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Phys Rev E ; 109(5-1): 054115, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38907438


We consider the persistent voter model (PVM), a variant of the voter model (VM) that includes transient, dynamically induced zealots. Due to peer reinforcement, the internal confidence η_{i} of a normal voter increases in steps of size Δη. Once it surpasses a given threshold, it becomes a zealot. Its opinion remains frozen until enough interactions with the opposing opinion occur, resetting its confidence. No longer a zealot, the regular voter may change opinion once again. This mechanism of opinion inertia, though simplified, is responsible for an effective surface tension, and the PVM exhibits a crossover from a fluctuation-driven dynamics, as in the VM, to a curvature-driven one, akin to the Ising model at low temperature. The average time τ to attain consensus is nonmonotonic with respect to Δη and reaches a minimum at Δη_{min}. In this paper we elucidate the mechanisms that accelerate the system towards consensus close to Δη_{min}. Near the crossover at Δη_{min}, the intermediate region around the domains where the regular voters accumulate (the active region, AR) is large. The surface tension, albeit small, is sufficient to maintain the shape and reduce the domain fragmentation. The large size of the AR in the region of Δη_{min} has two important effects that accelerate the dynamics. First, it dislodges the zealots within the bulk of the domains. Secondly, it maximally suppresses the formation of slowly evolving stripes typical in Ising-like models. This suggests the importance of understanding the role of the AR, where opinion changes are facilitated, and the interplay between regular voters and zealots in disrupting polarized states.

Phys Rev E ; 108(3-1): 034409, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37849208


We introduce a minimal model of multilevel selection on structured populations, considering the interplay between game theory and population dynamics. Through a bottleneck process, finite groups are formed with cooperators and defectors sampled from an infinite pool. After the fragmentation, these transient compartments grow until the maximal number of individuals per compartment is attained. Eventually, all compartments are merged and well mixed, and the whole process is repeated. We show that cooperators, even if interacting only through mean-field intragroup interactions that favor defectors, may perform well because of the intergroup competition and the size diversity among the compartments. These cycles of isolation and coalescence may therefore be important in maintaining diversity among different species or strategies and may help to understand the underlying mechanisms of the scaffolding processes in the transition to multicellularity.

Comportamento Cooperativo , Teoria dos Jogos , Humanos , Dinâmica Populacional , Evolução Biológica
Phys Rev E ; 106(4-1): 044105, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36397468


After a sudden quench from the disordered high-temperature T_{0}→∞ phase to a final temperature well below the critical point T_{F}≪T_{c}, the nonconserved order parameter dynamics of the two-dimensional ferromagnetic Ising model on a square lattice initially approaches the critical percolation state before entering the coarsening regime. This approach involves two timescales associated with the first appearance (at time t_{p_{1}}>0) and stabilization (at time t_{p}>t_{p_{1}}) of a giant percolation cluster, as previously reported. However, the microscopic mechanisms that control such timescales are not yet fully understood. In this paper, to study their role on each time regime after the quench (T_{F}=0), we distinguish between spin flips that decrease the total energy of the system from those that keep it constant, the latter being parametrized by the probability p. We show that observables such as the cluster size heterogeneity H(t,p) and the typical domain size ℓ(t,p) have no dependence on p in the first time regime up to t_{p_{1}}. Furthermore, when energy-decreasing flips are forbidden while allowing constant-energy flips, the kinetics is essentially frozen after the quench and there is no percolation event whatsoever. Taken together, these results indicate that the emergence of the first percolating cluster at t_{p_{1}} is completely driven by energy decreasing flips. However, the time for stabilizing a percolating cluster is controlled by the acceptance probability of constant-energy flips: t_{p}(p)∼p^{-1} for p≪1 (at p=0, the dynamics gets stuck in a metastable state). These flips are also the relevant ones in the later coarsening regime where dynamical scaling takes place. Because the phenomenology on the approach to the percolation point seems to be shared by many 2D systems with a nonconserved order parameter dynamics (and certain cases of conserved ones as well), our results may suggest a simple and effective way to set, through the dynamics itself, t_{p_{1}} and t_{p} in such systems.

Phys Rev E ; 106(1-1): 014121, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35974624


We introduce a variant of the voter model in which agents may have different degrees of confidence in their opinions. Those with low confidence are normal voters whose state can change upon a single contact with a different neighboring opinion. However, confidence increases with opinion reinforcement, and above a certain threshold, these agents become zealots, irreducible agents who do not change their opinion. We show that both strategies, normal voters and zealots, may coexist (in the thermodynamical limit), leading to competition between two different kinetic mechanisms: curvature-driven growth and interfacial noise. The kinetically constrained zealots are formed well inside the clusters, away from the different opinions at the surfaces that help limit their confidence. Normal voters concentrate in a region around the interfaces, and their number, which is related to the distance between the surface and the zealotry bulk, depends on the rate at which the confidence changes. Despite this interface being rough and fragmented, typical of the voter model, the presence of zealots in the bulk of these domains induces a curvature-driven dynamics, similar to the low temperature coarsening behavior of the nonconserved Ising model after a temperature quench.

Phys Rev E ; 101(6-1): 062418, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32688484


Critical thinking and skepticism are fundamental mechanisms that one may use to prevent the spreading of rumors, fake news, and misinformation. We consider a simple model in which agents without previous contact with the rumor, being skeptically oriented, may convince spreaders to stop their activity or, once exposed to the rumor, decide not to propagate it as a consequence, for example, of fact checking. We extend a previous, mean-field analysis of the combined effect of these two mechanisms, active and passive skepticism, to include spatial correlations. This can be done either analytically, through the pair approximation, or simulating an agent-based version on diverse networks. Our results show that while in mean field there is no coexistence between spreaders and susceptibles (although, depending on the parameters, there may be bistability depending on the initial conditions), when spatial correlations are included, because of the protective effect of the isolation provided by removed agents, coexistence is possible.

Phys Rev E ; 101(1-1): 012108, 2020 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32069589


Only recently has the essential role of the percolation critical point been considered on the dynamical properties of connected regions of aligned spins (domains) after a sudden temperature quench. In equilibrium, it is possible to resolve the contribution to criticality by the thermal and percolative effects (on finite lattices, while in the thermodynamic limit they merge at a single critical temperature) by studying the cluster size heterogeneity, H_{eq}(T), a measure of how different the domains are in size. We extend this equilibrium measure here and study its temporal evolution, H(t), after driving the system out of equilibrium by a sudden quench in temperature. We show that this single parameter is able to detect and well-separate the different time regimes, related to the two timescales in the problem, namely the short percolative and the long coarsening one.

Phys Rev E ; 94(3-1): 032140, 2016 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27739795


We study a generalization of the XY model with an additional nematic-like term through extensive numerical simulations and finite-size techniques, both in two and three dimensions. While the original model favors local alignment, the extra term induces angles of 2π/q between neighboring spins. We focus here on the q=8 case (while presenting new results for other values of q as well) whose phase diagram is much richer than the well-known q=2 case. In particular, the model presents not only continuous, standard transitions between Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phases as in q=2, but also infinite-order transitions involving intermediate, competition-driven phases absent for q=2 and 3. Besides presenting multiple transitions, our results show that having vortices decoupling at a transition is not a sufficient condition for it to be of BKT type.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25974445


A measure of cluster size heterogeneity (H), introduced by Lee et al. [Phys. Rev. E 84, 020101 (2011)] in the context of explosive percolation, was recently applied to random percolation and to domains of parallel spins in the Ising and Potts models. It is defined as the average number of different domain sizes in a given configuration and a new exponent was introduced to explain its scaling with the size of the system. In thermal spin models, however, physical clusters take into account the temperature-dependent correlation between neighboring spins and encode the critical properties of the phase transition. We here extend the measure of H to these clusters and, moreover, present new results for the geometric domains for both d=2 and 3. We show that the heterogeneity associated with geometric domains has a previously unnoticed double peak, thus being able to detect both the thermal and percolative transitions. An alternative interpretation for the scaling of H that does not introduce a new exponent is also proposed.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25871089


We study the evolution of spin clusters on two-dimensional slices of the three-dimensional Ising model in contact with a heat bath after a sudden quench to a subcritical temperature. We analyze the evolution of some simple initial configurations, such as a sphere and a torus, of one phase embedded into the other, to confirm that their area disappears linearly with time and to establish the temperature dependence of the prefactor in each case. Two generic kinds of initial states are later used: equilibrium configurations either at infinite temperature or at the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition. We investigate the morphological domain structure of the coarsening configurations on two-dimensional slices of the three-dimensional system, compared with the behavior of the bidimensional model.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25215672


We show that the relaxation dynamics near a glass transition with continuous ergodicity breaking can be endowed with a geometric interpretation based on percolation theory. At the mean-field level this approach is consistent with the mode-coupling theory (MCT) of type-A liquid-glass transitions and allows one to disentangle the universal and nonuniversal contributions to MCT relaxation exponents. Scaling predictions for the time correlation function are successfully tested in the F(12) schematic model and facilitated spin systems on a Bethe lattice. Our approach immediately suggests the extension of MCT scaling laws to finite spatial dimensions and yields predictions for dynamic relaxation exponents below an upper critical dimension of 6.

Vidro , Modelos Teóricos , Transição de Fase
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25215713


We study the conditions for persistent cooperation in an off-lattice model of mobile agents playing the Prisoner's Dilemma game with pure, unconditional strategies. Each agent has an exclusion radius r(P), which accounts for the population viscosity, and an interaction radius r(int), which defines the instantaneous contact network for the game dynamics. We show that, differently from the r(P)=0 case, the model with finite-sized agents presents a coexistence phase with both cooperators and defectors, besides the two absorbing phases, in which either cooperators or defectors dominate. We provide, in addition, a geometric interpretation of the transitions between phases. In analogy with lattice models, the geometric percolation of the contact network (i.e., irrespective of the strategy) enhances cooperation. More importantly, we show that the percolation of defectors is an essential condition for their survival. Differently from compact clusters of cooperators, isolated groups of defectors will eventually become extinct if not percolating, independently of their size.

Teoria dos Jogos , Modelos Teóricos
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24730816


The rock-paper-scissors game and its generalizations with S>3 species are well-studied models for cyclically interacting populations. Four is, however, the minimum number of species that, by allowing other interactions beyond the single, cyclic loop, breaks both the full intransitivity of the food graph and the one-predator, one-prey symmetry. Lütz et al. [J. Theor. Biol. 317, 286 (2013)] have shown the existence, on a square lattice, of two distinct phases, with either four or three coexisting species. In both phases, each agent is eventually replaced by one of its predators, but these strategy oscillations remain localized as long as the interactions are short ranged. Distant regions may be either out of phase or cycling through different food-web subloops (if any). Here we show that upon replacing a minimum fraction Q of the short-range interactions by long-range ones, there is a Hopf bifurcation, and global oscillations become stable. Surprisingly, to build such long-distance, global synchronization, the four-species coexistence phase requires fewer long-range interactions than the three-species phase, while one would naively expect the opposite to be true. Moreover, deviations from highly homogeneous conditions (χ=0 or 1) increase Qc, and the more heterogeneous is the food web, the harder the synchronization is. By further increasing Q, while the three-species phase remains stable, the four-species one has a transition to an absorbing, single-species state. The existence of a phase with global oscillations for S>3, when the interaction graph has multiple subloops and several possible local cycles, leads to the conjecture that global oscillations are a general characteristic, even for large, realistic food webs.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24580191


We present extensive numerical simulations of a generalized XY model with nematic-like terms recently proposed by Poderoso et al. [ Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 067202 (2011)]. Using finite size scaling and focusing on the q=3 case, we locate the transitions between the paramagnetic (P), the nematic-like (N), and the ferromagnetic (F) phases. The results are compared with the recently derived lower bounds for the P-N and P-F transitions. While the P-N transition is found to be very close to the lower bound, the P-F transition occurs significantly above the bound. Finally, the transition between the nematic-like and the ferromagnetic phases is found to belong to the three-states Potts universality class.

Cristalização , Modelos Químicos , Modelos Moleculares , Simulação por Computador , Transição de Fase
J Theor Biol ; 317: 286-92, 2013 Jan 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23103761


Intransitivity is a property of connected, oriented graphs representing species interactions that may drive their coexistence even in the presence of competition, the standard example being the three species Rock-Paper-Scissors game. We consider here a generalization with four species, the minimum number of species allowing other interactions beyond the single loop (one predator, one prey). We show that, contrary to the mean field prediction, on a square lattice the model presents a transition, as the parameter setting the rate at which one species invades another changes, from a coexistence to a state in which one species gets extinct. Such a dependence on the invasion rates shows that the interaction graph structure alone is not enough to predict the outcome of such models. In addition, different invasion rates permit to tune the level of transitiveness, indicating that for the coexistence of all species to persist, there must be a minimum amount of intransitivity.

Comportamento Cooperativo , Ecossistema , Teoria dos Jogos , Comportamento Competitivo , Simulação por Computador , Densidade Demográfica , Especificidade da Espécie , Fatores de Tempo
J Chem Phys ; 137(8): 084501, 2012 Aug 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22938244


We provide extended evidence that mode-coupling theory (MCT) of supercooled liquids for the F(12) schematic model admits a microscopic realization based on facilitated spin models with tunable facilitation. Depending on the facilitation strength, one observes two distinct dynamical glass transition lines--continuous and discontinuous--merging at a dynamical tricritical-like point with critical decay exponents consistently related by MCT predictions. The mechanisms of dynamical arrest can be naturally interpreted in geometrical terms: the discontinuous and continuous transitions correspond to bootstrap and standard percolation processes, in which the incipient spanning cluster of frozen spins forms either a compact or a fractal structure, respectively. Our cooperative dynamical facilitation picture of glassy behavior is complementary to the one based on disordered systems and can account for higher-order singularity scenarios in the absence of a finite temperature thermodynamic glass transition. We briefly comment on the relevance of our results to finite spatial dimensions and to the F(13) schematic model.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 84(1 Pt 1): 011505, 2011 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21867176


We study the dynamics of a one-dimensional fluid of orientable hard rectangles with a non-coarse-grained microscopic mechanism of facilitation. The length occupied by a rectangle depends on its orientation, which is a discrete variable coupled to an external field. The equilibrium properties of our model are essentially those of the Tonks gas, but at high densities the orientational degrees of freedom become effectively frozen due to jamming. This is a simple analytically tractable model of the glassy phase. Under a cyclic variation of the pressure, hysteresis is observed. Following a pressure quench, the orientational persistence exhibits a two-stage decay characteristic of glassy systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(6): 067202, 2011 Feb 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21405491


It is well known that the 2D XY model exhibits an unusual infinite order phase transition belonging to the Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) universality class. Introduction of a nematic coupling into the XY Hamiltonian leads to an additional phase transition in the Ising universality class [D. H. Lee and G. Grinstein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 541 (1985)]. Using a combination of extensive Monte Carlo simulations and finite size scaling, we show that the higher order harmonics lead to a qualitatively different phase diagram, with additional ordered phases originating from the competition between the ferromagnetic and pseudonematic couplings. The new phase transitions belong to the 2D Potts, Ising, or KT universality classes.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 81(2 Pt 1): 021129, 2010 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20365552


We study the geometric properties of polymixtures after a sudden quench in temperature. We mimic these systems with the q -states Potts model on a square lattice with and without weak quenched disorder, and their evolution with Monte Carlo simulations with nonconserved order parameter. We analyze the distribution of hull-enclosed areas for different initial conditions and compare our results with recent exact and numerical findings for q=2 (Ising) case. Our results demonstrate the memory of the presence or absence of long-range correlations in the initial state during the coarsening regime and exhibit superuniversality properties.

Modelos Teóricos , Método de Monte Carlo , Temperatura , Fatores de Tempo
J Theor Biol ; 256(2): 240-6, 2009 Jan 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18952109


The effects of an unconditional move rule in the spatial Prisoner's Dilemma, Snowdrift and Stag Hunt games are studied. Spatial structure by itself is known to modify the outcome of many games when compared with a randomly mixed population, sometimes promoting, sometimes inhibiting cooperation. Here we show that random dilution and mobility may suppress the inhibiting factors of the spatial structure in the Snowdrift game, while enhancing the already larger cooperation found in the Prisoner's dilemma and Stag Hunt games.

Comportamento Cooperativo , Teoria dos Jogos , Modelos Biológicos , Animais , Evolução Biológica , Dinâmica Populacional , Processos Estocásticos
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 75(5 Pt 1): 052101, 2007 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17677117


A simple equation of state is derived for a hard-core lattice gas of side length lambda , and compared to the results of Monte Carlo simulations. In the disordered fluid phase, the equation is found to work very well for a two-dimensional lattice gas of hard squares and reasonably well for the three-dimensional gas of hard cubes.