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Vitae (Medellín) ; 29(1): 1-11, 2022-01-09. Ilustraciones
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1363751


Background: Coronavirus infectious disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the infection with the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has affected the life and health of more than 222 million people. In the absence of any specific pharmacological treatment, the need to find new therapeutic alternatives is clear. Medicinal plants are widely used worldwide to treat different conditions, including COVID-19; however, in most cases, there are no specific studies to evaluate the efficacy of these treatments. Objective: This article evaluates the antiviral effect of six plant extracts used by indigenous and afro Colombian people against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. Methods: The antiviral effect of six extracts prepared from plants used in Colombian traditional medicine was evaluated against SARS-CoV-2 through a pre-post treatment strategy on the Vero E6 cell line. Once cytotoxicity was established through an MTT assay, the antiviral effect of the extracts was calculated based on the reduction in the viral titer determined by plaque assay. Results:Gliricidia sepium inhibited SARS-CoV-2 in a 75.6%, 56.8%, 62.5% and 40.0% at 10 mg/mL, 8 mg/mL, 6 mg/mL, and 2 mg/mL, respectively, while Piper tuberculatumtreatment reduced viral titer in 33.3% at 6 mg/mL after 48h. Conclusion:G. sepium and P. tuberculatum extracts exhibit antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

Introducción: La enfermedad infecciosa causada por el coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) generada por la infección con el nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 ha afectado la vida y la salud de mas de 222 millones de personas. En ausencia de algún tratamiento farmacológico específico, la necesidad de encontrar nuevas alternativas terapéuticas es clara. Las plantas medicinales son utilizadas en todo el mundo para tratar diferentes condiciones, incluyendo el COVID-19; sin embargo, en la mayoría de los casos no existen estudios específicos que evalúen la eficacia de estos tratamientos. Objetivo: En este artículo, evaluamos el efecto antiviral de seis extractos de plantas usadas por pueblos indígenas y afrocolombianos contra el SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.Metodología: El efecto antiviral de seis extractos preparados a partir de plantas usadas en medicina tradicional colombiana fue evaluado contra SARS-CoV-2 por medio de una estrategia de pre-post tratamiento en células Vero E6. Una vez se estableció la citotoxicidad por un ensayo de MTT, el efecto antiviral de estos extractos fue calculado basado en la reducción del título viral determinado por ensayo de plaqueo. Resultados:G. sepium inhibió SARS-CoV-2 en un 75.6%, 56.8%, 62.5% y 40.0% a 10 mg/mL, 8 mg/mL, 6 mg/mL, and 2 mg/mL, respectivamente. Mientras el extracto de Piper tuberculatum redujo el título viral en un 33.3% a 6 mg/mL luego de 48h de tratamiento

Antivirais/farmacologia , Plantas Medicinais/química , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , SARS-CoV-2/efeitos dos fármacos , Colômbia
Acta biol. colomb ; 23(1): 66-72, Jan.-Apr. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-886085


RESUMEN Se describe la anatomía foliar de las especies Gaiadendron punctatum y Tripodanthus belmirensis, al objeto de estudiar posibles caracteres que permitan una identificación precisa de estos dos géneros de la familia Loranthaceae, de hábito arbustivo o arbóreo. Las muestras se procesaron y sometieron a tinción con técnicas clásicas para su observación al microscopio óptico. Ambas especies presentaron similitudes como una epidermis monoestratificada y estomas de tipo rubiáceo. Sin embargo, se observó una composición anatómica claramente diferenciada en aspectos como el mesófilo, forma y ubicación de las células epidérmicas y la presencia de acumulaciones de súber en G. punctatum o idioblastos abundantes en T. belmirensis. Se construyó una clave dicotómica para la determinación de especies con base en caracteres anatómicos de la hoja entre las especies del género Tripodanthus y G. punctatum, además se discute brevemente el uso de caracteres anatómicos en la determinación y soporte de entidades taxonómicas diferenciables dentro de la familia Loranthaceae.

ABSTRACT Leaf anatomy of Gaiadendron punctatum and Tripodanthus belmirensis species is described with the aim of exploring possible characters that allow a precise identification of these two genera, characterized by tree or shrub habit, belonging to Loranthaceae family. Samples were processed and stained with routine techniques for observation on optical microscope. Both species showed similarities, such as one-layered epidermis and rubiaceous type stomata. However, a different anatomic composition was observed in aspects such as: mesophyll, position and shape of epidermic cells and presence of suber accumulations in G. punctatum, or numerous idioblasts in T. belmirensis. A dichotomous key was constructed for species determination based on anatomical leaf characters, between the species of genus Tripodanthus and G. punctatum. Furthermore, the use of anatomical characters in determination and support of distinguishable taxonomical entities inside Loranthaceae is also briefly discussed.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;65(4): 1507-1526, Oct.-Dec. 2017. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-897639


Resumen Los oosporangios y anteridios de Charophyceae son los órganos de reproducción sexual femeninos y masculinos respectivamente. Estas estructuras se caracterizan por su complejidad morfológica y utilidad en taxonomía y sistemática. En el presente trabajo se describen los detalles estructurales y ultraestructurales de la gametogénesis en Chara hydropitys. El material fértil del alga se recolectó en una quebrada tributaria del Río Meléndez en la ciudad de Cali, Colombia (3º21´23´´N - 76º32´5.2´´W). Los especímenes fueron fijados y procesados de acuerdo a los protocolos estándar para la inclusión en resina y obtención de secciones finas que se colorearon con toluidina O (0.3-0.7 μm) para su observación en microscopía fotónica y secciones ultrafinas (60-90 nm) para microscopía electrónica de transmisión (MET). Además, se procesaron muestras para microscopio electrónico de barrido (MEB). Los oosporangios están recubiertos por las células espirales que forman de 10-12 circunvoluciones y terminan en cinco células coronulares. La pared de los oosporangios inmaduros está formada por dos capas que corresponden a la pared de las células espirales y de la oosfera. Al madurar la pared del oosporangio tiene seis capas adicionales, tres de las cuales son aportadas por la oospora y las tres restantes por las células espirales. La oosfera aumenta progresivamente de tamaño a medida que las células espirales crecen y se dividen. En el citoplasma de la oosfera inmadura no se aprecian inclusiones citoplasmáticas conspicuas, pero con la maduración el número de gránulos de almidón aumenta llegando a ocupar la mayor parte del volumen celular. En las células espirales del oosporangio maduro se observan numerosos cloroplastos con prominentes depósitos de almidón entre las lamelas tilacoidales y una vacuola que ocupa casi toda la célula. En las observaciones con MEB se aprecia que la pared externa de la oospora, sobre la zona de la fosa presenta microornamentaciones de tipo verrucado. En los anteridios maduros las células del escudo están fuertemente pigmentadas de color naranja por la presencia de numerosos plastoglóbulos entre las lamelas tilacoidales. De las células del capítulo secundario se desarrollan los filamentos espermatógenos que por divisiones mitóticas unidireccionales y sincrónicas forman los espermatocitos. A partir de estas células haploides por espermiogénesis se desarrollarán los anterozoides biflagelados. Los eventos subcelulares relacionados con estos procesos de división y diferenciación celular incluyen inicialmente cambios en la condensación de la cromatina, pérdida del nucléolo y mayor actividad de los dictiosomas. Posteriormente, el citoplasma se retrae y los orgánulos se alinean a lo largo del núcleo condensado y del aparato flagelar. Los anterozoides maduros emergen a través de un poro lateral de la pared de los espermatocitos. Todos los eventos descritos indican que los procesos de gametogénesis y los detalles estructurales de los gametos son por lo general características ampliamente conservadas en este grupo de algas.

Abstract InCharophyceae, the oosporangia and antheridia are the respective female and male structures of sexual reproduction. These organs are characterized by their morphological complexity and usefulness in taxonomy and systematics. Here we described the structural and ultraestructural details of Chara hydropitys gametogenesis. The fertile material from the algae was collected in a tributary stream of the Río Meléndez in Cali, Colombia (3º21´23´´N - 76º32´5.2´´W) in March 2011. The specimens were fixed and processed following the standard protocols for inclusion in resin. Thin sections (0.3-0.5 μm) were stained with toluidine O, and were observed by photonic microscopy, and additional ultrathin sections (60-90 nm) were observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM); other samples were processed and observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We found that the oosporangia are covered with spiral cells, forming 10-12 convolutions and ends in five coronula cells. The immature oosporangia wall is formed by two layers that correspond to the wall of the spiral cells and to the oosphere. In mature stages, the oosporangia wall is composed by six additional layers, three of them are provided by the oosphere and the other three are provided by the spiral cells. Oosphere size increases progressively while the spiral cells grow and divide. The cytoplasm of the immature oosphere does not exhibit conspicuous cytoplasmic inclusions, nevertheless, with the maturation, the number of starch granules increases, occupying most of the cell volume. In the spiral cells of the mature oosporangia we observed large number of chloroplast with starch accumulations, between thylakoid lamellae and a vacuole that occupies almost the entire cell. By using SEM it was possible to appreciate, that the external wall of the oospore, more accurately, on the fossa area, shows verrucose micro-ornamentations with verrucae elevations. In mature antheridia, shield cells are strongly pigmented orange due to the presence of a large number of plastoglobules between thylakoid lamellae. The spermatogenous filaments are developed from cells of the secondary capitulum; those, by unidirectional and sincronic mitotic divisions develop the spermatocytes. The biflagellate antherozoids are developed from the haploid cells by spermiogenesis. The subcellular events related with these division and differentiation processes, include first, chromatin condensation, loss of nucleoli and more activity in dictyosomes. Subsequently, retracts the cytoplasm and the organelles are aligned along the condensed nucleus and flagellar apparatus. Mature antherozoids emerge through a side wall pore of the spermatocytes. All the described events showed that the gametogenesis processes and the gametes structural details in general, are widely conserved in this algae group.

PhytoKeys ; (70): 41-52, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27829798


Páramos are high-elevation isolated ecosystems in the Andes characterized by specific flora. This flora includes a number of endemic species and some taxa phylogenetically related to temperate lineages (van der Hammen and Cleef 1986). There are six páramo units or complexes in the Department of Antioquia, located in northwestern Colombia. For five years, we conducted botanic explorations in order to quantify the richness of angiosperm flora in these units. We estimate the richness of angiosperms in these páramos at 693 species, 277 genera, and 86 families, which represent almost 10% of the floral diversity in Antioquia, but contained in only 0.7% of its area. We found that Frontino-Urrao is the most species-rich páramo with 465 species from 225 genera. Our results show that the most diverse angiosperm families of the páramos of Antioquia are Asteraceae, Orchidaceae, Melastomataceae, and Poaceae, which together represent 245 species. Groupings between páramos by Sørensen's similarity index show that the complexes of the Central Andes Cordillera form a cluster of greater affinity than Páramos from other regions. Of the species found, 80 have a CITES or IUCN diagnosis. The expeditions allowed the identification of 21 species not previously registered in Antioquia and a considerable number of endemisms (35 species), further proof of the high plant diversity in these ecosystems.

Acta biol. colomb ; 21(3): 645-648, set.-dic, 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-827642


Se reporta el redescubrimiento de Polygala corifolia Planch. & Triana después de 170 años de su primera y última colección. Polygala corifolia fue descrita con base en una única colección realizada en la Sabana de Bogotá en 1844. Debido a la ausencia de registros posteriores a su descripción, esta especie se consideraba extinta. El nuevo registro proviene de una nueva localidad en la zona de páramo del municipio de Yarumal, norte de Antioquia. La considerable transformación y las actividades agropecuarias evidenciadas en esta zona, hacen que la supervivencia de esta población y posiblemente de la especie sea poco probable.

The rediscovery of Polygala corifolia Planch. & Triana 170 years after the first and last collection is reported. Polygala corifolia was described based on a single collection made in the Sabana de Bogota in 1844. Due to the absence of records after its description, this species was considered extinct. The new record comes from a new locality in the Páramo of the Yarumal municipality, north of Antioquia. The considerable transformation and agricultural activities evidenced in this area, makes unlikely the survival of this population and possibly of the species.

Rev Biol Trop ; 62(1): 273-98, 2014 Mar.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24912358


Studies on reproductive aspects of Lycopodiaceae are not very abundant in the scientific literature, and constitute essential information to support taxonomic and systematic relationships among the group. Here we present a detailed study of the ontogeny of sporangia and sporogenesis, and the chemical determination of several compounds generated during spore formation. The analyses were performed in 14 taxa of six genera of the family, Diphasiastrum, Diphasium, Huperzia (a genus which is treated here including Phlegmariurus), Lycopodiella, Lycopodium and Palhinhaea. Specimens were collected in three departments from the Colombian Andes between 1 454-3 677m altitude. Ontogeny was studied in small, 1cm long pieces of strobili and axis, which were fixed in glutaraldehyde or FAA, dehydrated in alcohol, embedded in LR White, sectioned in 0.2-0.5 microm and stained with toluidine blue (TBO), a metachromatic dye that allows to detect both sporopollenin and lignin or its precursors, during these processes. For other studies, paraplast plus-embedded sections (3-5 microm) were stained with safranin-fast green and alcian blue-hematoxylin. Chemical tests were also conducted in sections of fresh sporangia at different stages of maturity using alcian blue (mucopolysaccharides), Lugol solution (starch), Sudan III (lipids), phloroglucinol (lignin) and orcein (chromosomes). Sections were observed with photonic microscope equipped with differential interference contrast (DIC) and fluorescence microscopy (for spore and sporangium walls unstained). Strobili and sporangia were dehydrated with 2.2 dimethoxypropane, critical point dried and coated with gold for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Our results indicated that the ontogeny of sporangia and sporogenesis were very similar to the previously observed in Huperzia brevifolia. Cutinisation occurs in early stages of development of sporangium cell walls, but in their final stages walls become lignified. As for the sporoderm development, the exospore is the first layer formed, composed by sporopollenin. The endospore deposits as a thin inner layer composed of cellulose, pectin and carboxylated polysaccharides. The perispore, if present, deposits at last. Mucopolysaccharides were found on the sporocyte coat and its abundance in sporangial cavity persists up to the immature tetrads stage, and then disappears. The lipids were abundant in the sporocytes, tetrads and spores, representing the main source of energy of the latter. In contrast, starch is not detected in the spores, but is abundant in premeiotic sporocytes and immature tetrads, developmental stages of high cellular metabolic activity. Intrinsic fluorescence corroborates the presence of lignin and cutin in the sporangium wall, while the sporopollenin is restricted to the exospore. The transfusion cells and the perispore are not always present. However, the processes of ontogeny and sporogenesis are extremely similar throughout the taxa studied, suggesting that they represent conservative family traits, nonspecific or generic.

Lycopodiaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Esporângios/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Esporos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Histocitoquímica , Lycopodiaceae/química , Lycopodiaceae/classificação , Lycopodiaceae/citologia , Meiose , Microscopia de Fluorescência , Esporângios/química , Esporângios/classificação , Esporângios/citologia , Esporos/química , Esporos/classificação , Esporos/citologia
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;62(1): 282-307, ene.-mar. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-715430


Studies on reproductive aspects of Lycopodiaceae are not very abundant in the scientific literature, and constitute essential information to support taxonomic and systematic relationships among the group. Here we present a detailed study of the ontogeny of sporangia and sporogenesis, and the chemical determination of several compounds generated during spore formation. The analyses were performed in 14 taxa of six genera of the family, Diphasiastrum, Diphasium, Huperzia (a genus which is treated here including Phlegmariurus), Lycopodiella, Lycopodium and Palhinhaea. Specimens were collected in three departments from the Colombian Andes between 1 454-3 677m altitude. Ontogeny was studied in small, 1cm long pieces of strobili and axis, which were fixed in glutaraldehyde or FAA, dehydrated in alcohol, embedded in LR White, sectioned in 0.2-0.5μm and stained with toluidine blue (TBO), a metachromatic dye that allows to detect both sporopollenin and lignin or its precursors, during these processes. For other studies, paraplast plus-embedded sections (3-5μm) were stained with safranin-fast green and alcian blue-hematoxylin. Chemical tests were also conducted in sections of fresh sporangia at different stages of maturity using alcian blue (mucopolysaccharides), Lugol solution (starch), Sudan III (lipids), phloroglucinol (lignin) and orcein (chromosomes). Sections were observed with photonic microscope equipped with differential interference contrast (DIC) and fluorescence microscopy (for spore and sporangium walls unstained). Strobili and sporangia were dehydrated with 2.2 dimethoxypropane, critical point dried and coated with gold for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Our results indicated that the ontogeny of sporangia and sporogenesis were very similar to the previously observed in Huperzia brevifolia. Cutinisation occurs in early stages of development of sporangium cell walls, but in their final stages walls become lignified. As for the sporoderm development, the exospore is the first layer formed, composed by sporopollenin. The endospore deposits as a thin inner layer composed of cellulose, pectin and carboxylated polysaccharides. The perispore, if present, deposits at last. Mucopolysaccharides were found on the sporocyte coat and its abundance in sporangial cavity persists up to the immature tetrads stage, and then disappears. The lipids were abundant in the sporocytes, tetrads and spores, representing the main source of energy of the latter. In contrast, starch is not detected in the spores, but is abundant in premeiotic sporocytes and immature tetrads, developmental stages of high cellular metabolic activity. Intrinsic fluorescence corroborates the presence of lignin and cutin in the sporangium wall, while the sporopollenin is restricted to the exospore. The transfusion cells and the perispore are not always present. However, the processes of ontogeny and sporogenesis are extremely similar throughout the taxa studied, suggesting that they represent conservative family traits, nonspecific or generic.

Los estudios sobre aspectos reproductivos no son muy abundantes en la literatura científica sobre los taxones de Lycopodiaceae y constituyen información esencial para apoyar la taxonomía y relaciones sistemáticas en el grupo. Por lo tanto, se presenta aquí un análisis detallado de la ontogenia de los esporangios y esporogénesis, así como determinaciones químicas de varios compuestos generados durante la formación de las esporas. Los análisis se llevaron a cabo en 14 taxones de seis géneros de la familia: Diphasiastrum, Diphasium, Huperzia (un género que se trata aquí, incluyendo Phlegmariurus), Lycopodiella, Lycopodium y Palhinhaea. Las muestras fueron recolectadas en tres departamentos de los Andes de Colombia entre 1 454-3 677m de altitud. La ontogenia se estudió en trozos de estróbilos y ejes, de 1cm de largo, que se fijaron en glutaraldehido o FAA, se deshidrataron en alcohol, se incluyeron en LR White, se seccionaron en cortes de 0.2-0.5μm y se colorearon con azul de toluidina (TBO), un colorante metacromático que permite detectar tanto esporopolenina como lignina o sus precursores. Para estudios adicionales, secciones de 3-5μm de material incluido en paraplast plus se colorearon con safranina-verde rápido y azul alciánhematoxilina. Las pruebas químicas se llevaron a cabo en secciones de esporangios sin fijar en diferentes etapas de madurez utilizando azul alcián (mucopolisacáridos), solución de Lugol (almidón), Sudán III (lípidos), fluoroglucinol (lignina) y orceína (cromosomas). Las observaciones se efectuaron con microscopio fotónico equipado con contraste diferencial de interferencia (DIC) y microscopía de fluorescencia (para esporas y pared de los esporangios sin colorear). Para observaciones con microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB), los estróbilos y esporangios se deshidrataron con 2,2 dimetoxipropano, se desecaron a punto crítico y se metalizaron con oro. Los resultados indican que la ontogenia de los esporangios y esporogénesis es muy similar a la observada previamente en Huperzia brevifolia. En las primeras etapas de desarrollo, las paredes celulares de la epidermis del esporangio se cutinizan y en las finales se lignifican. En el desarrollo del esporodermo, la primera capa que se forma es el exosporio, compuesto por esporopolenina. El endosporio es una capa interna delgada compuesta de celulosa, pectina y polisacáridos carboxilados. El perisporio, si está presente, es la última capa que se deposita. Los mucopolisacáridos se encontraron en la cubierta del esporocito, son abundantes en la cavidad esporangial hasta la etapa de tétradas inmaduras y luego desaparecen. Los lípidos son abundantes en esporocitos, tétradas y esporas, y representan la principal fuente de energía de estas. En contraste, el almidón no se detecta en las esporas pero es abundante en esporocitos premeióticos y tétradas inmaduras, ambos con gran actividad metabólica. La fluorescencia intrínseca corrobora la presencia de lignina y cutina en la pared del esporangio, mientras que la esporopolenina se limita al exosporio. Las células de transfusión y el perisporio no siempre están presentes. Sin embargo, los procesos de la ontogenia y esporogénesis son extremadamente similares en todos los taxones estudiados, lo que sugiere que representan rasgos típicos de familia, no específicos ni genéricos.

Lycopodiaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Esporângios/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Esporos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Histocitoquímica , Lycopodiaceae/química , Lycopodiaceae/classificação , Lycopodiaceae/citologia , Meiose , Microscopia de Fluorescência , Esporângios/química , Esporângios/classificação , Esporângios/citologia , Esporos/química , Esporos/classificação , Esporos/citologia
Rev. cuba. plantas med ; 18(2): 268-277, abr.-jun. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-675534


Introducción: la leishmaniasis es la enfermedad protozoaria responsable de la mayor morbilidad y mortalidad en la población mundial. Los medicamentos utilizados para su tratamiento presentan serios problemas, entre estos la alta toxicidad y los efectos secundarios severos. Por otro lado, la producción de radicales libres debido al estrés oxidativo ocasiona la oxidación de lípidos, proteínas, DNA y enzimas que son responsables del daño del tejido celular. Algunas especies de la familia Piperaceae presentan un amplio espectro de actividades biológicas, lo cual incita a la exploración de la propiedad antioxidante y antiprotozoaria en miembros del género Piper, como una alternativa en la búsqueda de nuevos medicamentos contra la leishmaniasis y de nuevos antioxidantes naturales. Objetivo: evaluar la actividad leishmanicida, citotóxica y antioxidante de extractos alcohólicos y no alcohólicos de Piper daniel-gonzalezii Trel. Métodos: después de secado el material vegetal (tallos y hojas), se realizó un proceso de extracción por percolación con etanol. La solución obtenida se concentró a presión reducida y con el extracto crudo de las hojas se hizo la partición por cromatografía en columna, con solventes de diferente polaridad como hexano, diclorometano y acetato de etilo. Se evaluó la actividad leishmanicida en amastigotes axénicos e intracelulares para cada fracción y cada extracto etanólico. Se evaluó la citotoxicidad en células U-937 y la capacidad antioxidante mediante el método FRAP (ferric reducing ability of plasma). Resultados: la fracción obtenida por percolación con hexano (fracción de desengrase) y el extracto etanólico de los tallos resultaron los más activos contra amastigotes intracelulares de Leishmania panamensis, lo cual las hace fracciones promisorias en la búsqueda de nuevos compuestos con actividad leishmanicida. Los dos extractos y todas las fracciones, con excepción de la fracción de desengrase, mostraron una alta capacidad reductora, por lo tanto, estas fracciones, principalmente la de acetato de etilo, se consideran como potenciales fuentes de sustancias antioxidantes. Conclusiones: los resultados muestran que Piper daniel-gonzalezii presenta propiedades tanto leishmanicida como reductora, por lo cual tiene un alto potencial como fuente de compuestos para el desarrollo de nuevas alternativas terapéuticas contra la leishmaniasis, o como una fuente natural de antioxidantes con un alto uso potencial en la industria farmacéutica y de alimentos.

Introduction: leishmaniasis is the protozoal disease with the highest morbidity and mortality worldwide. The medications used to treat it have serious drawbacks, among which are their high toxicity and severe side effects. On the other hand, production of free radicals due to oxidative stress results in the oxidation of lipids, proteins, DNA and enzymes responsible for cell tissue damage. Some species of the family Piperaceae present a broad spectrum of biological activities, inviting exploration of the antioxidant and antiprotozoal properties of members of the genus Piper as an alternative in the search for new drugs against leishmaniasis and new natural antioxidants. Objective: evaluate the leishmanicidal, cytotoxic and antioxidant activity of alcoholic and non-alcoholic extracts of Piper daniel-gonzalezii Trel. Methods: drying of the plant material (stems and leaves) was followed by extraction by percolation with ethanol. The solution thus obtained was concentrated under reduced pressure, and the crude leaf extract was subjected to partition column chromatography with solvents of varying polarity, such as hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate. Leishmanicidal activity in axenic and intracellular amastigotes was evaluated for each fraction and ethanolic extract. An evaluation was conducted of cytotoxicity in U-937 cells and of antioxidant capacity by the FRAP (ferric reducing ability of plasma) method. Results: the fraction obtained by percolation with hexane (degreasing fraction) and the ethanolic stem extract were the most active against intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania panamensis, a fact that turns them into promising fractions in the search for new compounds with leishmanicidal activity. The two extracts and all the fractions, except for the degreasing fraction, exhibited a high reducing capacity. These fractions, particularly the ethyl acetate fraction, are therefore considered to be potential sources of antioxidant substances. Conclusions: results show that Piper daniel-gonzalezii has both leishmanicidal and reducing properties, and thus great potential either as a source of compounds for developing new therapeutic alternatives against leishmaniasis, or as a natural source of antioxidants with great potential for use in the pharmaceutical and food industries.