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Interdisciplinaria ; 38(3): 117-138, jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356331


Resumen Las familias, en la actualidad, enfrentan nuevos retos y cambios que comprometen su capacidad de adaptación y su bienestar. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir y comparar indicadores de resiliencia familiar y bienestar familiar de 442 familias colombianas ubicadas geográficamente en Bogotá (n = 196), Santa Marta (n = 81) y Cali-Palmira (n = 145). El diseño fue analítico transversal. Las familias diligenciaron el Índice Familiar de Regeneración y Adaptación (FIRA-G) para valorar la resiliencia y el Índice de Bienestar de los miembros de la Familia (FMWB). Los resultados demostraron relaciones significativas y positivas entre bienestar familiar y resiliencia familiar al igual que una relación inversa y significativa entre indicadores de resiliencia negativos como tensión, distrés y tensión familiar con indicadores positivos de resiliencia familiar tales como coherencia, fortaleza y apoyo social. La comparación entre ciudades evidenció divergencias entre las familias de Bogotá y Cali-Palmira, en los niveles de bienestar familiar, estresores familiares y apoyo de parientes y amigos. En el caso de la ciudad de Santa Marta se encuentran diferencias en los estresores familiares con Cali-Palmira y en apoyo social comunitario con Bogotá. La discusión se orienta a mostrar que la resiliencia familiar es resultado de la participación de varios elementos: los recursos familiares adaptativos positivos que le permiten a las familias reducir el estrés y enfrentar las demandas del ambiente, la presencia de los dos padres en familias sin indicadores clínicos que hace que la carga de estrés sea compartida -lo cual abona el terreno para la resiliencia familiar-, y el apoyo social manifestado en ayudas externas al núcleo familiar por parte de la comunidad, los parientes y los amigos.

Abstract Currently, modern families are coping with different stressful situations. The family studies are focused on the conceptual perspective, political perspective and methodological topic and they leave aside the familiar dynamics and functioning. This paper was interested in describing and comparing indicators of family resilience and family welfare of 442 Colombian families. This study had three hypotheses: The first one is focused on differences in well-being family dimension per location; the second hypothesis was focused on significant differences in family resilience per location, and the third one was interested in significant relations in family resilience and family well-being. The theoretical support to this research is the McCubbin and Patterson's resilience model called Double ABCX and Family Adaptation and Adjust Response Model by Patterson. The family well-being is considered a result of internal family functioning and is measured by the family member perception about the concern about health problems, fears, anger and sadness. Family resilience is understood as the capacity to recover from adversity. This capacity strengthens families and improves their resources. In this theoretic resilience approach the resilience is a dynamic result to the adaptation phase and the family well-being is the final adjustment. The design was cross-sectional analytical with a convenience sample. The families were interviewed in their homes, from each family both parents and a child between 9 and 17 years old participated. They are located geographically in Bogotá (n = 196), Santa Marta (n = 81) and Cali-Palmira (n = 145). Families completed the Family Member Well-being Index (FMWB) and the Family Regeneration and Adaptation Index (FIRA-G) to assess resilience. Families residing in Bogotá showed significant differences with those of Cali-Palmira in the dimension of family well-being, family stress and support from friends and family. While families located in Santa Marta showed differences with respect to the families located in Cali-Palmira in family stress and in community and social support. The father correlations between the family resilience index and the well-being family index is strong and inverse with the family stress and the family well-being summarized. The mother well-being family perception is significant associated with family resilience, and these correlations was strongest with family well-being summarized. The family stress index, strains and distress exposed moderate and inverse relations with the positive resilience family summarized. The discussion deals with family resilience as a product of the dynamic interaction in the hole family system and is oriented to the fact that the presence of support from family and friends reduces the burden of family stress, promotes support in the face of crisis and, in general, improves the well-being and family adaptation. In general, the differences reflect varied resilience trajectories that depend on the challenges posed by the close context of the city where they live. An approach to this result leads us to think as a hypothesis not yet widely explored, in the mobility factor of cities, which limits contact with close family networks. In big cities like Bogotá, its internal mobility compromises the times and spaces of daily life, and thus allows or prevents families from organizing their relationships in the different areas of their social life. Resilience occurs through positive adaptive family resources that included social support and family coherence and allow families to reduce stress and meet the demands of the environment. On the other hand, the presence of the two parents in families without clinical indicators shows that the burden of shared stress helps family resilience, which is also fed by the presence of external aids to the family nucleus, such as the support of the community, family and friends.

Rev. iberoam. psicol. (En línea) ; 12(1): 77-88, 2019. graf, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1253296


Este artículo tiene como propósito presentar una aproximación teórica y metodológica para el estudio del desarrollo del sí mismo en la niñez. Tomando como punto de partida la Teoría del Self Dialógico (TSD) y el abordaje de la Psicología Semiótico-Cultural, se propone el concepto de Posicionamiento Dinámico de Sí (PDS). Se plantea que el niño tiene un papel activo en la construcción de sus procesos de desarrollo. Metodológicamente, se propone indagar por las construcciones de indicadores del desarrollo del sí mismo a partir de observaciones en las interacciones y de las construcciones narrativas de niños y de sus otros significativos. Finalmente se sugiere que futuras investigaciones que se enfoquen en el estudio del sí mismo deben centrarse en darle una voz al niño y recuperar el carácter dinámico y dialógico del desarrollo

The purpose of this article is to present a theoretical and methodological approach to the study of the development of the self in childhood. Taking as starting point the Theory of the Dialogic Self (TSD) and the approach of the Semiotic-Cultural Psychology, the concept of Dynamic Positioning of Yes (PDS) is proposed. It is stated that the child has an active role in the construction of their development processes. Methodologically, it is proposed to investigate the constructions of indicators of the development of the self from observations in the interactions and narrative constructions of children and their significant others. Finally, it is suggested that future research focusing on the study of the self should focus on giving a voice to the child and recover the dynamic and dialogical character of the development

Humanos , Pesquisa , Voz , Comportamento Infantil , Desenvolvimento Infantil , Papel (figurativo) , Caráter
Interdisciplinaria ; 34(2): 459-472, dic. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-975784


El autoconcepto es uno de los factores que permite al ser humano gozar de salud y bienestar emocional durante su desarrollo evolutivo. Musitu, García y Gutiérrez (1991) mencionan que el autoconcepto es la percepción que tiene la persona de sí misma en base a la observación de sus capacidades y limitaciones y que le permite tener un sentido de la propia identidad. Quien posee un autoconcepto positivo, podrá ser capaz de aceptar retos, emprender desafíos, perder el temor, aventurarse y experimentar cosas nuevas. El estudio que se informa analiza las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Autoconcepto AF5 de García y Musitu. Se utilizó un diseño transversal con una muestra de 861 estudiantes de una universidad privada de Tarapoto (Perú). La escala es de tipo Likert y está compuesta por 30 ítems distribuidos en cinco dimensiones: autoconcepto académico, autoconcepto social, autoconcepto emocional, autoconcepto familiar y autoconcepto físico. En primera instancia se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) con rotación Varimax en el que cinco factores explicaron el 51.98% de la variancia total. Posteriormente, se realizó con la técnica de ecuaciones estructurales un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) para el cual se realizaron cuatro re-especificaciones. La solución final obtuvo índices de ajuste adecuados (RMSEA = .05; p = .05; TL I = .90; CFI = .92, CMIN / DF = 3.521; GFI = .92 y AGFI = .90). Entre los principales hallazgos se encontró que la solución final confirma la propuesta del autoconcepto como un constructo multidimensional de cinco factores. Sin embargo, el número de ítems difiere ligeramente. No se logró identificar una solución de segundo orden que evalúe el autoconcepto global. Los valores de confiabilidad para las escalas oscilaron entre .771 y .835. Los resultados obtenidos coinciden con los hallazgos de los autores originales por lo que se afirma que el AF5 es un instrumento válido y confiable para estudiantes universitarios peruanos.

Self-concept is one of the factors that allows humans to live healthy and with emotional well-being during their evolutionary development. Musitu, García, and Gutiérrez (1991) mention that self-concept is the perception that people have of themselves based on the observation of their capabilities and limitations, which allows them to have a sense of identity. People having a positive self-concept may be able to accept dares, undertake challenges, lose fear, venture out, and try new things. In this regard, the present study analyzes the psychometric properties of García and Musitu's AF5 Selfconcept Scale. We used a cross-sectional design and the study sample consisted of 861 students of both genders (467 female and 394 male) in a private university in Tarapoto (Perú); who filled out the AF5 scale consisting of 30 items divided into five dimensions: academic self-concept, social self-concept, emotional self-concept, family self-concept, and physical self-concept, which are answered through a Likert scale. Firstly, we calculated the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) sampling adequacy index for total scale where we obtained .885 and Bartlett's index of sphericity was 9377.994 (df = 435, p = .001), these values allowed us to do the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with Varimax rotation where five factors explained the 51.98% of the total variance. Later, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was executed through the technique of structural equations for which four re-specification were done, the final solution got indexes of adequate adjustments (RMSEA = .05, p = .05; TLI = .90,CFI = .92, CMIN / DF = 3.521; GFI = .92, and AGFI = .90). Among the main findings we found that the final solution confirms the proposal of self-concept as a multidimensional construct of five factors; however, the number of items differs slightly. It was not possible to identify a second order solution that may evaluate global self-concept. With respect to reliability, values for scales ranged from alpha equal to .771 and .835. The results obtained coincide with the findings of the original authors; therefore, we state that the AF5 is a valid and reliable instrument for Peruvian university students. The literature has shown that an adequate self-concept is important in the life of every university student (Chen, Chiu, & Wang, 2015; Jansen,Scherer, & Schroeders, 2015; Zho, Ou & Zhao, 2015). Taking into account that college entrance is usually the first major change in the life of a teenager, a phase where students tend to have certain academic conflicts, new living arrangements, academic pressure, new financial responsibilities, and stablishment of new relationships, both social and/or romantic, as a result of educational change; Therefore, if self-concept is not well defined, students will be more likely to show school desertion generated in the first years of higher education due to decompensated shock caused by the transition from high school routine life to an academic self-learning one. Chen, Chiu, and Wang (2015) found that self-concept has a positive and significant effect on a personal level and contributes to the development of the recognition of self-learning and meta-cognitive skills (to improve their academic performance). Jansen, Scherer, and Schroeders (2015) mention that self-concept is a better predictor of future on motivation to aspire to a career in science; and Zho, Ou, and Zhao (2015) emphasize that having a high self-concept, contributes to student performance, to make an effort todo homework or study, which allow to increase performance in college. Thus, in a university academic context, the literature reports that self-concept is an important factor for adequate adaptation to college life.
