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Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 25(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535733


En la actualidad uno de los retos a los que se enfrentan los agricultores es producir alimentos bajo las inclemencias climáticas. Para el 2050, se estima un aumento en la demanda en producción de alimentos básicos a causa del incremento demográfico, aumentando con ello el detrimento de los recursos naturales. Dentro de las alternativas biológicas está el uso de insumos a base de microorganismos benéficos, como el género Trichoderma. Los cuales se han utilizado en los campos agrícolas para el control biológico contra un gran número de fitopatógenos. Sin embargo, aún son poco conocidas otras propiedades benéficas de este género para las plantas que coloniza y el ecosistema. Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos científicos en Academic Search Ultimate, BioOne, Acsess, Esmerald, Fuente Académica, ScienceDirect y Springer, entre 2015 y 2023, con dos excepciones de años anteriores. Se utilizó la palabra clave "Trichoderma" y aquellas relacionadas con interacciones microbianas y su aplicación agrícola. Esta revisión resume los hallazgos bibliográficos actuales de este género que muestran su alta capacidad hacia el desarrollo sostenible de los agroecosistemas. Varias investigaciones reportan su capacidad de inducir la defensa vegetal, la promoción del crecimiento y desarrollo radicular, así como la estimulación y síntesis de sustancias que contribuyen a fortalecer la fertilidad del suelo. Con ello mejora los rendimientos de los cultivos a los que se encuentra asociado. En definitiva, la aplicación de Trichoderma puede coadyuvar a disminuir los efectos negativos ocasionados por el uso de agroquímicos y fertilizantes sintéticos, contribuyendo a una producción más sostenible.

Currently, one of the most critical challenges facing farmers is the production of food under adverse weather conditions. By 2050, an increase in the production of staple foods is estimated due to demographics, thereby increasing the depletion of natural resources. Among the biological alternatives is the use of inputs based on beneficial microorganisms such as the Trichoderma genus, which have been used in agricultural fields for biological control against a large number of phytopathogens. However, other beneficial properties of this genus for the plants it colonizes, and the ecosystem are still little known. Therefore, a search for scientific articles was carried out in Academic Search Ultimate, BioOne, Acsess, Esmerald, Fuente Academic, ScienceDirect and Springer, between 2015 and 2023, with two exceptions from previous years. The keyword "Trichoderma" was used and those related to microbial interactions and their agricultural application. Therefore, this review summarizes the current bibliographic findings of this genus, that shows its high capacity towards the sustainable development of agroecosystems. Several investigations report its ability to induce plant defense, promote growth and root development, and stimulate and synthesize substances that help strengthen soil fertility. This improves the yields of the crops to which they are associated. With this, the application of Trichoderma can reduce the negative effects caused by the use of agrochemicals and synthetic fertilizers, contributing to a more sustainable production.

Insects ; 13(1)2021 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35055847


Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a damaging agricultural pest. Currently, the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is used as part of its control. The SIT consists of the mass-rearing, sterilization, and release of insects in target areas. Sterile males mate with wild females, and prevent them from laying fertile eggs. However, even if females mate with sterile males, they can then remate with a second male. If this second male is wild, then this could reduce the efficiency of the SIT by producing viable offspring. The amount of progeny produced by second males (P2 values) for A. ludens is unknown. Here, we evaluated the biological attributes, mating competitiveness, and the proportion of male paternity gained by the second male, using strains that carry fluorescent marker genes and can be potentially used to develop transgenic sexing strains. Furthermore, the transgenic strains were irradiated, to test their ability to induce sterility in females. We found that the 443-G strain had significantly higher larval survival than the 419-R strain. No significant difference was found between the two strains in their mating probability with wild females. We found P2 values between 67 and 74% for the 419-R and the 443-G strain, respectively. Second male sperm precedence only decreased slightly after 12 days, suggesting that sperm from the first and second male is not mixing with time, but rather the second male's sperm prevails. Furthermore, sterile 443-G males induced significantly higher sterility in females than sterile males from the 419-R strain. The apparent lower ability of the 443-G strain to inhibit female remating should be further investigated. Knowledge of the pre and postcopulatory performance of transgenic strains will help in understanding their potential for control.

Interciencia ; Interciencia;33(7): 532-536, jul. 2008. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-630658


Morchella esculenta es un hongo comestible de alto valor comercial y la obtención de esclerocios es considerada como la clave para su cultivo. En este trabajo se evaluó el desarrollo de la cepa IE-750 en ocho medios de cultivo sólido y seis en forma líquida, utilizando como parámetros el crecimiento micelial, la producción de biomasa, la habilidad para producir esclerocios y su biomasa. El mejor crecimiento micelial se obtuvo en el tratamiento con composta (T7: 53,87cm²), y en cuanto a la biomasa, el medio de cultivo con levadura fue mejor (T3: 80,3mg). Los tratamientos con gallinaza y composta, presentaron 40 y 80% de esclerocios, respectivamente, tanto en medio sólido como líquido. La mayor cantidad de biomasa de estas estructuras se presentó en el tratamiento con composta en medio sólido (T7: 27,04mg). Los esclerocios se obtuvieron en lapsos de 9-12 días (medio sólido) y de 7-9 días (medio líquido), lo cual es un tiempo relativamente corto y abre una posibilidad de cumplir con una de las condiciones necesarias para su domesticación.

Morchella esculenta is an edible mushroom of high commercial value and obtaining sclerotia is considered important for its cultivation. In this work, the growth of the IE-750 strain was studied in eight solid and six liquid culture media. Parameters assessed were mycelial growth, production of biomass, and ability to produce sclerotia and their biomass. The best mycelial growth was obtained in the treatment containing compost extract (T7: 53.87cm²), while the highest production of biomass was recorded in the treatment containing yeast (T3: 80.3mg). Treatments with poultry manure and compost showed 40 and 80% of sclerotia in solid and liquid media, respectively, and the highest sclerotia biomass was recorded in the compost treatment (solid medium). Sclerotia were obtained in periods of 9-12 days (solid medium) and 7-9 days (liquid medium).

Morchella esculenta é um cogumelo comestível de alto valor comercial e a obtenção de esclerócios é considerada como a chave para seu cultivo. Neste trabalho foi avaliado o desenvolvimento da cepa IE-750 em oito meios de cultivo sólido e seis em forma líquida, utilizando como parâmetros o crescimento micelial, a produção de biomassa, a habilidade para produzir esclerócios e sua biomassa. O melhor crescimento micelial foi obtido no tratamento por compostagem (T7: 53,87cm²), e em relação à biomassa, o meio de cultivo com levedura foi melhor (T3: 80,3mg). Os tratamentos de cama-de-frango e compostagem apresentaram 40 e 80% de esclerócios, respectivamente, tanto no meio sólido como líquido. A maior quantidade de biomassa de estas estruturas se apresentou no tratamento com compostagem no meio sólido (T7: 27,04 mg). Os esclerócios foram obtidos em períodos de 9-12 dias (meio sólido) e de 7-9 dias (meio líquido), o qual é tempo relativamente curto e abre uma possibilidade de cumprir com uma das condições necessárias para sua domesticação.