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Rev. sanid. mil ; 72(3/4): 231-239, may.-ago. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004494


Resumen El oxígeno hiperbárico (HBO2) es un tratamiento útil para enfermedades isquémicas; sin embargo, como tratamiento coadyuvante en el infarto al miocardio (IAM), existe muy poca experiencia a nivel mundial; ha sido utilizado en algunos trabajos de investigación como tratamiento único en una sola exposición en el contexto de un infarto agudo con elevación del segmento ST (IAMCEST) y adicional a la trombólisis. Nuestro estudio describe la factibilidad y seguridad de dosis continuas de tratamiento con HBO2 después de un infarto al mejorar la función del ventrículo izquierdo. Objetivo El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la experiencia y la seguridad de las dosis de HBO2 en el paciente con IAMCEST llevado a angioplastia primaria para mejorar la función del ventrículo izquierdo. Material y métodos Se reunieron 24 pacientes aleatorizados en dos grupos: 13 en el de casos y 11 controles. Ambos grupos fueron llevados a angioplastia primaria y tratamiento convencional. Se valoró la función ventricular izquierda con SPECT CT; el grupo de casos recibió 15 sesiones repetidas de 90 minutos de isopresión a 2.0 ATA. Resultados Los dos grupos eran de similares características; ingresaron al hospital con un IAMCEST y fueron llevados a angioplastia primaria, aleatorizados en dos grupos; el de casos fue llevado a la cámara hiperbárica para recibir dosis diarias por 15 días de HBO2 a 2 ATA por 90 minutos de isopresión. No se presentaron durante el tratamiento con oxígeno hiperbárico complicaciones cardiovasculares: reinfarto, sangrados, descontrol hipertensivo, arritmias ni datos de insuficiencia cardiaca. En cuanto a complicaciones propias de la cámara hiperbárica, sólo un paciente presentó claustrofobia importante. Además, se observó un beneficio adicional al tratamiento convencional del IAMCEST: la fracción de expulsión del ventrículo izquierdo (FEVI) en el IAM anteroseptal mejoró significativamente en el grupo de casos. Conclusiones El oxígeno hiperbárico a dosis continuas es seguro y factible como tratamiento adicional al paciente con IAMCEST llevado a angioplastia primaria, además de mejorar la función ventricular izquierda en los infartos extensos.

Abstract Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) is a useful treatment for ischemic diseases; however, as an adjuvant treatment in myocardial infarction (MI), there is very little experience worldwide. It has been used in some research work as a single treatment in a single exposure in the context of an ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and in addition to thrombolysis. Our study describes the feasibility and safety of continuous doses of HBO2 after a heart attack by improving left ventricular function. Objective The objective of this study is to describe the experience and safety of HBO2 doses in the patient with STEMI taken to primary angioplasty to improve left ventricular function. Material and methods 24 randomized patients were collected and divided into two groups: 13 in the case group and 11 control patients. Both groups were taken to primary angioplasty and conventional treatment. Left ventricular function was assessed with SPECT CT; the case group received 15 repeated 90-minute sessions of isopressure at 2.0 ATA. Results The two groups were similar in characteristics; they were admitted to the hospital with an STEMI, taken to primary angioplasty, randomized into two groups. The group of cases was taken to the hyperbaric chamber to receive daily doses of HBO2 for 15 days at 2 ATA for 90 minutes of isopressure. There were no cardiovascular complications during the treatment with hyperbaric oxygen: reinfarction, bleeding, hypertensive disorder, arrhythmias or heart failure data. Complications typical of the hyperbaric chamber: only one patient presented significant claustrophobia. In addition to the benefits of the conventional treatment of STEMI, the left-ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in anteroseptal MI was significantly improved in the group of cases. Conclusions Continuous-dose hyperbaric oxygen is safe and feasible as an additional treatment for patients with STEMI taken to primary angioplasty, in addition to improving left ventricular function in extensive heart attacks.

Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep ; 1: 26-30, 2016 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29503885


PURPOSE: To describe the case of orbital subcutaneous emphysema who was successfully treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. OBSERVATIONS: Case report. Retrospective analysis of medical records and computer tomography images. A 40 years-old female, with retinal detachment who was seen at the emergency department, two weeks after undergoing a combined procedure of pars plana vitrectomy, scleral buckle and Sulfur hexafluoride tamponade. The patient complained of pain, decrease eye movement and edema of the upper eyelid. Clinical examination revealed periorbital crepitus. She was treated immediately with soft tissue decompression with small-gauge needle. Orbital emphysema recurred quickly, indicating possible gas trapped in the soft tissue. Using the US NAVY decompression protocol we were able to achieve fast clinical improvement. The protocol was repeated in several occasions until complete resolution. CONCLUSION AND IMPORTANCE: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is an effective treatment for orbital and periorbital emphysema, due to its property of helping accelerate N2 elimination from adipose tissue.