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J Orthop ; 35: 79-84, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36406160


Introduction: Shoulder Injuries Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA), describes those cases of shoulder severe post-inoculation complications, including pain and prolonged disability. Most of the reported cases have been secondary to influenza vaccination. This study retrospectively describes a series of 18 patients following SARS-CoV-2 inoculation and compares the findings with those previously reported for other vaccines. Materials and methods: Inclusion criteria was onset of symptoms within 48 h after injection, symptoms duration of at least seven days, and restricted range of motion in absence of symptoms prior to vaccination. Average age was 59.4 years old (38-76), and 72.2% were women. Results: In many cases (58%) the initial diagnosis was not clear, which lead to incorrect treatment. The most common pathological finding was subacromial-subdeltoid bursitis (66.6%). All patients who received depot corticosteroids followed by a gentle rehabilitation program showed strong clinical improvement but did not completely resolve the symptoms at 7.2 months average final follow-up. Surgical intervention was necessary in one of the patients due to the persistence of symptoms despite conservative treatment. Conclusions: Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration is rare, but when present, its torpid evolution makes it difficult to treat. We have found in our case series a similar pattern to that already described for other vaccines. A high index of suspicion helps to pick up the condition promptly and early treatment can bring satisfactory outcome.

J Orthop Case Rep ; 12(3): 100-103, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36199926


Introduction: To confront the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a large share of the population must be immunized. Intramuscular vaccination of the shoulder is the preferred technique as it is easily exposed and guarantees a good immune reaction. Local side effects, such as pain and swelling, are common after deltoid inoculation. They usually resolve within 3 days. Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) should be considered if the symptoms persist. The aim of this presentation is to describe a typical case of SIRVA after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and provide information to the general orthopedic surgeon to properly diagnose, report, and treat these cases. Case Report: A 69-year-old female health-care professional without history of shoulder pain consulted the senior author for persistent severe left shoulder pain 3 months following the second dose of Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccination. She claimed an improper application technique that caused immediate pain and loss of active range of motion (ROM). She underwent medical treatment with several doctors during 3 months with poor results. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the left shoulder done 5 days after vaccination showed mild subacromial-subdeltoid bursitis. A follow-up MRI at 2 months after application revealed synovial hypertrophy and distention of the subacromial-subdeltoid bursa. We prescribed a dose of depot betamethasone and home-based program of gentle exercises. Although initial response was quick, the patient required shoulder arthroscopy the following months, due to persistence in pain and functional limitations. Conclusion: SIRVA cases may occur and should be suspected in all individuals without a history of shoulder symptoms or dysfunction who experience sudden pain and reduced ROM following deltoid muscle vaccination. Treatment must be initiated early with corticosteroids and rehabilitation. The low probability of this complication does not outweigh the advantages of vaccination.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1367131


Introducción: Las fracturas de húmero proximal son frecuentes, particularmente en la población mayor. Los resultados de la fijación con placa bloqueada siguen siendo impredecibles. El soporte de la columna medial jugaría un rol significativo. Nuestro pro-pósito fue evaluar los resultados de la osteosíntesis de húmero proximal con aloinjerto óseo estructural. Materiales y métodos: Se evaluaron los resultados clínico-radiológicos en 12 pacientes con fractura de húmero proximal tratados con placa bloqueada e injerto estructural endostal. Se definió como pérdida de reducción a un cambio del ángulo cervicodiafisario >5° o en la altura de la cabeza humeral >3 mm. La evaluación clínica incluyó rango de movilidad, puntaje de Constant-Murley, valor subjetivo del hombro, escala analógica visual para dolor y retorno a la actividad habitual. Resultados: Doce pacientes completaron el seguimiento (edad promedio 62.8 años). Diez mantuvieron la reducción. El puntaje promedio de Constant-Murley fue de 82,1; el del valor subjetivo del hombro, del 80%, y el de la escala analógica visual, de 1,9. La elevación anterior fue de 138,3°; la rotación externa, de 49,5°, y la rotación interna a nivel de la vértebra de L3. La diferencia de la altura de la cabeza humeral y el ángulo cervicodiafisario fue de 2,3 mm y 4,92°. No hubo complicaciones. Conclusiones: La osteosíntesis con placa bloqueada y aumento con injerto estructural endomedular es una técnica fiable para tratar fracturas de cuello quirúrgico del húmero. Proporciona soporte al cuello humeral y mantiene la reducción en la fractura de húmero proximal con rotura de la bisagra medial. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Introduction: Proximal humeral fractures (PHF) are common, particularly in the elderly. To date, locking plate fixation continues to provide unpredictable outcomes. Medial hinge support plays a significant role in stability until the bone heals. We aim to evaluate the outcomes of plate fixation with endosteal strut allograft augmentation in the treatment of PHF. Materials and methods: We evaluated clinical and radiological outcomes in the medium-term follow-up of 12 patients with PHF who were treated with plate fixation and strut allograft augmentation. The strut allograft was introduced into the humeral shaft to add support to the medial hinge. We compared the final follow-up radiographs to those taken immediately after surgery. We defined a loss of reduction if the change in Humeral Head Height or the Neck-Shaft Angle measured over 3 mm or 5°, respectively. The clinical evaluation included range of motion, Constant-Murley (CM) score, Subjective Shoulder Value (SSV), Visual Analog Scale (VAS), and return to daily activities. Results: Twelve patients completed follow-up. The patients' average age was 62.8. Ten patients healed without loss of reduction. Average CM and SSV scores were 82.1 and 80%, respectively, and average VAS was 1.9. Anterior elevation averaged 138.3°, external rotation 49.5°, and internal rotation at L3 level. The mean differences in HHH and NSA were 2.3 mm and 4.92°, respectively. We recorded no complications associated to the procedure. Conclusion: Locking plate fixation with endosteal strut allograft augmentation is a reliable technique for the treatment of PHF. It provides support to the humeral neck and maintains reduction in fractures with disruption of the medial hinge. Level of Evidence: IV

Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fraturas do Ombro/cirurgia , Placas Ósseas , Amplitude de Movimento Articular , Aloenxertos , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/métodos
Rev. Asoc. Argent. Ortop. Traumatol ; 86(5) (Nro Esp - AACM Asociación Argentina de Cirugía de la Mano): 613-620, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1353967


Introducción: Los pacientes con síndrome del túnel carpiano suelen tener síntomas nocturnos que alteran la calidad del sueño y, muchas veces, son el motivo de consulta. Se estudiaron en profundidad los cambios objetivos luego de la liberación del túnel carpiano. Sin embargo, la evidencia sobre la mejoría del sueño tras la cirugía es escasa. Consideramos que la mejoría de la calidad del sueño está directamente relacionada con el procedimiento; nuestro objetivo primario fue comprobarlo. Como objetivo secundario se evaluó si los cambios en el sueño varían según factores constitucionales o de severidad del síndrome del túnel carpiano. Materiales y métodos: Serie prospectiva de 67 casos con síndrome del túnel carpiano e indicación de cirugía. Se dividieron grupos según edad, sexo y severidad del síndrome por electrodiagnóstico. Se evaluó la calidad del sueño con la Escala de Insomnio de Atenas antes de la cirugía y cuatro días después. Resultados: El 74,62% de los pacientes tenía alteraciones de la calidad del sueño antes de la cirugía. Se comprobó una mejoría significativa en la calidad del sueño después de la operación, en todos los casos (p <0,05). No hubo diferencias significativas en los resultados entre los grupos. Conclusiones: Clásicamente el éxito de la liberación del túnel carpiano se resume en los cambios sensitivo-motores. Sin embargo, no se apunta a la mejoría de la calidad del sueño, aunque sea el generador de la consulta. La descompresión del túnel carpiano mejora el sueño, independientemente de la edad, el sexo o la gravedad del cuadro. Nivel de Evidencia: II

Introduction: Sleep disturbances caused by night pain and paresthesia are usual symptoms in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), and are often the cause of medical consultation. Objective changes following the Carpal Tunnel Release (CTR) have been tho-roughly analyzed. However, evidence related to improvement in sleep quality is lacking. We consider that the immediate improvement in sleep quality is directly related to CTR. The main purpose of this study is to assess these changes following this procedure. The secondary objective is to evaluate if the severity of the median nerve compression or patient-related factors could have an impact on sleep quality. Materials and methods: Prospective case study of 67 patients diagnosed with CTS who underwent CTR procedure. We grouped all cases based on age, sex, and nerve conduction study (NCS) results. Sleep quality was evaluated with the Athens Insomnia Score before surgery and in the fourth follow-up day, asking specifically about symptoms from the first night after the procedure. Results: Sleep disorders were found in 74.62% of cases before surgery. After CTR, sleep quality improved in all cases (p<0.05). We found no relation between sleep quality improvement and sex, age, or NCS severity. Conclusions: CTR is commonly indicated to stop nerve damage, and to improve sensitive and motor symptoms. However, sleep disturbances are not the main indication for it, even if it is a frequent reason for medical consultation. Sleep quality improves from the first night after CTR, and this outcome is independent of age, sex, or severity of CTS. Level of Evidence: II

Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Transtornos do Sono-Vigília , Síndrome do Túnel Carpal/cirurgia , Resultado do Tratamento
Rev. Asoc. Argent. Ortop. Traumatol ; 86(5) (Nro Esp - AACM Asociación Argentina de Cirugía de la Mano): 666-680, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1353974


El objetivo de este artículo es actualizar los conocimientos sobre la impactación cubitocarpiana y su tratamiento. Estudios clásicos sobre la biomecánica del borde cubital de la muñeca han demostrado que los cambios milimétricos en la relación de longitud entre el cúbito y el radio alteran significativamente la transferencia de cargas entre los huesos del carpo, el radio y el cúbito. Así, un aumento relativo en la longitud del cúbito generará una carga excesiva sobre la articulación cubitocarpiana que producirá un espectro de cambios degenerativos progresivos en el domo cubital, el semilunar, el piramidal y el complejo del fibrocartílago triangular que finalizarán con artrosis cubitocarpiana y radiocubital distal. La impactación cubitocarpiana, en sus diversos estadios degenerativos, se puede tratar mediante osteotomías que buscan descomprimir la carga cubitocarpiana. Las osteotomías pueden ser extrarticulares o intrarticulares. Entre las extrarticulares, están las diafisarias, las metafisarias sin exposición articular (subcapitales) y las metafisarias distales con exposición articular y, entre las intrarticulares, la cirugía de resección en oblea (wafer), que reseca cartílago y hueso subcondral del domo cubital, y puede ser un procedimiento abierto o artroscópico. Si hay artrosis radiocubital distal, solo se podrá tratar con cirugías de rescate, como Darrach, Sauvé-Kapandji, Bowers, o una prótesis radiocubital distal. Estas técnicas de osteotomía se han analizado detalladamente para lograr definir sus ventajas y desventajas. Finalmente se propone una forma de tipificar la impactación cubitocarpiana, cuyo objetivo es orientar al lector hacia el mejor tratamiento posible, avalado por la bibliografía actual. Nivel de Evidencia: V

The purpose of this article is to provide updated knowledge about ulnocarpal impaction syndrome (UCIS) and its treatment. Classic studies on biomechanics of the ulnar side of the wrist have shown that millimetrical changes in the relative lengths of the ulna and the radius significantly alter the load transmission between the carpal bones, the radius and the ulna. Thus, an increase in the relative length of the ulna will generate an excessive load on the ulnocarpal joint, which will produce a spectrum of progressive degenerative changes in the ulnar dome, lunate, triquetrum, and the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC), that will lead to ulnocarpal and distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) osteoarthritis. In its various degenerative stages, UCIS can be treated with osteotomies that seek to decompress the ulnocarpal load. These can be extra-articular or intra-articular. Within the extra-articular osteotomies, we find the diaphyseal, metaphyseal without joint exposure (subcapital), and the distal metaphyseal with joint exposure. Within the intra-articular ones, we find the wafer procedure, which resects the cartilage and subchondral bone of the ulnar dome, and can be performed either openly or arthroscopically. If there is associated DRUJ osteoarthritis, it can only be treated with salvage surgeries such as the Darrach, Sauvé-Kapandji, and Bowers procedures, or a DRUJ arthroplasty. These osteotomy techniques will be analyzed in detail in order to define their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we propose a way to typify the UCIS to guide the reader towards the best possible treatment supported by current literature. Level of Evidence: V

Osteotomia , Ulna/cirurgia , Ulna/lesões , Traumatismos do Punho/cirurgia , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Fibrocartilagem Triangular
Acta méd. peru ; 36(1): 11-18, ene.-mar. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1010927


Objetivo: Medir los tiempos (días) antes y después de la implementación de una unidad de mamovigilancia, para el seguimiento de las pacientes con sospecha mamográfica de cáncer, hasta su diagnóstico anatomopatológico o intervención clínica. Materiales y métodos: Se diseñó un estudio cuasi experimental pre-post, para comparar la mediana de los tiempos (días) en los intervalos de referencia y diagnóstico, sin la implementación de una unidad de mamovigilancia en el 2014-2015 y con su implementación en el 2017, en el Hospital III Suarez Angamos - EsSalud. Se realizó un análisis no paramétrico con la prueba U de Mann- Whitney. Resultados: Se incluyeron 99 pacientes. El intervalo de referencia sin la unidad de mamovigilancia, tuvo una mediana de 37 días, en comparación a 33 días con la unidad implementada (p=0,003). Sobre el intervalo de diagnóstico, su mediana fue de 189 días sin la unidad y de 56 días con la unidad de mamovigilancia implementada (p<0,001). Conclusión: La implementación de una unidad de mamovigilancia disminuye los tiempos en días en beneficio del diagnóstico oportuno del cáncer en pacientes con sospecha mamográfica en la Red Asistencial Rebagliati-EsSalud.

Objective: To measure the time (days), before and after implementing a breast surveillance unit, for following-up patients with a mammography suspicious for breast cancer, until they had an anatomopathological diagnosis or a clinical intervention. Materials and methods: A quasi-experimental pre-post study was designed to compare the median times (days) for referral and diagnosis of breast cancer without the implementation of a breast surveillance unit in 2014-2015 and after its implementation in 2017, in third-level Suarez-Angamos Hospital - EsSalud (Peruvian Social Security). A nonparametric analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Ninety-nine patients were included. The time interval for referral without the breast surveillance unit had a 37.0 days median, compared to 33 days when the unit had been implemented (p= 0.003). With respect to the time for achieving a diagnosis, the median was 189 days without the unit and 56 days with the implementation of the breast surveillance unit (p<0.001). Conclusion: The implementation of a breast surveillance unit reduces the time for achieving an adequate and timely diagnosis of breast cancer in patients with suspicious mammography in the Rebagliati - EsSalud Healthcare Network.