralisia dos membros anteriores e posteriores, acompanhada de espasticidade muscular e morte; com mais de 45 dias, ocorreu paralisia flácida ou espástica apenas dos membros posteriores e morte; somente os cabritos com menos de 45 dias apresentaram movimentos verticais de cabeça. As lesões histopatológicas evidenciadas foram: degeneração axonal, esferóides, gliose e dismielinização no segmento ventral e lateral da medula espinhal. Nos animais com menos de 45 dias, essas lesões foram evidentes na região cervical e nos animas mais velhos na região lombar. Apenas nos cabritos foi constatada lesão degenerativa no cerebelo. A dieta oferecida ao rebanho continha quantidades adequadas de cobre, porém os animais acometidos por AE apresentaram baixos teores de cobre no fígado (45,8mg kg-1 MS). Os elementos antagonizantes do cobre, Mo, S, e Zn, estavam normais, com exceção do ferro, que estava em alta concentração tanto no solo (8600mg kg-1) quanto nos alimentos (284mg kg-1). O excesso de ingestão de ferro sugere ter provocado a carência de cobre nos animais.

Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1476838


An outbreak in 46 kids and 36 lambs with delayed enzootic ataxia (EA) raised in a single farm in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, in 2001 and 2002 was described. The incidence was lower in 2001 (46.3% in kids and 24.2% in lambs) than in 2002 (100% in both species); only in 2001 the incidence was higher in kids (P 0.002). All newborns with EA died, but one lamb and one kid. The clinical case was different according to the age of onset of EA. The animals between 30 and 45d old showed both fore and hindlimbs paralysis with muscular spasticity, followed by death. Animals older than 45d had only hindlimbs spasticity or flaccid paralysis followed by death. Only the under 45 days old kids presented head nodding. Axonal degeneration, spheroids, gliosis, and demyelination in the ventral lateral horns of the spinal cord were detected. Newborns less than 45d old had those lesions mainly in the cervical region, while the older in the lumbar region; only the kids had cerebellar lesions. The available diet to the herd had adequate levels of copper, but the liver copper concentration was low in animal with EA (45.8mg kg-1 D.M.); the antagonizing elements to the copper (molybdenum, sulfur and zinc) were normal, but the iron levels either in soil (8,600mg kg-1) and feedstuffs (284mg kg-1) were high. Excessive dietary intake of iron might have caused the copper deficiency in the newborns.

Nos anos de 2001 e 2002, 46 cabritos (CAB) e 35 cordeiros (COR) de uma propriedade do agreste do Estado de Pernambuco foram acometidos por ataxia enzoótica (AE) de forma tardia. Houve aumento da incidência do 1o ano (46,3% - CAB; 24,2% COR) para o ano subseqüente (100% - CAB e COR). Somente no ano de 2001, houve maior incidência em CAB (P 0,002) que nos COR. Todos os animais acometidos sucumbiram, com exceção de um CAB e um de COR. O quadro clínico variou de acordo com a idade em que surgiram os sintomas, ou seja, de 30 a 45 dias os animais manifestaram paralisia dos membros anteriores e posteriores, acompanhada de espasticidade muscular e morte; com mais de 45 dias, ocorreu paralisia flácida ou espástica apenas dos membros posteriores e morte; somente os cabritos com menos de 45 dias apresentaram movimentos verticais de cabeça. As lesões histopatológicas evidenciadas foram: degeneração axonal, esferóides, gliose e dismielinização no segmento ventral e lateral da medula espinhal. Nos animais com menos de 45 dias, essas lesões foram evidentes na região cervical e nos animas mais velhos na região lombar. Apenas nos cabritos foi constatada lesão degenerativa no cerebelo. A dieta oferecida ao rebanho continha quantidades adequadas de cobre, porém os animais acometidos por AE apresentaram baixos teores de cobre no fígado (45,8mg kg-1 MS). Os elementos antagonizantes do cobre, Mo, S, e Zn, estavam normais, com exceção do ferro, que estava em alta concentração tanto no solo (8600mg kg-1) quanto nos alimentos (284mg kg-1). O excesso de ingestão de ferro sugere ter provocado a carência de cobre nos animais.

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 34(1): 83-88, 2006.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-733166


Activation of astrocytes or astrogliosis is a prominent component of the inflammatory response and an indicator of injury in the brain. These astrocytes produce a large array of inflammatory mediators, growth and neuroprotective factors. This study was an investigation from astrocyte (GFAP) response and TGF- ?1 involvement during VSV acute encephalitis using immunohistochemistry to verify relation between astrocytes and TGF-?1. Animals developed symptoms around 6th day after VSV inoculation. Viral proteins were mainly detected at olfactory bulb, ventricular cell layer and disseminated to hippocampus, mesencephalon and diecephalon areas and brain stem. Also at 6th day post inoculation GFAP and TGF-?1 staining was observed in good association with virus-detected areas of brain. However, in mice with severe symptoms we observed reduction in the intensity of GFAP labeling at the same areas where TGF-?1 upregulation was observed. These areas show correlation with areas of necrosis and where are astrocytes with degenerative aspect. We observed TGF-?1 staining in damaged astrocytes, suggesting an effort of those cells in controlling inflammation in acute phase of VSV encephalitis.

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 34(1): 83-88, 2006.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-732086


Activation of astrocytes or astrogliosis is a prominent component of the inflammatory response and an indicator of injury in the brain. These astrocytes produce a large array of inflammatory mediators, growth and neuroprotective factors. This study was an investigation from astrocyte (GFAP) response and TGF- ?1 involvement during VSV acute encephalitis using immunohistochemistry to verify relation between astrocytes and TGF-?1. Animals developed symptoms around 6th day after VSV inoculation. Viral proteins were mainly detected at olfactory bulb, ventricular cell layer and disseminated to hippocampus, mesencephalon and diecephalon areas and brain stem. Also at 6th day post inoculation GFAP and TGF-?1 staining was observed in good association with virus-detected areas of brain. However, in mice with severe symptoms we observed reduction in the intensity of GFAP labeling at the same areas where TGF-?1 upregulation was observed. These areas show correlation with areas of necrosis and where are astrocytes with degenerative aspect. We observed TGF-?1 staining in damaged astrocytes, suggesting an effort of those cells in controlling inflammation in acute phase of VSV encephalitis.

Ciênc. vet. tróp ; 8(1/2/3): 29-34, 2005.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1480808


In the region of Patos, northeastern Brazil, ovine and caprine are important for the local economy. The animals are raised freely to find their own food, thus, they are susceptible to the attack ofthe Brazilian fox Dusicyon vetulus, frequently positive for rabies. The symptoms of this disease in those animals are poorly known. In order to better understand the disease in these species, two ovines and two caprines, aged 3-4 months old were inoculated in the masseter muscle with a fox rabies virus isolate and were kept confined. Seventeen days after inoculation, ovine 1 showed signs of loss ofapetite, stertorous, itching, lowered ears, difficulty in biting and swallowing, salivation, cough and failure in vocalization. Death occurred after 24 hours, when the other animals presented symptoms. On the twentieth day, ovine 2 manifested lateral decumbency, cycling movements, bit the hooves and the fence and died. Both caprines presented exacerbation of sexual instinct, priapism, and had to be separated due to agressiveness. Progressively they presented incoordination, decumbent position, opisthotonus, myoclonia and died after three and five days respectively for caprine 1 and 2. Each animal was necropsied and all presented pulmonary oedema and increased volume of cephalorrachidian fluid. Through the RT-PCR technique viral particles were detected in different organs, although virus isol

Na região de Patos-PB, semiárido nordestino, caprinos e ovinos são importante fonte de renda. Criados extensivamente, tornam-se suscetíveis ao ataque de raposas Dusicyon vetulus, frequentemente diagnosticadas com raiva. Os sintomas dessa doença nesses animais são pouco conhecidos. Para melhor compreender a raiva nessas espécies, dois ovinos e dois caprinos entre 3 -4 meses de idade, foram inoculados no masseter com vírus rábico isolado de raposa e mantidos confinados. Dezessete dias após, o ovino 1 apresentou inapetência, estertores, prurido, orelhas caídas, dificuldade em apreensão e deglutição, salivação, tosse, tentativa de vocalizar e morte após 24 horas. No dia seguinte os outros animais iniciaram os sintomas. No vigésimo dia, o ovino 2 posicionou-se em decúbito lateral com movimentos de pedalar, morder os cascos e a gaiola e morreu. as caprinos apresentaram exacerbação da libido, priapismo e agressividade. Progressivamente, houve incoordenação motora, decúbito, opist6tono e contrações musculares. A morte ocorreu após três e cinco dias para os caprinos 1 e 2, respectivamente. À necropsia, observou-se edema pulmonar e aumento do liquor nos quatro animais. Pela técnica de RT-PCR detectou-se RNA viral em vários órgãos; cérebro, coração, pulmão, rins, fígado e glândulas salivares, porem, só foi possível isolar o vírus em camundongo, a partir dos cérebros. Na prova de IFD todos

Ci. Vet. Tróp. ; 8(1/2/3): 29-34, 2005.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-479463


In the region of Patos, northeastern Brazil, ovine and caprine are important for the local economy. The animals are raised freely to find their own food, thus, they are susceptible to the attack ofthe Brazilian fox Dusicyon vetulus, frequently positive for rabies. The symptoms of this disease in those animals are poorly known. In order to better understand the disease in these species, two ovines and two caprines, aged 3-4 months old were inoculated in the masseter muscle with a fox rabies virus isolate and were kept confined. Seventeen days after inoculation, ovine 1 showed signs of loss ofapetite, stertorous, itching, lowered ears, difficulty in biting and swallowing, salivation, cough and failure in vocalization. Death occurred after 24 hours, when the other animals presented symptoms. On the twentieth day, ovine 2 manifested lateral decumbency, cycling movements, bit the hooves and the fence and died. Both caprines presented exacerbation of sexual instinct, priapism, and had to be separated due to agressiveness. Progressively they presented incoordination, decumbent position, opisthotonus, myoclonia and died after three and five days respectively for caprine 1 and 2. Each animal was necropsied and all presented pulmonary oedema and increased volume of cephalorrachidian fluid. Through the RT-PCR technique viral particles were detected in different organs, although virus isol

Na região de Patos-PB, semiárido nordestino, caprinos e ovinos são importante fonte de renda. Criados extensivamente, tornam-se suscetíveis ao ataque de raposas Dusicyon vetulus, frequentemente diagnosticadas com raiva. Os sintomas dessa doença nesses animais são pouco conhecidos. Para melhor compreender a raiva nessas espécies, dois ovinos e dois caprinos entre 3 -4 meses de idade, foram inoculados no masseter com vírus rábico isolado de raposa e mantidos confinados. Dezessete dias após, o ovino 1 apresentou inapetência, estertores, prurido, orelhas caídas, dificuldade em apreensão e deglutição, salivação, tosse, tentativa de vocalizar e morte após 24 horas. No dia seguinte os outros animais iniciaram os sintomas. No vigésimo dia, o ovino 2 posicionou-se em decúbito lateral com movimentos de pedalar, morder os cascos e a gaiola e morreu. as caprinos apresentaram exacerbação da libido, priapismo e agressividade. Progressivamente, houve incoordenação motora, decúbito, opist6tono e contrações musculares. A morte ocorreu após três e cinco dias para os caprinos 1 e 2, respectivamente. À necropsia, observou-se edema pulmonar e aumento do liquor nos quatro animais. Pela técnica de RT-PCR detectou-se RNA viral em vários órgãos; cérebro, coração, pulmão, rins, fígado e glândulas salivares, porem, só foi possível isolar o vírus em camundongo, a partir dos cérebros. Na prova de IFD todos

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 36(5): 250-252, 1999.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-710312


The clinical, gross and microscopical features of a granulosa cell tumour in the ovary of a 2-year-old cat are described. This is a rare tumour in cats, moreover because of the animals age. It was diagnosed clinically by ultrasound examination. The tumour, a cystic mass in the region of the left ovary, metastasized to the epiplon and lungs. Tumour cells expressed vimentin and were arranged in a diffuse sarcomatous pattern, supported by a fine fibrovascular stroma. The presence of hair loss and repeated oestrus as clinical signs are indicative of orthoendocrine paraneoplastic syndrome, due to excessive oestrogen stimulation. This tumour should be considered in the differential diagnosis of behavioural disturbances in female cats.

As características clínicas, macroscópicas e microscópicas de um tumor de células da granulosa no ovário de uma gata de 2 anos de idade são descritas neste trabalho. Essa neoplasia é rara em gatos, principalmente devido à idade apresentada pelo animal. O diagnóstico foi feito clinicamente através de exame ultra-sonográfico. O tumor, uma massa cística na região do ovário esquerdo, metastatizou para o epíploo e para os pulmões. As células tumorais expressaram vimentina e arranjavam-se num padrão sarcomatoso e difuso, sustentado por fino estroma fibrovascular. A presença de sinais clínicos, como perda de pêlos e repetição de estros, é indicativa de síndrome paraneoplásica ortoendócrina, devido à excessiva estimulação estrogênica. A existência desse tipo de tumor deve ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de distúrbios comportamentais em gatas.