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Braz J Vet Med ; 45: e002223, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37868091


Dirofilariasis, a parasitic disease caused by the nematode Dirofilaria immitis, commonly known as heartworm, primarily inhabits the pulmonary artery and right heart of dogs and other animals. The disease is transmitted through diptera, predominantly from the Culex, Aedes, and Anopheles genera. Dirofilariasis is cosmopolitan in nature, endemic in coastal regions and tropical climates. Factors such as temperature, humidity, vector density, and the presence of definitive hosts significantly contribute to the spread of this parasitic disease. In the state of Rio de Janeiro, a prevalence of 58.6% of D. immitis infected animals has been recorded in municipalities like Niterói. Given that blood transfusions are routine clinical procedures and blood bags are not always accurately evaluated, an investigation into D. immitis infection in blood donor dogs from the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro was conducted. A total of 1044 blood donor dog files from a blood bank in Niterói, RJ, collected from January 2019 to December 2022, were analyzed. These samples, originating from kennels in various municipalities in the Metropolitan Region, were tested for the presence of microfilariae through direct examination using tubes and microhematocrit evaluated in optical microscopy. Additionally, the search for antigens was conducted using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique. Out of the 1044 records evaluated, 17.8% (186/1044) were positive for heartworm infection, with 2% (21/1044) samples positive for microfilariae and 14.8% (154/1044) positive for D. immitis antigens. The high prevalence rate indicates that canine D. immitis infection remains prevalent in the state of Rio de Janeiro, necessitating effective guidelines for prescribing preventive medications by veterinarians and an increase in epidemiological surveillance in the region.

A dirofilariose é uma parasitose determinada pelo nematóide Dirofilaria immitis, que tem como habitat artéria pulmonar e coração direito de canídeos e outros animais, sendo por isso conhecido popularmente como verme do coração. A transmissão da parasitose ocorre por meio de dípteros principalmente dos gêneros Culex, Aedes e Anopheles. A dirofilariose é considerada cosmopolita, sendo endêmica em regiões litorâneas e de clima tropical. A temperatura, a umidade, a densidade de vetores e a presença de hospedeiros definitivos são considerados os principais fatores que contribuem para a propagação da parasitose. No estado do Rio de Janeiro, alguns municípios como Niterói, já foi registrada uma prevalência de 58.6% de animais infectados por D. immitis. Como as transfusões de sangue são procedimentos clínicos rotineiros e as bolsas de sangue nem sempre são avaliadas corretamente, decidiu-se investigar a infecção por D. immitis em cães doadores de sangue da região metropolitana do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foram analisados 1044 prontuários de cães doadores de sangue de um banco de sangue localizado em Niterói, RJ, obtidos no período de janeiro de 2019 a dezembro de 2022. As amostras foram provenientes de canis localizados em diferentes municípios da Região Metropolitana, e testadas para presença de microfilárias por meio de exame direto utilizando-se tubos e microhematócrito avaliados em microscopia óptica e através da realização da pesquisa de antígenos utilizando-se a técnica de ELISA. Das 1044 fichas avaliadas, 17.8% (186/1044) das amostras foram positivas para infecção pelo verme do coração, sendo 2% (21/1044) positivas para presença de microfilárias e 14.75% (154/1044) positivas para presença de antígenos de D. immitis. A alta taxa de prevalência encontrada permite concluir que a infecção canina por D. immitis ainda apresenta alta prevalência no estado do Rio de Janeiro, exigindo orientações efetivas para a prescrição de medicamentos preventivos por médicos veterinários e aumento da vigilância epidemiológica na região.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 868, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434734


Background: Neuroendocrine tumors are epithelial tumors with predominant neuroendocrine differentiation. Ectopic thyroid carcinoma develops in the ectopic thyroid parenchyma, in the anterior mediastinum, being an important differential diagnosis of paraganglioma, although occurring less frequently than the same. The cells invade the mediastinal fat reaching the adventitia of the aorta. There is a possibility of metastatic formations in the lung, kidneys, and pancreas. A supporting treatment was provided. The present study proposes the exposition and description of a case of neuroendocrine tumor in the heart, considering the rarity of the involvement of this tumor in the canine species. Case: A 9-year-old American Bulldog male canine was treated at home in the city of Rio de Janeiro. On clinical examination, dyspnea, edema of the hind limbs and an increase in abdominal volume were observed. With the suspicion of congestive heart failure, mainly on the right, cardiac exams were requested. Because it was an aggressive animal, sedation was performed with a combination of tiletamine and zolazepam. During cardiac auscultation, the presence of S4 was noticed, characterizing a gallop rhythm. No alterations were observed on the electrocardiographic examination. The echocardiogram showed a tumor mass in the atrium and dilation of the venous return vessels. The tumor enveloped 80% of the atrium of a 9-year-old male American Bulldog. The abdominocentesis procedure was performed to drain abdominal free fluid. Furosemide, enalapril and digoxin were prescribed as a treatment. Three months after the start of treatment, the animal presented intense dyspnea that culminated in the death of the patient, who later had the body sent for necropsy and subsequent tissue collection for histopathological analysis. Based on the immunohistochemical markers chromogranin and synaptophysin, the work here presented describes a case of a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma involving a dog's heart. Discussion: Brachycephalic dogs, such as Boxers, Bulldogs and Boston Terriers, are predisposed to the development of paragangliomas. The genetic predisposition is related to hyperplasia of the carotid bodies generated by chronic hypoxia, resulting from obstructive processes in the airways. As the reported dog is an American Bulldog, the possibility of the tumor in question was reinforced. Paragangliomas are more frequent in males from nine to thirteen years of age, commonly associated with other endocrine neoplasms. It is also an important marker present in paragangliomas. In contrast to the literature, the report points to a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma, without eliminating the possibility of an ectopic thyroid tumor, because although TTF-1 appears in most thyroid tumors, not all of them are present, although it is very suggestive. Treatment in question, attributed to the control of right congestive heart failure, although with little effect, denotes that the obstructive process of the return pathway, even with the use of drugs that prevent congestion, did not delay the evolution of the disease. However, it is observed that the treatment resources for these tumors, whether by surgical or chemotherapy option, also have few answers. The lack of literature on ectopic thyroid tumors influences the diagnosis of paraganglioma. Thus, clinical and complementary findings, mainly along with immunohistochemistry, were essential in the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumor. After 3 months of the start of the treatment, the animal died.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Paraganglioma/veterinária , Tumores Neuroendócrinos/veterinária , Coração , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Braz J Vet Med ; 44: e001922, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36066916


Dirofilaria immitis is a nematode that infects canids worldwide as well as other mammalian species, including humans. Worms and dogs are well adapted to one another, making dogs the best urban host for the parasite. Nevertheless, 30% of dogs do not sufficiently present microfilaremia, that is, the low larval load impairs transmission by mosquitoes and diagnosis by its detection in the blood samples. Therefore, the canine diagnosis must always include a microfilaria test and serological tests to detect adult worm antigens. To describe the clinical findings in naturally infected dogs in Rio de Janeiro, 34 dogs were included in the study. All dogs were evaluated for history, anamnesis, physical examination, complete blood count (CBC), D. immitis testing for antigens (ELISA test SNAP 4Dx Plus®), and microfilarial burden. The most frequent complaint from the owners was coughing (14.7%, 5/34). The most common CBC finding was eosinophilia (29.4%), followed by thrombocytopenia (26.5%) and neutrophilia (14.7%). Of the 34 animals, 91.2% were microfilaremic, with a mean count of 11.939 microfilaria/mL. Veterinarians working in areas endemic to D. immitis should always undergo screening tests and pulmonary auscultation, and increased expiratory sounds, even in the absence of coughing, can be considered a sign of the disease, along with eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, and neutrophilia.

Dirofilaria immitis, é um nematoide que infecta canídeos em todo o mundo, bem como outras espécies de mamíferos, incluindo humanos. Os vermes e os cães estão bem adaptados um ao outro, tornando os cães o melhor hospedeiro urbano para o parasita. Contudo, 30% dos cães não apresentam microfilaremia, prejudicando a transmissão pelos mosquitos e o diagnóstico por detecção de larvas em amostras de sangue. Portanto, o diagnóstico canino deve incluir sempre a pesquisa de microfilárias e sorologia para detecção do antígeno do verme adulto. Com o objetivo de descrever os achados clínicos de cães naturalmente infectados no Rio de Janeiro, 34 cães foram incluídos. Todos os cães foram avaliados por histórico, anamnese, exame físico, hemograma completo (CBC), teste de antígenos, pesquisa e contagem de microfilárias de D. immitis. A queixa mais frequente dos responsáveis foi a tosse (14,7% - 5/34). O achado de hemograma mais comum foi eosinofilia (29,4%), seguido de trombocitopenia (26,5%) e neutrofilia (14,7%). Dos 34 animais, 91,2% eram microfilarêmicos com contagem média de 11.939 microfilárias/mL. Os veterinários que atuam em áreas endêmicas de D. immitis devem sempre realizar exames de triagem e ausculta pulmonar, pois mesmo na ausência de tosse, sons expiratórios aumentados podem ser considerados um sinal da doença, assim como eosinofilia, trombocitopenia e neutrofilia.

Braz J Vet Med ; 44: e001422, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35919399


Transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a malignant round cell neoplasm that primarily affects the genital region of dogs. Despite being sexually transmitted, transmission can occur through contact with mucous membranes and cutaneous tissue. Although less routine, TVT has been described in several extragenital regions, such as the nasal plane, oral cavity, eyeball, eyelid, and anus. Although metastases are infrequent, they can occur in the skin, inguinal lymph nodes, liver, kidneys, spleen, intestine, heart, brain, lungs, and other organs. The clinical signs of TVT are usually related to serosanguineous secretion, intense odor, deformity, ulceration, and possibly areas of necrosis. In cases of metastases, clinical signs will depend on the affected organ. The treatment of choice for TVT is chemotherapy with vincristine. The present study aimed to report the case of a 2-year-old mixed-breed canine with intra-abdominal nodules detected by ultrasound examination, which were later diagnosed as a TVT by histopathology and immunohistochemistry.

O tumor venéreo transmissível (TVT) é uma neoplasia maligna de células redondas que acomete principalmente a região genital de cães. Apesar de ser sexualmente transmissível, a transmissão pode ocorrer através do contato com mucosas e tecidos da pele. Embora menos rotineiro, o TVT tem sido descrito em diversas regiões extragenitais, como plano nasal, cavidade oral, globo ocular, pálpebra e ânus. Embora as metástases sejam infrequentes, elas podem ocorrer na pele, linfonodos inguinais, fígado, rins, baço, intestino, coração, cérebro, pulmão e outros órgãos. Os sinais clínicos do TVT geralmente estão relacionados à secreção serossanguinolenta, odor intenso, deformidade, ulceração, podendo ou não haver áreas de necrose e, nos casos de metástases, os sinais clínicos vão depender do órgão acometido. O tratamento de escolha para TVT é a quimioterapia, com uso de vincristina. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o caso de um canino de dois anos de idade, sem raça definida, com nódulos intra-abdominais detectados ao exame ultrassonográfico, que posteriormente foram diagnosticados como tumor venéreo transmissível por meio de histopatologia e imunohistoquímica.

Braz J Vet Med ; 44: e004921, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35749087


Pulmonary atelectasis is a disease characterized by the collapse of the pulmonary alveoli, leading to partial or total loss of function in the affected lung, and is mostly described in older dogs. It occurs due to chronic inflammatory and obstructive processes such as pneumonia. In infants who do not feed directly from the mother, it is common to develop aspiration pneumonia due to inhalation of a milk replacer. Once aspirated, food generates an inflammatory process in the airway that alters the function of the pulmonary surfactant, increases mucus production, and causes consequent airway obstruction, which may progress to alveolar and bronchial collapse. The aim of the present study was to report a case of a 4-month-old canine with pulmonary atelectasis secondary to bronchopneumonia and the outcome of the clinical case. The patient presented with cough, exercise intolerance, tachypnea, and progressive weight loss. Thoracic radiographic examination was performed to identify displacement of the mediastinum and heart overlapping the collapsed lung, interstitial-alveolar pattern associated with atelectasis of the middle lobe of the right lung, and a diffuse interstitial bronchial pattern throughout the other lung fields. Pulmonary support treatment was administered with antibiotics, bronchodilators, mucolytics, and inhaled corticosteroids, with resolution of clinical and radiographic symptoms after 60 days of treatment. Therefore, adequate treatment of chronic bronchopneumonia is effective in resolving pulmonary atelectasis and its associated clinical complications.

A atelectasia pulmonar é uma enfermidade caracterizada pelo colapso dos alvéolos pulmonares levando a perda de função parcial ou total do pulmão acometido, sendo mais frequente em cães mais velhos. Ocorre devido a processos inflamatórios crônicos e obstrutivos como as pneumonias. Em filhotes que não se alimentam diretamente da mãe, é comum o desenvolvimento de pneumonia aspirativa devido à inalação de fórmula de leite. Uma vez broncoaspirado, o alimento gera um processo inflamatório que altera a função do surfactante pulmonar, aumento na produção de muco e consequente obstrução das vias aéreas, podendo progredir para colapso de alvéolos e brônquios. O objetivo do presente estudo foi relatar um caso de um canino, de 4 meses de idade, com atelectasia pulmonar secundária a broncopneumonia e a evolução do caso clínico. O paciente apresentava sinais de tosse, intolerância a exercícios, taquipneia e emagrecimento progressivo. Realizado exame radiográfico de tórax, identificou-se deslocamento de coração sobrepondo-se ao pulmão colapsado, padrão interstício-alveolar associado a atelectasia do lobo médio do pulmão direito, além de padrão intersticial brônquico difuso pelos demais campos pulmonares. O tratamento de suporte pulmonar foi realizado com antibióticos, broncodilatadores, mucolíticos e corticosteroides inalatórios, com resolução dos sintomas clínicos e radiográficos após 60 dias de tratamento. Portanto, o tratamento adequado para broncopneumonia crônica foi eficaz na resolução da atelectasia pulmonar e suas complicações clínicas.

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub. 755, Feb. 21, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765214


Background: Atrial ectopic rhythm is a type of supraventricular arrhythmia, originating in two distinct points in the atrialregion. In the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, it is represented by independent depolarizations of sinus P waves andectopic P waves. The occurrence of this disorder is rare, and the diagnosis criteria are the presence of the described waveswithin the basal rhythm. In humans, there have been reports related to severe heart failure with an unfavorable prognosis.The present report aimed to describe the clinical case of a dog with unilateral atrial ectopic rhythm without any underlying cardiac disorder.Case: A 8-year-old male golden retriever was brought to a veterinary clinic for a preoperative evaluation for lipoma removalin the right forelimb. On clinical examination, the owner stated that the patient was active, with no signs of easy fatigueor cough. The canine displayed normophagy, normodipsia, normoquezia, and normouria. On physical examination, hedemonstrated a lymphatic temperament with tachypnea. The temperature and capillary filling time were within the normalrange, with a normokinetic pulse. Cardiac auscultation revealed a mild grade I/VI murmur in mitral focus and an 80-bpmheart rate. Respiratory auscultation revealed the presence of harshy lung sounds. The cough reflex was positive; the Piparotetest, negative. The blood test showed no noticeable changes in blood count and serum biochemistry. Systemic systolicblood pressure was 120 mmHg. On radiographic examination, no evidence of heart or lung abnormalities were identified.After the clinical evaluation, an ECG examination was performed; a unilateral atrial ectopic rhythm was observed withdifferent frequencies between atrial and ventricular rhythm and with P (164°) and P waves (80°). On echocardiographic...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Taquicardia Atrial Ectópica/veterinária , Função Atrial , Átrios do Coração/fisiopatologia , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(suppl.1): Pub.755-4 jan. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458563


Background: Atrial ectopic rhythm is a type of supraventricular arrhythmia, originating in two distinct points in the atrialregion. In the electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing, it is represented by independent depolarizations of sinus P waves andectopic P waves. The occurrence of this disorder is rare, and the diagnosis criteria are the presence of the described waveswithin the basal rhythm. In humans, there have been reports related to severe heart failure with an unfavorable prognosis.The present report aimed to describe the clinical case of a dog with unilateral atrial ectopic rhythm without any underlying cardiac disorder.Case: A 8-year-old male golden retriever was brought to a veterinary clinic for a preoperative evaluation for lipoma removalin the right forelimb. On clinical examination, the owner stated that the patient was active, with no signs of easy fatigueor cough. The canine displayed normophagy, normodipsia, normoquezia, and normouria. On physical examination, hedemonstrated a lymphatic temperament with tachypnea. The temperature and capillary filling time were within the normalrange, with a normokinetic pulse. Cardiac auscultation revealed a mild grade I/VI murmur in mitral focus and an 80-bpmheart rate. Respiratory auscultation revealed the presence of harshy lung sounds. The cough reflex was positive; the Piparotetest, negative. The blood test showed no noticeable changes in blood count and serum biochemistry. Systemic systolicblood pressure was 120 mmHg. On radiographic examination, no evidence of heart or lung abnormalities were identified.After the clinical evaluation, an ECG examination was performed; a unilateral atrial ectopic rhythm was observed withdifferent frequencies between atrial and ventricular rhythm and with P (164°) and P waves (80°). On echocardiographic...

Masculino , Animais , Cães , Função Atrial , Taquicardia Atrial Ectópica/veterinária , Átrios do Coração/fisiopatologia , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: 1869, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369708


Background: Brachycephalic dogs have several abnormalities in the airways, which generate clinical manifestations that impair the quality of life of these animals. Primary alterations promote airflow obstruction and increase intraluminal negative pressure, causing secondary alterations due to a cycle of inflammation with consequent obstruction. With the onset of inflammation and other alterations in the airways, clinical manifestations can be observed, such as snoring, reverse sneezing, coughing, dyspnea, cyanosis, syncope, and vomiting. Endoscopic examination of the airways allows visualization and diagnosis of morphological changes in these animals. This study aimed to evaluate the endoscopic findings of the airways and determine the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the severity of clinical manifestations in 14 dogs with brachycephalic syndrome (BS). Materials, Methods & Results: Historical and anamnesis data and clinical, respiratory, and digestive manifestations were collected from the owners' reports. The clinical manifestations were classified as mild, moderate, or severe. All animals were subjected to endoscopy of the airways, and image findings were grouped according to the anatomical site where they were observed, then the abnormalities were correlated with the severity of the clinical manifestations. When comparing the frequency of endoscopic abnormalities with the severity of clinical manifestations, it is interesting to observe that animals with severe disease more frequently presented the following alterations: prolongation and thickening of the soft palate, laryngeal changes, presence of hyperemia, lymphoid hyperplasia and polyps in the nasopharynx, hypoplasia and presence of tracheal secretion and thickening of the dorsal tracheal muscle; bronchial collapse, hypoplasia of the main bronchi and bronchial hyperemia and the presence of aberrant nasal turbinates. Comparison between the means of nonparametric variables was performed using the Mann-Whitney test, with a 5% significance level. Discussion: A higher frequency of French Bulldog dogs included in the study was observed, probably due to their greater popularity, although any brachycephalic dog may be affected by BS. Considering that nostril stenosis is a congenital alteration, which is usually diagnosed early, and since the animals included in the study were dogs referred for the rhinoplasty procedure the higher frequency of young dogs in the study was not surprising. The results revealed a significant difference in the endoscopic findings with the severity of the clinical manifestations in different variables, such as prolongation and thickening of the soft palate, eversion of the laryngeal saccules, presence of laryngeal inflammation and collapse, presence of polyps or lymphoid hyperplasia in the nasopharynx, thickening of the dorsal muscle of the trachea, polyps in the trachea and hypoplasia in addition to bronchial hyperemia. The larynx was the most affected anatomical site, with alterations present in 92.8% of the evaluated dogs. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that airway obstruction caused by primary alterations can cause secondary alterations, with consequent clinical manifestations in brachycephalic dogs it is possible to suggest that dogs with this syndrome may present severe manifestations of the disease, regardless of age. Furthermore, it can be concluded that in this study, dogs with BS had frequent laryngeal alterations and that alterations in the main bronchi were present in all animals with severe manifestations of the disease.

Animais , Cães , Faringe/anormalidades , Craniossinostoses/veterinária , Obstrução das Vias Respiratórias/genética , Obstrução das Vias Respiratórias/veterinária , Laringoscopia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub.1862-2022. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458537


Background: Nephrolithiasis is a condition frequently observed in felines, with or without concomitant chronic kidneydisease, constituting the major cause of ureteral obstruction and causing progressive damage to the renal parenchyma. About90% of nephrolites are composed of calcium oxalate, which cannot dissolve, and its incidence has increased substantiallyin recent years, along with its recurrence. There are functional foods known as nutraceuticals provides health benefits suchas renoprotection. Due to these benefits and the high prevalence of nephrolithiasis in feline species, the present study aimedto evaluate the efficacy of the association of some nutraceuticals in the dissolution of nephrolites.Materials, Methods & Results: The included cats had an ultrasound diagnosis of nephrolithiasis that, on clinical examination, showed: (i) the absence of previous or concomitant treatment for urinary infections and/or vesical and renal lithiasis;(ii) absence of genitourinary clinical manifestations; (iii) absence of obstructive processes; and (iv) absence of concomitantureterolithiasis. We separated 51 cats with nephrolithiasis into 2 groups: control (n = 12) and study (n = 39). The controlgroup received a placebo and the study group, nutraceuticals (magnesium chelate, resveratrol, vitamin K2, docosahexaenoicacid, and eicosapentaenoic acid). Laboratory tests (blood and urine) and abdominal imaging (ultrasound) were performedat day 0 and 30 days after enrollment. Monitoring the therapeutic efficacy in both groups was performed on day 30 for theCG and on days 30, 60, and 90 for the EG. The CG cats, after this step, were referred to surgery or to the EG, with priorauthorization from their tutors. The diameter of nephrolites was significantly different before and after treatment, indicating a reduction in nephroliths over time. During the use of the nutraceutical formulation by the EG and use of placebo...

Animais , Gatos , Alimento Funcional/análise , Nefrolitíase/dietoterapia , Nefrolitíase/veterinária , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Alimentos Integrais
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(2): 45-48, abr./jun. 2020. il.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1378063


A redução do empenho do miocárdio é um achado frequente em casos de sepse ou choque séptico, sendo a piometra uma das principais causas de sepse em cães. No presente trabalho relata-se um caso de sepse secundária à piometra levando à disfunção miocárdica em um canino, fêmea, da raça White West Highland Terrier, de dez anos de idade com histórico de prostração e hiporexia. Ao exame físico foi observada presença de secreção vulvar purulenta, abdômen abaulado e tenso à palpação. Foram realizados exames complementares, incluindo hemograma com resultado compatível com quadro infeccioso, bioquímica revelando hipocalemia e hipocalcemia, e exames de imagem. Observou-se por meio do exame ultrassonográfico presença de grande quantidade de líquido com celularidade em cornos e corpo uterino, compatível com piometra. Alterações compatíveis com sepse foram observadas durante o atendimento e estabilização do animal. No exame ecocardiográfico foi observado aumento dos diâmetros sistólico e diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo com diminuição da fração de encurtamento e ejeção, compatível com disfunção sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo. A referida paciente recebeu alta médica após correção cirúrgica e estabilização dos parâmetros clínicos, incluindo a disfunção sistólica, sendo relatado óbito sete dias após. Sugere-se que a causa mortis tenha sido a disfunção sistólica causada pela sepse. Conclui-se que a disfunção miocárdica é um fator determinante de prognóstico em casos de sepse, o que ressalta a importância de seu diagnóstico e tratamento precoce.

The reduction of myocardial commitment is a frequent finding in cases of sepsis or septic shock, and piometra is one of the main causes of sepsis in dogs. In the present study, the case of sepsis secondary to piometra is reported leading to myocardial dysfunction in a canine, female, of the 10-year-old White West Highland Terrier with a history of prostration and hyporexia. On physical examination, the presence of purulent vulvar secretion, bulging abdomen and taut palpation was observed. Complementary tests were performed, including blood count, biochemistry and imaging tests. It was observed through ultrasound examination the presence of a large amount of fluid with cellularity in horns and uterine body, compatible with piometra. Alterations compatible with sepsis were observed during the care and stabilization of the animal. On echocardiographic examination, an increase in systolic and diastolic diameters of the left ventricle was observed with decreased shortening and ejection fraction, compatible with systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle. The patient received medical discharge after surgical correction and stabilization of clinical parameters, and died seven days later. It is suggested that the cause of death was systolic dysfunction caused by sepsis. It is concluded that myocardial dysfunction is a prognostic determinant factor in cases of sepsis, emphasizing the importance of its diagnosis and early treatment.

Animais , Cães , Choque Séptico/veterinária , Sepse/veterinária , Cães/cirurgia , Piometra/veterinária , Insuficiência Cardíaca/veterinária , Miocárdio/patologia , Causas de Morte/tendências , Cardiomiopatias/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(2): 45-48, abr./jun. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491672


A redução do empenho do miocárdio é um achado frequente em casos de sepse ou choque séptico, sendo a piometra uma das principais causas de sepse em cães. No presente trabalho relata-se um caso de sepse secundária à piometra levando à disfunção miocárdica em um canino, fêmea, da raça White West Highland Terrier, de dez anos de idade com histórico de prostração e hiporexia. Ao exame físico foi observada presença de secreção vulvar purulenta, abdômen abaulado e tenso à palpação. Foram realizados exames complementares, incluindo hemograma com resultado compatível com quadro infeccioso, bioquímica revelando hipocalemia e hipocalcemia, e exames de imagem. Observou-se por meio do exame ultrassonográfico presença de grande quantidade de líquido com celularidade em cornos e corpo uterino, compatível com piometra. Alterações compatíveis com sepse foram observadas durante o atendimento e estabilização do animal. No exame ecocardiográfico foi observado aumento dos diâmetros sistólico e diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo com diminuição da fração de encurtamento e ejeção, compatível com disfunção sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo. A referida paciente recebeu alta médica após correção cirúrgica e estabilização dos parâmetros clínicos, incluindo a disfunção sistólica, sendo relatado óbito sete dias após. Sugere-se que a causa mortis tenha sido a disfunção sistólica causada pela sepse. Conclui-se

The reduction of myocardial commitment is a frequent finding in cases of sepsis or septic shock, and piometra is one of the main causes of sepsis in dogs. In the present study, the case of sepsis secondary to piometra is reported leading to myocardial dysfunction in a canine, female, of the 10-year-old White West Highland Terrier with a history of prostration and hyporexia. On physical examination, the presence of purulent vulvar secretion, bulging abdomen and taut palpation was observed. Complementary tests were performed, including blood count, biochemistry and imaging tests. It was observed through ultrasound examination the presence of a large amount of fluid with cellularity in horns and uterine body, compatible with piometra. Alterations compatible with sepsis were observed during the care and stabilization of the animal. On echocardiographic examination, an increase in systolic and diastolic diameters of the left ventricle was observed with decreased shortening and ejection fraction, compatible with systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle. The patient received medical discharge after surgical correction and stabilization of clinical parameters, and died seven days later. It is suggested that the cause of death was systolic dysfunction caused by sepsis. It is concluded that myocardial dysfunction is a prognostic determinant factor in cases of sepsis, emphasizing the importance of its diagnosis and early treatment.

Animais , Cães , Cardiomiopatias/classificação , Cardiomiopatias/diagnóstico , Choque Séptico , Cães/anormalidades
R. bras. Ci. Vet. ; 27(2): 45-48, abr.-jun. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29875


A redução do empenho do miocárdio é um achado frequente em casos de sepse ou choque séptico, sendo a piometra uma das principais causas de sepse em cães. No presente trabalho relata-se um caso de sepse secundária à piometra levando à disfunção miocárdica em um canino, fêmea, da raça White West Highland Terrier, de dez anos de idade com histórico de prostração e hiporexia. Ao exame físico foi observada presença de secreção vulvar purulenta, abdômen abaulado e tenso à palpação. Foram realizados exames complementares, incluindo hemograma com resultado compatível com quadro infeccioso, bioquímica revelando hipocalemia e hipocalcemia, e exames de imagem. Observou-se por meio do exame ultrassonográfico presença de grande quantidade de líquido com celularidade em cornos e corpo uterino, compatível com piometra. Alterações compatíveis com sepse foram observadas durante o atendimento e estabilização do animal. No exame ecocardiográfico foi observado aumento dos diâmetros sistólico e diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo com diminuição da fração de encurtamento e ejeção, compatível com disfunção sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo. A referida paciente recebeu alta médica após correção cirúrgica e estabilização dos parâmetros clínicos, incluindo a disfunção sistólica, sendo relatado óbito sete dias após. Sugere-se que a causa mortis tenha sido a disfunção sistólica causada pela sepse. Conclui-se

The reduction of myocardial commitment is a frequent finding in cases of sepsis or septic shock, and piometra is one of the main causes of sepsis in dogs. In the present study, the case of sepsis secondary to piometra is reported leading to myocardial dysfunction in a canine, female, of the 10-year-old White West Highland Terrier with a history of prostration and hyporexia. On physical examination, the presence of purulent vulvar secretion, bulging abdomen and taut palpation was observed. Complementary tests were performed, including blood count, biochemistry and imaging tests. It was observed through ultrasound examination the presence of a large amount of fluid with cellularity in horns and uterine body, compatible with piometra. Alterations compatible with sepsis were observed during the care and stabilization of the animal. On echocardiographic examination, an increase in systolic and diastolic diameters of the left ventricle was observed with decreased shortening and ejection fraction, compatible with systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle. The patient received medical discharge after surgical correction and stabilization of clinical parameters, and died seven days later. It is suggested that the cause of death was systolic dysfunction caused by sepsis. It is concluded that myocardial dysfunction is a prognostic determinant factor in cases of sepsis, emphasizing the importance of its diagnosis and early treatment.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Cardiomiopatias/classificação , Cardiomiopatias/diagnóstico , Choque Séptico
Vet Parasitol Reg Stud Reports ; 18: 100320, 2019 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31796177


Coastal lowlands in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, support high numbers of heartworm-infected dogs. Microfilariae of heartworm need to be ingested by a potencial mosquito vector in order to develop into infective larvae and infect a new host. Ochlerotatus taeniorhynchus and Ochlerotatus scapularis are the primary vector species in the coastal lowlands of metropolitan Rio de Janeiro; thus, the aim of this study was to investigate whether these two species were abundant enough at the heartworm hotspot in the eastern area of the state to be important to the local parasite's life cycle. The study was conducted at the Massambaba sandbank (22°55'45″S;42°18'51″W), where canine heartworm prevalence was 53.1%. Mosquitoes were captured monthly using two traps with CO2, as well as eventual human landing. A total of 6118 mosquitoes of 16 species were collected. Ochlerotatus taeniorhynchus (37.5%), Culex quinquefasciatus (19.3%), Oc. scapularis (18.2%), and Coquillettidia sp. (10.5%) were the most abundant species. The monthly variation in frequency was marked for Oc. scapularis and Cx. quinquefasciatus and steadier for Oc. taeniorhynchus and Coquillettidia sp. The abundance of the two Ochlerotatus species reaffirms that they are the primary natural vectors for D. immitis in the coastal Rio de Janeiro state lowlands.

Culicidae/fisiologia , Dirofilariose/transmissão , Doenças do Cão/transmissão , Mosquitos Vetores/fisiologia , Animais , Brasil , Dirofilaria immitis/fisiologia , Cães , Microfilárias/fisiologia , Dinâmica Populacional , Estações do Ano
Parasit Vectors ; 10(1): 246, 2017 May 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28526068


BACKGROUND: Considering the recent information on the increase of Dirofilaria immitis antigen detection by rapid assays in canine blood samples after heat treatment, the proposal that immune complexes block D. immitis antigen detection and that macrocyclic lactone + doxycycline (alternative protocol) might lead to increased production of those immune complexes, resulting in the erroneous diagnosis of adult worm elimination, and that there is no recommended adulticide marketed in Brazil, a study was performed to evaluate the interference of moxidectin + doxycycline (moxi-doxy) on diagnostic procedures when heartworm positive dogs are treated with this alternative protocol. Twenty-two naturally infected pet dogs were treated monthly with topical 10% imidacloprid + 2.5% moxidectin and with oral doxycycline (10 mg/kg BID/30 days) (moxi-doxy). All the dogs had their microfilaremia level determined prior to the first day of treatment, and were tested every 6 months for microfilariae (Mf) detection prior to heating, and for antigen detection prior to and after heating, the sample. RESULTS: The results indicate that the treatment protocol can eliminate adult heartworms as early as 6 months after the first dose, especially in low microfilaremic dogs (< 300 Mf/ml). In this study, all dogs were free of heartworm antigen after 18-24 months of treatment. In a comparison of pre-heated samples and non-heated samples, sample pre-heating increased antigen detection sensitivity, and non-heated samples tended to be antigen-negative earlier than the pre-heated samples, especially when dogs had low microfilaremia levels. These discrepancies were not present in a subsequent sample of the same dog 6 months later. CONCLUSIONS: Two negative antigen test results 6 months apart can be recommended as the criterion to consider when a dog has been cleared of infection. The initial microfilaremia level of a dog can be used to estimate the necessary time frame to end the treatment period.

Antígenos de Helmintos/sangue , Dirofilariose/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças do Cão/tratamento farmacológico , Filaricidas/uso terapêutico , Manejo de Espécimes/métodos , Animais , Brasil/epidemiologia , Dirofilariose/sangue , Dirofilariose/diagnóstico , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Cães , Doxiciclina/administração & dosagem , Doxiciclina/uso terapêutico , Quimioterapia Combinada , Temperatura Alta , Macrolídeos/administração & dosagem , Macrolídeos/uso terapêutico , Microfilárias/efeitos dos fármacos , Microfilárias/isolamento & purificação , Neonicotinoides/administração & dosagem , Neonicotinoides/uso terapêutico , Nitrocompostos/administração & dosagem , Nitrocompostos/uso terapêutico , Resultado do Tratamento
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 54(4): 319-329, 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-911418


Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy, 1856; Raillet & Henry 1911) is a parasite that is widely disseminated around the globe, with a higher prevalence in warm, humid climates. The first report of its occurrence in South America is from 1878 in Brazil. At that time, reports were scarce and difficult to retrieve ­ therefore, gathering them will facilitate record-keeping over time. Four databases were searched (Scopus, MEDLINE, LILACS, and PubMed) and the search keywords were "Dirofilaria" or "heartworm" and the countries' names. Four countries lacked reports (Bolivia, Ecuador, French Guiana, and Uruguay) and other three (Suriname, Guyana, and Paraguay) had only old reports. Chile was the only country in which studies were conducted over time, and no infected dogs were registered. For the other six countries (Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, and Brazil), reports showed that the infection frequency varied over time and with the surveyed area. Therefore, the information indicates that D. immitis is established, and veterinarians must institute preventive programs to optimally care for their patients and protect the health of their families.(AU)

Dirofilaria immitis é um nematoide de ampla distribuição geográfica, que ocorre com maior frequência em áreas quentes e úmidas do planeta. O primeiro registro de sua ocorrência na América do Sul foi realizado em 1878, no Brasil. Naquela época os registros eram poucos e raramente de fácil obtenção, razão pela qual reuni-los facilitará a recuperação da memória ao longo dos anos. Quatro bases de dados (Scopus, MEDLINE, LILACS e PubMed) foram estudadas utilizando-se as palavras-chave "Dirofilaria" ou "heartworm", os nomes dos países da América do Sul e o México. Nenhum registro foi encontrado para quatro países (Bolívia, Equador, Guiana Francesa e Uruguai) e para outros três (Suriname, Guiana e Paraguai) os registros eram antigos. Apenas o Chile é o território onde houve estudos registrados com ausência do parasita. Os outros países (México, Peru, Colômbia, Venezuela, Argentina e Brasil) apresentam registros com frequência variável no tempo ou no espaço. Assim, as informações reunidas indicam que infecções por D. immitis ocorrem na maior parte da América do Sul e no México e que os médicos veterinários devem instituir programas preventivos para garantir cuidados médicos de qualidade aos pacientes e para proteger a saúde destes e de suas famílias.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Dirofilaria immitis/isolamento & purificação , Dirofilariose/diagnóstico , Dirofilariose/epidemiologia , Vigilância Sanitária , México/epidemiologia , América do Sul/epidemiologia
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 54(4): 319-329, 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-734941


Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy, 1856; Raillet & Henry 1911) is a parasite that is widely disseminated around the globe, with a higher prevalence in warm, humid climates. The first report of its occurrence in South America is from 1878 in Brazil. At that time, reports were scarce and difficult to retrieve ­ therefore, gathering them will facilitate record-keeping over time. Four databases were searched (Scopus, MEDLINE, LILACS, and PubMed) and the search keywords were "Dirofilaria" or "heartworm" and the countries' names. Four countries lacked reports (Bolivia, Ecuador, French Guiana, and Uruguay) and other three (Suriname, Guyana, and Paraguay) had only old reports. Chile was the only country in which studies were conducted over time, and no infected dogs were registered. For the other six countries (Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, and Brazil), reports showed that the infection frequency varied over time and with the surveyed area. Therefore, the information indicates that D. immitis is established, and veterinarians must institute preventive programs to optimally care for their patients and protect the health of their families.(AU)

Dirofilaria immitis é um nematoide de ampla distribuição geográfica, que ocorre com maior frequência em áreas quentes e úmidas do planeta. O primeiro registro de sua ocorrência na América do Sul foi realizado em 1878, no Brasil. Naquela época os registros eram poucos e raramente de fácil obtenção, razão pela qual reuni-los facilitará a recuperação da memória ao longo dos anos. Quatro bases de dados (Scopus, MEDLINE, LILACS e PubMed) foram estudadas utilizando-se as palavras-chave "Dirofilaria" ou "heartworm", os nomes dos países da América do Sul e o México. Nenhum registro foi encontrado para quatro países (Bolívia, Equador, Guiana Francesa e Uruguai) e para outros três (Suriname, Guiana e Paraguai) os registros eram antigos. Apenas o Chile é o território onde houve estudos registrados com ausência do parasita. Os outros países (México, Peru, Colômbia, Venezuela, Argentina e Brasil) apresentam registros com frequência variável no tempo ou no espaço. Assim, as informações reunidas indicam que infecções por D. immitis ocorrem na maior parte da América do Sul e no México e que os médicos veterinários devem instituir programas preventivos para garantir cuidados médicos de qualidade aos pacientes e para proteger a saúde destes e de suas famílias.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Dirofilaria immitis/isolamento & purificação , Dirofilariose/diagnóstico , Dirofilariose/epidemiologia , Vigilância Sanitária , México/epidemiologia , América do Sul/epidemiologia