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Mediciego ; 13(supl.2)sept. 2007.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-532276


El siguiente trabajo demuestra de forma clara y sencilla el papel desarrollado por la mujer cubana en labores de enfermería en nuestras guerras de independencia, evidenciado a través de algunas de las principales figuras. Las mujeres mambisas a riesgo de sus propias vidas prestaron de forma abnegada la asistencia médica sanitaria, cuidaron y alimentaron a los heridos y enfermos en los hospitales de sangre, brindando consuelo y prodigando cuidados esmerados a los bravos combatientes de la patria, desafiando toda clase de peligros, con entereza y gallardía imponderables. Se utilizaron algunas fuentes bibliográficas que abordaron este tema.

In the following paper we show in a precise and simple way the role that played by the cuban woman in nursery during our independence wars, using some examples of the main figures. The cuban women took a risk to offer medical assistance, they fed and took care of the ones who were sick or wounded in the blood hospitals, the also gave hopes and cares to the brave soldiers or our nation, facing all kind of problems with strength of character and bravery. There were used some bibliographic sources that undertook this topic.

Humanos , Feminino , História da Enfermagem , Mulheres/história