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Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 10(3): 274-282, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377021


Resumen El trastorno por atracón (TA) es una condición compleja en la que se han descrito diferentes aspectos clínicos y fallas neuropsicológicas en los sujetos que lo padecen. En este estudio se compararon variables clínicas (VC), neuropsicológicas (VNPS) y psicofisiológicas (VPFS) entre participantes sanos (n = 15) y con TA (n = 15) evaluados en la [Omitido por el editor]. Las VC incluyeron el inventario del anhelo por el consumo de alimentos (IACA), sintomatología depresiva (SD), ansiedad (SA) e impulsividad. Se utilizaron la Tarea de Cartas de Wisconsin para evaluar flexibilidad cognitiva (FC) y la Tarea de Señal de Alto para control inhibitorio (CI) dentro de las VNPS; en las VPFS se obtuvo la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (VFC) durante una prueba de exposición a imágenes de alimentos. Los resultados muestran que los participantes con TA obtuvieron puntuaciones mayores en los instrumentos IACA (p < .0001), SD (p < .0001) y SA (p < .0001); mientras que en las VNPS mostraron fallas en la FC con incremento en el porcentaje de errores totales (p = .01), errores perseverativos (p = .03) y CI (p = .004). Para las VPFS se encontró una reducción de la VFC (p < .0001) en aquellos participantes con TA.

Abstract Binge eating disorder (BED) is a complex condition in which different clinical aspects and neuropsychological faults have been treated in subjects who have it. In this study, clinical (VC), neuropsychological (VNPS) and psychophysiological (VPFS) variables were compared between healthy participants (n = 15) and with BED (n = 15) evaluated in the medicine school of the Autonomous University of Querétaro. The VC included the evaluation of the food craving scale (FCS), depressive symptomatology (DS), anxiety (AS) and impulsivity. It is used in the Wisconsin Cards Sorting Test for Cognitive Flexibility (CF) and the Stop Signal Task for Inhibitory Control (IC) within the VNPS; In the VPFS, the heart rate variability (HRV) was obtained during an exposure test to food images. The results showed that the participants obtained high scores in the evaluation instruments for FCS (p < .0001), SD (p < .0001) and SA (p < .0001); whereas in the VNPS it failed in the FC with an increase in the percentage of total errors (p = .01), perseverative errors (p = .03) and CI (p = .004). For the VPFS, a reduction in HRV (p < .0001) was found in those participants with AT.

Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 84(3): 234-243, jul.-set. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-650771


Objetivo: mostrar los resultados de la introducción del video-electroencefalograma en la evaluación de los eventos paroxísticos neurológicos de naturaleza no precisada y/o en la epilepsia de difícil control en pacientes pediátricos. Métodos: se estudiaron 121 niños (edad 5,90 ± 4,34 años), divididos en 4 grupos atendiendo a la finalidad del estudio de video-electroencefalograma: I. Determinar la naturaleza (epiléptica o no) del evento paroxístico; II. Confirmar el síndrome epiléptico; III. Cuantificar las crisis epilépticas y IV. Estudiar candidatos para cirugía de la epilepsia. Resultados: la eficacia diagnóstica fue de un 86,77 %, y provocó modificaciones en el diagnóstico y/o el tratamiento inicial en un 32,38 %. Las modificaciones en el diagnóstico en el grupo I fueron en 16/43 pacientes (2 epilepsias, 7 trastornos del movimiento, 4 trastornos del sueño y 3 crisis psicógenas). En el grupo II se clasificaron 47 síndromes epilépticos (11 epilepsias focales, 31 epilepsias generalizadas y 5 indeterminadas). Para el grupo III el número de crisis registradas fue 7,31 ± 4,21, y el tiempo de registro del video-electroencefalograma fue de 3,86 ± 1,10 horas. En el grupo IV se estudiaron 2 pacientes, y se confirmaron como candidatos para hemisferectomía funcional. Conclusiones: el monitoreo por video-electroencefalograma ratificó ser una herramienta de gran valor y utilidad en el diagnóstico de los eventos paroxísticos neurológicos en niños, lo que incide en establecer una adecuada conducta terapéutica y contribuye a disminuir ciertas limitaciones en la aplicación de los criterios de la Liga Internacional contra la Epilepsia.

Objective: to show the results of the use of video electroencephalogram in the evaluation of undetermined neurological paroxysmal events and/or difficult epilepsy in pediatric patients. Methods: one hundred and 21 children (aged 5.90 ± 4.34 years), divided into 4 groups according to the objective of the video-EEG based study, were researched on. This study was aimed at 1) determining the nature of the paroxysmal event -either epileptic or not-; 2) confirming the epileptic syndrome; 3) quantifying the epileptic attacks; and 4) studying candidates for epilepsy surgery. Results: the diagnostic efficacy was 86.77 % and caused changes in diagnosis and/or in the initial treatment in 32.38 % of cases. Changes in diagnosis of group I occurred in 16 out of 43 patients (2 epilepsies, 7 movement disorders, 4 sleeping disorders and 3 psychogenic crises). Forty seven epileptic syndromes were classified in the second group (11 focal epilepsy, 31 generalized epilepsy and 5 undetermined). The number of recorded crises was 7.31 ± 4.21 in the third group and the video-EEG recording time was 3.6±1.10 hours. Two patients in the fifth group were studied and confirmed as candidates for functional hemispherectomy. Conclusions: video-electroencephalogram monitoring ratified that it is a very useful tool in the diagnosis of neurological paroxysmal events in children, which influences in setting a proper therapeutic behaviour and in assisting in the reduction of certain restrictions for the application of the International League against Epilepsy criteria.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 11(1): 45-50, ene.-mar. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-629859


Objetivo: Describir la presencia de alteraciones de la actividad de base a través del análisis cuantitativo del EEG (QEEG) en pacientes portadores de Epilepsia Rolándica. Material y Método: Se realizó el análisis visual del EEG (29 pacientes) y el QEEG (26 pacientes). Los valores de poder absoluto y poder relativo obtenidos para cada paciente fueron comparados con una base de datos normativos mediante el estadígrafo transformada Z. Resultados: Se encontraron variaciones estadísticamente significativas de energía en 73,08 % de los casos: 73,68 % en las bandas lentas y 26,31 % para las rápidas. La topografía de la actividad lenta fue en regiones centro-temporales y/o centro-parietales 64,28 %, en las regiones anteriores y extratemporales 21,43 % y 14,28 % presentaron actividad lenta aislada extratemporal. Conclusiones: Las alteraciones significativas en la actividad de base electroencefalográfica antes descritas en los pacientes portadores de Epilepsia Rolándica, sugieren una posible relación con un disturbio maduracional o a la presencia de las descargas epileptiformes interictales.

Objective: To describe abnormalities of the background activity by quantitative analysis in patients with Rolandic Epilepsy. Methods: Visual (29 patients) and quantitative EEG (QEEG) (26 patients) analyses were done. Absolute and Relative Power values obtained in the patients were compared with those from a normative database (Z-Maps). Results: Q-EEG results showed a significative changes in a 73,08 % of the patients: 73,68 % in slow frequency and 26,31 % in rapid frequency. A focal significative increase in slow frequency in centro-temporal and/or centro-parietal regions was observed in 64,28 %, in the same regions and extratemporal regions in 21,43 % and only slow activity extratemporal in 14,28 % of the patients. Conclusions: Significative variations in background activity in patients with Rolandic Epilepsy, suggests a possible relation with the presence of interictal epileptiform discharges or a certain age-related functional immaturity.

Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 81(3)jul.-sept. 2009. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-576561


Las epilepsias focales son las màs frecuentes en los niños, y la resistencia al tratamiento farmacológico puede estar presente hasta en el 30 por ciento de los pacientes. Se realizó este estudio con el objetivo de dirigir la atención hacia la coincidencia topográfica de los paroxismos electroencefalográficos, con lesiones estructurales demostrables por neuroimagen, para facilitar el diseño de estrategias terapéuticas futuras. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal prospectivo, con 44 niños con diagnóstico de epilepsia focal de difícil control, ingresados en el Servicio de Neuropediatría del Hospital Pediátrico Docente Juan M Márquez, entre enero de 2003 y junio de 2007. Se realizaron estudios por electroencefalograma (EEG) al ingreso y videoelectroencefalograma, además de estudios de neuroimagen por tomografía axial o resonancia magnética nuclear. RESULTADOS. Los paroxismos en EEG involucraron el lóbulo frontal hasta en el 68 por ciento de los pacientes. En el 48 por ciento de los pacientes, los paroxismos electroencefalográficos coinciden con zonas de alteración estructural según neuroimagen, más frecuentes en el lóbulo frontal. En el 25 por ciento no hay coincidencia topográfica y en el 27 por ciento no se precisan alteraciones estructurales. CONCLUSIONES. En las epilepsias focales de difícil control se debe prestar especial atención a las zonas elocuentes con coincidencia entre el EEG y la neuroimagen, para evaluar de forma temprana las alternativas quirúrgicas de tratamiento.

Focal epilepsies are the more frequent conditions in children and a pharmacologic treatment resistance could be present up to 30 percent of patients. Aim of present paper was to direct the attention to topographic coincidence of electroencephalographic paroxysms with structural lesions by neuroimaging facilitating the future therapeutical strategies design. METHODS: A descriptive, longitudinal, prospective study was conducted in 44 children diagnosed with epilepsy of difficult control admitted in Neuropediatrics Service of Juan Manuel Marquez Teaching Children Hospital from January, 2003 to June, 2007. At admission, we made electroencephalogram (EEG) and videoelectroencephalogram (VEEG) studies as well as neuroimaging studies by axial tomography (AT) or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). RESULTS: Paroxysms in EEG involved frontal lobule up to the 68 percent of patients. In 48 percent, electroencephalographic paroxysms coincide with structural alteration zones according neuroimaging, more frequent in frontal lobule. In 25 percent there is not topographic coincidence, and in 27 percent there are not specified structural alterations. CONCLUSIONS: In focal epilepsies of difficult control, we must to take care of eloquent zones with coincident between EEG and neuroimaging to assess in time the surgical treatment options.

Humanos , Criança , Eletroencefalografia/métodos , Epilepsias Parciais/diagnóstico , Espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Lobo Frontal/anormalidades , Malformações do Desenvolvimento Cortical/diagnóstico , Tomografia/métodos
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 7(2)abr.-jun. 2008.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-629739


Los problemas atencionales tienen una alta prevalencia en los niños con epilepsia existiendo muchas interrogantes acerca de su fisiopatología. Caracterizar la atención en un grupo de niños epilépticos. Se estudiaron 12 niños con crisis parciales complejas y se les realizó electroencefalograma y una batería neuropsicológica evaluadora de la atención sostenida, dividida y selectiva. Se realizo un ANOVA no paramétrico U Mann Whitney para conocer la existencia de diferencias significativas entre las variables en estudio. No se demostró una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las variables analizadas. El 90.9 % de los pacientes mostraron alteraciones de la atención selectiva y dividida la mayor parte de ellos tenía descargas epileptiformes interictales sobre regiones temporales izquierdas. El 41.66 % de los niños tenían afectada la atención sostenida. La presencia de descargas epileptiformes interictales en regiones temporales izquierdas parece relacionarse con una mayor afectación de la esfera atencional fundamentalmente la atención dividida y selectiva no pudiendo descartarse alteraciones de otros procesos cognitivos.

Attention disorders are highly prevalent among epileptic children, arising many questions regarding its physiopathology. To characterize attention disorders in children, we chose 12 children with partial complex crisis to perform an EEG and a neuro psychological evaluation of the sustained, divided and selective attention. A U Mann Whitney non parametric ANOVA was performed to recognize the differences between the variables. There was not significance among the studied variables. A 90, 9% of them had divided and selective attention deficits most of them had interictal epileptiform discharges in the left temporal lobe. A 41,66% of children had sustained attention affectation. The presence of interictal epileptiform discharges in left temporal lobe appears to be greatly linked to attention deficits, mostly in divided and selective attention, not probable to rule out other forms of cognitive behaviour disorders.

Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 79(3)jul.-sep. 2007. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-489384


Se presenta un caso de epilepsia de ausencia de inicio antes de los 2 años de edad, que requirió múltiples drogas antiepilépticas. Se revisa la bibliografía sobre el tema y se profundiza en las actuales variaciones de los criterios diagnósticos en relación con los síndromes de ausencia epiléptica y las variantes de presentación que pueden ser causa de errores diagnósticos y terapéuticos. Se confirma el importante papel de la monitorización electroencefalográfica y videoelectroencefalográfica como herramienta diagnóstica en las epilepsias de presentación poco común en la infancia. Se revisan los factores etiológicos polimórficos actuales, el papel de los canales iónicos y el uso de las drogas antiepilépticas en la ausencia infantil.

A case of absence epilepsy that began before the second year of life and required many antiepileptic drugs was presented. A literature review was made on this topic, delving into the present variations of diagnostic criteria related to epileptic absence syndromes and their various presentations that may derive from diagnostic and therapeutical mistakes. The important role of electroencephalographic and videoelectroencephalographic monitoring as a diagnosing tool in rare epilepsies in childhood was confirmed. The present etiological polymorphic factors, the role of ion channels and the use of antiepileptic drugs in infantile absence epilepsy were reviewed.

Humanos , Criança , Eletroencefalografia/métodos , Epilepsia Tipo Ausência/diagnóstico , Epilepsia Tipo Ausência/tratamento farmacológico , Etossuximida/uso terapêutico
Rev Alerg Mex ; 52(4): 164-70, 2005.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16268185


INTRODUCTION: Nowadays, psychosocial risk factors may contribute to asthma-related problems among children, adolescents and family members; such disorders are described in this article. METHODS: A descriptive study, which included 50 children and their parents who took part in the educational program of Hospital Pediátrico Universitario Juan Manuel Márquez from 1997 to 1999, was performed. A survey, designed to establish psychological factors in children during both generally and symptom exacerbations, activities carried out with or without symptoms, and parental attitudes during illness episodes, was given to each one of the participants. Values were expressed in percentages. We used the Crosstabs to explore the relationships among variables. RESULTS: Anxiety, among other psychological stressors, prevailed in children (92%). Day-to-day activities were seriously affected in children with and without symptoms of illness: play 58%, exercise 60%. Children who received less parental support had severe persistent asthma, up to 20%. CONCLUSION: Symptoms severity is associated with child well-being and negative attitudes of parents.

Asma/psicologia , Pais/psicologia , Pacientes/psicologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Ansiedade/etiologia , Asma/epidemiologia , Asma/etiologia , Criança , Escolaridade , Medo , Feminino , Humanos , Atividades de Lazer , Masculino , México , Relações Pais-Filho , Educação de Pacientes como Assunto , Psicologia , Fatores de Risco
Rev Alerg Mex ; 51(1): 2-8, 2004.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15119749


BACKGROUND: Asthma is considered a health problem in Cuba. Its prevalence has increased and its morbidity and social-economic cost are important, although mortality and hospitalizations indicators have improved. Taking into consideration that the lack of information about this disease is considered a health hazard all over the world, an interactive educational program was prepared so that patients could learn how to handle their disease. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A two year, quasi-experimental intervention study was conducted with the participation of 50 children (29 boys and 21 girls from 8 to 15 years of age) and their parents. Healthcare, intake of reliever medications, pulmonary function, school attendance and the economic impact on family and on healthcare services were assessed. RESULTS: Educational program application conducted to a statistical significant lower consumption of reliever medication (p < 0.003), and emergency ward visits (p < 0.001). The patients improved their force expiratory volume in one second (p 0.003). Healthcare and family costs dropped to 56% and 18.13%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The intervention measures adopted had a positive effect and contributed to the reduction of morbidity and cost due to asthma.

Asma/psicologia , Educação de Pacientes como Assunto , Absenteísmo , Adolescente , Adulto , Antiasmáticos/uso terapêutico , Asma/tratamento farmacológico , Asma/economia , Asma/fisiopatologia , Criança , Efeitos Psicossociais da Doença , Cuba , Uso de Medicamentos , Feminino , Volume Expiratório Forçado , Gastos em Saúde , Hospitalização/estatística & dados numéricos , Humanos , Masculino , Pais/psicologia , Pacientes/psicologia , Testes de Função Respiratória