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Enzyme Res ; 2011: 494813, 2011.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22114735


Cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum Schum) is an Amazonian Basin native fruit whose fruit pulp is consumed as a juice which presents high density, viscosity, and turbidity. Pectic enzymes, usually yielded by microorganisms, are used to reduce the juice viscosity and turbidity. The present study aims to evaluate the use of pectic enzymes when processing cupuaçu juice. The cupuaçu juice was obtained by using Aspergillus japonicus 586 crude enzyme extract and incubation at 50°C with agitation (140 rpm) for one hour. Enzyme activities were determined, and the juices were evaluated as to their yield, turbidity, viscosity, and chemical composition. The juice produced by using crude enzyme extract presented higher soluble solids, reducing sugars, and lower viscosity and turbidity.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;53(5): 1185-1195, Sept.-Oct. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-564097


Two rhizobia strains isolated from soils of the Central Amazonian floodplain produced appreciable quantities of crude alkaline protease extracts with inexpensive carbon and nitrogen sources. These protease crude extracts were optimally active at pH 9.0-11.0. The optimum temperatures were 35 ºC for Rhizobium sp. strain R-986 and 55 ºC for Bradyrhizobium sp. strain R-993. Protease activities in the crude extracts were enhanced in the presence of 5 mM metal ions, such as Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Mn2+. Rhizobia proteases were strongly inhibited by PMSF, a serine-protease inhibitor. The enzymes were active in the presence of surfactants (SDS and Triton X-100) and stable in oxidizing (H2O2) and reducing agents (β-mercaptoethanol), and organic solvents (acetone, hexane, methanol, 1-propanol and toluene).

Duas estirpes de rizóbia isoladas de solos de várzea da Amazônia Central produziram grandes quantidades de proteases alcalinas extracelulares, usando fontes baratas de carbono e nitrogênio. Os extratos brutos de proteases foram ativos em pH 9,0-11,0. As temperaturas ótimas foram de 35 ºC para a enzima do Rhizobium R-986 e de 55 ºC para a do Bradyrhizobium R-993. As atividades proteolíticas aumentaram na presença de 5 mM dos íons Na+, Ca2+ , Mg2+ e Mn2+ . As proteases secretadas pelos rizóbios foram fortemente inibidas por PMSF, um inibidor de serina protease. As enzimas foram ativas na presença de surfactantes (SDS e Triton X-100), e estáveis na presença de agentes oxidantes (H2O2) e redutores (β-mercaptoetanol) e solventes orgânicos (acetona, hexano, metanol, 1-propanol e tolueno).

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;53(1): 35-45, Jan.-Feb. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-543190


Amylase production and partial characterization of crude enzyme preparations from two rhizobia strains (R-926 and R-991) were evaluated. For both the strains, maximal amylase activities were achieved during the early-to-mid- exponential growth phase; both were active over a pH range from 4.5 to 8.5 and temperature from 30 to 50 ºC. None of the ions studied (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Hg2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+) was required for the catalytic activity of strain R-926; amylase activity of strain R-991 was stimulated in the presence of K+, Hg2+ and Zn2+. The surfactants SDS, Triton X-100 and Tween-80 did not have a pronounced inhibitory effect on enzyme activities; SDS and Tween-80 caused the highest stimulatory effects. Amylase activities from the rhizobia strains were reduced by up to 30 percent in the presence of EDTA; amylase activity of R-926 was also inhibited by HgCl2, suggesting that Ca2+and cysteine residues could be important for activity of this strain.

A produção e parcial caracterização de extratos brutos de amilase de duas estirpes de rizóbio (R-926 e R-991) foram avaliadas. Para ambas as estirpes, as máximas atividades amilolíticas foram obtidas no início/meio da fase exponencial de crescimento. As amilases rizobiais foram ativas numa variação de pH de 4,5 a 8,5 e temperatura de 30 a 50 ºC. Nenhum dos íons testados (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Hg2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Cu2+ e Zn2+) foi exigido para a atividade catalítica da estirpe R-926. A amilase produzida pelo R991 foi estimulada na presença de K+, Hg2+ e Zn2+. Os surfactantes SDS, Triton X-100 e Tween-80 não exerceram um pronunciado efeito inibitório sobre as atividades enzimáticas, e SDS e Tween-80 causaram os maiores efeitos estimulatórios. A atividade amilolítica rizobial foi reduzida em até 30 por cento na presença de EDTA; a amilase produzida pela estirpe R-926 também foi inibida pelo HgCl2, sugerindo, ao menos em parte, a importância de Ca2+ e resíduos de cisteína na atividade amilolítica dessa estirpe.

Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;33(3): 489-498, 2003. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-574669


O elevado teor de ácido ascórbico no camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia McVaugh, Myrtaceae) desperta o interesse de extrativistas, agricultores e consumidores, e leva à necessidade de desenvolvimento de tecnologias adequadas para produção em terra firme e aproveitamento industrial do fruto. Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a adequação do camu-camu para a produção de bebida alcoólica fermentada, assim como o efeito do branqueamento do fruto e da incorporação da casca à polpa nas características nutricionais e sensoriais da bebida. Os frutos foram separados em quatro lotes, sendo dois branqueados (90 ºC por 7 min). Após a despolpa, as cascas de um lote de cada tratamento (com e sem branqueamento) foram incorporadas às respectivas polpas e avaliadas quanto à composição química (umidade, pH, acidez, sólidos solúveis, açúcares, ácido ascórbico, compostos fenólicos, antocianinas e flavonóides). Após a correção do mosto com açúcar, pasteurização, fermentação (25 dias), trasfega, pasteurização (70 ºC por 15 min), filtragem e clarificação, as bebidas foram avaliadas quanto a composição química, edulcoradas e submetidas à análise sensorial. O branqueamento reduziu a concentração de ácido ascórbico das polpas (33 por cento) e a agregação da casca aumentou os teores de matéria seca (39 por cento polpa), ácido ascórbico (33 por cento na polpa, 23 por cento no mosto e 50 por cento na bebida) e fenólicos (50 por cento bebida). O perfil sensorial e a aceitabilidade sugerem que o camu-camu é adequado para a produção de bebida alcoólica fermentada e que a agregação da casca à polpa contribuiu positivamente para a aceitabilidade (6,7 com casca e 6,2 sem casca, na escala de 9 pontos). As bebidas apresentaram flavor característico do fruto, limpidez, coloração vermelho-laranjada e sabor agradável.

The high levels of ascorbic acid in camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia McVaugh, Myrtaceae) have stimulated interest of extractivists, farmers and consumers. This has led to a need to develop adequate technology for it's production on non-flooded land and the industrial use of this fruit. This study had as its main objective to verify if camu-camu is adequate for the production of fermented alcoholic beverages, measuring the effect of blanching the fruit and the incorporation of the fruit peel with the fruit pulp on the nutritional and sensory characteristics of the drink. The fruits were separated into 4 groups, two being blanched (90 ºC for 7 minutes). After the pulp was removed, the peels of one group from each blanching treatment were incorporated into the respective pulps and their chemical composition evaluated. After sugar correction of the must, pasteurisation, fermentation (25 days), decanting, pasteurisation (70 ºC for 15 minutes), filtering and clarification, the beverages were evaluated as to their chemical composition, sweetened and submitted to sensory analysis. Blanching reduced the concentration of ascorbic acid in the pulps (33 percent) and the addition of the peel increased the amount of dry matter (39 percent in pulp), ascorbic acid (33 percent in pulp, 23 percent in must and 50 percent in drink) and phenolic compounds (50 percent in drink). The sensory profile and acceptability suggest that camu-camu is adequate for the production of fermented alcoholic beverages and that the addition of the peel to the pulp contributes positively to it's acceptability (6.7 with versus 6.2 without, of 9 points possible). The beverage had flavour characteristic of the fruit, a orangish-red color and agreeable taste.

Saccharomyces , Árvores , Fermentação