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Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 16(2): 365-386, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375298


Resumen Los campos de la aplicación de pruebas psicológicas y neuropsicológicas se han visto impactos por la tecnología específicamente con las pruebas informatizados. Una de las preguntas frecuentes en versiones papel y lápiz comparadas con una versión informatizada de la misma prueba, es si éstas son equivalentes. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el desempeño de pruebas neuropsicológicas en formato lápiz y papel y formato computarizado. Participaron 41 estudiantes en dos aplicaciones de las mismas pruebas en las dos versiones. Se encontró que los desempeños fueron equivalentes en la mayoría de las pruebas. Sin embargo, existen variaciones en las modalidades dependiendo de la ejecución de la prueba y con alta variabilidad entre sujetos. Esto sugiere que la diferencia en las puntuaciones podría deberse a la diferencia en los procesos cognitivos subyacentes a la ejecución de las dos modalidades.

Abstract The application of psychological and neuropsychological tests has been impacted by technology, specifically by computerized testing. One of the frequently asked questions is whether the version in pencil and paper and the computerized one can be considered equivalent tests. This study aimed to compare the performance on neuropsychological tests in pencil-and-paper and in computerized format. Forty-one students participated in two applications of the same tests in the two versions. It was found that the performances were equivalent in most of the tests. However, there are variations in the modalities depending on the execution of the test, and high intersubject variability. Results suggest that the difference in scores may be due to the difference in the underlying cognitive processes during the performance of the two modalities.

Pensam. psicol ; 17(1): 45-60, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020101


Resumen Objetivo. Los juicios morales se basan en decisiones que toman en cuenta la representación de las normas y la ley, los valores, la funcionalidad y la situación en sí. La moral se ha estudiado con "dilemas morales hipotéticos" para identificar el tipo de resultado y el proceso detrás del razonamiento moral. No obstante, los juicios en sí mismos no son suficientes para establecer diferencias en el tipo de resolución o la relación con otros procesos cognitivos. Por lo anterior, el presente estudio buscó comparar el desempeño en tareas de maximización de la utilidad, control cognitivo y juicios morales, teniendo en cuenta el sexo y otras variables sociodemográficas. Método. Participaron 73 estudiantes universitarios (50 mujeres, 20 hombres y 3 con sexo no reportado, la edad promedio fue 19.53 años (DE = 1.68 años). El Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) se utilizó para identificar comportamientos de maximización de la utilidad. Además, el estudio empleó la prueba de cambios de tarea y la aplicación web Máquina Moral. Resultados. Se encontró una diferencia entre las variables de IGT, sin observar diferencias en la prueba de cambios de tarea. Conclusión. En cuanto al juicio moral, los hombres dieron más valor al cumplimiento de normas que las mujeres. Algunas variables de la tarea IGT apoyan las diferencias entre los sexos. Los resultados son congruentes con las diferencias mostradas por la literatura.

Abstract Objective. Moral judgments are based on decisions that take into account the representation of norms and law, values, functionality and situations themselves. Morality has been studied with "hypothetic moral dilemmas", in order to identify the type of outcome and the process behind moral reasoning. But judgments by themselves are not enough to establish differences in the type of resolution or the relationship with other cognitive processes. The present paper aimed to compare performance in tasks of utility maximization, cognitive control, and moral judgments, taking into account sex and other sociodemographic variables. Method. Seventy-three university students participated (50 women, 20 men and 3 with unreported gender, the average age was 19.53 years (SD = 1.68 years). The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) was used to identify behaviors of utility maximization. In addition, we used the switch costs and the web application of moral machine tasks. Results. A difference between variables of the IGT, but no differences in the switch costs task were found. Conclusion. Regarding moral judgment, males gave more value to respect norms than females. Some variables of the IGT task support outcomes related to differences between sexes. Results are congruent with differences shown in existing literature.

Resumo Escopo. Os juízos morais estão baseados em decisões que levam em conta a representação das normas e a lei, os valores, a funcionalidade e a situação concreta. A moral tem se estudado com "dilemas morais hipotéticos" para identificar o tipo de resultado e o processo detrás do razoamento moral. Mas os juízos em si não são suficientes para estabelecer diferencias no tipo de resolução ou a relação com outros processos cognitivos. Por tanto, o escopo de este estudo foi comparar o desempenho em tarefas de maximização da utilidade, controle cognitivo e juízos morais, levando em conta o sexo e outras variáveis sócio demográficas. Metodologia. Participaram 73 estudantes universitários (50 mulheres, 20 homens e 3 com sexo não reportado, a idade de média foi de19.3 anos, (DE = 1.68 anos). O Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) foi utilizado para identificar comportamentos de maximização da utilidade. Além, o estudo empregou a prova de mudança de tarefa e a aplicação web Máquina Moral. Resultados. Foi achada uma diferencia entre as variáveis de IGT, mas não há diferencias na prova de mudança de tarefa. Em quanto ao juízo moral, os homens deram mais valor ao cumprimento de normas que as mulheres. Algumas variáveis da tarefa IGT apoiam as diferencias entre os sexos. Conclusão. Os resultados são congruentes com as diferencias mostradas na literatura.

Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Princípios Morais , Mulheres , Teoria Ética , Julgamento , Homens
PeerJ ; 5: e4009, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29152417


Despite step-down inhibitory avoidance procedures that have been widely implemented in rats and mice to study learning and emotion phenomena, performance of other species in these tasks has received less attention. The case of the Mongolian gerbil is of relevance considering the discrepancies in the parameters of the step-down protocols implemented, especially the wide range of foot-shock intensities (i.e., 0.4-4.0 mA), and the lack of information on long-term performance, extinction effects, and behavioral patterning during these tasks. Experiment 1 aimed to (a) characterize gerbils' acquisition, extinction, and steady-state performance during a multisession (i.e., extended) step-down protocol adapted for implementation in a commercially-available behavioral package (Video Fear Conditioning System-MED Associates Fairfax, VT, USA), and (b) compare gerbils' performance in this task with two shock intensities - 0.5 vs. 1.0 mA-considered in the low-to-mid range. Results indicated that the 1.0 mA protocol produced more reliable and clear evidence of avoidance learning, extinction, and reacquisition in terms of increments in freezing and on-platform time as well as suppression of platform descent. Experiment 2 aimed to (a) assess whether an alternate protocol consisting of a random delivery of foot shocks could replicate the effects of Experiment 1 and (b) characterize gerbils' exploratory behavior during the step-down task (jumping, digging, rearing, and probing). Random shocks did not reproduce the effects observed with the first protocol. The data also indicated that a change from random to response-dependent shocks affects (a) the length of each visit to the platform, but not the frequency of platform descends or freezing time, and (b) the patterns of exploratory behavior, namely, suppression of digging and rearing, as well as increments in probing and jumping. Overall, the study demonstrated the feasibility of the extended step-down protocol for studying steady performance, extinction, and reacquisition of avoidance behavior in gerbils, which could be easily implemented in a commercially available system. The observation that 1.0 mA shocks produced a clear and consistent avoidance behavior suggests that implementation of higher intensities is unnecessary for reproducing aversive-conditioning effects in this species. The observed patterning of freezing, platform descents, and exploratory responses produced by the change from random to periodic shocks may relate to the active defensive system of the gerbil. Of special interest is the probing behavior, which could be interpreted as risk assessment and has not been reported in other rodent species exposed to step-down and similar tasks.

PeerJ ; 5: e2976, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28503368


BACKGROUND: Exercise can change cellular structure and connectivity (neurogenesis or synaptogenesis), causing alterations in both behavior and working memory. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of exercise on working memory and hippocampal neurogenesis in adult male Wistar rats using a T-maze test. METHODS: An experimental design with two groups was developed: the experimental group (n = 12) was subject to a forced exercise program for five days, whereas the control group (n = 9) stayed in the home cage. Six to eight weeks after training, the rats' working memory was evaluated in a T-maze test and four choice days were analyzed, taking into account alternation as a working memory indicator. Hippocampal neurogenesis was evaluated by means of immunohistochemistry of BrdU positive cells. RESULTS: No differences between groups were found in the behavioral variables (alternation, preference index, time of response, time of trial or feeding), or in the levels of BrdU positive cells. DISCUSSION: Results suggest that although exercise may have effects on brain structure, a construct such as working memory may require more complex changes in networks or connections to demonstrate a change at behavioral level.

Suma psicol ; 23(2): 125-132, jul.-dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-962712


This study investigated the motivation for establishing partnerships, how these partnerships are evaluated, and the difficulties encountered in the partnerships among Latin-Americanresearchersin behavioral sciences. A hundred Latin-American researchers who had published scientific work indexed in Psycinfo in which another author from the continent participated. The participants answer0ed a questionnaire on theabove-mentioned topics. The results indicated that the main reasons for establishing partnerships with other Latin-Americans were to seek broader and more significant results and increased productivity or the visibility and recognition of production. As regards the evaluation of the results of the partnership, most participants indicated that the partnership has resulted in an increase in publications and publications of higher scientific level and greater visibility. Several difficulties were recognized, whichin general, were access and communicationin order to maintain the partnership. The main difficulties in conduct in gresearch were related to the final writing of the paper, as an article, chapter or other, as well as data collection. In terms of work infrastructure, the main barriers were financial constraints and lack of time to devote to the partnership. It can be concluded that the main reasons to cooperate are qualitative and quantitative advances, and that the difficulties in the partnerships are secondary.

Este estudio investigó la motivación para el establecimiento de asociaciones para cooperación, cómo se evalúan estas asociaciones y las dificultades encontradas entre los investigadores latinoamericanos en ciencias de la conducta. Participaron un centenar de investigadores latinoamericanos que habían publicado trabajos científicos indexados en Psycinfo con otro autor del continente. Los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario sobre los temas antes mencionados. Los Resultados indicaron que las principales razones para el establecimiento de asociaciones para cooperar con otros latinoamericanos fueron: buscar resultados más amplios y significativos y aumento de la productividad o de la visibilidad y el reconocimiento de la producción. En cuanto a la evaluación de los resultados de la asociación, la mayoría indicó que la asociación se ha traducido en aumento de las publicaciones, en publicaciones de mayor nivel científico y en una mayor visibilidad. Se reconocieron varias dificultades. En general, las principales dificultades fueron el acceso y la comunicación para mantener la asociación. Las principales dificultades para llevar a cabo la investigación se relacionan con la redacción final del documento, como un artículo, capítulo u otro, y la recopilación de datos. En cuanto a la infraestructura de trabajo, las principales barreras fueron las limitaciones financieras y la falta de tiempo para dedicar a la asociación. Se puede concluir que las principales razones para cooperar son los avances cualitativos y cuantitativos, y que las dificultades en las asociaciones son secundarias.

Suma psicol ; 22(2): 110-119, jul.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-779704


El fenómeno de la ilusión de la mano falsa (IMF) se ha propuesto como un diseño que permite discriminar procesos perceptuales a partir de entradas sensoriales multimodales. Se han reportado varias modificaciones y variables que podrían afectar la generación del fenómeno. Este estudio se planteó bajo un diseño descriptivo-correlacional del fenómeno. Se realizó el procedimiento en jóvenes (16-48 años M = 20.86 años, DE = 4.4) colombianos para replicar el fenómeno de IMF. Los sujetos se dividieron al azar en dos grupos que diferían en el tipo de estimulación (sincrónica y desincronizada). La identificación de la IMF se realizó mediante la escala reportada en múltiples estudios, mostrando que en algunas variables como la estimulación se presentaba una diferencia en el reporte de IMF (P2. X² = 5.856: p < 0.05; P3. X² = 6.655: p <0.01 y P7(X² = 4.764: p < 0.05). Otras variables como sexo y dominancia manual mostraron algunas diferencias. La escala presenta una consistencia interna aceptable (α = 0.8). Los resultados de la IMF son similares a algunos estudios pero con puntuaciones menores que en los estudios iniciales, la diferencia en cuanto al género en tareas perceptuales podría explicar gran parte de los resultados.

The Rubber Hand Illusion (RHI) has been proposed as a design which allows to discriminate perceptual processes based on multimodal sensory inputs. Several modifications and variables have been reported that could affect the generation of the phenomenon. This study was conducted using a descriptive correlational design of this phenomenon. The procedure was conducted with young Colombian individuals (16-48 years-M = 20.86 years, SD = 4.4), seeking to replicate the RHI. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups that differed in type of stimulation (synchronised and unsynchronised). Identification of the RHI was performed using the scale reported in multiple studies, showing that the RHI report had differences in some variables such as stimulation (P2. X² = 5.856: p <.05; P3. X² = 6.655: p <.01 y P7 (X² = 4.764: p <.05). Other variables, such as gender and handedness, also showed some differences. The scale has an acceptable internal consistency ( X= 0.8). The results of the RHI are similar to some studies, but with lower scores than in the initial studies. The difference in gender in perceptual tasks could explain most of the results.