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Acta toxicol. argent ; 30(3): 156-162, dic. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447116


Resumo Os contaminantes emergentes (CE), sao substáncias químicas (fármacos, produtos de higiene pessoal, drogas ilícitas entre outros) que estao presentes no ambiente como consequéncia da atividade antrópica e a falta de adequagao dos processos convencionais de tratamento de água e esgoto que nao logram remové-los eficientemente. Na atualidade o uso disseminado e desmedido de fármacos no tratamento da pandemia de COVID 19 tem aumentado a preocupagao dos impactos decorrentes da contaminagao por fármacos em ambientes aquáticos, consequéncia da liberagao no ambiente de grandes quantidades destes compostos. Assim, estudos de ecotoxicidade aquática sao fundamentais para avaliar o efeito de substáncias químicas tóxicas nas análises de impactos ambientais, sobretudo quando utilizado organismos representativos da biota aquática local, garantindo assim, maior confiabilidade e representatividade dos resultados obtidos. Diante disto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi validar a utili-dade do Dendrocephalus brasiliensis (Branchoneta) espécie autóctone do nordeste brasileiro como organismo teste para estudos de ecotoxicidade de fármacos utilizados no tratamento da COVID 19. Testes ecotoxicológicos utilizando D. brasiliensis foram realizados utilizando solugóes dos fármacos paracetamol, hidroxicloroquina, ivermectina e ibuprofeno, em concentragóes de 0,0025 até 600,0 mg/L seguindo os protocolos descritos pela Associagao Brasileira para Normas Técnicas (ABNT) para toxicidade aguda, protocolo padronizado para a realizagao do ensaio ecotoxicológicos utilizando como organismo teste a Daphnia magna, o qual foi empregada como referencia para comparar o padrao de resposta. Com os resultados obtidos foi realizado o cálculo da CL50-48h considerando como desfecho a morte dos organismos, ivermectina (< 0,0025 - < 0,0025), hidroxicloroquina (3,70 - 14,09), ibuprofeno (12,25 - 107,52), paracetamol (8,53 - 9,61), resultados CL50-48h mg/l D. magna e D. brasiliensis respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos mostraram um padrao diferenciado dependente da espécie e do fármaco analisado observando-se uma menor sensibilidade frente a exposigao da D. brasiliensis em comparagao a D. magna demonstrando a valia da D. brasiliensis como organismo teste. Pesquisas futuras dirigidas a analisar as potenciais interagóes destes fármacos em concentragóes ambientais reais sao necessárias para completar a validagao e ter uma aproximagao dos eventos acometidos em ambientes impactados por estes fármacos.

Abstract Emerging contaminants (EC) are chemical substances (pharmaceuticals, personal hygiene products, illicit drugs, among others) that are present in the environment because of human activity and the lack of adequacy of conventional water and sewage treatment processes that do not manage to remove them efficiently. Currently, the widespread and excessive use of drugs in the treatment of the COVID 19 pandemic has increased concern about the impacts resulting from contamination by drugs in aquatic environments, because of the release into the environment of large amounts of these compounds. Thus, aquatic ecotoxicity studies are essential to evaluate the effect of toxic chemical substances in the analysis of environmental impacts, especially when using representative organisms of the local aquatic biota, thus ensuring greater reliability and representativeness of the results obtained. In view of this, the objective of this work was to validate the usefulness of Dendrocephalus brasiliensis (Branchoneta), an autoch-thonous species from northeastern Brazil as a test organism for ecotoxicity studies of drugs used in the treatment of COVID 19. Ecotoxicological tests using D. brasiliensis were performed using drug solutions paracetamol, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and ibuprofen, in concentrations from 0.0025 to 600.0 mg/L following the protocols described by the Brazilian Association for Technical Norms (ABNT) for acute toxicity, standardized protocol for carrying out the ecotoxicological assay using as a test organism Daphnia magna, which was used as a reference to compare the response pattern. Based on the results obtained, the LC50-48h was calculated considering the death of organisms, ivermectin (< 0.0025 - < 0.0025), hydroxychloroquine (3.70 - 14.09), ibuprofen (12.25 - 107.52), paracetamol (8.53 - 9.61), results LC50-48h mg/l D. magna and D. brasiliensis respectively. The results obtained showed a differenti-ated pattern depending on the species and the analyzed drug, observing a lower sensitivity to exposure of D. brasiliensis compared to D. magna, demonstrating the value of D. brasiliensis as a test organism. Future research aimed at analyzing the potential interac-tions of these drugs at real environmental concentrations is necessary to complete the validation and to have an approximation of the events affected in environments impacted by these drugs.

Poluição Química da Água , Ibuprofeno/toxicidade , Testes de Toxicidade/métodos , Acetaminofen/toxicidade , Anostraca
Biotechnol Rep (Amst) ; 35: e00756, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35942239


Hyptis martiusii Benth. also known as "cidreira brava", has some activities verified in the literature, such as antiulcerogenic, antimicrobial and antiedematogenic. This study aimed to verify the anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effect of the leaves essential oil. For the evaluation of the anti-inflammatory activity of OEHM (100 mg/kg/p.o.), models paw edema induced by dextran and histamine, peritonitis and vascular permeability were used. Regarding the anti-nociceptive activity of the OEHM, abdominal contortion tests by acetic acid, formalin, hot plate (50.75 and 100 mg/kg/p.o.), open field and mechanical plantar hyper-nociception (100 mg/kg/p.o.) were carried out. OEHM (100 mg/kg) showed anti-inflammatory activity, being able to remarkably deducing the paw edema induced by dextran and histamine, the total number of cell leukocytes/neutrophils in peritonitis, and exudate in vascular permeability. In antinociceptive activity, the OEHM did not promote significant effect in central nervous system in the open field assay, remarkably reduced abdominal contortions (50, 75 and 100 mg/kg), the time in the formalin assay and the mechanical hyper-nociception (100 mg/kg); however, only doses between 75 and 100 mg/kg were capable of ameliorating the reponse latency time. Regarding the probable mechanism of action, the antinociceptive activity includes the participation in the activation of opioid, TRPV1, and α2-noradrenergic systems. In short, data obtained here reveal that OEHM has anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activity, implying that its action may be involved in the mechanism of inhibition or liberation of pro-inflammatory mediators involved in pain and inflammation.

Cad. pesqui ; Cad. pesqui;50(177): 790-812, jul.-set. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1132937


Resumo Neste artigo são analisadas as relações e condições de trabalho do professor da rede estadual paulista, destacando-se as formas de admissão, a progressão na carreira, o vencimento básico e a jornada de trabalho durante o período de 1995 a 2018. O artigo apresenta uma síntese dos dados obtidos por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, estudo documental com base na legislação nacional e estadual e análise de dados estatísticos. Conclui-se que o período analisado foi caracterizado por uma política de desvalorização do trabalho docente expresso no grande número de professores contratados em caráter temporário, nos frágeis critérios de movimentação na carreira, no vencimento base abaixo do piso salarial e no descumprimento stricto sensu da composição da jornada expressa na Lei do Piso.

Resumen En este artículo son analizadas las relaciones y condiciones de trabajo del profesor de la red estadual paulista, destacándose las formas de admisión, la progresión en la carrera, el vencimiento básico y la jornada de trabajo durante el periodo de 1995 a 2018. El artículo presenta una síntesis de los datos obtenidos por medio de una investigación bibliográfica, estudio documental con base en la legislación nacional, estadual y análisis de datos estadísticos. Se concluye que el periodo analizado fue caracterizado por una política de desvalorización del trabajo docente expreso en el gran número de profesores contratados en carácter temporal, en los frágiles criterios de movilidad en la carrera, en el vencimiento base debajo del piso salarial y en el incumplimiento stricto sensu de la composición de la jornada expresa en la Ley del Piso.

Résumé Cet article analyse les relations et les conditions de travail des enseignants dans le réseau publique de l'État de São Paulo, en particulier les modalités d'admission et de progression dans la carrière, le salaire de base et la durée de la journée de travail, pour la période 1995 à 2018. L'article présente une synthèse des données obtenues à partir de recherches bibliographiques, d'études documentaires basées sur la législation nationale et de l'état de São Paulo et d'une analyse des données statistiques. En conclusion, la période se caractérise par une politique de dévalorisation du travail enseignant, manifeste par le grand nombred'embauches temporaires, par la fragilité des critères d'avancement professionnel, par le salaire de base qui reste inférieur au minimum et par le non-respect stricto sensu de la réglementation de la journée de travail établie par la Lei do Piso, censée garantir les conditions de travail et l'application du salaire minimum national pour les enseignants.

Abstract In this article, working relations and conditions of the teacher from the São Paulo state school system are analyzed, highlighting the forms of admission, career progression, base salary and working hours during the period from 1995 to 2018. The article presents a synthesis of data obtained through bibliographic research, documentary study based on national and state legislation and analysis of statistical data. It is concluded that the analyzed period was characterized by a policy of devaluation of the teaching work expressed in the large number of teachers hired on a temporary basis, in the fragile criteria of movement in the career, in the base salary below the base level of pay and in the strict noncompliance with the working hours composition expressed in the law (Lei do Piso).

Saudi J Biol Sci ; 24(6): 1136-1141, 2017 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28855804


The evaluation of the leishmanicidal and trypanocidal activity of the hydroalcoholic extract of the bark of Stryphnodendron rotundifolium Mart. (EHCSR) was carried out to find an alternative treatment for parasitic diseases. EHCSR was prepared and used at four different concentrations (1000, 500, 250, 125 µg/mL) in in vitro assays for activity against Leishmania promastigotes using the species Leishmania brasiliensis and Leishmania infantum and for trypanocidal activity using the epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi. We also tested EHCSR for cytotoxicity against adhered cultured Murine J774 fibroblasts. The tests were performed in triplicate, and the percent mortality of parasites, IC50 and percent toxicity were determined. With regard to anti-leishmania activity against L. infantum, there was a mean mortality of 45% at all concentrations, and against L. brasiliensis, a substantial effect was seen at 1000 µg/mL with 56.38% mortality, where the IC50 values were 1338.76 and 987.35 µg/mL, respectively. Trypanocidal activity was notably high at 1000 µg/mL extract with 82.31% mortality of epimastigotes. Cytotoxicity at the highest extract concentrations of 500 and 1000 µg/mL was respectively 75.12% and 94.14%, with IC50 = 190.24 µg/mL. Despite that the extract has anti-parasitic activity, its substantial cytotoxicity against fibroblasts cells makes its systemic use nonviable as a therapeutic alternative.

Saudi J Biol Sci ; 24(2): 355-361, 2017 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28149173


Evaluations of the therapeutic potential of medicinal plants and their components have been the subject of many studies. Furthermore, the biological activities of various plant species have been reported in various pieces of literature. Hyptis martiusii Benth (Lamiaceae), popularly known as "mad balm" is commonly found in the North, Southeast, and Northeast of Brazil. Its leaves are used ethnobiologically as antiulcerogenic, antimicrobial, antitumor and as insecticide. This study aimed to analyze the chemical composition of the essential oil of H. martiusii Benth (OEHM) by GC/MS as well as its possible topical activity as an antiedematogenic. This is verified by the models of ear edema induced by single (acute edema) and multiple (chronic edema) applications of croton oil topically, and systemically verified through the model of paw edema induced by carrageenan 1%. Doses of 50, 75 and 100 mg/kg OEHM were used in all tests. Chemical analysis of the oil revealed the 1,8-cineole (34.58%) and δ-carene (21:58%) as major components present in the essential oil. On the model of ear edema, acute and chronic OEHM in all the tested doses showed no significant antiedematogenic activity (p < 0.05). The systemic model of paw edema induced by carrageenin showed that a dose of 100 mg/kg effectively reduced swelling by 55.37% in the second hour evaluation when compared to the saline group. The anti-inflammatory systemic effect can give greater bioavailability of the components present in the essential oil and your interference in cytokines and leukotriene, thromboxane and prostaglandin biosynthesis. It is therefore concluded that OEHM presents systemic antiedematogenic activity but not topical activity at these doses.

MethodsX ; 3: 62-8, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27408831


Seeds that contain large amounts of oil, starch, fibers and phenols are the most difficult tissues for RNA extraction. Currently, there are some reports of virus detection in seeds using commercial kits for RNA extraction. However, individual seeds were used, which may not be always suitable for analyses that deal with large amounts of seeds. Sangha [1] described a simple, quick and efficient protocol for RNA extraction and downstream applications in a group of seeds of jatropha (Jatropha curcas), mustard (Brassica sp.) and rice (Oryza sativa). We tested this protocol for soybean (Glycine max), maize (Zea mays), wheat (Triticum aestivum) and triticale (×Triticosecale) seeds and further reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR)/quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) in order to have a faster and more practical method for virus detection from seeds than the traditional scheme of seed planting and subsequent Elisa/RT-PCR from leaves. The essential points in the method are:•Some modifications in the protocol [1] were done in order to increase performance: Wheat and triticale seeds are incubated with water prior to maceration. An amount of 1.2 g of dry soybean seeds is used to maceration.•RT-PCR is used for detection of Wheat streak mosaic virus from wheat seeds and RT-qPCR for detection of Soybean mosaic virus from soybean seeds.•The method may be tested for other viruses, however, pre-validation will be needed.

Food Chem ; 186: 185-91, 2015 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25976809


The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical profile and antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiparasitic activities of the hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves of Ziziphus joazeiro Mart. (HELZJ). The antioxidant DPPH and FRAP assays and chemical profile were determined by colorimetric methods and HPLC/DAD. The antiparasitic, antibiotic and antibiotic-modifying activity were evaluated by microdilution assays. The HPLC-DAD assay showed the presence of mostly tannins and flavonoids, such as caffeic acid and quercetin. The levels of polyphenols and flavonoids were 183.136 mg/g extract and 7.37 mg/g extract, respectively. DPPH and FRAP showed low antioxidant activity for the extract. The antibacterial and antifungal activities were not of clinical relevance, showing MIC>1024 µg/mL. However, synergism was observed between HELZJ and the antibiotics amikacin and gentamicin, which resulted in decreased bacterial drug resistance. EHFZJ showed low toxicity in fibroblasts in vitro, while antiparasitic results against Trypnosoma cruzi, Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania infantum were not clinically relevant. Thus, our results indicate that Z. joazeiro Mart. (HELZJ) could be a source of plant-derived natural products that could lead to the development of promising new antibiotic compounds for infectious diseases.

Enterobacter aerogenes/efeitos dos fármacos , Extratos Vegetais/análise , Ziziphus/química , Anti-Infecciosos/análise , Anti-Infecciosos/farmacologia , Antioxidantes/análise , Antioxidantes/farmacologia , Antiparasitários/análise , Antiparasitários/farmacologia , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão , Colorimetria , Flavonoides/análise , Flavonoides/farmacologia , Leishmania braziliensis/efeitos dos fármacos , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Compostos Fitoquímicos/análise , Compostos Fitoquímicos/farmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Folhas de Planta/química , Polifenóis/análise , Polifenóis/farmacologia , Staphylococcus aureus/efeitos dos fármacos , Taninos/análise , Taninos/farmacologia , Trypanosoma cruzi/efeitos dos fármacos
Rev. Salusvita (Impr.) ; 22(3): 363-371, 2003. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-401264


O objerivo deste estudo foi descrever um instrumento de anamnese específica para coleta de histórico clínico em pacientes portadores de doença de Parkinson e apresentar sua aplicação em 30 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 47 a 89 anos. Dos sintomas avaliados, o tremor na realização do movimento foi o que apresentou maior evolução, seguido de queixas de sialorréia, tremor em repouso, alterações dermatológicas, alterações da deglutição e voz. Tais aspectos enfatizam a necessidade do acompanhamento fonaudiológico, considerando que a maioria dos sintomas, que qpresentaram evolução significativa, envolvem diretamente manisfestações relacionadas à área fonaudiológica. Os resultados demonstraram que este instrumento possibilitou a padronização dos dados, para fins comparativos da evolução clínica de um mesmo paciente e entre pacientes...

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Anamnese , Doença de Parkinson/diagnóstico