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Front Psychol ; 15: 1330941, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39040965


Introduction: Emotional education is learned by living with others. This study analyzes how different actors participate in the classroom, influencing students' emotional regulation. Methods: Using a mixed methods approach [structured in macro-stages QUAL-QUAN-QUAL], 9 classes in three Chilean schools with children aged 10 to 12 are systematically observed. The audio-recorded sessions are transcribed (qualitative data) for coding from the observation instrument, and then, once the data quality is verified, they are analyzed quantitatively (quantitizing). A lag sequential analysis is performed to detect regularities and existing sequences, and a polar coordinate analysis is performed to observe the relationships among the categories in each class. Results: Once the results of the analyses have been obtained, similarities are sought to detect the presence of multiple cases based on the two analysis techniques. The multiple cases detected are presented, detailing how interactions between teachers and students contribute to the emotional regulation and climate in the daily life of the classroom. Discussion: The interpretation of the results makes it possible to revisit the qualitative aspect of the mixed methods and to discuss the need to problematize the role of teachers in students' development and autonomy.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37107877


Emotional regulation is a developmental milestone, as it promotes well-being throughout life. Children between 10 and 12 years old are expected to reach capacities that allow them to regulate themselves emotionally, the school context being a natural setting for this challenge. With the objective of analyzing the forms of expression and regulation of emotions that are observed in the school classroom, this research was conducted through a mixed methods study that systematically observed nine classes during five sessions each. The design was Nomothetic, Follow-up and Multidimensional; the observations were recorded on audio and in person and were later transformed into data by coding them according to an ad hoc designed instrument. The concordance of the records was evaluated, a sequential analysis of delays (GSEQ5) was performed to detect regularities and existing sequences, and a polar coordinate analysis (HOISAN) observed the relationships between the categories. Finally, the presence of multiple cases was detected. The results detail the ways in which different actors express emotions and interact, regulating the emotions of other people. The results are discussed based on the need to foster educational intentionality and allow students' emotional self-regulation.

Regulação Emocional , Saúde Mental , Criança , Humanos , Emoções , Instituições Acadêmicas , Estudantes/psicologia
Front Psychol ; 13: 884756, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35686062


Emotional self-regulation in childhood and adolescence constitutes a growing interest in the scientific community, highlighting in recent years the need to observe its development in their daily life. Therefore, the objective of this systematic review is to characterize publications referring to the development of emotional self-regulation of people under 18 years-old, in natural contexts. Based on the PRISMA guidelines, searches are carried out in the Web of Science, Scopus and PsycINFO databases, and in Google Scholar until May 2020. After reviewing the full text of 376 publications, 14 works are selected that are observed in their extrinsic, substantive and methodological characteristics based on the GREOM and MQCOM guidelines, by two independent evaluators. Most of the studies correspond to the last 20 years, increasing the interest in observing older children, in interaction with adults and/or in different cultures. They apply mixed methodologies, not always ascribing to a low intensity design. Strengths are observed regarding the collection and analysis of the quality of the data; and weaknesses related to the failure to record the duration and sequence of behaviors, highlighting the use of guidelines as guides for future research.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(3): 66-82, jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356328


Resumen Los comportamientos antisociales que persisten durante la adolescencia, pueden implicar para el individuo un progresivo proceso de desadaptación social, por el cual los adolescentes van progresivamente alejándose de las normas de sus contextos sociales. La intervención educativa y psicosocial en desadaptación social adolescente requiere de una alta especialización, sin embargo, trabajadores sociales, psicólogos y educadores señalan no contar con competencias claras para hacer eficaces sus intervenciones. Mediante un diseño de casos y controles, se buscó identificar las competencias especializadas a las que debiese responder un programa de formación para la intervención en desadaptación social adolescente. Se entrevistó a ocho profesionales del ámbito psico-socio-educativo que participaron de un proceso de formación especializada (casos) y ocho profesionales sin la formación (controles). Emergieron siete macrocompetencias, validadas ante grupo de expertos: (a) Desarrollar un marco integral, informado y coherente sobre el proceso de inadaptación social de los adolescentes y su contexto de enfoque; (b) Diseñar y desarrollar un proceso de evaluación del / la adolescente de atención; (c) Intervenir con el adolescente; (d) Evidencia de comportamiento ético en la intervención; (e) Desarrollar el autoconocimiento constante del interviniente; (f) Promover y desarrollar una relación de ayuda con el adolescente, y (g) Exhibir comportamientos y habilidades que favorecen el trabajo en equipo. Quienes tienen formación destacan las competencias relacionadas a los conocimientos, una mirada prospectiva y el saber hacer, mientras que quienes no han recibido formación destacan el saber ser. Se discute respecto a la necesidad de enfatizar el saber ser en los procesos de formación.

Abstract Antisocial behaviors that persist during adolescence may imply a progressive social imbalance for the individual. Educational and psychosocial intervention in these adolescents requires a high specialization, since when the violation of the law is presented as a persistent pattern of behavior it would be associated with a disadvantaged family, school and social environment where the adolescent experiences difficulties in solving basic needs and seeks alternative ways of coping with life events, adapting to particular contexts, which can often be more reinforcing, ignoring the general social context. This persistent group presents a lot of heterogeneity both in psychological aspects and in criminal behavior, observing different criminal trajectories that require different types of intervention, which further complicates the work of the intervention teams. The trajectories observed in men and of increasing complexity would be: (a) determined by contextual risk factors; (b) adolescents with stories of violation of rights and abandonments; (c) adolescents with traumatic situations in their lives, disruptive behaviors and disorganized functioning; (d) adolescents socialized in criminogenic contexts with stories of rape in them, leading them to an antisocial functioning focused on their personal well-being; (d) adolescents socialized in criminogenic contexts, seeking to validate themselves socially, strengthening their personal identity through countercultural behaviors (Alarcón, et al., 2012). Through a case control design, we seek to identify the specialized skills to which a training program for intervention in adolescent social maladjustment must respond. Eight professionals who participated in a specialized training process (cases) and eight professionals without training (controls) were interviewed. From the content analysis, seven macro competences were validated before a group of experts: (a) Develop a comprehensive, informed and coherent framework on the process of social maladjustment of adolescents and their context of focus; (b) Design and develop an evaluation process of the adolescent of attention; (c) Intervene with the adolescent; (d) Evidence of ethical behavior in the intervention; (e) Develop the constant self-knowledge of the intervener; (f) Promote and develop a helping relationship with the adolescent, and (g) Exhibiting behaviors and skills that promote teamwork. The results confirm specialized competences that emphasize a differentiated vision of the adolescent and the work team as a source of validation in decision making. Similarly, those with training highlight skills related to knowledge, a prospective perspective and know-how; while those who have not received training highlight the attitudes associated with knowing how to be. The need to evaluate the specialization of professional teams that intervene with adolescents who violate the law is discussed, facilitating the development of knowledge, abilities and skills, without neglecting the development of reflective attitudes in the training processes of each professional and within the teams, to promote continuous improvement. As limitations of this study, it is considered that the participants were officials who participated in a training process (cases) and other officials from institutions with similar demographic characteristics but without systematic training (controls); This involved accessing professionals between the ages of 30 and 45, not being able to know the perspective of those under 30 or over 45, or service personnel who share daily with adolescents, being able to link up and influence their changes. As challenges for future research, it is necessary to have indicators to verify competence and observe it with respect to its adjustment with the distinctive characteristics of adolescents. Along with this, the need to observe in greater detail the possibilities of educational and psychosocial intervention in family, school and community contexts that are estimated to involve eventual crisis scenarios for adolescents at the time of reintegration is observed. The above to effectively promote interventions that allow adolescents to exercise their role as citizens.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 17(2): 393-412, jul.-dic. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043057


Resumen (analítico) El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la experiencia de vínculos afectivos en adolescentes institucionalizados en la región de la Araucanía, Chile. La muestra estuvo compuesta por cuatro adolescentes varones (entre 16 a 18 años), que actualmente residen en centros administrados por la red Servicio Nacional de Menores (Sename). La metodología utilizada fue a partir de entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a los adolescentes y analizadas a través del análisis fenomenológico interpretativo. Los resultados mostraron tres temas principales: a) valoración de los vínculos con personas significativas, b) construcción y mantenimiento de vínculos y c) institucionalización como contexto en el que han desarrollado su trayectoria de vida. Se concluye destacando los vínculos establecidos en la cotidianidad de la vida institucional y su relevancia para el proyecto vital del adolescente.

Abstract (analytical) The aim of this study was to describe the experience of affective bonds in institutionalized adolescents in the Araucanía region of Chile. The sample consisted of 4 male adolescents (aged between 16 and 18 years old), who currently live in centers managed by the National Service for Minors (Sename). The methodology was based on in-depth interviews with adolescents, and analyzed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. The results identified three main topics: a) assessment of relationships with significant persons, b) construction and maintenance of affective bonds and c) institutionalization as a context in which these adolescents have developed their life trajectories. The study concludes by highlighting the relationships forged in the daily life of the institution and their relevance to each adolescent's life project.

Resumo (analítico) O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a experiência dos vínculos afetivos em adolescentes institucionalizados na região de Araucanía, Chile. A amostra foi composta por 4 adolescentes do sexo masculino (entre 16 e 18 anos), que atualmente residem em centros geridos pelo Serviço Nacional de Menores (Sename). A metodologia utilizada baseou-se em entrevistas em profundidade com adolescentes e analisada por meio da Análise Fenomenológica Interpretativa. Os resultados mostraram três tópicos principais: (a) avaliação de vínculos com pessoas significativas, (b) construção e manutenção de laços afetivos e (c) institucionalização como um contexto no qual eles desenvolveram sua trajetória de vida. Conclui ressaltando os vínculos estabelecidos no cotidiano da vida institucional e sua relevância para o projeto de vida do adolescente.

Adolescente , Adolescente , Relações Interpessoais
Interdisciplinaria ; 36(1): 237-256, jun. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056530


El Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH) es abordado bajo una perspectiva integral e interdisciplinaria desde la Atención Primaria de Salud en Chile. La presente investigación buscó conocer cuál es la percepción de los efectos de un tratamiento multimodal en madres con hijos diagnosticados con TDAH, en un Centro de Salud Familiar. Se utilizó un diseño cualitativo de tipo descriptivo, utilizando como técnica la entrevista individual focalizada. La muestra estuvo compuesta por cuatro figuras maternas. Se realizó un análisis de contenido convencional, con triangulación por investigador y expertos. Los resultados señalan la percepción de efectos en: desarrollo individual del niño, dinámica familiar y ámbito escolar. En relación con el desarrollo individual del niño, se han identificado percepciones de los efectos del tratamiento en las áreas emocional, conductual y social. En la dinámica familiar, se reconocen dos aspectos, uno relacionado con el desempeño del rol de los padres y otro referente a la relación vincular padres/hijo. En cuanto a la percepción de los efectos del tratamiento en el entorno escolar, se identifican mejoras en la adaptación escolar, el rendimiento, las relaciones interpersonales y el comportamiento escolar. Se discute, el progreso percibido en el campo afectivo, en el que se observan mejoras en autoestima, madurez emocional, autoconfianza y relaciones sociales de mejor calidad que impactan favorablemente en una mejor calidad de vida del niño y su familia. Se enfatiza la necesidad de una visión despatologizadora e integral del niño en la intervención, con énfasis en sus competencias e interacción familiar.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is defined as a neuropsychiatric picture of behavioral manifestation, chronic, symptomatically evolutive and of probable genetic transmission (Aboitiz & Carrasco, 2009) that impacts the different areas of development, for the child and his family (Silver, 2010). Research has shown that students with ADHD have a higher educational risk, due not only to academic and learning difficulties, but also to social difficulties, rejection of their peers and a decrease in teaching expectations (Valero, 2013). One of the most notorious characteristics, through out the life cycle, is the frequent association that ADHD presents with other psychiatric disorders; anxious, affective and oppositional disorders (Larson, Russ, Khan & Halfon, 2011), the latter being the most prevalent in children and adolescents (Garrido, 2013). In coherence with the above, the World Health Organization (WHO) has established that psychiatric disorders that begin in childhood or adolescence should be a priority for Public Health (Vicente, Saldivia, De la Barra, Melipillán, Valdivia & Kohn 2012). In Chile, it is approached from an integral and interdisciplinary perspective from Primary Health Care, based on the evidence that multimodal treatment is ideally recommended for its approach, understanding it as a multidisciplinary treatment according to the biopsychosocial model seeks to complement resources psychopharmacological, psychotherapeutic and psychopedagogical. The present investigation seeks to know what is the perception of the effects of a multimodal treatment in mothers with children diagnosed with ADHD, in a Family Health Center. A qualitative design of descriptive type was used, using the focused individual interview as a technique. The sample consisted of four maternal figures, who accessed the interviews after having duly signed an informed consent. An analysis of the conventional content of the interviews was carried out, with triangulation by researchers and experts. The results indicate the perception of the effects on: the individual development of the child, the family dynamics and the school environment. In relation to the individual development of the child, perceptions of the effects of treatment in the emotional, behavioral and social areas have been identified. In the family dynamics, two aspects are recognized, one related to the performance of the role of the parents and the other related to the relationship between mother and child. Regarding paternal roles, they indicate greater participation on the part of the father, changes in the organization of family daily life, in the parenting patterns, in the behavioral management of themselves and a greater satisfaction with their maternal role. Regarding the relationship, mothers perceive a greater level of empathy, the promotion of more autonomy and an improvement in the expression of affects. Regarding the perception of the effects of treatment in the school environment, improvements in school adaptation, performance, interpersonal relationships and school behavior are identified. We mainly discuss the perceived progress in the affective field, where the findings show improvements in self-esteem and emotional maturity, by observing their children more cheerful, expressive, communicative and with greaterself-confidence, better quality social relationships that impact on a better quality of life for both the child and his family. The need for a depathologizing and integral vision of the child in the intervention processes is emphasized, with emphasis on their competences and family interaction, where reorganization processes, changes of roles and parenting patterns are more functional to the needs of the child. Regarding the limitations of this study, we can mention the small number of participants, which could affect the richness of the experiences of the phenomenon studied. Likewise, it is estimated that for future research it would be relevant to know the perception of the child and other significant actors, such as parents and teachers.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 16(2): 929-942, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-978581


Resumen (analítico): Con el objetivo caracterizar los significados respecto al actuar delictivo que poseen las madres de jóvenes infractores de ley privados de libertad en un Centro de Régimen Cerrado en Chile, se realizó una investigación cualitativa de tipo descriptivo, mediante un muestreo de casos críticos, con una muestra de cinco participantes. La técnica de recolección de información fue la entrevista semi-estructurada y el análisis e interpretación de los datos obtenidos se realizó a través del análisis fenomenológico interpretativo (IPA). Los resultados dieron cuenta de cinco temas: atribución del origen de la conducta delictiva; consecuencias de la privación de libertad; factores que ayudan a que los jóvenes cambien su conducta; la revelación del actuar delictivo y dinámica familiar. Se discuten las implicanciones para procesos de intervención.

Abstract (analytical): With the objective of characterizing the meanings of criminal acts that the mothers of young people who are serving sentences in a Youth Detention Centre, a descriptive qualitative study was carried out that selected a sample of five participants who are classified as critical cases. The study used the data collection technique of a semi-structured interview and Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to analyze and interpret the data that was obtained. The results identified five common themes among the mothers that were interviewed: attribution of origin of criminal conduct; consequences of the deprivation of liberty; factors that help young people change their behavior; the revelation of criminal acts; and family dynamics. The implications for intervention processes are discussed.

Resumo (analítico): Com o objetivo de caracterizar os significados relativos ao ato criminoso que as mães de jovens infratores de leis de privação de liberdade têm em um Centro de Regime Fechado no Chile, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa descritiva, utilizando uma amostra de casos críticos, com uma amostra de cinco participantes. A técnica de coleta de dados foi a entrevista semi-estruturada e a análise e interpretação dos dados obtidos foi realizada através da Análise Fenomenológica Interpretativa (IPA). Os resultados abordam cinco temas: Atribuição da origem da conduta criminal; Consequências da privação de liberdade; Fatores que ajudam os jovens a mudar seu comportamento; A revelação de atos criminosos e dinâmicas familiares. Foram discutidas as implicações para os processos de intervenção.

Relações Familiares , Delinquência Juvenil
Univ. psychol ; 11(4): 1115-1123, oct.-dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-675424


La evaluación de competencias psicoeducativas resulta trascendental en el diseño de formación especializada para mejorar la intervención de quienes trabajan con adolescentes infractores. A través de un diseño cuasiexperimental pre y post, se evaluó el impacto de un proceso de formación en las competencias psicoeducativas de grupos de profesionales y técnicos. Utilizando el instrumento Test de Competencias Psicoeducativas, se observó que estas aumentan después de un proceso de formación especializado especialmente en técnicos, y preferentemente en la capacidad de planificación en ambos grupos. Se discuten los resultados en torno a las distinciones que se deben considerar en un programa de formación idóneo para cada grupo objetivo.

The assessment of psychoeducational skills is crucial in the design of specialized training to enhance the involvement of those working with offenders. Through a pre and post quasi-experimental design, we evaluated the impact of a process of training in psycho-educational skills of professionals and technicians. Using the Psychoeducational Competency Test, found that these skills improve after a specialized training process, especially in the technical group and preferably in the planning capacity in both groups. Results are discussed regarding the distinctions that should be considered in an appropriate training program for each target group.

Psicologia Educacional