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Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 31(1): 21-27, mayo 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103271


The new Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) appeared in China in December 2019. Since then and until April 2020 it spread worldwide affecting more than three million people. Its exponential rise is still growing all over the world, taking thousands of lives. SARS-CoV-2 is very contagious, person to person, by droplets which can generate a respiratory infection known as COVID-19. Some patients are at higher risk: Older people, those with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hypertension are the most prone to an unfavorable outcome. Our Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) patients are a special cluster, with many of them taking immunosuppressive treatment for long periods, which could pose an important risk. Scientifics societies all over the world have joined efforts to generate data, share experiences and make recommendations for good clinical management. This is a review of the available evidence, expert opinion, and proposed ways of working during the pandemic

El nuevo coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) apareció en China en diciembre de 2019. Desde su inicio hasta abril de 2020 se ha expandido por todo el mundo, afectando a más de tres millones de personas. Su ascenso exponencial sigue creciendo, generando miles de muertes. Su contagiosidad es persona a persona por gotitas, pudiendo llegar a generar un cuadro clínico de infección respiratoria conocido como COVID-19. Algunos pacientes tienen más riesgos de tener un curso desfavorable; adultos mayores, pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular, hipertensos y diabéticos. Nuestros pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal son un grupo de pacientes con características particulares, muchos de ellos reciben tratamiento inmunosupresor por largos períodos, lo que pudiese suponer un riesgo específico. Las sociedades científicas de Europa y Norteamérica han realizado un esfuerzo conjunto para generar datos, compartir experiencias y dictar recomendaciones de buen manejo clínico. Esta es una revisión de la evidencia disponible, opiniones de expertos y formas de trabajo propuestos durante la pandemia.

Humanos , Pneumonia Viral/epidemiologia , Doenças Inflamatórias Intestinais/terapia , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologia , Betacoronavirus , Doenças Inflamatórias Intestinais/tratamento farmacológico , Fatores de Risco , Guias de Prática Clínica como Assunto , Medição de Risco , Pandemias
Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 27(supl.1): S22-S25, 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-907648


Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammation in the mucosa layer of the colon characterized by activity and remitting episodes of varying severity and extension. Most of the flares are mild to moderate. They require outpatient treatment and have a good prognosis. The severe crises can have a high mortality if not treated on time. The success of the therapy depends on a multidisciplinary team.

La colitis ulcerosa en una inflamación crónica de la mucosa del intestino grueso que se caracteriza por episodios de actividad y remisiones de gravedad y extensión variable. La mayoría de las crisis son leves a moderadas, requieren tratamiento ambulatorio y son de buen pronóstico. Las crisis graves pueden llegar a tener una alta mortalidad si no son tratadas a tiempo. El éxito de la terapia depende de un equipo multidisciplinario.

Humanos , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Colite Ulcerativa/terapia , Infliximab/uso terapêutico , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Medicamentos Biossimilares/uso terapêutico , Colite Ulcerativa/fisiopatologia
GEN ; 65(2): 101-104, jun. 2011. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-664125


Introducción: La consulta pediátrica pretrasplante es fundamental en un programa de trasplante hepático, allí se evalúan diferentes aspectos como, la indicación del trasplante, el estadio de la enfermedad, comorbilidades asociadas y nos permite corregir las mismas ya que estas influirán en la sobrevida postrasplante. El objetivo fue conocer las características de la población pediátrica evaluada como posibles candidatos a trasplante. Pacientes y Métodos: Se realizó estudio retrospectivo. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes pediátricos que fueron referidos para valoración como posibles candidatos a trasplante hepático desde 2005 al 2010. Resultados: Se estudiaron 152 pacientes, 65 (43%) del sexo masculino y 87 (57%) del sexo femenino, con edad promedio de 6,16 + 5,24 años. Al momento del estudio 61 pacientes no tenían indicación de trasplante, 35 se encontraban en evaluación, 28 se trasplantaron, 21 fallecieron y 7 fueron referidos. Las indicaciones de trasplante fueron: disminución de la síntesis hepática 20, síndrome hepatopulmonar 2, hemorragia digestiva 3, síndrome hepatorrenal 2 y un fallo hepático subagudo. De los pacientes trasplantados 16 presentaban algún grado de desnutrición previa, 3 presentaban ascitis, 7 habían presentado hemorragias digestivas, 6 presentaban infecciones (urinarias, respiratorias y absceso dentarios), 24 tenían patologías odontológicas. Los 28 pacientes tenían esquema de inmunización incompleto durante la evaluación. Todos estos problemas fueron tratados previo al trasplante. Conclusión: La consulta pediátrica de hígado pretrasplante es de suma importancia ya que en ella se identifican los pacientes con indicación de trasplante además de valorar de forma integral al paciente, lo que nos permite conocer aquellas morbilidades asociadas a la enfermedad hepática terminal y resolverlas previo al trasplante, mejorando su posterior sobrevida.

Introduction: Pediatric liver pre-transplantation consultation is very important in a liver transplant program, there different aspects are assessed, such as the indication the transplant, disease stage, associated comorbidities and it allows us to correct them as they will affect the survival after transplantation. The objective was to determine the characteristics of the pediatric population evaluated as potential transplant candidates. Patients And Methods: A retrospective study was performed. All pediatric patients who were referred for evaluation as potential candidates for liver transplantation from 2005 to 2010 were included. RESULTS: 152 patients were studied, 65 (43%) were males and 87 (57%) females, mean age 6.16 ± 5.24 years. At the time of the study 61 patients had no indication for transplant, 35 were been evaluated, 28 were transplanted, 21 died and 7 were referred. The indications for transplantation were: decreased hepatic synthesis 20, hepatopulmonary syndrome 2, gastrointestinal bleeding 3, hepatorenal syndrome 2 and one subacute liver failure. Of the transplanted patients 16 had some degree of previous malnutrition, 3 had ascites, 7 had presented gastrointestinal bleeding, 6 had infections (urinary, respiratory and dental abscess), and 24 had dental pathologies. The 28 patients had an incomplete immunization schedule during the evaluation. All these problems were treated prior to transplantation. Conclusion: the pediatric liver pretransplantation consultation is of most importance since in it we identify patients with indication for transplantation; in addition, we can completely asses the patient allowing us to recognize morbidities associated with the end stage liver disease and resolve them before transplantation, improving subsequent survival.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Diagnóstico Clínico , Indicadores de Morbimortalidade , Transplante de Fígado , Gastroenterologia , Gastroenteropatias , Pediatria
Rev. arg. morfol ; 1(3): 20-24, 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-708282


Objetivo: confirmar y documentar la presencia deuna rama de la arteria dorsal de la escápula (ó dorsalescapular) como un pedículo constante, de diámetroadecuado y fuente principal de irrigación del colgajo detrapecio inferior.Alrededor de 1980 se utilizó el colgajo de trapecio inferior para cubrir defectos de la región posterior ylateral de cuello, cuero cabelludo y calota craneana (1).Sin embargo su uso fue disminuyendo al publicarse laalta incidencia de necrosis del colgajo. Una de las causas de los fracasos fue el desacuerdo respecto a suaporte arterial principal: la arteria cervical transversa(transversa colli) o la arteria dorsal de la escápula -ADE-(2,3). Esto incentivó la investigación para definir su anatomía vascular, así como comprobar el origen y la frecuencia de un vaso arterial que irrigue el segmento caudal del trapecio.Materiales y Método. Se utilizaron 44 cadáveres formolizados al 10% y 1 cadáver fresco; adultos, 24femeninos y 21 masculinos en la Cátedra de Anatomía Normal, Fac. de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacio-nal de Córdoba.Resultados. En 89 especímenes (98,9%) se identificó un pedículo que irriga la porción inferior del trapecio: la rama trapecial de la arteria dorsal de la escápula.Este vaso fue identificado, documentado y utilizado comopedículo principal en los angiogramas de piezas anató-micas y en las cirugías reconstructivas realizadas.Conclusiones. El tercio inferior del trapecio tieneun pedículo vascular constante que es la rama trapecialde la arteria dorsal de la escápula, la cual emerge en laregión paraescapular medial entre el músculo romboidesmenor y mayor. Se compara y discute la literatura con los hallazgos anatómicos de este trabajo realizado en Córdoba.

Objetive: corroborate y record the presence of onebranch of the dorsal scapular artery as a constant pediclewith appropiate diameter and as the major contributor tothe blood supply to the lower trapezius flap. Around 1980,the lower trapezius flap was used to cover defects in backand lateral neck regions, scalp and skull cap. However,its usage decreased when the high incidence of flap ne-crosis was published. One of the probable causes offailures was the disagreement as regards its principalarterial contribution: the transverse cervical artery or thedorsal scapular artery. This motivated research to defineits vascular anatomy, and confirm the origin and thefrequency of an arterial vessel which irrigates the trapeziuscaudal segment.Materials and Method we used for this study 44bodies fixed in 10% formaldehyde and 1 fresh cadaver.All were adults , 24 female and 21 male, and thedissections were perform in the Cátedra de AnatomíaNormal, Facultad de Cs Médicas, Universidad Nacionalde Córdoba .Results: in 89 specimens (98,9%) we found apedicle that contribute to the irrigation of the lowertrapezius: the trapecial branch of the dorsal scapular artery.This vessel was identified, recorded and used as mainpedicle in the anatomical specimen ́s angiograms andduring the reconstructive surgeriesConclusions: the lower third of the trapeziusmuscle have a constant vascular pedicle: the trapeziusbranch of the dorsal scapular artery, wich arise in themedial para-scapular area, between the rhomboideusminor and rhomboideus major. The internationalliterature was com pared and discussed with theanatomical findings of this work carried out in Córdoba.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Escápula/anormalidades , Escápula/irrigação sanguínea , Escápula/patologia , Trapézio/anatomia & histologia , Trapézio/patologia
Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.) ; 7(1): 54-60, jun. 2009. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-538207


El secuestro pulmonar (SP) es raro, es la presencia de tejido pulmonar no unido al resto del pulmón pudiendo ser intralobar o extralobar (más común). El diagnóstico definitivo de una masa abdominal superior fetal sólo puede hacerse después del nacimiento, tras una serie de revisiones ultrasonográficas o de imágenes. Presentamos caso clínico de primigesta, 34 años. Ecografía en la 17ª semana: imagen multiquística de 15 mm de diámetro en polo superior del riñón izquierdo fetal. Cariotipo fetal tras amniocentesis: 46 XX. Ecografía en la 20ª semana: ausencia de otras alteraciones estructurales. Ecografía en la 33ª semana: imagen multiquística de 20 mm de diámetro, independiente del riñón. Se sugiere diagnóstico de neuroblastoma suprarrenal izquierdo. En la 39ª semana: nacido de 3160 gramos, Apgar de 9/10, sin complicaciones. Ecografía neonatal: tumoración mixta de predominio líquido de 3 cm de diámetro sobre el riñón izquierdo pero independiente. Resonancia magnética: masa adrenal izquierda compatible con neuroblastoma. Al 36º día de vida: laparotomía subcostal izquierda, riñón y glándulas suprarrenales izquierdas normales, comprimidos por tumor quístico de 3 x 2,5 cm, semisólido, adherido al diafragma. Extirpación completa. Diagnóstico anatomopatológico: secuestro pulmonar infradiafragmático con cambios de malformación adenomatoidea congénita de tipo II. Los tumores abdominales constituyen el 5 % de las anormalidades detectadas en ecografía prenatal. El diagnóstico diferencial incluye neuroblastoma, hemorragia adrenal, tumores renales, teratomas y secuestro pulmonar extralobar intraabdominal (SPEI). El SPEI constituye el 2 a 5 % de los secuestros pulmonares y tiene una alta incidencia de coexistencia con MAQC tipo II.

The pulmonary sequestration (SP) is rare and characterized by the presence of pulmonary tissue not joined to the rest of the normal lung. It could be intralobar or more commonly extralobar. The definite diagnosis of a fetal upper abdominal mass can be made only after birth and following a series of ultrasonographic or image exams. We present the clinical case of a primipara of 34 years old. A 17th week ultrasound showed a multicystic image of 15 mm diameter in the upper pole of the fetal left kidney. The fetal cariotype after amniocentesis was 46 XX. The 20th week ultrasound showed the absence of other structure alterations. The 33th week ultrasound showed a multicystic image of 20mm diameter separated from the kidney. A diagnosis of left adrenal neuroblastoma is suggested. The labor occurred at 39th week with a newborn of 3,160 grams, Apgar of 9/10 without complications. The neonatal ultrasound revealed a mixed tumor of liquid predominance of 3 cm diameter above but independent from the left kidney. A magnetic resonance imaging showed a left adrenal mass compatible with a neuroblastoma. At the 36th day of life, a left subcostal laparotomy showed a normal left kidney and left suprarenal glandules compressed by a semisolid cystic tumor of 3 x 2.5 cm adhered to diaphragm. A complete extirpation was carried out and the anatomopathological diagnosis showed an infradiaphragmatic pulmonary sequestration combined with a type II cystic adenomatoid malformation. Abdominal tumors represent 5 % of the abnormalities detected in prenatal ultrasound. The differential diagnosis includes neuroblastoma, adrenal hemorrhage, kidney tumors, teratomas and intraabdominal pulmonary sequestration (IPS). The IPS constitutes 2 to 5 % of the pulmonary sequestration and has a high frequency of coexistence with type II cystic adenomatoid malformation.

Sequestro Broncopulmonar , Malformação Adenomatoide Cística Congênita do Pulmão
Rev Chilena Infectol ; 26(1): 9-17, 2009 Feb.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19350153


We evaluated the utility of blood cultures in the therapeutic management of patients with bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia admitted to an internal medicine unit, in a retrospective observational study. Forty-nine patients were included, 75.5% were men, mean age 51.1 years. All S. pneumoniae strains were susceptible to penicillin. Four patients died. In 15.5% the treatment was modified narrowing antibiotic spectrum, in 51% cases it was changed to bencylpenicillin or amoxicillin exclusively, but only in 16% within the first 4 days. In 12 cases the prescription coincided with the oral switch therapy to amoxicillin. Due to the benefits and potential advantages of penicillin in diminishing the incidence of antibiotic resistance and reducing costs, it is important to work on prescription habits among physicians. This is especially important in the case of penicillin and the opportune moment of therapy change, improving the use of the microbiological report.

Bacteriemia/microbiologia , Pneumonia Pneumocócica/microbiologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Bacteriemia/tratamento farmacológico , Meios de Cultura , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pneumonia Pneumocócica/tratamento farmacológico , Estudos Retrospectivos , Sorotipagem , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Streptococcus pneumoniae/classificação , Streptococcus pneumoniae/efeitos dos fármacos , Streptococcus pneumoniae/isolamento & purificação
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;26(1): 9-17, feb. 2009. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-508608


We evaluated the utility of blood cultures in the therapeutic management of patients with bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia admitted to an internal medicine unit, in a retrospective observational study. Forty-nine patients were included, 75.5 percent were men, mean age 51.1 years. All S. pneumoniae strains were susceptible to penicillin. Four patients died. In 15.5 percent the treatment was modified narrowing antibiotic spectrum, in 51 percent cases it was changed to bencylpenicillin or amoxicillin exclusively, but only in 16 percent within the first 4 days. In 12 cases the prescription coincided with the oral switch therapy to amoxicillin. Due to the benefits and potential advantages of penicillin in diminishing the incidence of antibiotic resistance and reducing costs, it is important to work on prescription habits among physicians. This is especially important in the case of penicillin and the opportune moment of therapy change, improving the use of the microbiological report.

Evaluamos la utilidad de los hemocultivos en el manejo terapéutico de pacientes con neumonía neumocóccica bacteriémica internados en un servicio de clínica médica. Estudio observacional, retrospectivo. Se incluyeron 49 pacientes, 75,5 por ciento hombres, edad media 51,1 años. Todas las cepas de S. pneumoniae fueron susceptibles a penicilina. Fallecieron 4 pacientes. En 75,5 por ciento) se modificó el tratamiento con reducción del espectro antibacteriano, en 57 por ciento se cambió a bencilpenicilina o amoxicilina como único antimicrobiano, pero sólo en 16 por ciento se realizó dentro de los primeros cuatro días. En 12 casos la indicación coincidió con el cambio a vía oral por amoxicilina. Debido a los beneficios y ventajas potenciales de penicilina en mejorar el problema de la resistencia antimicrobiana, y en algunos casos reducir los costos, es importante trabajar sobre las prácticas de prescripción de los médicos clínicos, acerca de la indicación de penicilina y al momento oportuno del cambio, mejorando la utilización del informe microbiológico.

Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Bacteriemia/microbiologia , Pneumonia Pneumocócica/microbiologia , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Bacteriemia/tratamento farmacológico , Meios de Cultura , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Pneumonia Pneumocócica/tratamento farmacológico , Estudos Retrospectivos , Sorotipagem , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Streptococcus pneumoniae/classificação , Streptococcus pneumoniae/efeitos dos fármacos , Streptococcus pneumoniae/isolamento & purificação
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 89(2): 82-86, abr.-jun. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-634359


Mostramos un caso de dermatosis profesional originado por plásticos (resinas epoxi) y la importancia de la detección precoz. Las resinas epoxi son de gran utilización en todo tipo de industrias (artes graficas, construcción, electrónica, componentes de prótesis traumatológicas, prótesis odontológicas, etc.) y sus componentes pueden ser causa de dermatitis de contacto irritativa y por sensibilización.

We describe a case of professional dermatosis caused by exposition to plastic products (epoxy resin) and importance of early detection. The epoxy resins are widely used in all types of industries (graphics arts, construction, electronics, traumathological and odontological prothesis, etc.) and their components may be the cause of contact dermatitis and sensitivity. Risk factors at work with epoxy resins are present during the production base resins, hardening agents, plasticizers and dilutants increase the risk of exposition at work. This requires preventive measures and early diagnosis.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Dermatite Ocupacional/etiologia , Resinas Epóxi/intoxicação , Dermatite Ocupacional/diagnóstico , Dermatite Ocupacional/prevenção & controle , Resinas Epóxi/química
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 88(4): 227-233, oct.-dic. 2007. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-634347


Estudios antropológicos, etnológicos y arqueológicos muestran la evolución del cuidado de la piel desde la prehistoria. La preocupación del hombre por su aspecto estético se inicia con la humanidad misma. A través del tiempo se buscaron fórmulas cada vez más efectivas, para prolongar las condiciones de juventud y belleza. El aspecto estético de la piel siempre se relacionó con la buena salud. En la actualidad el dermatólogo posee sobrados elementos para recuperar y resaltar la salud y el cuidado de la piel.

Anthropologists and archeologists have traced the evolution of skin care since prehistory. The human concern for his aesthetic appearance dates since the beginning of humanity. Through time, more and more efficient formulations were looked for to extend youthfulness and beauty. An aesthetic skin has always been synonymous with health and at the present time the dermatologist has many resources to improve and acentuate the good quality of the skin.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Estética/história , Cosméticos/história , Remoção de Cabelo/história
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 87(2): 100-105, abr.-jun. 2006. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-634313


Los polifenoles (flavonoides y antocianinas) están ampliamente distribuidos entre las diferentes especies vegetales. Estos poseen gran capacidad antioxidante; existiendo correlación positiva entre la actividad antioxidante y los polifenoles totales. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar: 1° El contenido de polifenoles y antocianas totales de semillas, glumelas y extracto acuoso de Avena sativa L. 2° El efecto de la aplicación tópica de extracto acuoso de avena en 45 casos (10 mujeres y 35 hombres, entre 1 y 56 años de edad) con dermatitis atópica, dermatitis de contacto irritativa y dermatitis de contacto alérgica; y 30 controles normales (15 mujeres y 15 hombres, entre 1 y 60 años de edad). Tratamiento: aplicación de compresas del extracto crudo de avena en la piel dañada durante 5 minutos, seguida de la colocación de la biomasa (T°= 33 + 2°C) cubierta por una tela de gasa durante 5 minutos. Dicha biomasa se retira con el extracto de avena líquido. Entre 1 y 36 meses de iniciado el tratamiento se observó remisión de los síntomas cutáneos. El extracto acuoso, la biomasa de Avena sativa L., glumelas y semillas enteras contenían 6.12+0,45, 46,11+0,36, 212,81+0,19 y 286,60+0,50 mg/100 g ác. Gálico, respectivamente, de polifenoles totales.

Polyphenols (flavonoids and anthocyanins) are widely spread among the different vegetables species. They have a big antioxidant capacity. One important correlation exists between the antioxidant activity and the quantity of total polyphenols. The objective of this work was to evaluate: 1- the contents of polyphenols and anthocyanins of whole seeds, glumes and aqueous extract of Avena Sativa L., 2- the effects of topical application of aqueous extract of Avena sativa L. in 45 patients (10 females and 35 males, between 1 and 56 years olds) with Atopic Dermatitis, Contact Irritative Dermatitis and Contact Allergic Dermatitis, and 30 normal controls (15 females and 15 males, between 1 and 60 years olds). Treatment: were applications of compress of aqueous extract Avena Sativa L over the damaged skin for approximately five minutes, immediately after, one must cover with the biomass of oat (T° = 33 + 2 C°) and a clothe for five minutes. The biomass was removed using the Avena Sativa L. acqueous extract. Remissions of the cutaneous symptoms were noticed between 1 and 36 months after the beginning of the treatment. Aqueous extract, Avena Sativa L. biomass, glumes and whole seeds contents were: 6.12+0.45; 46.11+0.36, 212.81+0.19 y 286.60+0.50 mg/100 g gallic ac., respectively, of total polyphenols.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Avena/efeitos dos fármacos , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Dermatite Alérgica de Contato/terapia , Dermatite Atópica/terapia , Dermatite Irritante/terapia , Polifenóis/administração & dosagem , Polifenóis/biossíntese , Polifenóis/uso terapêutico
J Pediatr ; 136(3): 324-9, 2000 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10700688


We tested the hypothesis that at high altitude birth weight decreases once a critical barometric pressure (Pb) is reached. Birth weight data covering the 1-year period from November 1997 to October 1998 were collected in Peru from the data files of 15 community and mining centers between sea level and 4575 m altitude. These centers are scattered along the main road that joins Lima (on the Pacific shore) to Cerro de Pasco (4330 m) and surroundings. Above approximately 2000 m (ie, at Pb below approximately 590 mm Hg, inspired O(2) partial pressure of approximately 114 mm Hg) and up to approximately 4500 m altitude birth weight declined at an average of 65 g for every additional 500 m altitude (or 105 g for every additional 50 mm Hg drop in Pb). This pattern did not differ between sexes. Averages and modal distributions of the birth weight from 2 hospitals in Cerro de Pasco (4330 m) serving different social groups were similar. Body length at birth was similar at various altitudes, with the exception of the 2 highest locations above 4500 m, where it was slightly reduced. From these data, together with additional data collected in the North of Peru (Chacas, 3360 m) and with results from other ethnic groups previously published, we conclude that the drop in birth weight at altitude is (1) apparent once the critical Pb of approximately 590 mm Hg is reached, corresponding to an altitude of approximately 2000 m, (2) proportional to the increase in altitude between approximately 2000 m and 4500 m, and (3) independent from socioeconomic factors.

Altitude , Peso ao Nascer , Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Peru
Am J Respir Crit Care Med ; 158(6): 1751-6, 1998 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9847263


The metabolic response to reduction in ambient temperature was studied in healthy, full-term, 1-d-old infants in Lima (50 m altitude, n = 20) and Cerro de Pasco (4,330 m, barometric pressure approximately 450 mm Hg, n = 20), Peru. Oxygen consumption (V O2) and carbon dioxide production (V CO2) were measured with an open-flow system as each infant rested quietly in a cylindrical humicrib, at wall temperatures of 35 degrees C (warm) and 26 degrees C (cool). The infants were exposed for 20 min to both temperatures, with the higher temperature followed by the lower, and oxygen consumption (V O2) and carbon dioxide production (V CO2) were measured over the last 8 min of each exposure. Average birth weight in Cerro de Pasco (2,933 +/- 77 g [mean +/- SE]) was less than in Lima (3,457 +/- 73 g). In warm conditions, infants born at high altitude had slightly yet significantly lower body and skin temperatures than did those born at low altitude, with similar values of V O2 and heart rate (HR). Neither body nor skin temperature changed in either group during cooling. At low altitude, cooling increased V O2 ( approximately 34%), whereas no significant increase occurred in the high-altitude group. A similar response occurred for HR. Among several possibilities, the most likely interpretation of the results would be that of a decreased thermogenic capacity in the high-altitude infants because of the correspondingly lower oxygen availability during gestation.

Altitude , Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Temperatura Baixa , Recém-Nascido/fisiologia , Análise de Variância , Disponibilidade Biológica , Peso ao Nascer , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Dióxido de Carbono/metabolismo , Feminino , Frequência Cardíaca/fisiologia , Humanos , Umidade , Hipóxia/metabolismo , Hipóxia/fisiopatologia , Recém-Nascido/metabolismo , Masculino , Consumo de Oxigênio/fisiologia , Peru , Temperatura Cutânea/fisiologia
AIDS ; 12(14): 1899-906, 1998 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9792391


OBJECTIVE: To implement an HIV prevention intervention among female commercial sex workers (CSW), and to monitor key outcomes using routinely collected clinical and laboratory data. DESIGN: Cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of data from an open-enrollment cohort. SETTING: One public sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinic and about 25 brothels in La Paz, Bolivia. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 508 female CSW who work at brothels and attend a public STD clinic. INTERVENTION: Improved STD clinical care, supported by periodic laboratory testing, and behavioral interventions performed by a local non-governmental organization. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of gonorrhea, syphilis (reactive plasma reagin titer > or = 1 : 16), genital ulcer disease, chlamydial infection, and trichomoniasis; self-reported condom use in the previous month; and HIV seroprevalence. RESULTS: From 1992 through 1995, prevalence of gonorrhea among CSW declined from 25.8 to 9.9% (P < 0.001), syphilis from 14.9 to 8.7% (P = 0.02), and genital ulcer disease from 5.7 to 1.3% (P = 0.006); trends in prevalence of chlamydial infection and trichomoniasis were not significant. Self-reported condom use during vaginal sex in the past month increased from 36.3 to 72.5% (P < 0.001). In a multivariate analysis, condom use was inversely associated with gonorrhea [odds ratio (OR), 0.63; 95% confidence interval (Cl), 0.41-0.97], syphilis (OR, 0.39; 95% Cl, 0.23-0.64), and trichomoniasis (OR, 0.44; 95% Cl, 0.32-0.71). In 1995, HIV seroprevalence among CSW was 0.1%. CONCLUSION: Effective prevention interventions for female CSW can be implemented through public services and non-governmental organizations while HIV rates are still low, and key outcomes can be monitored using data obtained from periodic screening examinations.

Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia , Infecções por HIV/prevenção & controle , Trabalho Sexual , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/epidemiologia , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis/prevenção & controle , Adulto , Bolívia/epidemiologia , Preservativos , Feminino , Humanos , Análise Multivariada , Prevalência , Desenvolvimento de Programas , Fatores de Risco , Comportamento Sexual , Saúde da Mulher
G E N ; 45(4): 270-2, 1991.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1843959


Hepatitis B surface antigen was determined by EIA in the serum of 284 women at the end of their pregnancy. They belonged to the lower socio-economical status of the cities of Caracas and Valencia in Venezuela. In Caracas (Petare) all were negative, in Valencia, 5 of 150 (3.3%) resulted positive.

Antígenos de Superfície da Hepatite B/análise , Hepatite B/epidemiologia , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/epidemiologia , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Projetos Piloto , Gravidez , Prevalência , Estudos Prospectivos , Distribuição Aleatória
Nutr Rep Int ; 40(5): 843-52, 1989 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12283017


46 of 74 children with chronic diarrhea of unknown etiology between the ages of 44-627 days were studies. They were assigned, by single randomization, to 3 dietary treatments: a) cow's milk, b) a sucrose- free (SED-S), and c) a sucrose containiNG semi-element diet (SED+S), for 15 days. The authors registered the daily increase of body weight, daily amount of ingested kcal, and the increase of body weight/1000 kcal. The number of days with diarrhea before hospitalization, the age and weight of each child before treatment were recorded and analyzed as covariates. Maltase, sucrase, and lactase activity values were compared before treatment, but were not different among the 3 groups. A significant increase of body weight/1000 kcal ingested was observed in children fed the SED-S diet compared to that observed in children on cow's milk (P=.013 in ANCOVA; P+.053 in RANCOVA), and those fed SED+S (P=.009 in Ancova; p.001 in RANCOVA). The covariates did not have any apparent effect on these results. Only 7 of 24 children receiving cow's milk completed the assigned diet. The carbohydrate composition of the semi-elemental diets proved to be fundamental in the nutritional recovery of these patients.

Peso Corporal , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Infantil , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico , Diarreia Infantil , Distúrbios Nutricionais , Terapêutica , América , Biologia , Países em Desenvolvimento , Diagnóstico , Diarreia , Doença , Saúde , Humanos , América Latina , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição , Fisiologia , América do Sul , Venezuela