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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;62(supl.3): 258-268, Jul.-Sep. 2014. graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-757330


The coral reefs located off the north coast of the Jamaican mainland are some of the best and most studied reefs in the world. Coral reefs of Pedro Bank, Jamaica were assessed in March, 2012 as part of the KSLOF Global Reef Expedition using a modified Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) protocol. The main objectives were to: 1) characterize the distribution, structure and health of coral reefs; and 2) evaluate the population status of commercially important reef fishes and invertebrates. This work was conducted to assist in characterizing coral reef habitats within and outside a proposed fishery reserve, and identify other possible conservation zones. Within 20 reefs, live coral cover ranged from 4.9% to 19.2%. Coral communities were dominated by small corals (esp. Agaricia, Porites and Siderastrea) although many sites had high abundances of large colonies of Montastraea annularis and M. faveolata, and these were generally in good condition. A single area, within the proposed fishery reserve, had extensive Acropora cervicornis thickets, and several shallow locations had small, but recovering A. palmata stands. Macroalgal cover at all sites was relatively low, with only three sites having greater than 30% cover; crustose coralline algae (CCA) was high, with eight sites exceeding 20% cover. Fish biomass at all sites near the Cays was low, with a dominance of herbivores (parrotfish and surgeonfish) and a near absence of groupers, snappers and other commercially important species. While parrotfish were the most abundant fish, these were all extremely small (mean size= 12cm; <4% over 29cm), and they were dominated by red band parrotfish (Sparisoma aurofrenatum) followed by striped parrotfish (Scarus iseri). While coral communities remain in better condition than most coastal reefs in Jamaica, intense fishing pressure using fish traps (main target species: surgeonfish) and hookah/spear fishing (main target: parrotfish) is of grave concern to the future persistence of these reefs. The proposed fishery reserve encompasses some of the best coral reef habitat near the Cays, but this MPA should be expanded to encompass other habitats and MPAs should be considered for bank reefs at the northwestern end, as well as Banner Reef and Blowers Rock.

Los arrecifes de coral ubicados en la costa norte de Jamaica son los mejores y mas estudiados corales del mundo. Los corales de arrecife del Banco de Pedro, Jamaica, fueron evaluados en marzo 2012 como parte de la expedición global KSLOF utilizando una modificación del protocolo de estimación rápida de arrecifes para el Atlántico y el Caribe (AGRRA). Los objetivos principales fueron: 1) caracterizar la distribución, estructura y salud de los arrecifes de coral; y 2) evaluar la condición de las poblaciones de peces arrecifales e invertebrados de interés comercial. Este trabajo fue realizado con el propósito de colaborar en la caracterización de hábitats arrecifales, tanto dentro como fuera de un área sugerida como reserva marina, e identificar otras áreas de conservación. Para los 20 arrecifes, la cobertura de coral vivo varió entre 4.9% y 19.2%. Las comunidades de corales son dominadas por corales pequeños (Agaricia, Porites y Siderastrea), aunque en varias localidades se presentó una mayor abundancia de colonias grandes de M. annularis y M. faveolata, y estos se encontraban por lo general en buenas condiciones. Dentro de la reserva pesquera propuesta, una sola área presentó fragmentos de A. cervicornis, y varias localidades someras presentaron pequeños fragmentos de A. palmata, pero en proceso de recuperación. La cobertura de macroalgas en todas las áreas fue relativamente baja, solo tres lugares presentaron más de un 30%; la cobertura de algas coralinas calcárea (CCA) fue alta, ocho lugares excedieron el 20%. La biomasa de peces fue baja en todos los sitios cercanos a los cayos, y hubo dominancia de herbívoros (pez loro y cirujanos), y en general ausencia de chernas, pargos y otras especies de peces de interés comercial. Aunque los peces loro fueron los más abundantes, estos presentaron tamaños extremadamente pequeños (tamaño promedio = 12cm; <4% por encima de 29cm), y estuvieron dominados por el pez loro de banda roja (Sparisoma aurofrenatum), y por el pez loro de rayas (Scarus iseri). Mientras que las comunidades de coral permanecen en mejor condición que muchos de los arrecifes costeros de Jamaica, existe una intensa presión pesquera usando trampas de pesca (principal objetivo: cirujanos) y de compresores de aire (hookah)/ pesca con arpón (principal objetivo: pez loro) es preocupante, y compromete la persistencia y el futuro de estos arrecifes. La reserva marina (MPA) que se sugiere incluye algunos de los mejores hábitats de arrecife coralino cerca de los cayos, pero es recomendable que se amplíe para incluir otros hábitats y que se consideren áreas marinas protegidas en los bancos de arrecife del extremo noroeste, así como el arrecife Banner y Blowers Rock.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;60(supl.1): 39-57, Mar. 2012. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-657853


The progressive downward shift in dominance of key reef building corals, coupled with dramatic increases in macroalgae and other nuisance species, fields of unstable coral rubble ,loss of structural relief, and declines of major functional groups of fishes is a common occurrence throughout the Caribbean today. The incorporation of resilience principles into management is a proposed strategy to reverse this trend and ensure proper functioning of coral reefs under predicted scenarios of climate change, yet ecosystem processes and functions that underlie reef resilience are not fully understood. Rapid assessments using the Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) and the IUCN Resilience Assessment protocol can provide baseline information on reef resilience. A key aspect of these surveys focuses on coral population dynamics, including measures of coral cover, size, partial and whole-colony mortality, condition, and recruitment. One challenge is that these represent static measures involving a single assessment. Without following individual corals over time, it is difficult to determine rates of survival and growth of recruits and adult colonies, and differentiation of juveniles from small remnants of older colonies may not be possible, especially when macroalgal cover is high. To address this limitation, corals assessed in Bonaire in July 2010 were subdivided into two categories: 1) colonies on the reef substrate; and 2) colonies colonizing dead corals and exposed skeletal surfaces of living corals. Coral populations in Bonaire exhibited many features indicative of high resilience, including high coral cover (often 30-50%), high levels of recruitment, and a large number of corals that settled on dead corals and survived to larger size-classes. Overall, the skeletal surfaces of 12 species of corals were colonized by 16 species of corals, with up to 12 settlers on each colony, most (67%) on M. annularis (complex) skeletons. Nevertheless, completely dead M. annularis colonies were common, survivors were frequently reduced in size and subdivided into smaller tissue remnants, and these species exhibited higher amounts of partial mortality than all other species. A notable absence of sexual recruits and juveniles of M. annularis illustrates a progressive shift away from a Montastraea dominated system. This shift, characterized by an increasing dominance of smaller, short-lived species such as Agaricia and Porites and a reduction in size of longer-lived massive corals, is occurring throughout the Caribbean. Monitoring of the survival of recruits is necessary to determine whether Caribbean reefs will retain the same function, structure, identity and feedbacks (key signs of resilience) if the losses of M. annularis (complex) continue at present levels. The rapid assessment protocol utilized here allows characterization of colony size structure, partial mortality, recruitment, and whether small corals represent surviving recruits that increased in size or larger (older) colonies that continue to shrink in size. This approach can help determine the history of a site and its resilience.

En la actualidad se está viendo en el Caribe un cambio en la composición de los corales constructores de arrecifes, aumento en la cobertura de macroalgas y otras especies, un aumento en áreas cubiertas por escombros de corales, y una pérdida de relieve. La incorporación de principios de resiliencia en el manejo es una estrategia propuesta para revertir esta tendencia y asegurar la sobrevivencia y el adecuado funcionamiento de los arrecifes de coral bajo escenarios previstos de cambio climático. Sin embargo, todavía quedan grandes vacíos en la comprensión de los factores que promueven la resiliencia. Evaluaciones rápidas realizadas con la metodología AGRRA (Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment) y con el protocolo de Evaluación de Resiliencia para arrecifes coralinos de la IUCN brindan información de línea base sobre la resiliencia de los arrecifes del Caribe. Un aspecto clave de estos estudios se centra en la dinámica de las poblaciones de los corales, incluyendo medidas de cobertura de coral, estructura de tallas, la extensión de la mortalidad parcial y total de toda la comunidad, condición de los corales y reclutamiento. Un reto es que esto representa una medida estática que involucra una única evaluación. Sin seguir las colonias individuales y el reclutamiento en el tiempo, es difícil determinar las tasas de sobrevivencia y crecimiento de los reclutas, y podría no ser posible la diferenciación de los juveniles de los restos pequeños de colonias más viejas, especialmente cuando la cobertura algal es alta. Para abordar esta limitación, los corales monitoreados en Bonaire en julio del 2010 fueron subdivididos en dos categorías: 1) colonias sobre la estructura arrecifal; y 2) colonias creciendo sobre coral muerto o sobre las superficies expuestas del esqueleto de los corales vivos. Los arrecifes en Bonaire exhiben muchas características indicativas de alta resiliencia, incluyendo una alta cobertura de coral (frecuentemente 30-50%), altos niveles de reclutamiento, y un gran número de corales que se asentaron sobre los corales muertos y crecieron. En general, las superficies del esqueleto de 12 especies de corales fueron colonizadas por 16 especies de corales, con un máximo de 12 colonizadores en cada colonia, la mayoría (67%) sobre esqueletos de Montastraea annularis (complejo). Colonias completamente muertas de M. annularis fueron comunes y los sobrevivientes con frecuencia son más pequeños o subdivididos en pequeños restos de tejido. Montastraea annularis es la especie que exhibe una mayor mortalidad parcial en relación con los demás corales. Una notable ausencia de reclutamiento sexual y juveniles de M. annularis ilustra el cambio progresivo de cambio de un sistema dominado por Montastraea. Este cambio, que se está produciendo en todo el Caribe, se caracteriza por un dominio cada vez mayor de especies más pequeñas y de vida corta como Agaricia y Porites, y una reducción en el tamaño de los corales masivos longevos. El seguimiento de la sobrevivencia de los reclutas es necesario para determinar si los arrecifes del Caribe mantendrán la misma función, estructura, identidad y retroalimentación (signos clave de la resiliencia), y si las pérdidas de M. annularis (complejo) continuarán a los niveles actuales. La evaluación rápida presentada aquí posibilita caracterizar la estructura de tamaño de las colonias, los niveles de reclutamiento y determinar si los corales pequeños representan sobrevivientes de colonias que incrementan su tamaño o colonias grandes (más viejas) que siguen disminuyendo de tamaño. Este enfoque puede ayudar a determinar la historia de un sitio y su capacidad de recuperación.

Alga Marinha , Recifes de Corais , Crescimento , Resistência à Doença
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;58(supl.3): 111-127, Oct. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-638092


In June, 2002, the government of Dominica requested assistance in evaluating the coral culture and transplantation activities being undertaken by Oceanographic Institute of Dominica (OID), a coral farm culturing both western Atlantic and Indo-Pacific corals for restoration and commercial sales. We assessed the culture facilities of OID, the condition of reefs, potential impacts of coral collection and benefits of coral transplantation. Coral reefs (9 reefs, 3-20m depth) were characterized by 35 species of scleractinian corals and a live coral cover of 8-35%. Early colonizing, brooders such as Porites astreoides (14.8% of all corals), P. porites (14.8%), Meandrina meandrites (14.7%) and Agaricia agaricites (9.1%) were the most abundant corals, but colonies were mostly small (mean=25cm diameter). Montastraea annularis (complex) was the other dominant taxa (20.8% of all corals) and colonies were larger (mean=70cm). Corals (pooled species) were missing an average of 20% of their tissue, with a mean of 1.4% recent mortality. Coral diseases affected 6.4% of all colonies, with the highest prevalence at Cabrits West (11.0%), Douglas Bay (12.2%) and Coconut Outer reef (20.7%). White plague and yellow band disease were causing the greatest loss of tissue, especially among M. annularis (complex), with localized impacts from corallivores, overgrowth by macroalgae, storm damage and sedimentation. While the reefs appeared to be undergoing substantial decline, restoration efforts by OID were unlikely to promote recovery. No Pacific species were identified at OID restoration sites, yet species chosen for transplantation with highest survival included short-lived brooders (Agaricia and Porites) that were abundant in restoration sites, as well as non-reef builders (Palythoa and Erythropodium) that monopolize substrates and overgrow corals. The species of highest value for restoration (massive broadcast spawners) showed low survivorship and unrestored populations of these species were most affected by biotic stressors and human impacts, all of which need to be addressed to enhance survival of outplants. Problems with culture practices at OID, such as high water temperature, adequate light levels and persistent overgrowth by macroalgae could be addressed through simple modifications. Nevertheless, coral disease and other stressors are of major concern to the most important reef builders, as these species are less amenable to restoration, collection could threaten their survival and losses require decades to centuries to replace. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (Suppl. 3): 111-127. Epub 2010 October 01.

En junio del año 2002 el gobierno de Dominica solicitó asistencia para evaluar el Instituto Oceanográfico de Dominica (OID), una operación de cultivo de corales del océano Atlántico y del Indo Pacifico para propósitos de restauración y comercio. Evaluamos las facilidades de cultivo del OID, la condición de los arrecifes y el impacto potencial de la recolección de corales y los posibles beneficios del transplante de colonias. Los arrecifes de coral (9 arrecifes de profundidades entre 3 y 20m se caracterizaban por 35 especies escleractíneos y una cobertura viva de coral entre 8 y 35%. Las especies que liberan larvas tales como Porites astreoides (14.8 % de todos los corales), P. porites (14.8%), Meandrina meandrites (14.7%) y Agaricia agaricites (9.1%) fueron los más abundantes, pero sus colonias eran pequeñas (promedio de 25cm de diámetro). El complejo de Montastraea annularis fue otro grupo dominante (20.8% de todos los corales) y sus colonias eran mayores (promedio de 70cm de diámetro). Entre todas las especies los corales habían perdido el 20% de sus tejidos, con un promedio de 1.4% por mortandad reciente. Las enfermedades de coral afectaron 6.4% de todas las colonias, con la incidencia mayor en Cabrits Oeste (11%), Bahía Douglas (12.2%) y el arrecife de Coconut Afuera (20.7%). Plaga blanca y la enfermedad de la banda amarilla causaron la mayoría de la pérdida de tejido vivo, especialmente en el complejo de M. annularis, con impactos localizados por caracoles coralívoros, sobre crecimiento por macroalgas, impactos de tormentas y sedimentación. Mientras los arrecifes parecen estar declinando substancialmente, los esfuerzos de restauración de OID no parecen entablar su recuperación debido a que las especies escogidas para transplantar con las mayores tasas de sobrevivencia incluyen especies que liberan larvas (Agaricia y Porites) que fueron abundantes en las restauraciones, al igual que los organismos potencialmente parasíticos (Palythoa ...

Animais , Antozoários/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Recifes de Corais , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Dominica , Densidade Demográfica
Rev Biol Trop ; 58 Suppl 3: 111-27, 2010 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21299100


In June, 2002, the government of Dominica requested assistance in evaluating the coral culture and transplantation activities being undertaken by Oceanographic Institute of Dominica (OID), a coral farm culturing both western Atlantic and Indo-Pacific corals for restoration and commercial sales. We assessed the culture facilities of OID, the condition of reefs, potential impacts of coral collection and benefits of coral transplantation. Coral reefs (9 reefs, 3-20 m depth) were characterized by 35 species of scleractinian corals and a live coral cover of 8-35%. Early colonizing, brooders such as Porites astreoides (14.8% of all corals), P. porites (14.8%), Meandrina meandrites (14.7%) and Agaricia agaricites (9.1%) were the most abundant corals, but colonies were mostly small (mean = 25 cm diameter). Montastraea annularis (complex) was the other dominant taxa (20.8% of all corals) and colonies were larger (mean = 70 cm). Corals (pooled species) were missing an average of 20% of their tissue, with a mean of 1.4% recent mortality. Coral diseases affected 6.4% of all colonies, with the highest prevalence at Cabrits West (11.0%), Douglas Bay (12.2%) and Coconut Outer reef (20.7%). White plague and yellow band disease were causing the greatest loss of tissue, especially among M. annularis (complex), with localized impacts from corallivores, overgrowth by macroalgae, storm damage and sedimentation. While the reefs appeared to be undergoing substantial decline, restoration efforts by OlD were unlikely to promote recovery. No Pacific species were identified at OID restoration sites, yet species chosen for transplantation with highest survival included short-lived brooders (Agaricia and Porites) that were abundant in restoration sites, as well as non-reef builders (Palythoa and Erythropodium) that monopolize substrates and overgrow corals. The species of highest value for restoration (massive broadcast spawners) showed low survivorship and unrestored populations of these species were most affected by biotic stressors and human impacts, all of which need to be addressed to enhance survival of outplants. Problems with culture practices at OID, such as high water temperature, adequate light levels and persistent overgrowth by macroalgae could be addressed through simple modifications. Nevertheless, coral disease and other stressors are of major concern to the most important reef builders, as these species are less amenable to restoration, collection could threaten their survival and losses require decades to centuries to replace.

Antozoários/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Recifes de Corais , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Animais , Dominica , Densidade Demográfica
Dis Aquat Organ ; 87(1-2): 19-31, 2009 Nov 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20095238


Remote reefs off southwest Puerto Rico have experienced recent losses in live coral cover of 30 to 80%, primarily due to the decline of Montastraea annularis and M. faveolata from disease and bleaching. These species were formerly the largest, oldest, and most abundant corals on these reefs, constituting over 65% of the living coral cover and 40 to 80% of the total number of colonies. From 1998 to 2001, outbreaks of yellow band disease (YBD) and white plague (WP) affected 30 to 60% of the M. annularis (complex) colonies. Disease prevalence declined beginning in 2002, and then increased immediately following the 2005 mass bleaching event. Colonies of M. annularis (complex) have been reduced in abundance by 24 to 32%, and remaining colonies are missing more than half their tissue. Both M. annularis and M. faveolata have failed to recruit, resheeting has been minimal, and exposed skeletal surfaces are being colonized by macroalgae, bioeroding sponges, and hydrozoans. Other scleractinian corals were smaller in size (mean = 28 cm diameter) and exhibited lower levels of partial mortality; these taxa were affected to a lesser extent by coral diseases and bleaching-associated tissue loss over the last decade. The numbers of small colonies (1 to 9 cm) of these species identified since 2005 also exceeded numbers of larger colonies that died. These reefs appear to be exhibiting shifts in species assemblages, with replacement of M. annularis (complex) by shorter-lived brooding species and other massive and plating corals (Agaricia, Porites, Meandrina, Eusmilia, Diploria, and Siderastrea spp.). To avoid a catastrophic and permanent loss of the dominant, slow-growing reef-building corals, the causes and effects of diseases need to be better understood, and possible control mechanisms must be developed. In particular, steps must be taken to mitigate environmental and anthropogenic stressors that increase the spread and severity of disease.

Antozoários/microbiologia , Antozoários/fisiologia , Animais , Monitoramento Ambiental , Oceanos e Mares , Porto Rico , Estresse Fisiológico , Fatores de Tempo
Dis Aquat Organ ; 69(1): 67-73, 2006 Mar 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16703767


The rate and extent of mortality from yellow band disease (YBD) to Montastraea annularis (species complex) on reefs off Mona Island, Puerto Rico, was evaluated over 8 yr. Isolated YBD infections were first observed in 1996. Prevalence of YBD increased dramatically in 1999, with a maximum of 52 % of all M. annularis colonies infected in 1 shallow site. YBD continued to spread among adjacent, previously uninfected corals over the next 4 yr, and disease prevalence progressively increased in deeper sites. Linear rates of disease advance and tissue mortality have been slow (5 to 15 cm yr(-1)), although colonies with single YBD lesions have become infected in multiple locations. Most (85%) colonies identified with YBD in 1999 and 2000 were still affected in 2003, and these corals have lost a mean of 60% of their living tissue. Mortality from YBD is being compounded by black band disease, white plague and other syndromes; bioeroding sponges, macroalgae, cyanobacteria and other competitors have colonized tissue-denuded skeleton, minimizing the likelihood of resheeting. The deteriorating health of M. annularis is of particular concern, as these are the dominant corals on these reefs, the largest (2 to 3 m diameter and height) and presumably oldest colonies were infected with YBD more frequently than small colonies, and no recruitment has been observed. YBD is causing extensive mortality to key reef-building taxa in a remote location where anthropogenic stressors are minimal. Additional research on causes of YBD, mechanisms of infection, and strategies to mitigate YBD is needed; otherwise, M. annularis may suffer a fate similar to that of the Atlantic acroporids.

Antozoários/fisiologia , Animais , Tamanho Corporal , Superfície Corporal/veterinária , Progressão da Doença , Mortalidade , Dinâmica Populacional , Prevalência , Porto Rico/epidemiologia